Never Had A Dream Come True (Chapters 4,5,&6)
~Chapter 4~

Brandi walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and grabbed a can of
diet Pepsi.
?What a night,? she thought to herself as she walked to the living room and
collapsed onto the couch.
?I cannot believe I met O-Town. The guys are so cool, especially Jacob?and
She thought maybe her and Jake might begin to have something going on, but
she couldn?t get that moment in Ashley?s room out of her mind. She sat on
the couch for awhile thinking things over until she fell asleep on the

The next day Brandi was awaken by the sound of Baby whimpering. She opened
her eyes slowly, realizing she had fell asleep downstairs.
?What?s wrong Baby? Are you hungry? Let me get you some food.?
Brandi got up from the couch and headed toward the kitchen. She heard noise
coming from Michelle?s room so she walked to her door and knocked.
?Shells? Are you in there?? Brandi asked as she slowly opened the door.
She found Michelle laying in her bed.
?I thought you had work today?? Brandi asked.
?Shells? What?s wrong?? Brandi asked when she saw that Michelle had been
?Me and Sean broke up.? Michelle replied in an upset voice.
?Oh my god! Why?? Brandi said as she embraced her friend.
Michelle began to cry harder as she tried to tell Brandi about the whole
phone conversation her and Sean had the night before.
?Michelle, I don?t know what to say. I just want you to know I am so sorry.?
Brandi said trying to comfort her best friend.
?Thanks, but I really don?t know what I?m going to do. I thought we?d be
together forever.?
?I thought so too, but maybe you guys can work things out. And if not it?s
just meant to be that way. Just know I?m here to help you through it hun.?
?I know. That means a lot to me Brandi. Thank god you are my best friend!
This is going to be so hard though.?
Brandi gave Michelle another hug.
?Don?t worry Shells. I know it?s going to be hard, but remember you have
school, work, this awesome house, and our whole new life down here in
Orlando. We haven?t even been here for a month and look how cool it?s been.
Don?t let Sean ruin that for you. If you guys were meant to be together
forever then it will work out eventually.?
?You?re right,? Michelle said giving a small smile.
?Oh my gosh I forgot?your date! How was it??
?I thought you?d never ask! It was great! Jacob is so nice and so down to
earth. We went to eat then back to their house. You think our house is big?
Their house is like five times bigger than ours. I met the other guys too.
They are really cool too.?
?That?s really cool Brandi! I lose a boyfriend and you gain one.? Michelle
said jokingly.
Brandi laughed.
?Was the media a problem at all? O-Town seems pretty popular.?
?Nah, actually it wasn?t too bad. Two girls came up to Jacob for an
autograph while we were eating but that was all.?
?So do you and Mr. Underwood have another date planned??
?Actually he asked me if I?d like to go to a club with him and the rest of
the guys tonight, and he told me I should ask you to go too! I know you
aren?t in the greatest mood right now but will you go? Please??
?Oh Brandi I?m not really in a partying kind of mood.?
?I know I know, but please, please, please! I don?t want you sitting around
the house all night bummed! You need to get Sean off your mind and what
better way to do that then with your best friend and five totally hot guys.
Besides me and you will have a blast, we?re like the best dancers around.?
?Okay I?ll go, but you owe me!? Michelle stated.
?Oh come on, you know you want to go!? Brandi teased.
Michelle smiled. ?Yeah I know.?
?Great, so we?re going! Jacob?s coming to pick us up at 10:00. So how about
a trip to the mall? Shopping for clothes always makes ya happy! We could buy
something for tonight.?
?Alright. Ya know Brandi, with the way we shop we?re going to need another
house in the near future for all of our clothes.? Michelle joked.

The girls shopped all day long. They each bought awesome outfits to wear
that night. Brandi was very excited and Michelle was feeling somewhat

It was almost 10:00 and the girls were just finishing up getting ready.
Michelle was changing her hoop earrings when Brandi walked into her room.
They both looked at each other.
?We look so hot! We?ll be getting lots of attention!? Brandi laughed.
Michelle was wearing tight, low-cut, black flare pants, a red, backless
halter-top with rhinestones all over it, and black chunky sandals. Her curly
hair finished off the look. Brandi was wearing a short, black leather skirt
that clung to her body, a tight, shiny silver tank top, that showed a lot of
cleavage and high black boots and she had her big gold earrings on. Her long
hair flowed over her shoulders, and her bangs flung out, and then she
sprayed her favorite perfume, the new Ralph Lauren. The girls looked awesome
and were anxious for the night to come. Just then the doorbell rang.

?I?ll get that!? Brandi exclaimed.
She ran to the door to answer it.

?Hey guys! Come on in.? She said as she opened the door.
?Wow, your house is pretty tight!? The guys said while Jacob stared at
?Thanks! I?ll give you?s a tour sometime.?
?So are you and your friend ready??
?Yeah, just one thing though. Michelle is a little bummed because her and
her boyfriend just broke up yesterday. So if she seems a bit upset that?s
?Shells, ya ready?? Brandi yelled.
?Yeah, one second!? Michelle yelled back.

Michelle grabbed her purse, sprayed on her favorite perfume, Clinique Happy,
and walked towards the door. She paused by her dresser when a picture of her
and Sean caught her eye. She picked it up and began to stare at it. She
signed and set it down. She then walked out of her room.

