




superkate: journal

supervic | superjen | supersar | superkate

120701 » drunken night swimming

listening to | the mark of cain \ this is this
feeling | sadish

last night was strange. fun and strange. i didn't think i was drunk at the time, but looking back on it now i know i was really fucking drunk. i also managed to terrify brodie's english friend kerry, i think.

first of all i had to go to a work meeting for a few hours. i got home at about 8.45pm, and brodie and kerry showed up on my doorstep about 5 minutes later.

kerry is a friend of brodie's that she met when she was living in germany last year. kerry is english and seemed rather cool, even if she probably was a little freaked out by me - which is an effort considering what a loon brodie is. brodie has been educating her by making her listen to fine australian music (she loves something for kate now). *yay* we killed the 45 minutes until our train by showing kerry all our friends who take pride of place on my photo wall, and by being general spastics. brodie and i really are a bad influence on each other when we are together.

we decided to get off the train early to make a pit-stop at the lucky country hotel. the lucky has cheap shots, and we concluded that we needed to take advantage of this.

after arriving at the lucky, we headed for the bathroom first. we walked in and noticed that for some reason the ladies toilet now had a trough. we were like 'hmmm, ok. that's a little strange. that wasn't here before...' then i realised that when i walked in to the bathroom, the sign on the door which previously said 'ladies' now had the 'ies' erased and said 'lad.' how embarrassing! we were using the men's toilets! haha. ooops. no matter. we finished our business and were just opening the door to walk out, when a very startled guy walked in. we laughed and ran out like embarrassed little school girls, and were greeted with a few bemused looks from the people around. it's not our fault they decided to make the bloody women's toilets the men's toilets! someone should have told us!

so, then to the bar...

i ordered a shot of strawberry schnapps, a shot of butterscotch schnapps and a shot of black sambucca all for a tidy price of $6. it's strange that we always go to the lucky to get 'cheap' shots. i mean, they are cheap in comparison to all the other pubs, but when you think about the fact that the bottles they come from cost all of about $15, they really aren't all that cheap.

anyhoo, 1..2..3.. and the shots were gone. i really think i should stop chasing schnapps with sambucca. i always do it, and i always feel like hurling about 1 minute after i do. they just don't seem to sit well together in my stomach.

then to the brewery.

we met up with phil, sandy and tamara at the brewery. i went and got one of their $7 cocktail caraffes (it was called a skanky something or other, but it didn't taste at all skanky) and in true brewery style, proceeded to drink from it with a straw.

after phil showed off his new tongue ring for a while and after i teased him about buying a motorbike from a girl (i told him his bike is a girl's bike, after which i managed to get him to admit that it has spokey dokes, a pink basket and handlebar streamers) we decided to move on to customs house as sandy said she saw jono and wayne there earlier, playing pool.

after buying a drink each (argh! beer in coke glasses is wrong!) we found jono and wayne. jono mentioned ben's name which prompted me to ask him what was the deal with him leaving the grand with another girl the previous week after he had spent the night getting cosy with me. i asked if it was his ex whom he left with. jono said it wasn't and then pointed to the girl who ben left with 'it was her.' the girl he pointed to was a girl ben had been talking to when i got to the grand, but once i arrived he seemed completely uninterested in her.

a few minutes later jono and i went to the bar to get another drink. he brought ben up again.

"kate, i just wanted to clarify the ben situation a little for you. i couldn't do it before because one of her friends was sitting at the table when you asked me about it. i do biomed with her."
"ahaaa... i was wondering how she fit into the picture. so much for ben wanting me to ring him so we could 'catch up'."
"benny has been keen on her for a while, so i just wanted to ask you not to interfere, ok?"
"don't worry jono, i'm not going back there again. been there, done that."
then we hugged and it was all good. eeek there is that phrase again. i really have to stop saying 'it's all good.'

a while later, ben turned up. when he walked in sandy exclaimed rather too loudly "kate! ben's here!"

i tried to look suitably occupied as he walked past. he did not speak to me all night. nor did he look me in the eye. though i did my best to avoid him also, i really think he should have said something to me. i didn't want to approach him about the subject, as i did not want to make it seem like a big deal. i'm over it and am not interested in him, i just think it sux that he made no effort to clarify what went on. but i did have fun being the girl that was talked about all night.

