Never Had A Dream Come True (Chapters 7,8&9)
Never had a dream come true was written by:  Michelle, and Courtney, Please e-mail them and let them know what you think about their fanfic. Thanks :)
~Chapter 7~

?Come on Erik!? Michelle yelled, while stumbling into the living room,
almost tripping over her own feet.
?Haha! Take it easy Shells!? Erik said while helping her sit.
At this point Michelle was really giddy. She wasn?t drunk. She just wasn?t
all together. Erik sat really close to her on the couch and put his hand on
top of hers.
?I had a good time tonight.? Erik said.
?Me too!? Michelle said, turning toward Erik.
They looked into each other?s eyes. Michelle leaned in really close until
their lips met. She put her hands around Erik?s neck. She deepened the kiss
more and more until it turned into a serious make out session. At this point
they were both enjoying themselves. Erik was beginning to fall for Michelle.
The past few days he got to know her really well and he could not help but
be attracted to her. He loved everything about her. She was not only
beautiful, but also sweet, nice, funny, intelligent, and caring. It was
everything he wanted wrapped up into one girl.
?Michelle, I think we should stop.? Erik said while pulling away from their
kissing. He knew it was the right thing to do since Michelle wasn?t exactly
all there because of the alcohol. Erik also had doubts in his minds. What if
he was just replacing Sean?
?Why?? Michelle said in a sad voice.
?I just don?t think it?s the right time for this.? Erik said while getting
up from the couch.
?No Erik, please! Don?t go.? Michelle said as she started crying.
?What?s wrong hun?? Erik said while sitting back down.
?Just stay, please. I don?t want you to go. Just stay and hold me!? Michelle
said in a really upset voice.
?Alright sweetie! I?ll stay.? Erik said while wiping Michelle?s tears away.
Erik laid down on the couch while he wrapped his arms tightly around
Michelle, who was laying down right next to him, facing him.
Within a few minutes they both fell asleep together.

?Well it?s getting really late. I should go.? Ashley said as he looked at
the clock.
?Oh, do you have to?? Brandi whined.
?Yeah baby, I gotta!?
?Oh! Okay. I?ll go check downstairs to see if it?s clear for you to go.?
Brandi kissed Ashley and got up from her bed. She walked downstairs to look
if Erik and Michelle were still around. She made her way into the living
?Aww?they?re so cute!? Brandi whispered to herself when she saw them cuddled
up on the couch fast asleep.
She walked over to the bottom of the steps.
?Ashley come down here for a minute. Be quiet though!? Brandi said as Ashley
raced down the steps.
?Look.? Brandi whispered as she took Ashley?s hand and walked over to the
?Wow. They sure have become more than just friends.? Ashley said quietly.
Brandi smiled and turned off the light. She led Ashley back upstairs to her
?Why don?t you stay for the night?? Brandi suggested.
?I?d love to but I really shouldn?t.?
?Come on, please?! I?ll set my alarm. You could leave early. No one will
ever know!? Brandi pleaded.
?Alright, alright!? Ashley said, giving into her.
With that Ashley and Brandi hopped under the covers of her bed. Ashley
wrapped his arms around Brandi and they both fell asleep.

*The Next Morning*
Ashley had left to go home at 6:00 am, hoping no one would catch him or
question him about the night before.

Michelle slowly opened her eyes to see Erik?s face only inches in front of
hers. She was startled at first and jerked away. Just then Erik slowly woke
up too.
?Good morning sweetie!? Erik said smiling.
Michelle sat up quickly. She thought for a minute.
?What is it?? Erik asked.
?Erik, about last night. I?m so sorry. I think things may have gone a bit
far. I was a little out there. My emotions get the best of me when I drink.?
?Yeah, I kinda noticed.? Erik said.
There was a brief moment of silence.
?Michelle, I?m just gonna let you know how I feel. I like you. I like you a
lot! There?s a connection between us and I know you feel it too. I like
hanging out with you and I think you?re a really awesome person. I know you
aren?t looking for a relationship, but I?d love to try and have one with
you.? Erik said, spilling his heart out to Michelle.
?I know we have something Erik. I just don?t know what. I think you?re a
really great person too and I?m beginning to fall for you, but I?m afraid of
getting hurt, that?s all.?
?Michelle, I would never hurt you!?
?I know Erik, I know. Well maybe we could take things really slow and see
what happens.? Michelle said.
?Slow is good!? Erik replied smiling. ?Hey, I should get going. The guys are
going to be wondering where I am.?
?Yeah.? Michelle laughed.
?Come here!? Erik said as he pulled Michelle in for a hug.
?Thank you for staying once again.? Michelle said while giving him a kiss on
the cheek.
?No problem! It was nice!? Erik said as he winked at Michelle.
?Bye!? Erik said as he walked out the door.
Michelle went to get some Advil for her headache and then went back to bed.

