24 Hours of Power
Celebrating a full month of twisted and funny advice...
Dear Manda,

There's this guy named Will (name has been horribly changed to protect the cutie) and I like him - I think - and the problem is I don't know how to get his attention.

See, we sorta had "relations" awhile back and he was being zuper and calling me and whatnot and me, being the ass that I am, didn't respond and decided rather to avoid him.

He's a such a nice gent and totally cute and we're friends but I'm pretty sure he thinks that's all I ever want it to be.  I tried to give him some "I like you!" signals yet when I'm slightly intoxicated I  tend to think I am a much bigger pimp than I actually am.

Hence, he may not realize the degree to which I am trying to tap dat ass.  How would you suggest, keeping in mind that most of my socializing involves me being slightly drunk, that I get him to realize I'm into him and would be willing to have mad sex with him before the summer is over...wait...did I...whatever. 

Help me Manda!

Antsy Angie
Dear  Antsy Angie,

First of all, the next time you send me a novel I ain't printing it.  What do you think, that I have time to sit around all day and work on my website?  Come on--of COURSE Manda is way cooler than that.

The answer to this dilemma is not cut and dry.  Now assuming Will is a cute young boy with dark brown hair and a slim build, one would think he'd like to be approached in a normal, no-stress way. 
Perhaps inviting him to a get-together with friends is an easy in, and then you can pump it up a notch by making sure you sit next to him, give him extra drinks in a drinking game, or "volunteer" to walk him home (or have him walk YOU home).

If you' re really feeling daring, call him up!  Ask him what he's doing and if he says "Nuthin," see if he wants to do something - even small, like go get food at Del.  Once you make it comfortable for you and he to just hang out and call each other, everything else will fall into place.

Hope this helps you, and if not, feel free to kick me in the ass the next time you see me...I mean...if you ever happen to be where Manda lives.  Which I'm sure you don't know since I don't know you.  Um, crap.  Gotta go.

Featured Dilemma:
When you want to let a guy know you want his ass
This guy has problems.  Do you?
*when the guy you like has a girlfriend
*when you cheat on your girlfriend
*when you cheat on your boyfriend
*when you like a far-away gent
*when the guy you like is a bastard