Hardware Specifications:

Picture of Cassiopeia A-20
  • Display: 640 × 240 dots; FSTN LCD; 4 grayscale monochrome
  • CPU: Hitachi SH-3 80Mhz CPU
  • RAM: 8MB; ROM: 8MB
  • Interfaces: RS-232C 115.2 KBPS Serial Connection; Data communication jack; PCMCIA PC card slot; CompactFlash card slot; Infrared port
  • Power Supply:
    • A-B10Lt Rechargeable lithium ion battery pack: 10-15 hour battery life
    • AC Adaptor: Input: AC100-120V 50/60Hx 29VA, Output: DC5V 2A
  • Input Device: Touch screen interface; 60% size touch type keyboard
  • Multimedia: Sound, Microphone
  • Dimensions: 24.5H × 185W × 94D mm
  • Weight: 430 g
  • Made in Japan

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Contact: t_rance@yahoo.com | Last Update: 09/12/2002 01:43:56 AM -0800.
Source: Picture from CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD.
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