*A Few Hours Later*
Michelle walked out of her bedroom into the kitchen.
?Brandi!? Michelle yelled.
?Shells, how are you?? Brandi asked.
?Tired! Sorry about last night. I didn?t give you a proper welcome home.?
Michelle said as she walked over to her best friend and hugged her.
?It?s okay! You were having your own fun!? Brandi joked.
?What?s that suppose to mean?? Michelle asked.
?I saw you and Erik on the couch!?
?Oh Brandi you know nothing happened!?
?I also know how you are when you drink!? Brandi stated.
?Honestly we didn?t do anything!? Michelle said trying to keep herself from
?No! Nothing!?
?Really Shells? I can tell you?re lying!?
?Okay, I?m lying.?
?I knew it!? Brandi yelled!
?We kissed?a few times.? Michelle smiled.
?Awe! I knew it was coming! ?So are you?s like together now??
?We?re gonna take it slow?real slow. God Brandi, I like him so much. He?s so
sweet and funny. I haven?t even thought about Sean all week. Erik just makes
me so happy.?
?Good Shells! You need to stay with him then.?

Just then the phone rang.
?I?ll get it!? Brandi yelled and she ran to answer it.
?Hello?? Brandi asked.
?Hey! Welcome home sweetie!? Jacob said.
?Awe, well thanks! So what?s up??
?Nothing. I can?t talk long. I just wanted to know if you would like to be
my date to a party tonight??
?Umm sure?I guess. What kind of party??
?It?s a birthday party for our publicist Jay.?
"So everyone will be there?? Brandi asked.
?Yeah. Oh, Erik?s mouthing to me that you should tell Michelle he wants her
to go with him.?
?Haha, well she?ll be there.?
?Okay, we?ll pick you guys up around 8:00 tonight.?
?Alright.? Brandi said. ?Bye!?
Brandi hung up the phone.
?Well Michelle, we?re invited to a party tonight with the guys!?
?Oh really? Yay! ?Michelle exclaimed.
?You just wanna see Erik!? Brandi replied.
Michelle stuck her tongue out at her.
?So ya up to some tanning on the beach?? Brandi asked.
?You bet!? Michelle said.

?Hey can I come in?? Dan asked as he knocked on Ashley?s bedroom door.
?Sure.? Ashley replied.
?What ya up to?? Dan asked.
?Just thinking.?
?Nothing in particular.?
?Oh. Hey did you go somewhere last night??
?No, why?? Ashley rushed his reply.
?I woulda swore I heard someone leave the house last night and I know it
wasn?t Jake or Trev. Erik was out with Michelle. You?re the only one left.?
?Nope I was here in my room sleeping. I was tired from recording all day.?
He said as made up the quick excuse.
?Yeah, alright. I was just wondering. Well I?ll see ya later Ash!? Dan said
as he left the room.

That Night
Michelle and Brandi had just finished getting ready for the party. Brandi
was wearing a black tube top and these awesome good pants she just loved.
She left her long, brown hair down and she finished off her outfit with a
gold necklace and bracelet. Michelle was wearing a baby blue, short skirt, a
black sleeveless, v-neck shirt, and her black chunky sandals. She also had
on her silver necklace that had her name spelled out onto the charm.