?Michelle this is Jacob, Ashley, Dan, Trevor, and that?s Erik.?
?Hey nice to meet all of you!? Michelle said as the guys greeted her with
hellos and smiles.
Erik?s smile happened to catch Michelle?s attention before she quickly
looked away.

?Well let?s get out of here!? Jacob exclaimed.
Jacob grabbed Brandi?s hand and led her out the door. Ashley starred at
their intertwined hands while everyone else followed them out the door.

They finally got to the club. It was called "Legends" and was the hottest
club in Orlando. They got right in, without waiting in line or anything.
They all got settled themselves in and it was awesome. They got a table and
everyone sat around it. Brandi sat beside Jacob and Michelle. She looked
around the table, but couldn't see Ashley. She wondered where he was.

"Brandi? Brandi?" Jacob asked.
"Ooh sorry Jake!" Brandi said laughing.
"Do you want a drink?" He asked.
"Yeah! Can you get me hmmm a fuzzy navel please!" Brandi said.
"Okay! Michelle you want anything?"
"Umm I'll have the same as Brandi please!" Michelle replied
"Okay I'll be right back!" Jacob said, getting up and going to the bar.
Just then Ashley walked up and sat down where Jacob was sitting.
"Hey Ashley, how are you?" Brandi asked, over all the loud noise.
"I'm good, how are you?" He asked.
"Pretty good," Brandi replied.

"So you're Erik right?" Michelle asked.
"Yeah, that's right, and you're Michelle!" Erik replied.
"Uh huh! Well nice to actually meet you!"
"You too!" He said.

Jacob came back with Michelle and Brandi's drinks.
"Oh, are you sitting here?" Ashley asked Jacob.
Jacob nodded.
"Ok I'll get out of your spot then." Ashley said getting up.
Brandi looked up as she was taking a sip of her drink.

An hour later Brandi was out on the dance floor with Jacob, and Michelle was
sitting down still talking to Erik.
"Hahaha!" Michelle laughed, as Erik spilt his drink all over his pants.
"What?" Dan asked.
"Hehe...Erik spilt his drink all over his pants!" Michelle said laughing her
ass off.
Dan and Ashley both started laughing.
"Great!" Erik said laughing it off. "Where's Jacob and Brandi?...Oh
nevermind! They're dancing! And wait someone else is missing! Trevor!
Where?s he at?"
"He probably found himself a girl!" Dan replied.
"Haha, probably!" Erik said.
"So Michelle, do you have a boyfriend?? Erik asked not remembering what
Brandi said earlier about Michelle and Sean.
Michelle went from laughing to a solid face.
"What?" Erik asked. "A pretty girl like you should have a boyfriend!"
Ashley and Dan looked over at Erik, and Erik finally clued in.
"I don't want to talk about it." Michelle said taking a sip of her drink.
"Well umm sorry!? Erik said, as he looked at the other guys.
"That's okay, let's...let's just go dance!" Michelle said grabbing his hand
and taking him out to the dance floor.

Jacob and Brandi came back to the table.
"Whoa! Where'd you guys come from!" Dan said, getting pushed by Brandi.
"Sorry Dan!" Brandi said as she hugged him.
"Hey! Where's my hug?" Jacob asked.
Brandi smiled, then gave him a big bear hug.

It was now 2:00 am in the morning, and there were still tons of people
dancing, and partying a way. Everyone was sitting down at the table again,
except for Trevor and this girl he found, and Ashley, who went to the
"Okay party animals! I'm a gonna play one more song for ya, then everyone
has to leave this place!" The DJ shouted.

"I got to take a leak man!" Jacob said.
"Thanks for sharing buddy!" Brandi said.
"I'll be right back!" Jake said.
"K!" Brandi replied.
"Let's dance!" Erik said to Michelle as he grabbed her hand, and walked her
to the dance floor.
"Well." Brandi said.
The song was half over, when Brandi heard someone calling her.
"Who's calling me?" Brandi asked, turning around. She turned around to see
Ashley calling her.
?Want to dance?? He mouthed.
?Okay!? She replied back.
She walked over to him and they walked to the upstairs dance floor.
They then started dancing. He slowly moved his hands down her body. She then
turned around to dance so her back was towards him, but accidentally
"Ah shit!" Brandi said.
"Oh I got ya." He said as he caught her.
She turned around and smiled. He smiled back, and she looked at his eyes,
and he looked into her eyes. They both moved closer to each other and then
Brandi hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her and then smelt her hair.
He closed his eyes then smiled. Brandi could smell his amazing cologne on
him. She couldn't believe how good he smelt. She moved back, so they weren't
hugging anymore, but still hanging onto each other. They looked into each
other?s eyes again, and Ashley began to lean closer to Brandi when out of
the blue they heard someone yell.

~Chapter 5~
?Brandi?? Jacob shouted.
?Oh sorry, I?ll let you guys finish your dance,? he said in disappointment
when he noticed Brandi was dancing with Ashley.
?No, Jake wait, it?s the last dance and she?s your date.? Ashley said as he
let Jacob finish the dance with Brandi.
?Thanks man!? Jacob said as Ashley walked away.
Jacob held Brandi really close as Brandi watched Ashley walk away. Ashley
took a quick look back at Brandi and they smiled at each other.

