The Swedish AK-5 Service Rifle
One of my co-conspiritors sent me this text and photos:
Fredrik Kihlberg
Here's what he wrote to me:

Here´s a picture of what we use in the army today. AK-5. An excellent weapon in snow and cold weather. It can put up with quite alot, when it comes to ice in the machinery. It is a bit messy to ski with it, but you can fold the back of it, with a slight cut in combat readiness.

Shooting competitions are limited to interna military shootings.

Shooting practise in the army varies from rangeshooting to mobile shooting in the forest.

Thank you for a nicepage

My other swedish rifle info:

Here is a military score card from a match!

Here's a Pamphlet from Sweden on Rifle shooting

last modified by Bill Poole on 25-Oct-98, 11-sep-00, ©.
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