"I'll get it!" Michelle replied as she walked over to the door, while Brandi
quickly fed Baby.
She opened the door, to see both Erik and Jacob. They looked really good,
and smelt really good too.
"Wow, you look great!" Erik said.
"Where?s Brandi at?" Jacob asked, walking in the front door.
"Just let yourself in there Jake!" Michelle joked.
"Brandi! There ya are!" Jacob said, seeing Brandi walk up. "You look fine
girl!" He said, taking her hand, and kissing it.
"Aww you're so sweet!" Brandi said, giggling.
"Let's go!" Erik said, calling Jake and Brandi.

When they got to the party, a lot of people where there. Ashley, Dan, and
Trevor were supposed to be meeting Jacob, Brandi, Erik and Michelle
"Well, did they say any specific area?" Michelle asked.
"There they are right there!" Brandi said, as Brandi walked to meet them,
and everyone else followed.
"Hey!" Dan said to everyone.
"What time did you guys get here?" Ashley asked, as he checked Brandi out.
"Like 5 minutes ago!" Brandi replied.
"Oh! Well we got here about 15 minutes ago or so!" Trevor said.
"Oh ya, cool. So where's Jay at?" Jacob asked. "Oh there he is!" He said as
everyone followed, except Ashley and Brandi.
"You look nice. " Ashley said, as they casually walked to Jay.
"You look hot." Brandi replied? "And smell good!"
"Where's Brandi at?" Jacob said. "Brandi!"
Brandi walked over to Jacob.
"Jay, I don't think that you guys have met each other. This is Brandi Love
Thomas, and Brandi this is Jay Marose, our publicist."
"Nice to meet you!" Brandi said smiling.
"...And this is Michelle Williams." Erik said.
"Nice to meet you!" Jay and Michelle said at the same time.
"Well, go have a seat guys! I'll catch up with you later!" Jay said.
"Kay!" Dan replied.
Everyone found a table, and they all sat down. It went Dan, Trevor, Jacob,
Brandi, Ashley, Michelle, and then Erik.
"Wanna dance?" Erik asked Michelle when Mystikal?s ?Shake It Fast? came on.
"Sure!" Michelle replied.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go to the ladies room!" Brandi said looking at Ashley.
"Kay!" Jacob said as he smiled at her.
Five minutes later.
"Does my hair look bad?" Ashley asked the guys.
"No Ashley. Your hair looks fine!" Jacob said.
"Whatever, I'll be right back!" He said going through the dance floor. He
walked up to the bathroom, when all of a sudden Brandi grabbed him into a

"Let's sit down!" Michelle replied, after dancing.
"Okay! Want me to get you a drink or something?" Erik asked.
"Would you? That would be great! I'll just have a water." Michelle said. ?No
alcohol tonight!? She joked.
"Okay!" Erik said with a laugh.

"Brandi! What the..."
All of a sudden Brandi turned off the lights and kissed him. Ashley then
moved his hands all over her body, while Brandi put her hands on his chest.
They started kissing, and soon they were making out passionately.

"Where the hell is Brandi?" Jacob asked.
"I dunno?" Michelle asked.
"I'm going to go look for her!" Jacob said. "I don't think she would be in
the bathroom for this long!"
"Wanna dance again?" Erik asked smiling.
"Yeah!" Michelle said, as Erik took her hand and they started dancing.

"Don' all the time?" Brandi said, in
between kisses.
"...I think that we?should go though..." Brandi said.
"Yeah, you're?right!"
They kissed again, then walked out of the room.
They began to walk toward the party, when Ashley stopped.
"One more..." He said.
Brandi looked around, to see if anyone was looking.
"Okay!" She said, smiling.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he placed his hands on her back.
'Where the hell could she be?' Jacob asked himself, walking towards the
There he saw Ashley and Brandi.
Ashley looked up from kissing, to see Jacob just standing there.
"Ashley, what are you doing?? Brandi turned around. "Oh my god! " Brandi
said covering her mouth.
Jacob then turned back around and started walking away.