At the same time Erik and Michelle were also sharing the last dance. Erik
kept singing the words to the song in the funniest voice, which made
Michelle do nothing but laugh the whole time. She was having a great time.

Once the song was over they all met back at the table.
?Are we ready to leave?? Dan asked.
?Yeah!? Erik said.
?It?s pretty early yet. Why don?t you guys come back to our place for a
bit?? Brandi asked, while she looked at Michelle to see if it was all right.
?Yeah, why don?t you?s?? Michelle agreed.
?Alright, sounds good.? Jake said happily as the guys nodded their head in

They all arrived back at Brandi and Michelle?s house about 15 minutes later.
They sat in the living room. Brandi sat on one couch in between Ashley and
Jacob, which made her a bit uncomfortable. Michelle, Erik, Dan, and Trevor
sat on the other couch. They all watched TV and told stories about each
other. The guys told the funniest stories, which made the girls laugh
After about an hour they heard a rumble of thunder outside.
?Oh I hate thunderstorms!? Michelle said as the guys laughed at her.
?Shells, didn?t you leave your books out by the pool earlier on today??
Brandi asked?
?Yeah you?re right! I better go get them quick. I?ll be right back.?
Michelle said.
?Hey Erik didn?t you say you wanted to see the deck?? Brandi asked.
?I?ll show you.? Michelle said while leading Erik out the back door.

?The hot tub is over.? Michelle said while picking up her books from a lawn
?Medical chemistry. Man, that?s gotta be tough!? Erik said when he say the
book Michelle was holding.
?It is, believe me!? Michelle said.
?So what?s your major?? Erik asked.
?Physical therapy.?
?That?s cool!?
?Ya know it?s really nice out here. You have a hot tub, pool, and the ocean.
What more do you need?? Erik said laughing.
?I haven?t even tried the hot tub out yet.? Michelle said giggling.
?Oh, well we will have to try it out sometime!? Erik said while nudging
Michelle?s arm.
?Michelle laughed.
?I really like it here, but I miss Cali so much, I wouldn?t be able to
handle it down here without Brandi.? Michelle said as she sat down on the
wooden swing next to Erik.
?So you?re from Cali? I?m learning something new every minute.?
There was a brief moment of silence between the two.
?Erik I want to apologize for the way I acted earlier on tonight when you
asked be if I had a boyfriend. I got all weird on you.?
?Don?t be sorry! I shouldn?t have asked. It was none of my business.?
?Well my boyfriend just broke up with me and it?s really hard for me because
we were together for so long.?
?Oh, I?m really sorry to here that. It?s his loss though.
?Thanks.? Michelle said with a smile.
?So tell me more about yourself.? Erik said.
They talked about the usual get to know each other stuff. While in the

?Baby, what?s wrong with you tonight?? Brandi shouted as Baby kept jumping
on her lap.
The guys all laughed. They thought it was cute.
?I think she wants her toy.? Brandi suggested.
?I?m going upstairs to get it, I?ll be right back.?
?Hey can I use your bathroom?? Ashley asked.
?Sure, come with me. I?ll show you where it is.?

Brandi and Ashley walked up the stairs.
?It?s over there!? Brandi said as she pointed to the left and headed the
opposite way to her room.
?Where did I put her ball?? Brandi said to herself.
After about two minutes of searching her room, she gave up.
?Hey, I bet it?s out there,? She thought.
She opened the glass door and walked onto the balcony. She stood and watched
the ocean for a second as the cool, breezy air blew her hair back. All of a
sudden she felt something brush up on her shoulder.
?Ashley! You scared the shit out of me!?
?It?s really nice out here. This view is beautiful, like you.? Ashley said
Brandi turned to look at him. She didn?t say one word, she just looked into
his eyes. They were caught in each other?s eyes and they moved closer and
closer to each other until their lips touched lightly. Brandi backed away
?Oh my god, what am I doing? I?m so sorry!? Ashley said, scared of Brandi?s
?No, no, no! Don?t be sorry! I?ve been wanting that all night long!? Brandi
?Ashley I like you!? Brandi said hoping the feeling was mutual.
?I like you too Brandi.?
Ashley smiled and wrapped his arms around Brandi?s waist and laid another
kiss on her. This time it was longer and more passionate.
Brandi then heard a noise. She quickly backed away from Ashley. She heard
Michelle laughing.

?Michelle? Are you still down there?? Brandi shouted off the balcony.
?Yeah me and Erik are on the deck.?
?Still?? Brandi asked.
?We?re talking! What are you doing up there??
?Umm? looking for Baby?s toy.? Brandi said quickly, while Ashley was
?Okay, I?ll meet you back in the living room.? Michelle said just as it
started to drizzle outside.
?Okay!? Brandi shouted.

?That was close,? Ashley said.
?Yeah, well lets go.? Brandi rushed.
?Wait, what about us?? Ashley asked.
?We can?t tell anyone yet.?
Brandi gave Ashley a quick peck on his lips and walked off the balcony,
through her room, and down the stairs while Ashley followed.

