Hidden deep in the rainforest of Central America, stand the ruins of an ancient civilization that once prospered and then vanished. These were the Maya people and this is the country of Guatemala. These stunning cities of the past stand as clues to a mystery thousands of years old.

While Europe was in the dark ages, it was the Maya who harnessed the knowledge of the stars and the celestial movements to create a mystical union of man, nature and the Gods. It was a world of great kings, elaborate ceremonies, fierce battles and even human sacrifice.

Eighteen Survivors will be marooned within this mysterious and rugged terrain. For the first time, the castaways will actually live within the ruins of a vanished civilization and they will be forced to embrace the ancient Maya lifestyle. Join us this fall as the adventure continues with Survivor: Guatemala, The Maya Empire.

Nakum Tribe ~ ~ ~ Yaxha Tribe


Jim Lynch, 63 year old retired firefighter from Colorado ~ First voted out.
Jim pulled a muscle in his left bicept during the Immunity Challenge. It was obvious he was in pain and was not going to be able to carry on. The voting was unanimous.


Morgan McDevitt, 21 year old magician's assistant from Illinois ~ Second voted out.
Morgan and Lydia were the names up for sacrifice and it was fairly decided it would be Lydia... until Brian stepped up and made an excellent case for Lydia. They didn't lose any challenges because of her and it was noticed by all that Morgan did very little in camp. Morgan was blind-sighted by the unanimous vote to alleviate her of her position in the tribe.


Brianna Varela, 21 year old make-up artist/retail salesperson from Washington ~ Third voted out.
Brianna and Lydia were the names up for sacrifice as the team was thinking it would be beneficial to get rid of the weaker team members. Amy had taken a bad fall in the Immunity Challenge and sprained her ankle, but they still saw her as strong. She pointed out to anyone who would listen that she would be just fine. In the end, Lydia showed more heart than Brianna. Brianna hardly moved to help the team during the Immunity Challenge. The voting, once again, was unanimous.


Brooke Struck, 26 year old law student from Oregon. ~ Fourth voted out.
Brook was blind-sighted by Judd, who went against his former tribe members and jumped to the "other" side of the newly formed tribe.


Blake Towsley, 24 year old commercial real estate broker from Texas. ~ Fifth voted out.
Amy nicknamed him "Golden Boy" because everything he did came out making him look good. Brian kept after Blake to talk... non-stop... when it became apparent that Blake's favorite subject was himself. It got annoying. It got boring. Golden Boy is now going to have to shine at home.


Brian Corridon, 22 year old ivy league student from New York. ~ Sixth voted out.
Jeff Probst surprised everyone by telling them that there would be TWO tribal councils. So when Yaxha went off to vote, Brian was unanimously let go from the tribe. It did not seem to be a "getting rid of" vote, it was more a "we gotta do this" vote. They all made a point of singing his praises before they cut him loose. Really quite bittersweet.


Margaret Bobonich, 43 year old nurse practitioner from Ohio. ~ Seventh voted out.
Judd went on a rampage and everyone listened. Judd did not like Margaret and he made his opinions very clear... both at camp and tribal. In a unanimous vote, Margaret was ousted. The fools. They are totally under Judd's dictatorship. He sits atop the ruins and watches his minions scramble. It's pathetic.


Amy O'Hara, 39 year old detective from Massachusetts. ~ Eighth voted out.
A very sad tribal council, to be sure. No-one on the tribe wanted to be there, no-one was a "target" per se, but everyone knew someone had to go. Word on the beach was in favor of booting Bobby-Jon. As usual, the good folks at Survivor mislead us. In a surprising, unanimous vote, Amy was sent packing. I'm sure if her ankle wasn't sprained, she'd still be sitting there.


Brandon Bellinger, 22 year old farmer from Kansas. ~ Ninth voted out.
After the last tribal council, Jeff instructed the Yaxha Tribe to go on over to Nakum and give them their new buffs. The tribes were suddenly merged. The numbers game came into play and although Jamie was being totally ignorant and quite annoying, he "was" from Nakum so the old Nakum's decided to stick together and get rid of the Yaxha one by one. Their pecking order is Brandon, Bobby-Jon, Danni and then Gary. Gary won individual immunity.


Bobby Jon Drinkard, 27 year old waiter from Alabama. ~ Tenth voted out.
The pecking order had Gary going next. But after a long search in the jungle, Gary surprised everyone by presenting Jeff with the immunity idol at tribal council. His life saved for another three days, Bobby Jon was the next in the list and he was voted out. Bobby Jon is the first member of the jury ~ and he was promised he would not be going home that night by Judd and Jamie. Bobby Jon might have an axe or two to grind.

Jamie Newton, 24 year water ski instructor from California. ~ Eleventh voted out.
Jamie's paranoia finally got to everyone... especially Rafe. Jamie tended to go to Rafe for assurance and it was wearing on him. So he approached Stephanie and Lydia with the idea of sparing Gary and getting Jamie and his paranoia out. And so it was done. But Judd was not happy - in fact, he was quite shocked at the outcome. There will be fireworks back at the beach.

