Meningocele repair is a surgical procedure to drain the cerebrospinal fluid  and repair birth defects of the spine and spinal membranes.

For both meningoceles and myelomeningoceles, surgery consists of putting the spinal cord or nerve roots in their normal place and protecting them   by closing the overlying meninges and skin.

A myelomeningocele should be closed within 24 hours of birth to prevent  infection. A shunt is usually required to drain excess fluid. If the baby    has fluid build-up in the brain, a shunt is usually put in when the myelomeningocele is repaired. Otherwise, most neurosurgeons wait about 3 days to place a  shunt.

Currently there are centers attempting experimental in utero surgical   repair  of spina bifida (surgical repair of the defect while the fetus is still developing in the uterus).

Unfortunately, in poor countries the defect is not detected early due to  inaccessibility to correct information on prenatal care and the unavailability  of proper medical services, specially in far flung areas. But even if the  defect is detected early, poor parents, particularly in developing countries,  could not afford the high cost of surgery and other related medical expenses.