Stats and Info
Current point standings for Scott at Humboldt  N/A place with N/A points
Scott placed  3rd in previous race
Updates: Scott has come back strong with his newly built Bomber class number 99, which of course, is orange and white.  Scott has had several top 5 finishes in the heats and in the features.  Steven (his older brother) has been racing the Street stock car.  Steven has been doing very well.  Top 5 finishes, but a night or two of tough luck (flat tires or engine troubles).
Two nights of Mechanic races, one night with Papa Pete in an injured car, and one night wit Dwayne Romine and a great finish!!!
Humboldt Speedway
Other News:  Gabe's #20 car has been out of commission for the past few weeks and he's been busy with baseball.  Nate #3e has been doing very well with top 5 finishes in the heats and in the features.