Gary Hogeboom, 46 year old ex NFL quarterback from Michigan. ~ Twelfth voted out.
Gary worked really hard on several things. The Immunity challenge (he came in second) and trying to put some doubt into the other tribe members. At tribal council, Gary revealed that Judd had outright lied to all of them by telling them the idol was on the ground. This right after Judd had said he had NEVER lied to anyone. Gary was satisfied with the doubt he instilled in everyone, knowing that his number was up.

Judd Sergeant, 34 year old hotel doorman from New Jersey. ~ Thirteenth voted out.
Oh and how they do turn! This is the best part of Survivor, IMHO. After winning reward, taking Cindy and Stephanie along with him, he was given a golden ticket.... the golden ticket outta there. Muttering "scumbags" all the way from Tribal Council and down the path to the jury, Judd was not at all impressed with the way the girls blind-sighted him. Danni proposed that the gals take it all the way to the end and, with Rafe's help (uhhhh okayyyy...) they totally blew the socks off of Judd. And Judd's parting comments were rife with threats of what the final two are going to go through.... man.

Cindy Hall, 31 year old zookeeper from Florida. ~ Fourteenth voted out.
The curse lives on. Through eleven seasons of Survivor, the one who wins the car never gets to the end to win the big bucks. Cindy had the chance to save herself from that curse and chose instead to anger the Survivor Gods. Having won the Reward Challenge, which was a brand new 2006 Pontiac Torrent, Cindy was given the option of giving up the gorgeous new vehicle by giving one to the other four contestants. She declined, kept the car and took Stephanie to the second part of the reward, which was an overnight at a camp with a feast and rum. Cindy lost Immunity and was summarily voted out. Why put off the inevitable? Even Stephanie voted for her to go... on a full stomache... AGAIN!

Lydia Morales, 42 year old fish monger from Washington. ~ Fifteenth voted out.
Lydia put her point across quite well. She is not too good at any challenges, so keep her in the final three and beat her! However, no-one was listening. Lydia finally got voted out... so close to the final two. In reality, no-one was going to take her there... too many people liked her. Good job, Lydia.

Rafe Judkins, 22 year old wilderness guide from Rhode Island. ~ Sixteenth voted out.
Oh Rafe. You are such a nice guy. Only the day before, Rafe and Danni were singing each other's praises with regards to how they got each other to the final three. "I couldn't have gotten here without you..." So when the final immunity challenge came around and Rafe was the first one out, he watched as Danni and Stephanie battled it out. Stephanie turned on the tears when she could not hold on another second. Rafe ran over to her and immediately told Danni that he relinquishes her of any promise she made to him. In other words.... don't bother taking me to the final two. B-U-T what he REALLY wanted was for Danni to take him to the final two... he was just trying to be nice. Grrrr! How can someone be at the final three, have a hard pact with the person who holds Immunity and then TELL THEM IT'S OKAY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE ME! Sheesh, people!!! Okay, so When Danni decides to take Stephanie with her (clearly because Steph has ticked so many people off, it would be an easy win) Rafe turns around and says he's UPSET that Danni didn't take him! Holy moly, kids. Rafe needs a Reality Show check!

Stephenie LaGrossa, 25 year old pharmaceutical rep. from Philadelphia. ~ Seventeenth voted out.
Stephanie made it WAY further in this Survivor than she did before. But Stephanie's hard playing scheme backfired on her. She ticked too many of her "close alliance" off. She turned and stabbed and lied and did anything she could to get to the end. Congrats to her for getting there in the first place, though. I mean, she and Bobby-Jon came to the game with HUGE targets on their backs just by being there! Their second shot at playing this terrific game went better for her than him, to be sure. After all was said and done, though, the jury had enough of her "close alliance" in it to keep her from winning.

Danni Boatwright, 30 year old sports radio talkshow host from Kansas. ~ SURVIVOR GUATEMALA WINNER.
Coming into the merge, the Yaxha tribe were being picked off one by one. Somehow, Danni was always overlooked or not considered as a big threat. Her name would come up often, but it was always laid aside in favor of someone else. This gave Danni the time she needed to break into the other alliance and put herself in their picture. Winning Immunity at just the right time twice in this game pushed her forward. Danni may have won the million due to hard feelings against Steph, but Danni played a good, solid game and all that's left to say is CONGRATS DANNI!





















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Survivor, Survivor: Australian Outback, Survivor: Africa, Survivor: Marquesas, Survivor: Thailand, Survivor: Amazon, Survivor: Pearl Islands, Survivor: All-Stars, Survivor: Vanuatu, Survivor: Palau, Survivor: Guatemala, Survivor: Panama Exile Island, Survivor: Cook Islands, Survivor: Fiji, Survivor: China, Survivor: Micronesia is property of CBS, as well as any images, except where otherwise noted.