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Got Moxie?

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Hi, this is me...shaved head in 98!
shaved.jpg (19054 bytes)

ENGLISH 309 requirements
Mission statement
What's New?
Historical Jesus academic project
Post a Message in My Message Board!
RoboHelp project
Rant (phone bills)

Summer camp
Lutheran Volunteer Corps
Habitat for Humanity
Peace Corps

My confession of faith
Mental preparation for racing
Track 2000

Hwa Rang Do
Inspirational quotes

Here's UWEC Cross Country 1999
Cross country 1999!

My running buddies, track 99.
track99.jpg (35135 bytes)
(Me, Chelsi, and Kelly)

by Susan Polege

Great news! I have two jobs lined up for after graduation (May 27). First I'll be a camp counselor at Camp Lutherwood in Oregon this summer. Then in fall, I'll be joining Lutheran Volunteer Corps with a one-year placement in Tacoma, Washington at the Tacoma/Pierce Co. Habitat for Humanity. I'm very excited! Write to me and I'll write back!

What's NEW on the website, you ask? 

  • the Historical Jesus project! with a message board to debate your favorite question or issue (5/24/00)
  • Index page update, put thumbnails of photos up (5/24/00)
  • my collegiate track career is completed...here's how it turned out (5/8/00)
  • updated this index page and added an address page (5/8/00)
  • updated my professional page (5/8/00)
  • updated Jesus page (5/8/00) I WILL have the first draft of this academic project up within the week!
  • archived the "What's New?" stuff (5/8/00)
  • explanation of Got Moxie on separate page (5/7/00)
  • One email contact page so I don't have to change 7 million pages separately if my email address changes again (5/7/00)
What USED to be new! (History of the construction of this site)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Website description:

  • This website has several purposes. First, it is primarily a requirement of my English 309 class.

  • Second, it's an excellent way to polish my web publishing skills with a fun personal homepage, giving me a presence on the WWW and a place for prospective employers to view my resume.

  • Third, it will house my senior academic project for my major, a study on Historical Jesus scholarship. I'm finished with my readings now. Look soon for essays on issues with historical Jesus scholarship and being a critical-thinking, "heads-up" Christian. As my pastor says, going to church does not mean leaving your brain at the door!

Whatever your reason for visiting this site, I hope you find something of interest. Please send me comments!

Website by Susan Polege
Revised: 25 May 2000