~Chapter 8~
?Oh my god Ashley! What are we going to do?? Brandi said, as she began to
?I don?t know. We need to go talk to him right now.?
?Jake wait! Jake?Jake! Jacob!? Brandi yelled as she followed Jake back to
the party.
Jacob stopped at the table to grab his coat.
?What?s wrong man?? Trevor asked.
?Nothing! I?m outta here!? Jacob said in an angry voice.
Brandi was still yelling out his name while they rushed through the crowd of
people. Jacob was on his way out when he walked by Michelle and Erik, who
were slow dancing.
?Hey Jake, where ya going?? Erik asked, when he saw Jacob put on his coat.
?Jake, wait please!? Brandi cried.
Brandi caught up to Jake and grabbed onto his arm
?Leave me go!? Jacob yelled while pulling his arm away from Brandi.
?What?s going on?? Michelle asked, confused.
?Ask her!? Jacob exclaimed while pointing toward Brandi and Ashley, who just
walked up behind her.
?Jake, just let us explain!? Ashley pleaded.
?No!? Jacob yelled as he made his way out the door.
At this point there were many people staring and wondering what was going
on. Brandi started crying harder and harder.
?Brandi! What the hell is going on?? Michelle asked.
Ashley had his arm wrapped around Brandi. He was trying his best to comfort
her but she was really upset.
?I?m taking you to the bathroom.? Michelle said as she grabbed Brandi?s hand
and walked toward the restrooms.
They opened the door to the ladies room and leaned against the counter.
Michelle hugged Brandi until her crying slowly stopped.
?Brandi, just tell me what happened!?
?You?re gonna hate me when I tell you.? Brandi said really upset.
?Brandi! You?re my best friend. I will never hate you. Just tell me what
?Jake caught me and Ashley kissing.?
?What!? Brandi! Why were you and Ashley kissing!?? Michelle yelled loudly.
?Me and Ashley have been kinda seeing each other behind everyone?s back.?
?Huh? Why would you keep that from everyone? Especially Jacob! And Me, I?m
your best friend.? Michelle said kinda disappointed.
?We were gonna tell everyone, we just didn?t know when. I didn?t want to
hurt Jake! And I certainly didn?t want anyone to find out this way.? Brandi
said as she started to cry again.
Michelle hugged her again. ?It?s okay hun. We?ll work all of this out!?
?I like Ashley so much and now I?ve hurt Jake. Ash and Jake are going to
hate each other and it?s all because of me! Everyone is going to hate me,
this is all my fault!?
?Listen! Nobody is going to hate you! You made a mistake, that?s all!
Everything will be fine. Give Jacob some time to cool off and you can
explain things. He?ll understand.? Michelle said trying to comfort her
friend. ?Wash off your face and we?ll go back out to the party. And if you
want to go home I?ll go with you.?
Just then a girl stepped out of the stall. She went to the sink to wash her
hands. She kept glancing weirdly at Brandi and Michelle. Then she walked out
of the bathroom.
?Who was that?? Brandi asked.
?I don?t know, but she was staring at us.? Michelle replied. ?Leave it up to
you to make a scene Brandi!? Michelle joked.
Brandi gave a small smile. ?She looks awfully familiar though.?

"Ashley man, what happened?" Erik asked.
"Ashley what was that all about?" Trevor asked, as everyone walked up to
"Why did Jake storm outta here?" Dan asked.
"Okay! Jake saw Brandi and I kissing?"
"What!?" Trevor yelled.
"Yeah, Brandi and I have been sort of seeing each other behind everyone's
back, and we were gonna tell everyone and J, but obviously, he found out
before we could tell him."
"Oh my god man! Jake must be pissed!" Dan said.
Ashley looked down. All of a sudden someone gently tapped him on the
shoulder. He turned around.
"Shelli! What are you doing here?" Ashley asked.
"Cindy!" Dan shouted as he walked over behind Shelli, to Cindy.
"I'm so glad you invited us!" Cindy said, "It's been awhile since we have
seen each other!"
"Dan, why didn't you tell me?" Ashley asked.
"Well, you could've invited me." Shelli said.
"Sorry Shelli! I was just busy, and didn't have time to call.? Ashley said.
"Come here!" He then gave her a hug.
Just then Brandi and Michelle came up. Michelle walked over to Erik, and
Brandi just stood beside Ashley, who was still hugging Shelli.
"Oh Brandi, this is Shelli, and that is Cindy,"
"Hi." Brandi said.
"Hey!" Cindy replied, shaking Brandi's hand.
Shelli just looked at her.
"Well I will be right back," Brandi said, with a half smile. "Excuse me."
Michelle just looked at her. She knew Brandi was hurting, because Brandi
hated when people were mad at her. Michelle then followed her.
"Brandi!" Michelle yelled.
She turned around.
"Where are you going?"
"I was going to see if Jacob left?"
"Oh, well let's go home." Michelle said.
Brandi just looked outside.
"Okay. We should say goodbye to Jay first though." Brandi explained.
They said bye to Jay, and then walked up to the guys again.
"Erik?" Michelle said.
Erik walked over to Michelle, as Brandi walked over to Ashley.
"Brandi and I are gonna go now. She is really upset and I think it would be
best if we went now anyway."
"Are you sure? Did you want me to take you guys back?"
"No, no! Stay here. We will take a cab." Michelle said while hugging Erik

