Chapter 13
     I wish I had a camera right now…hey that would have been a great idea! Dammit! Oh well. The look on their faces is priceless. Let’s see what they have to say to this: “All right guys, This is the deal. I have a set of 5 cards, each card has one of our names on it. You have to pick one. If you get yourself, you have to pick again. The second set of cards has props on each card. You pick one prop. You have 7 minutes to get the other person to scream your name. It doesn’t matter how you do it, pain or pleasure, but you must use the prop to make it happen. Whoever can make the most people to say their name wins.” I looked around and all of them looked at me in surprise. Oh please, go for it. Each of the couples looked at each other, hoping that their lover would give them the reassurance they were begging for. Without exchanging words, all four of them looked back at me and said, “We’re in.” Now I was the one that was in shock. Well that was quick. I guess I sat there for a minute cause I heard AJ say “ Did you hear us Kev? We’re in… so who’s going first?” Jeez, someone is a little anxious…Ok I’m ready now…let’s go… I reach for the cards and pull out one pile, the names. Ok well I guess I kinda lied about that part of the game. I couldn’t leave that up to chance. The 5 I’m holding in my hand all have AJ’s name on it…oops! Haha! I pull the ice bucket over and set next to it the items from the bag I had sitting on the couch behind us: scarves, whipped cream and baby oil. I heard Howie almost gasp as I pulled out the props. I chuckled to myself knowing that at least one would be used on him later that night. I knew that Brian had to go first for my plan to work. Howie’s fantasy is going to be fulfilled first, and that will most likely get him ready for Nick and I… the great part is that none of them have any idea what is about to happen…I am sooo loving this… “Well cuz, how about you first?”

      OH GREAT I get to be the guinea pig. Well maybe I won’t mind so much if I get one certain person. I swear if I get Kevin, he’s getting all pain…I’ll beat his ass till he screams my name. I look over at Nick and he is way excited. I think he’s hoping that I get him, but I don’t think he’ll mind if I get who I really want. “Alright Kev, I’m up for a challenge.” Kevin smiled at me…he still has something planned I can feel it. Whatever, right now I’m just concentrating on who I pick. Kevin holds out the cards and the anticipation that fills the room is incredible. Here I go…c’mon…AJ…AJ…AJ…YES! Nick sees the card and whispers in my ear, “Enjoy it babe” before his tongue licks my earlobe. Oh God, I’m so nervous. I want this to happen so bad…I can already feel myself getting hard. I finally raise my eyes from the card and glance over at AJ. I can see that he is feeling the same way. He smiles at me, calming my nervousness and increasing my lust. This is gonna be sweet, I’ll have to remember to thank Kevin later. Suddenly there is another deck of cards in my face. Oh yeah a prop. I could really care less which one I get of these, all that matters is that I’m about to make AJ scream my name, something I’ve only heard in my dreams. I reach out and select another card…Scarves. Yes, this will definitely work out. Kevin reaches for the scarves and gives them to me. “Time starts now” he says starting the stopwatch he has in his hand. I swallow hard and crawl over to where AJ is sitting. I look at Howie and he just smiles at me, nodding his head as he moves to where I was sitting. Nothing is left to stop me; it’s time to make my fantasy a reality.
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Chapter 14