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Radu's Cave

Cool Games

Here are some of the games I've played in the past that I thought were really cool. I really don't get a lot of time these days to play games, so I haven't played them much lately, but you might find them worth checking out.

Well of Souls

Well of Souls

Well of Souls is one kick ass role playing game, and best of all, it's free!  The game supports solo and multiplayer play over almost any kind of network you can think of.  You can even customize your character's image.  You can also build your own worlds with your own quests and share them with everyone else!  I used to play this game on a pretty regular basis, but I haven't played any games for a while now. But it's a really cool game, so why not check it out.  I would simply offer a download link here, but as the updates are pretty often I'll just give you a link to the website so you can check it out for yourself. Click on the picture to go to their website, or you can also click here. Synthetic Reality also offers a game server for their games that allows you to run your own server for Well of Souls or their other game, Warpath 97.  The server is call MIX and is totally free. 

Metal Knights

Metal Knights

Metal Knights is a really cool multiplayer strategy game.  You can even join Alliances.  I haven't played it in a while, but that's mainly because I had to take a break for a while and now I suck:)  If you want to check it out, click on the logo, or here.

Dink Smallwood

Dink Smallwood

Dink Smallwood is another role playing game developed by Seth Able at RTSoft.  Dink is a pig farmer who dreams of being a hero.  Through events in the game he finally gets his chance.  This game is really cool because you can make add-ons for it that extend the game well beyond the original storyline.  Add to that the fact that it's absolutely free, and you've got a winner!!  Click here to visit RTSoft's website.  For more information, or to find DMODs (add-ons) for the game, click here.

Laxius Power

Laxius Power

Laxius Power is a series of games made with RPG Maker 2000. I used to play it a lot, but since I haven't had much time these days, I don't get to anymore. It is definately worth checking out though. I've only played the first LP game, but there are now three games in the series. Click on the picture or click here to visit the website.

Well that's all the games I have on this page.
