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Brief Background on Ramanand Swami (Uddhavji) 

The reason for a brief insight into who Ramanand Swami was is important because the roots of the Swaminarayan Sampraday go back to Udhhavji and Lord Swaminarayan's incarnation as Lord Krishna. Ramanand Swami was Uddhavji's incarnation and was the Guru of Lord Swaminarayan during His Human manifestation.

When Lord Supreme Swaminarayan Bhagwan incarnated as Lord Krishna, Uddhavji was a firm devotee of His. Lord Krishna killed many evil Kings and demons but He felt that the task of spreading religion was not fulfilled and that another manifestation will be necessary in the 'Kali Yuga', so He passed his knowledge to Uddhavji and asked him to go to Badrikashram where he should await the Lord's instructions to take birth on earth where Lord Supreme Himself will also manifest. Then as a cause for manifestation, Lord Swaminarayan planned an incident at Badrikashram where the divine audience including NarNarayan Dev, Uddhavji, Dharmadev, Murti devi, and many others were cursed by Durvasa Muni to take birth on earth. (click here to find out what happened at Badrikashram)

Uddhavji then incarnated as Ramanand Swami. (Ramanand Swami was the disciple of the scripturally renowned Vaishnav Acharya Shri Ramanujacharya).  Lord Swaminarayan through the curse on NarNarayan Dev manifested Himself (Not NarNarayan Dev of Badrikashram) on earth as the disciple of Ramanand Swami. Ramanand Swami (Uddhavji Incarnate), wherever he preached he always reminded and told his followers that he was just the 'doog doog no vagarnaro' (the drum player) and that the 'Nat' (the real player or hero) was yet to come. During the human sport of Lord Swaminarayan, Ramanand Swami met the Lord at PIPLANA (then as Nilkanth Varni - Lord Swaminarayan's name during His 7 year pilgrimage/penance). Of course due to their divine relationship, Ramanand Swami recognised and was delighted to meet Lord Swaminarayan. At this point Ramanand Swami told His followers that the 'Nat' that he used to talk about has come and that it was time to hand over the reigns of the Sampraday (until then known as Uddhav Sampraday) to the rightful master - Lord Swaminarayan.

Lord Swaminarayan then founded His own axiomatic religion -Swaminarayan Sampraday- based on the Vishishtadvaita philosophy and attracted thousands of followers and formed a strong band of dedicated saints and devotees from all castes and creed. Lord Swaminarayan as is written in His hand written 'Shikshapatri' adopted His two nephews and established them and their lineage as Acharyas of the Swaminarayan Sampraday and specifically their wives as the Acharyas of the female followers of the Swaminarayan Sampraday/sanstha. For the sake of management of temples and followers, Lord Swaminarayan esatablished two territories - North and South - called the NarNarayan Dev Gadi and LaxmiNarayan Dev Gadi respectively. Before leaving His mortal body Lord Swaminarayan had inspired His saints to write many scriptures and had written the Shikshapatri Himself for His followers.

Lord Swaminarayan promised that He was not going anywhere and that He would remain forever amongst His devotees in the form of His Murtis, His Acharyas, His saints and His scriptures. He placed a lot of importance in giving respect to the Dharmakul Acharyas that He established and their lineage afterwards by instructing His followers to respect them and follow their instructions as they are great souls of Akshardham and a divine form of Lord Swaminarayan Himself. And also instructed them that they should only get initiation from the two Acharyas and worship only those images of God that have been installed by Him or by the respective Acharyas and their lineage.