"Ashley?" Brandi said.
Ashley stood up and walked over to Brandi. He then hugged her.
"Michelle and I are gonna go now. I'll see you whenever. " She said walking
"Brandi wait!" Ashley said, stopping her. "Look, I will call you tomorrow
and we can sort this whole thing out okay?" He said while looking into her
She nodded, as a couple of tears, rolled down her face.
"Aww baby. Don't cry!" He said while wiping her tears away.
"I gotta go." She said as she met up with Michelle.
"Ready?" Michelle asked.
"Let's go." Brandi said, as they walked to the doors.

They finally got home. As soon as they walked in the door Brandi dropped her
purse, picked up Baby, and went directly upstairs.
"Brandi? Are you going to bed?" Michelle asked.
"Yeah." Brandi replied, from her bedroom.
"Okay!" Michelle said, as she walked into her bedroom.
Brandi fell on her bed for a minute, then decided to get up, and change into
other clothes. She took off her pants and shirt and changed into a baby tee.
She then went under her covers, and cried herself to sleep.

~Chapter 9~
It was now Sunday morning. Michelle had gone to work and had gotten out of
bed around 11:00 am. She was still pretty upset over what had happened the
night before. She decided she was going to go talk to Jacob later on and try
to straighten everything out.

Ashley had just gotten out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen.
Jacob was sitting at the table with Trevor, eating a bowl of Apple Jacks.
?Hey guys!? Ashley said.
?Morning Ash.? Trevor said.
There was no response from Jacob though.
?I need something from upstairs. I?ll be right back.? Trev said knowing he
didn?t want to get in the middle of Ashley and Jacob. Trevor walked out of
the room.
?Listen Jake, I?m so sorry about last night!?
?Ashley, just save it. Please. I really don?t want to hear it.? Jake said.
?We had no intentions of hurting you. We never meant for you to find out
this way.? Ashley said sympathetically.
?Well when did you plan on telling me?? Jake shouted.
?I don?t know! Jake, man?all I can say is I?m sorry.?
?Well sometimes sorry isn?t good enough!? Jake yelled while storming out of
the room.
Ashley just stood there.
?I hope we can work this out. I like Brandi so much, but I can?t risk losing
a friend over that.? Ashley thought to himself.

Hours Later
Brandi forced herself to go take a shower and get dressed. She had to talk
to Jacob and the sooner the better. She picked up the phone and dialed the
guys? phone number.
?Umm Jake??
?It?s Brandi. I really need to talk to you.?
?I don?t want to talk!? Jake exclaimed.
?Jacob. Please, just hear me out.? Brandi said in an upset voice.
?I don?t want to talk to you Brandi!? Jacob said as he hung up the phone on
Brandi hung up the phone and started to cry.
?Why won?t he just listen to what I have to say?? She said while plopping
down onto the couch.
?Maybe he?ll listen to me if I go talk to him in person.?
She got up, grabbed her keys and got into her car.

