Tall Now
Proper nutrition is key to proper hormonal balance. We will also discuss supplements that will increase our body's natural growth, testostorone, & IGF-1 levels.
6- Meal Plan
Alternative Supplements
Nutritional Supplements
These supplements are basic supplements that can aid your nutritional needs. I'm not going to go through every supplement because a multivitamin will cover just about everything.
Mental Exercises
Proper diet and 8 hours of sleep is key for growth.
This section is not yet complete some more will be added.
CLA- congulated lithoinac acid- also found in tuna fish and oatmeal
This is a fatty acid and has actually been shown to decrease body fat by 30% over 3 months...in individuals who didn't even exercise! This is a great supplement because not only is it a good source of fat (although only 1 gram per meal, 2 or 3 times daily) but you will actually lose fat.
Ginko Biloba- this supplement has been shown to increase blood flow as well as memory. It has no side effects although you should consult a doctor if you have blood or heart problems.
Ephedrine- this supplement aids in fat loss, as well as increased performance.
It may raise your blood pressure though, so see a doctor if you have heart problems.
I also suggest you cycle this supplement that is use it for six weeks- don't use for six weeks.
Calcuim & B- 1-12 vitamins- they help with bone fragility and are all around good supplements.
With this program you will be tall and have a great figure.