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The Historical Trekker

A historical trekker is a person who has a great interest in a historical time period. Their infatuation with it goes beyond only reading available historical literature. They have acquired historically correct clothing, firearms, and all other necessary accoutrements that were actually available and being used during their time frame of personal interest. This person usually chooses a persona, which is a specific character-roll from their time period of interest. The persona chosen might be a Rocky Mountain Trapper, Eastern Longhunter, French & Indian War participant, Revolutionary War participant, Southwestern Frontiersman, Farmer, Hunter, Trader, French Voyager, Native American, etc. Part of the persona will be a time frame and a geographical location. With their chosen persona, authentic accoutrements, and literary knowledge, the historical trekker enjoys adventures or treks in the wilderness, such as National Forests, etc. There, far away from the settlements, the historical trekker is able to experience the lifestyle lived by the early frontier people. The words "historical" and "trek" are defined in Webster's New World Dictionary as follows: "Historical" - (1) concerned with history as a science: as, the historical method. (2) providing evidence for a fact of history. "Trek"- (2) a journey or leg of a journey. The word "trek" was not a common word of the pre-1840 frontier, but it has been chosen to use in reference to activities in historical experimental archaeology. To go on a historical trek is to journey back in time.

-Rick Edwards, Founding Editor - "On The Trail" magazine

Do You Love History and the Outdoors?  Join Us!!!

The Coalition of Historical Trekkers is an organization dedicated to the study of frontier people in America (1600 to 1840). Trekking is different than most other forms of historical reenactment.  First, and foremost, it is the most dynamic form of "Living History" possible!  As trekkers, we attempt to actually relive part of our frontier heritage.  We are constantly researching and learning about the life of pre-1840 frontier people.  We believe that we can better understand these people through first hand experimentation in wilderness situations, using only the clothing, firearms, and accoutrements authentic to our pioneer forebears.

We are always looking for new members to share in this rewarding hobby.  Please follow the link below to visit our national website and membership information.  Enjoy the outdoors, relive history and have some serious fun!!!

All America lies at the end of the wilderness road, and our past is not a dead past, but lives in us. Our forefathers had civilization inside themselves, the wild outside. We live in the civilization they created, but within us the wilderness still lingers. What they dreamed, we live, and what they lived, we dream.
-T.K. Whipple, Study Out the Land
I had the pleasure of serving as the CoHT representative
for the State of California for the last few years.  The family's soon bound for "The Old Dominion," and Marty Jones has taken the reins.  As the new State Rep, I know he'd surely welcome any questions,
comments or concerns from members and non-members alike! 
Feel free to contact him at:  
Click here to visit the "Rogue's Gallery!"
See pics of the CoHT's CA Chapter members.