Minute?s later Brandi got to the guys? house. She knocked on the door a few
times. She was a bit nervous to see Jacob. All she wanted to do is fix this
mess and hopefully she could.
?Hey Brandi, come in!? Erik said greeting her. ?Umm Ashley isn?t home right
now. I think him and Shelli went out for a little cause she?s going back to
Cali tonight.?
?Oh, no. Actually I wanted to talk to Jake.? Brandi replied.
?Does he know you?re coming??
?Well, he?s in his room. Go ahead up.? Erik said.
Brandi slowly walked up the steps. Her heart started to beat harder. She was
really afraid of how Jacob was going to react or what he was going to say.
She reached Jake?s door and knocked on it softly.
?Come in.? Jake said coldly.
Brandi opened the door slowly and walked in to find Jake sitting on his bed
with his guitar laid next to him. Jake looked up expecting to see one of the
guys there, but instead it was Brandi.
?Jacob, before you say anything, I just want you to listen to me for a few
minutes please!??
?I told you I don?t want to talk about it right now.? Jacob said as he got
off his bed and faced the wall.
?Jake, please?? Brandi said as she started to cry.
Jacob then turned around to face Brandi. He now realized she was honestly
upset about the situation. He sat down on the bed and Brandi sat next to
?I am so sorry you found out the way you did. The last thing me and Ashley
wanted to do was hurt you.? Brandi said.
?That?s exactly what you did do. You hurt me, a lot. I really liked you
Brandi. Ever since the first time I saw you I thought you were beautiful and
I?ve gotten to know you so well the past few weeks.? Jacob said while
looking into her eyes.
?Jake, I truly am so sorry. I care for you a lot, but Ashley and me just
cliqued. I didn?t want that to happen but it just did. I totally understand
you?re mad and you?re going to be for a long time. I just needed to tell you
I?m sorry.?
Jake looked away when Brandi began to mention Ashley.
There were a few minutes of silence.
?Well, I just wanted to say I?m sorry Jake.? Brandi said, still upset, while
getting of the bed.
?Wait.? Jacob said.
Brandi turned around.
?If you and Ashley are meant to be then you?re meant to be. I can?t take
that from you. If me and you were suppose to be together then we would be.?
Jacob stated. ?You guys upset me by keeping it from me but I can?t stay mad
at both of you forever.
?Really?? Brandi asked surprised.
?Yeah. I want us to still be friends. Good friends.?
Brandi smiled. ?Oh Jake thank you so much! You don?t know how happy this
makes me!? Brandi exclaimed while hugging him. ?I will always care about you
Jake, and I?m so thankful I met you!?
?Well I just want you to be happy, and if Ashley makes you happy then that?s
okay with me. Ashley is a good guy, I know he?ll never hurt you. And if he
does then he?ll have to answer to me.? Jacob joked.
?Oh I feel so much better. I was so upset about all of this. It was driving
me crazy!? Brandi said. ?Thank you Jake! Just for not being mad, cause if
you were I?d be so upset.?
Jacob gave her a hug.
?Well I guess I should get going.? Brandi said.
?Alright, well call me sometime.? Jacob laughed
?I will!? Brandi said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. ?Bye!?

Michelle had just gotten home around 6:00 pm.
?Brandi?? Michelle yelled. ?Are you home??
?Guess not!? Michelle said to herself when nobody answered.
She thought about Erik all day. She really wanted to see him.
She grabbed the phone to call him.
?Hello?? A guy?s voice asked.
?Hey Dan! It?s Michelle!?
?Oh hey! What?s going on?? Dan asked.
?Nothing really! What are you guys up to??
?Oh just chillin?!?
?Is Erik there??
?Yeah, hold on.? Dan laughed while handing the phone to Trevor.
?Hey baby, what?s happening?? Trevor said, pretending to be Erik.
?Yeah baby?? Trevor said while starting to laugh.
?Trevor! I know it?s you!? Michelle laughed.
?Sorry, I couldn?t help myself!? Trevor joked.
Erik then walked into the room.
?Who are you guys talking to?? Erik asked Dan and Trevor.
?Your honey!? Trevor laughed.
?Yeah it?s M i c h e l l e?.? Dan said, teasing Erik.
?Give me the phone Trev!? Erik said while grabbing the phone out of Trevor?s
The guys laughed and walked out of the room.
?Hello?? Michelle asked.
?Yeah sorry about that. The guys are so IMMATURE.? Erik yelled so they would
hear him.
?Nah, it?s okay. They?re hilarious.? Michelle said.
?So what?s up?? Erik asked.
?Nothing. I just got home from work a little while ago. What about you??
?Just bored.?
?Good, you wanna come over??
?Sure why not?!?
?Alright, well I?ll see ya in a bit.?
?Okay, Bye!? Erik said while hanging up the phone.

