Sexual abuse, information page

"Dear Father in heaven. I am afraid. I'm scared of monsters and bears. I'm afraid of the Postman, our neighbour's big dog and the thing, that I just must not say.

Dear Father in heaven. You know all my sins. You know I make him do that. He says that I do and I know he is right. Forgive for the I have sin."


This page will be about sexual abuse. And it will be about being abused. About the guilt. About what sexual abuse is about and what happens to an abused child. (Read more: affects of Ritual abuse) There is one thing that can not be said too many times; a child being molested feels often guilt, but however, it does not carry any of the guilt itself eventhough the child and unfortunaltely many others,  may believe so.

It's difficult to know how many of the children in our world are being abused right at this time. There are many statistics but the real figures are hard to find out, of course these statistics also have their differences because of where the line between what is abuse and what isn't is drawn.

This is one form which is used:

              Abuse is happening through, among other things:



-     Exhibitionism
-     Fondling
-     Voyerism
-     Rape
-     Intercourse
-     Sodomy
-     Ritualized torture

-     Pornography
-     Child prostitution

Most children being molested are known by their abuser. It may be a fathe, moter, sister, brother, other relative, neighbour, schoolteacher etc. It's said that probably about 95% of every childmolestation is done by an attacker known to the victim.

Most abuse-cases are probably not even reported to police or social services, they are the so called 'black figures', figures seldom read about and known only by those involved.

It's often falsely believed that abuse victims always are girls and abusers always are men, both girls and boys, men and women are affected by this. Eventhough it's true that most victims are girls and most abusers men, -but that's not always the case.

Research has shown that many abuse - vicitms become parents of abused children while growing up. This is sad readning for anyone who have been abused, but it's possible to heal, -by dealing with it and by dealing with the the pain it's caused you it's possible to break the 'trend'.

A child exploited to sexual abuse will get some symptoms due to this. Not all of the symptoms listed below will occur in the same child, but some of them (this doesn't mean that these symptoms also can come from some other dysfunction (in the family, neighborhood, or otherwise, in the child's surroundings.)).   




-     Excessive masturbation
-     Knowledge about sex, not appropriate to the
-     Constantly sex talk
-     Wetting bed and soiling
-     Abrupt change in behavior
-     Constant vaginal discharge (girls)
-     Physical evidence (like bruicings, semen on
      clothing, bleading from the vagina or anus etc)
-      Venereal disease
-     Difficulties in walking, sitting etc.
-     Depression
-     Change in sleeping habits
-     Fear of certain person or bathroom
-     Wearing many layers of clothing
-     Sexual acting out with other children
-     Violent behavior





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