?What took you guys so long?? Jacob asked.
?I was looking for Baby?s toy and Ashley was helping me, but we couldn?t
find it.? Brandi said quickly.
?Oh I see.? Jacob said with an odd look on his face.
?I don?t think she needs her toy anymore.? Trevor said while pointing to
Everyone awed when they saw that Baby was asleep in Dan?s lap.
?How cute is that?? Michelle exclaimed while Dan stuck his tongue out at
?Anyways, what are you guys up to the next few days?? Brandi asked.
?We have to go to the studio to record for a few days. Its right here in
Orlando, but by the time we?re done in the studio everyday we just want to
come home and go to bed. We?ll be done Friday though.? Dan answered.
?I?m in New York this week too for some modeling, but I?ll be home Friday
night.? Brandi said.
?Yeah, and I?m left here by myself.? Michelle joked.
?It?s scary sleeping here alone at night.? Michelle said in a serious voice.
?Well if you ever need anything you can call us anytime.? Erik replied.

?Oh wow, it?s almost 4:00 am. We better get going.? Jacob said.

They all gave each other goodbye hugs and said their goodnights. Ashley
mouthed ?call me? to Brandi while she was getting a hug from Jacob.
?Goodnight sweetie!? Jacob whispered to Brandi and gave her a kiss on her
?Bye Jake!? She said feeling guilty of what happened with her and Ashley.

The next week was going by slow. Brandi was up in New York, the guys were in
the studio, and Michelle was either in school, or working.

It was now Tuesday night, and Michelle was just getting in her bed, when she
heard a noise. She quickly got up, and picked up Baby.
?What the hell was that?? She thought to herself.
"Oh my god!" Michelle whispered.
It sounded like it?s coming from upstairs, so she slowly walked upstairs.
She heard it again, this time it was louder.
"That's it!" She said, as she ran back down.
?I'm going to call Erik!? She said to herself.

Meanwhile Brandi had just finished a long day of shooting. She was going to
be the next perfume girl and bathing suit girl. So they were going to be
doing millions of shoots over the past month and a half. She slowly unlocked
her hotel room, and walked inside and turned on the light. She fell on the
bed and closed her eyes. She was just about to drift off to sleep when she
heard her cell phone go off. She reached into her purse, and finally grabbed
her phone.
"Brandi? It's Ashley!"
"Ashley! Oh my god, I can't believe you called!" Brandi said, sitting up.
"Well Jake doesn't know I have your number, cause I sort of saw it on his
dresser, and wrote it down!"
"Well I'm so glad you called!"
"Really? Well, it's sort of weird, cause well? I haven't been able to get my
mind off you ever since Saturday!"
"Awe...well I haven't been able to stop thinking about you either! I just
don't know what to do about Jacob, and everything!"
"Brandi listen. We will tell J, and everyone else sooner or later, just not
right now, it's just between you and me!"
"Okay. Well I don't want to hurt Jake, and I don't want him to hate me or
"Hopefully, when he does realize something is up between you and me, he wont
care too much."
"Yeah hopefully!"

"Hi! Is this Erik?" Michelle asked.
"Yeah! Hold up? Who is this? Wait... is this Michelle?" Erik said in a tired
voice while rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah! I'm sorry for waking you up, but I heard a noise upstairs, and I am
scared. And I'm really lonely!" Michelle said, almost in tears.
"I'll be right over!" Erik replied as he hung up the phone, put his shirt
and pants on, and ran out the door, and into his car.

Before Michelle knew it, Erik was knocking on the front door. Michelle ran
to the door and unlocked it. She opened the door, and she threw her arms
around him, giving him a big hug.
"Nice to see you too!" Erik said, as he walked himself in, still hugging
Michelle, and shutting the door.
"There?s a noise coming from Brandi's room, and I have no idea what it is."
"Let's go see." Erik said, as he slowly took her hand and they walked
They reached Brandi's room, and he turned on the light. They looked at the
window, and the blinds where hitting the wall from the wind, since Brandi
forgot to shut the window. "Geeze, you don't know how much that scared me!"
Michelle said as Erik closed the windows.
"You must've been pretty scared!" Erik said, while they walked back
"Well you can go home now, sorry I made you come." Michelle said, feeling a
bit embarrassed of calling him over for no reason.
"No, no! I'm gonna stay here for the night! You might get scared again."
"I won't!" Michelle said.
"Well I?m still staying!" Erik said as he walked downstairs.
"I?ll sleep on the couch, come get me if you need me okay?"
"Erik, you really don't have to!" Michelle said following him.
"Yeah I do!"
There was a short pause.
"Well at least let me get you some blankets, and a pillow!" Michelle said,
as she walked back upstairs.

