




superjen: journal

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170301 » weekends, music, and other assorted ramblings

listening to / triple j
drinking \ raspberry flavoured cordial (yay for being hyper!)
feeling | awake, relaxed

Things that are super #264 - weekends!

Good music is easy to find :) And on Thursday night I experienced some great examples of this.

I met up with a few friends to see the beautiful george and it was soooo worth it. They're brilliant live and leave you lusting after their sound more and more after each song. Seeing them is truly amazing. 

Of course, me being hopeless with directions and all, it was inevitable that something would go wrong. So yes, I did go to the wrong meeting place, and yes, I did cause me and Glenny to be like an hour later than we were supposed to, and yes dammit, I did cause everyone to have mild panic attacks! Sorry? Maybe good music isn't so easy to find...

Though, I think it finally got through to Glenny how necessary mobile phones are *evil laugh*. After a series of communication involving:

- Glenny to his brother at home;

- Glenny's brother to me;

- Me to Kate

we finally discovered each other and didn't miss anything too dramatic :) 

So we pushed our way through the smokey crowd and parked ourselves in front of the stage for the night so we could have a great perve er, view of the sexy rawk stars and Kate could scream out her love for Katie Noonan. But before george came on, Peter Fenton had a chance to get us grooving, which is exactly what he did! I'd never heard him play but I was highly impressed :D ohhh and he's very smooth... disguising a pick up line towards Kate by asking her the time in the middle of his set... mhm, you may think he was just trying to work out how long he had left to play, but oh no... he wants you Kate! 

(I was also reading the storyline to Love Is A Four Letter Word, the show that Peter Fenton stars in. It looks really twisted and strange... so I'm definitely going to check it out this week!)

Ooer and a special mention to Emma for stealing a bottle of george's water when we were all dying of thirst. Thank God for Emma and her superpowers! Good job ems :) Oh, and don't worry- no one saw cause ems was very subtle.

What is it with taxi drivers?!?! 

I'm sure a million people have covered this topic before myself, and I know a million more will cover it after me... but really, the competence level of some taxi drivers is ridiculous. Bizarre, to say the least.

I took a taxi to the venue where george were playing on Thursday- well, I attempted to. First of all, the guy had no idea where he was going. I admit, neither did I... but I think if you're going to become a taxi driver in the CITY, then you should know your way around! 

So he drops me off at some street corner, no where near where I asked to go:

Taxi Driver: The place you're looking for is *making had gestures* somewhere around here...

Me: Oh... um ok, so this is Blah* Street? 

Taxi Driver: No... That *points forward* is Blah* Street. This is Blur* Street... but it's somewhere here... just walk around... *shrugs* I don't know...

Me: But... 

Taxi Driver: -That will be $5.00.

I was pretty annoyed. Even more so when I gave him a $20 and he gave me $15 back in COINS!!! Have you ever tried fitting that many coins into your wallet? Its really hard! It looked like it was going to burst...

The next morning I skipped off to Ticketek to buy my Coldplay (YAY!!!) ticket:

Ticketlady: That will be $52.35...

Me: *gives her the money including $15 worth of coins*

Ticketlady: *gives me an evil look in return*

Me: *smile, take my ticket, and run out*

Isn't it funny how we pass off problems to other people? Teehehe

I'm really excited about seeing Coldplay in August though. They're brilliant and Chris Martin is just the epitome of sexiness :)

Still on the subject of music:

I'm a huge powderfinger fan, have been for years, love them to bits, will continue to do so for ever and ever... but omg... if I hear My Happiness ONE MORE FRIGGING TIME on the radio... I'm going to hurt someone! Grr...

Mmm... I haven't been on a satisfying shopping spree in a while... I really need some stuff... I'm not sure what exactly, but I know I need a lot of it and I need it soon... there's always something to buy, ya know? Lately, I've really been wanting a bean bag. I figure this could come in handy for our place in Newtown too... we have lots of cushions so far (also a large tea cup purchased by Vic) so they should blend in well and look totally funky :) I want a silver bean bag though... the gals will have to live with my colour choices... hehehe

Things that are super #265- silver bean bags, baby!

I hate primus.

Not the band.. they're groovy... but the ISP... I hate them! They suck! I want to push them over! Or better yet, I want to blow up primus headquarters! I know Sarah would help me... 

So I present to you...

Things that I want to blow up!

- Primus (for being crap)

- ICQ (for the annoying porn links)

- McDonald's (for not providing real food)

- Not From There (for being so irritating! argh!)

- Central Station (for being too big)

- My neighbours (for continuing to use that karaoke machine...*sigh*) 

If you feel you need to blow up things as well, email me and I'll help you out, dude.

For now I leave you with the calming image of Motor ace, sexy sexy band:)

Yours in superness,





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