Chapter 9 (cont)
Brian stood only a few feet away from his best friend. He couldn’t bare to stand there any longer witnessing the extreme pain and agony that he could clearly see was killing Nick. Brian was below deck when he heard the heartbreaking song escape Nick’s lips. Every word, every note hit deep within his soul expressing the horrible pain and loss that Nick had been suffering. Yet Brian felt the same way, Nick was the only love he had ever known, and no matter how hard he tried he could never forget him. Brian dried his own teardrops as he stood close to Nick, trembling with anticipation. He wanted nothing more than to run to Nick, throw his arms around him and tell him that everything was going to be ok. But fear and anxiety ran through Brian’s mind. He knew that Nick still loved him, but the question was if he would still forgive him. Brian knew no other way than to sing to his love, the way he had when they were younger and Nick had been afraid of something. Brian would simply sing to him softly and Nick would calm down, resting quietly in Brian’s arms. “It’s not that I can’t live without you/ It’s just that I don’t even want to try/ every night I dream about you/ Ever since the day we said goodbye” Brian’s shaky voice sang the lyrics to one of their own songs, a song that had held so much meaning for Brian and now was the way he was going to get Nick back. Nick lifted his head, his eyes still blurry from crying, he wiped them dry. He thought he was dreaming when he heard the most angelic voice sing more “If I wasn’t such a fool/ right now I’d be holding you/There’s nothin’ that I wouldn’t do…”Brian walked closer to his best friend, standing only a step away. He swallowed hard as he tried to continue the song without sobbing uncontrollably or begging for Nick’s forgiveness. He saw Nick raise his head and turn his head slightly as he continued “Baby if I only knew/ The words to say/ The road to take/to find a way back to your heart/ what can I do/ to get to you/ and find a way back to your heart” Brian couldn’t control his tears as he wanted nothing more than to love Nick for the rest of his live and have his love back in return. He was unsure if that would ever happen after everything he had put Nick through. He knelt down behind Nick, barely touching him. Nick gasped as he felt Brian’s body behind him, now knowing that it wasn’t a dream. His heart jumped as he felt Brian wrap his arms around Nick’s shoulders, holding him tightly. Nick continued to look into the ocean, tears still falling down his cheeks as Brian continued to sing to him. “I don’t know how it got so crazy/But I’ll do anything to set things right/’Cause your love is so amazing/Baby you’re the best thing in my life/Let me prove my love is real/And made you feel the way I feel/I promise I would give the world/If only you would tell me…” Brian leaned his head down against Nick’s shoulder, pressing his face against Nick’s tear stained cheek. He pulled Nick closer to him and Nick wrapped his arms around Brian’s, gripping on tightly in fear that he would lose him once again, that this would all be a dream and he would wake up feeling empty and lost. Nick closed his eyes, treasuring the warmth of Brian’s body, the smell of his cologne, the feel of his breath on his face and the sweet song that he continued to sing. “ Give me one more chance, to give my love to you/ ‘Cause no one on this earth loves you like I do.” Brian squeezed him tightly before pulling Nick to his feet. The two paused for a moment, staring into each other’s tear stained eyes, unable to look away. Brian held Nick’s hands, locking their fingers, feeling Nick trembling. “I turn back time/to make you mine/and find a way back to your heart/I beg and plead/Fall to my knees/ To find a way back to your heart” Brian looked up at Nick, on his knees, crying and pleading for Nick to take him back. Both were shedding tears, and holding each other’s hands with such a tremendous grip that neither would let go easily. “Nick, baby…please…I love you so much, I never meant to hurt you…I…I can’t live without you baby…You are my everything.” Nick’s heart warmed at the sight before him, he could barely believe that Brian was there, across the world from where he was supposed to be, begging for his love and forgiveness. Without a word, but with a loving look that transcended all speech, Nick pulled Brian to his feet, and led him closer to his body. Nick placed his hands on both sides of Brian’s face and still trembling, closed his eyes and placed his lips on Brian’s. Both gasped and moaned at the contact, a feeling running through them that they had both missed. Brian stepped closer to Nick and wrapped his arms around his back, holding him as tightly as he could while kissing him back. They barely moved, their lips closed tightly against each other’s. Nick’s hands slid down to Brian’s neck, one pulling him closer while the other rested on his shoulder. Brian deepened the kiss, wanting to continue the fantasy of what was happening. He wanted to prove to Nick that he was the only one that he wanted, forever. Nick opened his mouth willingly and they shared a deep, hot passionate kiss, moaning and melting into each other. Their hands searched each other’s bodies, missing each other’s touch. Soon the feeling was overwhelming and Nick pulled away to breathe. He licked his lips, treasuring Brian’s taste. Brian still held him closely and gently wiped away the tears that continued to fall down Nick’s face. “I can’t believe it…you’re real…you’re here…” Nick mumbled, still unable to grasp onto the reality of the situation. “But you’re supposed to me marri…” “I’m supposed to be here Nicky, this is where I’m supposed to be. I couldn’t do it baby…I couldn’t marry her.” Brian cut off Nick in the middle of his thought; his eyes filled with tears as he felt the immensity of the situation overwhelm him. “I love you Nick and I want to be with you forever.” The world seemed to stop for a moment as Nick took a deep breath, calmed down and held onto Brian tightly. “ I love you too Brian, I always have and I always will…forever.” Nick kissed Brian once again, taking his breath away. Brian released all the anxiety about how Nick would react and melted once more into his kiss, he massaged his tongue seductively, wanting him. Brian could feel Nick becoming harder between them as their kisses grew deeper and more passionate. Brian slowly pulled away from the kiss, tracing a path with his tongue to Nick’s ear, sucking and licking at the lobe sweetly and seductively. “I want to be yours Nicky, completely.” Brian pulled back and looked into Nick’s eyes that were full of lust and surprise. “I’ve wanted you for so long Brian…I’ve never…” Nick looked away for a moment almost embarrassed that he had never given himself to anyone…he had always held onto the hope for him and Brian. He guessed that Brian and Leighanne had before, and it had always eaten away at him. Brian caressed Nick’s face once again and turned his eyes to meet his loving gaze. “Baby, I never have either. I always told Leighanne it was just cause I didn’t want to before we were married, but the real reason was because…It is supposed to be with you. I couldn’t picture myself with anyone else.” Nick smiled sweetly as Brian took his hand once again. He couldn’t believe that Brian had waited…for him. Brian kissed Nick’s hand sweetly and led him to the lower deck, to finally make the life long commitment he had wanted to do, and to the person he wanted to be with.
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Chapter 9 (cont)