my friend jono has what my friends and i affectionately call a 'harem.' he does biomedical science at uni and there aren't many guys who study it - especially guys as good looking as he is. thus, jono has a large number of girls from his course who follow him around like puppy dogs, and who seem to have infiltrated their way into the group and taken over brodie and my role as everyone's favourite chickies.

i became the focal gossip subject for this group of girls for the best part of the night.

i am kind of friends with a couple of the girls, but many of them i have not spoken to. it was them who kept whispering to themselves, looking at me, whispering, looking at brodie (who was sitting on my lap) and then whispering and looking at me again.

i don't think they like me very much. bwahahaa. i don't think i like them very much either. or maybe i am just jealous because people i once considered to be amongst my very best friends, and whom i spent a great deal of time with have now decided these girls are more worthy of their company than i am. can't really blame the guys, our group had gotten rather incestuous. everyone had gone out with or kissed most of the others in the group. fuck friendship, they needed new blood. no, i'm not at all bitter.

after tori pretended to be my girlfriend for a while (it was an experiment to see if i could provoke ben. i thought maybe it would prompt him to be courageous enough to come and talk to me. it didn't. though, brodie said he was looking out the corner of his eye when tori and i were cuddling each other and kissing each other on the cheek.) we left to go to the great northern hotel.

see i told you i think i scared kerry.

when we got to the great northern they would not let kerry in as she had not brought her passport with her as id. everywhere else had just accepted her regular photo id, but the security at the grand were wankers and would not let her in. then foota came out and decided to be a pissed idiot and tell kerry to 'say something' so he could hear her accent, so we headed back to customs house.

when we got back to customs, mickey t was there. mickey t is my oldest friend in the world. we have known each other since we were 4, and i love him to death.

i ran up to him excitedly and he greeted me with a huge smile and a monster hug. mikey gives awesome hugs! we chatted excitedly for a while. he was eager to know if the rumours that i was a lesbian or bi now were true. i just laughed at him, winked and shrugged and said 'believe what you want to believe.' then his girlfriend appeared.

mick's girlfriend is also a harem girl. brodie and i were a little shocked that mick is seeing this girl, as she seems a little plastic for someone he would go out with. brodie and i don't think we like her very much, but mick seems happy with her, so i guess that is all that matters. i don't think she was very comfortable with the fact that there was this redhead in a leather skirt and a skinny blonde all over her boyfriend. brodie, mick and i all grew up together, and as such that entitles brodie and i to hug him as much as we damned well please!

in between all this sandy had at some stage stolen my mobile phone and written a text message saying that i wanted to get with some guy (whom i certainly did not want to get with). she then sent it to a random number... that random number happened to be ben's. the biatch! so i sent him another message telling him to ignore the previous message as it was sandy being a cow. even after this i did not receive any sort of acknowledgement.

then i realised that nick had tried to ring me, so i rang him back and my friends and i left a 5 minute voicemail message. he told me today that he never got it. *weird* i'm sure i rang the right number!

at 2am customs closed, and as we could not get into the northern we jumped in phil's car and went for a drive. brodie, kerry, tori, phil and i ended up at nobby's beach... again.

tori and i were the only ones game enough to go in the water, so the others just looked on from the top of the sand dunes. did i mention that i think i may have freaked out kerry? hehe.

the water was beautifully warm, but after about 10 minutes or so brodie insisted we get out - our train was coming soon. i told her tori had offered us her floor for the night, but she was keen to go home, so we went home - me wet and covered in sand, but feeling extremely rejuvenated. it is amazing how sobering a swim at the beach in the middle of the night can be.

when i finally got to bed, i was out the second i hit the pillow.

oh, and today i bought a funky new top to cheer myself up. screw friends who lose interest once some 'fresh talent' comes along. jono and mick were genuinely happy to see brodie and i, but that still doesn't make it ok. i guess i haven't exactly made a huge effort with them either, but that is because i already feel as though i have been superseeded. i should take comfort in the fact that it is them who has made the mistake - at least i try to make an effort. my friendships are the most important thing to me in my life. they are the ones who have chosen to turn their backs on strong friendships that don't come along very often. thinking about them sadens me, but i guess i will get over it. or maybe they will realise what they are missing out on.

ok, now i'm just upsetting myself more...

days without a cigarette: 81 (sandy had to tell me she would slap me if i had one last night)

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