Part of the national organization



"The 'V' in V-Day stands for Victory, Valentine and Vagina"


The purpose of this organization is to provide programming, education, and to raise money and awareness to stop all violence against women and girls which includes but is not limited to: women's issues, domestic and sexual violence, etc.

So what are we really doing?

Through programming and events TAMU V-Day works to end violence against women.


Violence against women is a large issue that gets swept aside in the "culture of silence." One out of every three American women will be the victims of some form of gender-based violence. Rape. Incest. Sexual abuse. Sex Trafficking. Domestic violence (UNFPA, 2000). Women are being hurt. The main mission of V-Day is simple, the violence must end.

The Global V-Day Organization came about as an outgrowth of Eve Ensler's Obie Award winning play, The Vagina Monologues.

The what Monologues?

The Vagina Mologues is a collection of interviews woven into stories from hundreds of women that Eve Ensler interviewed that became an open celebration of female sexuality. Many of these women brought out stories of rape, incest, genital mutilation, and domestic violence. Many of their stories had never been reported. It was obvious that something needed to be done.

How can we discuss the issue of violence against women if we cannot discuss the place where is most often occurs? The Global Aim is to empower women and men to dispel the shame associated with the vagina so that everyone can speak openly about their experiences and their bodies. The global V-Day movement arose from that desire, to empower women.

In 2002, The Vagina Monologues was performed in over 800 venues around the globe, including Texas A&M University. All the proceeds went to charities that help stop violence against women.

In five years of being an organization at A&M, TAMU V-Day has raised over $29,000 for charities that work tirelessly to stop violence against women through education, programs, shelters, etc. Past recipients include Texas A&M University Women's Center Anti-Violence Programming and Education, the Center for the Prevention of Rural Family Violence, and SAAFE House, a shelter for victims of domestic violence in Huntsville, Texas.

This isn't just at Texas A&M?

No, The Vagina Monologues has been performed everywhere from Broadway and Madison Square Garden to London's Old Vic, and on HBO. There has been a National Tour and every year there are productions of the Monologues all around the world. There are also yearly productions on most college campuses by organizations like TAMU V-Day. V-Day itself has raised millions of dollars for hundreds of charities around the globe.

The Monologues has had many all-star cast members including Oprah, Marisa Tomei, Cynthia Nixon, Queen Latifah, Rosie Perez, Glenn Close, Melissa Joan Hart, Claire Danes, Julia Stiles, Calista Flockhart, and many more.

So it's just the Vagina Monologues?

While it is an important event for us, TAMU V-Day does more than the Vagina Monologues. We strive to raise awareness in the local community about the issue of violence against women and girls through education and events in the community and on campus and to reach out to those in the community who have been affected by domestic violence through service and programs. All proceeds from every year are donated to a local charity that helps to end violence against women.

TAMU V-Day has no political orientation (other than encouraging members to vote) and is neutral on the issue of abortion.