"Well Ashley, I'm so glad you called, seriously." Brandi said.
"I'm glad I did too!" Ashley replied.
"Call me again tomorrow night, same time!"
"Okay! When are you coming home again?"
"I'll be home Friday night, why?"
"Cause I want to see you sooo bad! But I have no idea how we are going to,
since of Jacob, and Michelle!"
"Okay, well I know! How bout you get Erik to take Michelle out, then you can
go to our place, and wait for me! I should be home at about 9:00."
"That's a good idea! Okay so ya, but do you have a spare key to get in?
Wait, is there something going on with Michelle and Erik??
"The key is under the rock right before you step up on the front steps. And
no, I don?t think but they seemed to have cliqued together really well."
"Sweet! Okay, so then I will call you tomorrow, same time!"
"Yes you will!" Brandi said while giggling.
"Alright sweetie, I better go"
"Me too! I like have to be up by 5:30!"
"Awe me too, it sucks! One day we will be able to sleep in all day long, in
each others arms!" Ashley said.
"That would be so amazing!"
"Well anyways, I will talk to you later okay?"
"Uh huh! Talk to you tomorrow!"
"Okay, bye!"
With that they both hung up and fell fast asleep thinking about each other.

~Chapter 6~
?Beep, beep, beep.? Michelle?s alarm sounded at 8:00 am the next morning.
?Ugh, is it 8:00 already?? Michelle said while shutting off her alarm.
She laid in bed for a few minutes until thoughts of the night before came
into her mind. She remembered Erik had stayed over. She got out of bed and
walked to the living room, but all she found was an empty couch.
?Aww, I didn?t even get to say goodbye, or thanks even.? She said to
herself, as she sat down on the couch.
Michelle noticed a piece of paper sitting on the table in front of her. She
picked it up and realized it was a note from Erik.

     Sorry I didn?t say goodbye, but I didn?t wanna wake ya. I had to be in
the studio for 7:00. I?ll be back tonight around 8:00. I don?t want you
staying there yourself if you?re scared. Maybe we could try out the hot tub!
I?ll see ya later!

Michelle smiled to herself while reading the note. She thought it was very
sweet of him to insist on staying over. She got up off the couch and went to
get ready for her classes.

At around the same time the guys were having a fifteen minute break in the
?Why didn?t you come home last night Erik?? Ashley asked.
?I all ready told you, I stayed over Michelle?s. We told her to call us if
she needed anything. She was too scared to stay there herself.? Erik replied
knowing the guys weren?t going to let him hear the end of it.
?Sure!? Trevor said grinning.
?Is something going on with you two?? Jacob asked.
?No, god! I?m just trying to be nice, that?s all. Any of you would do the
same thing. Besides she just got out of a relationship. I doubt she?s
looking for a boyfriend right now and I?m not looking for a girlfriend
either. We?re too busy.? Erik replied.
?She?s a really cool girl though.? Erik thought to himself.
The guys then stopped teasing him knowing he was serious.

*Hours Later*
?Alright Brandi, a few more shots and then you can have your lunch break,?
the photographer said.
Brandi stood in the middle of a large room wearing a short jean skirt, a
tiny red tube top, and brown boots. All throughout her photo-shoots all she
could think about was Ashley. She couldn?t wait to see him again. She was
looking forward to the phone call from him later on that night.

?Great, that?s wonderful! You can have a half hour break, then we?ll do the
swimsuit shots,? the photographer yelled.
?Okay!? Brandi replied.
She walked back to her dressing room and sat down in a big leather chair.
All of a sudden her cell phone rang. She jumped up to get it hoping it was
?Hello?? Brandi asked.
?Brandi! How?s New York?? Michelle asked in a hyper voice.
?Oh, hey Shells. It?s good.?
?Well you sound happy!? Michelle said.
?Sorry, I?m just tired.?
?Well how are the shoots going??
?Alright, I?m just into them too much today.?
?Oh I see. Well anyway you?ll never guess what you did.?
?What?? Brandi asked.
?You left your freakin' window open. The blinds were banging off the wall
last night. It scared the shit out of me! I called Erik and he came right
over. He stayed the whole night.?
?Wow. I?m sorry. I totally forgot I left the window open. He stayed over?
That was really sweet of him.?
?I know. He insists on staying over until you get back.?
?Go Michelle!?
?Stop Brandi! You know it?s not like that!?
?Yeah right!? Brandi giggled.
?You know I ain?t searching for a boyfriend right now.?
?I know Shells, I?m just teasing.?
?Erik?s a really cool guy though. He?s so funny and I love hanging out with
him.? Michelle said and Brandi realized she had another call.
?Hold on Michelle, I have another call.? Brandi said as she clicked over to
the other line.
?Hey sweetie!?
?Hey Jake! Hold on okay??
She clicked back over to Michelle.
?Michelle, that?s Jake. Can I call you tomorrow or something??
?Sure! But before you go can I ask you a question??
?What?s going on with you and Jake??
?I?m not exactly sure. I don?t know what he considers us. We?re good friends
I guess.?
?Oh okay.? Michelle laughed.
?See ya! Oh have fun with Erik tonight!? Brandi teased!
?Stop!? Michelle giggled. ?Bye-bye!?
?Alright Jake I?m back. Sorry I had Michelle on the other line.?
?That?s okay. So how?s New York??
?Good, but I gotta get back to a photo-shoot soon. Is there anything you
?Nah. Just wanted to say hi. You?ll be back Friday night right??
?Do ya want to do something??
?Hmmm, I think I?ll be really tired.? Brandi hesitated, knowing her and
Ashley would be together.
?Oh.? Jake said in a really disappointed voice.
?How about Saturday?? Brandi asked because she felt bad for turning Jacob
?Okay, that sounds good. We can talk about it when you get back.? Jacob
?Bye, I?ll talk to you later.?
?Bye sweetie!? Jake said.