About 20 minutes later Erik arrived at Brandi and Michelle?s house. He
knocked on the door and Michelle quickly answered it.
?Hey!? Michelle said while letting Erik in.
?Hey Shells!? Erik said while hugging her.
?Well, lets go in the living room.? Michelle suggested as she grabbed Erik?s
hand. ?I have no idea where Brandi went, but she?ll probably be home soon.?
?Actually she?s at our house. She went to talk to Jake.?
?Oh really? God, I hope her, Jake, and Ashley work this out.?
?Me too!? Erik said. ?Well there wasn?t any yelling coming from Jake?s room,
which is a good sign.?
Michelle smiled. ?So what do you want to do?? She asked.
?I don?t care.? Erik replied.
They were both still standing in the middle of the living room and still
holding hands. Erik squeezed Michelle?s hand slightly. She looked up at him
and couldn?t help but to stare into his eyes. They moved closer to each
other. Erik leaned in and gave Michelle a soft kiss on the lips. They broke
apart for a second and Michelle smiled. She then moved close to Erik again
and began to kiss him passionately. Michelle wrapped her hands around Erik?s
neck and played with his hair while he was moving his hands around her waist
and up and down her back.
?Erik?it feels so good?to kiss you.? Michelle said between their kissing.
Erik took Michelle?s hand and led her over to the couch. They both sat and
began to kiss more until they were in a nonstop make out session.

?Bye guys!? Brandi said to Trevor and Dan as she walked out the door of
their house.
She got into her car and drove back to her house. A few minutes later she
got home and walked to the door. She opened it and made her way into the
?Did you hear something?? Michelle asked.
?No!? Erik replied going back to kissing Michelle.
Brandi walked into the living room to see Erik and Michelle totally making
?Woah! Sorry!? Brandi said as she turned around to leave.
Michelle and Erik broke away from their make out session.
?It?s okay.? Michelle said a bit embarrassed as she moved away from Erik.
?I?ll leave you guys alone.? Brandi laughed.
?Wait a minute. Did you talk to Jake?? Michelle asked.
?Yeah, we?re totally okay now. He?s not mad anymore and he?s happy for me
and Ashley.?
?That?s good!? Erik said.
?Yeah, we?ll I?m going out for a walk on the beach. So I?ll see ya?s later.?
?Okay!? Michelle and Erik both replied.
?Hey Shells?what happened to taking it slow?? Brandi joked and she walked
toward the door.
?Shut up!? Michelle laughed.
?Let?s go to my room.? Michelle said to Erik.
They both got up and walked to Michelle?s room.

Brandi tossed off her shoes and walked out toward the ocean. The cool water
reached her feet as she stared at the stars. Out of nowhere someone came up
and wrapped their arms around her waist. Brandi jumped and turned around
really quick to see Ashley.
?Ashley!? She said while hugging him. ?Why do you always sneak up on me like
?Sorry Baby.? Ashley said while pulling Brandi close to his body.
?Ashley I am so happy. I talked to Jake and he?s fine with everything now. I
explained it all and he?s happy for us!?
?I know I just talked to him. When he told me I rushed right over here.?
Ashley said.
?I couldn?t be happier!? Brandi said. ?Everything will be fine now.?
Ashley moved in toward Brandi and kissed her softly. Brandi smiled and
kissed him back.
?Brandi, I love you.? Ashley said softly.
Brandi smiled. ?Ashley I love you too.? She said as she began to kiss him

***Go on to chapters 10,&11***