They each hung up the phone. With the conversation Brandi knew she was
getting herself into a real mess with the Ashley and Jake situation. She
didn?t want it to be like one night with Ashley, then next with Jacob cause
that just wouldn?t work. She needed to tell Jacob about her and Ashley, but
she didn?t want to hurt Jake in any way. She still wanted to be his friend,
she knew she had to tell Jake soon.

*Later That Night*
Michelle was just finishing up some reading for her physiology class when
the doorbell rang. She knew it was Erik. She got up and went to answer the
?Hey!? She said as she opened the door.
?How are you?? Erik asked.
?Good. Erik, you really don?t have to stay. I?m fine!? Michelle said.
?Save it! I?m staying no matter what you say.? Erik said.
Michelle laughed. ?Fine, but you?re gonna be bored here.?
?Well it?s better then being bored at home.? Erik joked.
They walked to the living room where Michelle had been studying and sat on
the couch.
?Don?t mind me, I look awful.? Michelle said.
She was wearing gray sweat pants, a white tank top, and she had on her
?No you don?t! Your glasses make you look cute.? Erik said.
?So do you need to finish studying? I?ll be quiet,? Erik said.
?No, I?m done.? Michelle said while clearing her books off the table.
?So what would you like to do?? Michelle asked.
?Well what about the hot tub?? Erik replied.
?What is it with you and the hot tub?? Michelle joked.
?You?ll love it! It?s really relaxing.?
?Okay fine, let me get changed. I?ll meet ya outside in a few.? Michelle

Brandi just finished up her last shoot of the day and was looking forward to
talking to Ashley. She arrived back at her hotel room. As soon as she walked
into the door she put her purse down on the table and walked over to her
bed. She found a bouquet of white, pink. And red roses lying in the middle
of her bed.
?Where did these come from?? She asked herself as she picked them up.
There was an envelope attached to the flowers. She ripped it open to find a
note that read:

     Hey hun! How are you? Just wanted to say I really miss you! Can?t wait
to see you Friday!

?Oh my god! He?s so sweet!? She said to herself right when her cell phone
?Brandi! Hey! Did ya get the flowers??
?Yes! Ashley! Thank you so much! But how did ya do it??
?I have connections!? Ashley joked.
Brandi laughed. ?Oh! Well I love them! That was so sweet of you! Thank you!?
?You?re very welcome!?
?Oh Ashley! I can?t wait to see you again!? Brandi exclaimed.
?I know, but the next two days are going to go so slowly!?
?Yeah! So did you talk to Erik yet about taking Michelle out Friday night??
?No, I?ll talk to him about it tomorrow! What should I tell him??
?Hmmm tell him that he should take Michelle out cause it?ll help her get her
mind of Sean. Something like that.?
?Alright, I hope he goes for it.?
?Me too, then we can have the house to ourselves!? Brandi giggled.
Ashley laughed.
?Jacob called me today.? Brandi said.
?Oh did he? What did he say?? Ashley asked.
?Well he wanted to do something Friday night but I told him I?d be too
tired. So I said maybe Saturday.?
?Oh!? Ashley said.
?We have to tell him soon.? Brandi said.
?I know we will. . .eventually.?
Ashley and Brandi talked for awhile longer until they let each other go.
They needed their sleep for the next day.

*Back In Orlando*
Michelle had just put her baby blue bikini with yellow polka dots on. She
walked out onto the deck and down to the pool. She had seen that Erik had
already made himself comfortable in the hot tub.
?Hey, come on. It?s so nice in here.? Erik yelled when he saw Michelle.
Michelle walked over to the hot tub and put her towel down on a lawn chair.
Erik was watching her the whole time. She had a nice tan from lifeguarding
and a really athletic body from swimming and playing basketball her whole
life. Michelle stepped into the hot tub and sat down across from Erik.
?It does feel really good.? Michelle said.
?Told ya!?
Michelle sat back and closed her eyes. Erik noticed she wasn?t looking so he
took this opportunity to play around. Right then he splashed her with a
bunch of water.
?Erik! Michelle yelled. ?Oh my god, you are so dead!?
Then Michelle got up and started splashing Erik while he splashed back.
Their splashing fight went on for a few minutes until they were completely
?Well I hope you enjoyed that.? Michelle said. She was laughing and laughing
and couldn?t stop.
?I did!? Erik laughed.
?So. . . are you ticklish?? Erik asked.
?What?? Michelle asked while moving away from Erik.
Erik got up and grabbed her. He started tickling her all over.
?Stop! Erik, please, stop!? Michelle said in between laughs.
Erik stopped after a minute or so.
?Okay I?m done!? Erik said.
Michelle laughed. ?I?m getting out of her before you do something else!?
?No, don?t go! I?ll behave!? Erik replied.
Michelle got out of the hot tub and grabbed her towel. Erik got out and
followed her. They were on their way to the deck when Erik stopped her by
the pool.
?Get away!? Michelle joked.
?I?m sorry! But ya gotta admit it was funny.? Erik laughed.
At this point Erik was right in between Michelle and the pool. Michelle knew
it was the perfect payback so she pushed him right in.
?Revenge is sweet!? Michelle yelled when Erik was rose above the water.
?I guess I deserve it!?
?Yeah ya do!? Michelle laughed.
Michelle then walked onto the deck and into her room while Erik got out of
the pool and dried off and went to catch up with her.

*Thursday Night*
All the guys were at home just relaxing after a long day at the studio. Erik
was packing some clothes for that night and all the other guys were watching
TV. Ashley knew he had to tell Erik to take Michelle out tomorrow night.
Ashley slowly got up and walked into Erik's room.
"Hey man, what?s up?" Ashley asked.
"Oh not much, I'm just packing for Michelle?s tonight," Erik replied.
"Oh yea?" Ashley said lying on the bed.
"Yeah." Erik said, closing his bag.
"Well, are you guys a couple yet?"
"No, why would we be?"
?Oh I dunno, maybe cause you sleep over at her house every night?"
"Whatever Ash!" Erik said walking out the door.
"Hey wait!" Ash shouted.
Erik turned around.
"Why don't you take her out tomorrow night?"
Erik frowned, then walked back in. "Why? Well I mean, I was sort of thinking
about taking her out, but I don't know if she would want to.?
"Well, I was talking to Brandi. She said that she thought if you took her
out and spent time with her, that would help her get over Sean faster. And I
think that you guys would be a really awesome couple."
"Hah, well, okay!" Erik said as he walked away.
Ashley smiled, then walked into his room, to call Brandi.

Erik knocked on Michelle and Brandi's front door, and waited for Michelle to
answer it.
"Come in!" Michelle shouted as she walked inside, from reading. Erik opened
the door and saw Michelle standing there, wearing strip pajama pants, and a
white wife beater, her hair up in a messy bun, and her glasses on.
Erik just stood there."Wow you look umm..."
"Yeah I know, I look like a grub! I just put on some old pants."
"No I was gonna say that you look really pretty," Erik replied.
"Awe thank you Erik." Michelle said.
Erik walked over to the TV room. Michelle followed.
"So let's see what's on TV?" Erik said while turning on the TV.
?Well how was your day?" Michelle asked, as Erik flipped through some
"It was okay, tiring, but okay, you?"
"Same," Michelle said with a laugh.
"So are you glad the weekend is coming up?" Erik asked.
"Oh yeah, except I have work, but only till 5:00, so that?s okay."
"That?s cool, so uh how bout you, me? Tomorrow night for dinner?" Erik asked
hoping for a positive response.
Michelle looked at him.
"I mean, I know you just came out of a relationship and all, but I think
that you?"
"I'd love to!" Michelle said, smiling.

Meanwhile, Brandi was just got in a hot, bubble bath. She had scented
candles all around and was just relaxing from a 12 hour day of shooting. She
had her cell right by the tub incase someone tried calling her. All of a
sudden her phone went off. She smiled and picked it up.
"Yo!" Brandi said, giggling.
"What?s up baby?? Ashley asked.
"Not much. Just having a warm bubble bath." Brandi replied.
"Ooo, sounds nice!" Ashley replied.
"Uh huh! So have you talked to Erik about taking Shells out?"
"He said he?ll ask her, and he said he was thinking about taking her out
"Really? That?s so sweet!" Brandi said.
"I know?" Ashley replied. "Well what time do you think you will be at the
"Around 9-9:30 maybe 10?!" Brandi said.
"Okay, I will be waiting there okay?"
"Okay. I can't wait to see you!" Brandi said.
"You either! See you tomorrow sweetie! Bye!" Ashley said.
"Bye!" Brandi said as she smiled.

*Friday Night*
Michelle was just putting on her lip gloss, when the doorbell rang.
"Come on in!" Michelle yelled as she ran in her closet to get her sandals.
She picked out her favorite pair of black, strappy sandals. They had a
chunky heal, and when she tied them up they went around her ankle. She
looked at herself one more time in the mirror. She put on a little bit more
lip gloss to make her lips shine, and walked out to see Erik there with her
favorite flowers, daisies.
"Whoa!" Erik said looking at Michelle.
"Oh Erik, stop it! It's just a dress!" Michelle said blushing.
She was wearing a beautiful, short, tight, black, elegant dress that made
her beautiful hair, and blue eyes stand out.
"You look amazing, Michelle!" He said as he handed her the flowers.
"Thanks! You don?t look too bad yourself! How did you know these were my
favorite?" Michelle asked, getting a vase for them.
"I have my ways!" Erik said.

Two hours later, Ashley casually got the key from under the rock, (where
Brandi told him the spare key was) and walked in.
An hour later, Brandi walked in with all her luggage.
"Hello?" Brandi shouted.
She waited a minute to see if anyone was here. Brandi didn't want to shout
out Ashley yet, just incase Erik and Michelle were there.
Just then Baby came running up.
"Awe...Baby! I missed you!" Brandi said, as she picked lil? Baby up.
Obviously Erik and Michelle were gone, so she knew that Ashley had to be
"Ashley baby?" Brandi said. "Ashley?" She said wondering the downstairs. She
put Baby down and took her purse off, and set her keys on the counter.
"Ashley honey??
She casually looked around, then decided to go outside. She shut the door,
then saw Ashley standing there, with his hands behind his back.
Brandi smiled. Then ran over and hugged him. They wrapped their arms around
each other, and they kissed passionately. When they stopped, they hugged
again. Ashley then pulled out his hand out and gave Brandi a white rose.
"Awe!" Brandi said as she gave him a kissed, and hugged him.
?You wanna go for a walk? Even though it?s late?" Ashley asked.
"Sure!" Brandi said, as they held onto hands and walked down to the
They walked along the beach for about half an hour. Brandi thought it would
be funny to push Ashley in the water so she did.
?Oops!" Brandi said, looking innocent.
"Brandi, you are so dead!" Ashley said as he got out of the water and chased
Brandi. He finally picked her up and walked over to the water.
?No! No!? Brandi said while screaming.
Ashley then dropped Brandi right into the water.
"You ass!" Brandi said trying to grab him.
They both laughed. Ashley then fell down on top of Brandi on the sand.
They then stopped laughing and then Ashley leaned in and kissed her. They
then started making out passionately, as Ashley moved his hands up and down
Brandi's body.

*Meanwhile at dinner*
"Thank you, it looks great." Michelle said to the waiter.
"Cheese on your pasta Sir?"
?Yeah, please!" Erik said.
"Please!" Michelle replied.
"Great! Have a nice meal!" He said as he walked away.
Michelle smiled then started eating her pasta with cheese.
"That looks good!" Erik said.
"Wanna try?"
"Sure!" She then fed him a piece.
"That's good!" Erik said. "Wanna try this?"
"Excuse me? Care for some more wine?" A lady asked.
"Shells?" Erik asked.
"Yeah sure.? Michelle said.
The lady left. Then Erik fed Michelle some of his pasta.
"That's sooo good!" Michelle said.
"I know," Erik replied as he smiled at Michelle.

Back at the house.
"Now...I'm all wet Mr. Angel!" Brandi said, as Ashley laid on Brandi's bed
with just his boxers on while he watched her unpack some of her stuff.
"Hey what was that?" Ashley asked.
"What? This?" Brandi said, holding up a bikini.
"That?s a sweet bikini man!" Ashley said.
"Ash baby. It's just a bikini."
"I know! But..."
"Yeah I got it for free from one of my shoots. It was like 800 bucks!"
Brandi said taking it, and walking to her closet.
"Hey wait! Let me see you try that 800 dollar suit on!"
"Ash, come on!" Brandi said.
"Baby!" Ashley said in the cutest puppy dog face.
"Oh fine!" Brandi said.
Ashley laughed.

"Michelle sweetie, how many is that now?" Erik asked as Michelle drank down
another glass of wine.
"Umm, I think it's about 3 or is it 4?
"Check please!" Erik said.
"Here you go sir!" The waiter said. "Have a good night!"
"You too!" Michelle yelled.
"Shells, keep it down." Erik said laughing.
"Sorry!" Michelle said giggling.
They finally got out of the restaurant, and Erik drove back to Brandi and

"So?" Brandi said, modeling for Ashley.
"You are the sexiest woman alive!" Ashley sang. "Come here!" He said pulling
her onto the bed. He then started tickling her all over.
"Ashley stop it! Seriously! Hahahahah!" Brandi said laughing.

Erik helped Michelle out of the car, and then helped her to the door.
"Screw it! I'm carrying ya!" He said.
He then picked her up, and carried her inside and put her down on the couch.
"Erik I can palk yah vnow!" Michelle said in a giddy voice.
"To bad ya can't talk sweetheart!" Erik said laughing.
All of a sudden it became silent. Erik sat next to Michelle on the couch.
They both looked into each other?s eyes. They leaned in slowly, until their
lips met. Michelle paused for a minute, and then they started kissing again,
when they heard a noise.
"Haha, Hahahaha!"
"Oh my god! I totally forgot! Brandi's home! Come on!" Michelle said
grabbing Erik's hand.

"Ashley! Seriously stop it!"
All of a sudden there was a knock on her door.
"Brandi!" Michelle yelled.
"Oh my god!" Brandi said.
She ran over to the door forgetting she had just her bikini on.
She quickly went outside of her bedroom, to see Michelle and Erik there,
holding hands.
"Brandi!" Michelle yelled, while she game her best friend a hug.
?Shells! Are you okay??
"She?s okay, she just had a bit much to drink. How come you got your suit
on?" Erik asked.
?Uh well, uh, I was going to go for a swim, but then I didn't feel like it!
So I'm gonna change now!" Brandi said, quickly going back into her door, and
locking it.
"Oh god!? Brandi said starting to laugh.
?That was too close!? Ashley said while walking out of Brandi?s closet.
?It?s kind of fun though.? Brandi commented.
?It is!? Ashley laughed.
?Well I locked the door so we just have to be quiet.? Brandi smiled.
?Ok! I can be quiet! Can you?? Ashley asked as he pulled Brandi onto the bed
with him.
?You bet!? Brandi giggled as she started to kiss Ashley.

***Go on to Chapters 7,8,&9***
Never had a dream come true was written by:  Michelle, and Courtney, Please e-mail them and let them know what you think about their fanfic. Thanks :)