Selesst is heading to Cy Dragonstake.
Fell is going to
Fukeru Ukuure.
Feres is going to
Darkling Dawn
Vaesai is standing at
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Background from Backgrounds Paradise
Everything here except for the four agencies and the background belongs to me.
Feres   Selesst    Fell    Vaesai
Name: Selesst Aldran
Gender: Male
Eyes: Silver (looks like quicksilver in some lights)
Hair: Straight jet black hair, tipped with silver
Skin: Rich chocolate
Physical Description: Tall enough to intimidate when he needs too, Selesst is a well built, muscular man who fits the somewhat classic appearance of a typical mercenary to the hilt. His face is lined, though mostly with laugh and smile lines, and manages to give a warm, welcoming appearance when he feels the need to be so... otherwise, he merely looks neutral. Scars crisscross his body from his days of being an active mercenary, but most are hidden by his favored clothing, which are a deep blue, dark enough to be called black by many, and of very simple, plain cut. Of his skin, only his face and his hands are seen often, though sometimes he'll wear gloves. His boots are an ash gray and come up to his knees, the pant legs tucked neatly into them, and have a fairly soft sole that lets him walk in relative quiet.
Personality: His wife's death hurt him... and the death of his chosen Lord was yet another blow upon his already frail sense of worth. On the other hand, while he still mourns - perhaps excessively so - for his wife, he does realize that it was her decision to lead the charge, and that she knew full well what the consequences would be. As long as he has a purpose, such as being an Armsmaster charged with training youngsters as best he can to survive out in the world, he's supremely self-confident and able. In an emergency he can set aside all of his doubts or worries and take charge of the situation. Yet when he's left adrift, with nothing to do, he tends to turn inward and start questioning himself... sometimes to the point where he wonders if life is even worth living anymore.
History: Trained, even if somewhat sketchily, in all three of the Triad Professions of his country, his skills are an interesting mixture of a mercenary, an assassin, and a thief. Going out into the wider world as a mercenary, Selesst learned early on that even the harshest training was nothing compared to the realities, and yet he did not give up in the slightest. His resolve only intensified when he met Minaisi, a somewhat young, rather small and delicate woman from Lyreleent, his country... and proceeded to slowly fall in love with her as he became her friend and equal. They married after a few years, and settled down in Lyreleent... only for their skills to be needed out in the world almost six years after the birth of their first child. Reluctantly they left and aided as best they could... at the cost of Minaisi's life. The event scarred Selesst deeply, to the point where he could barely stand to be around their child, and so he left his country once more, to find a job as a bodyguard with one of the only truly honest Lords that he could find.
Bond Bronze-striped Silver Chandye
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Name: Fell
Gender: Female
Eyes: rich red-brown
Hair: Black diamond
Skin: Ashen
Physical Description: She’s small… childishly small in fact. Few feel the need to give her even a second glance, relegating her automatically to the ranks of the children in their minds. Those who know her, though, are not fooled. Because of her heritage – that of a creature not truly human due to the meddling of a sorcerer long ago in her people’s past – she’s strong enough to at least hold her own for a short time against taller humans, and fast enough to escape swiftly if all else fails. She has no clothing preference, and will tend to throw on whatever she has at hand, irregardless of whether it really fits her or not. The sight of her walking around in clothes a few sizes to big for her, her pants held up with a length of plain cord, is an incredibly common sight.
Personality: Fell can be at once incredibly naïve, yet at the same time knowledgeable of things that none would have ever guessed. Political intrigue completely escapes her, as do quite a few other forms of plotting and backstabbing, and she stands completely and utterly naïve and unaware of such things around her. Anything that has to do with health, on the other hand, she knows an incredible amount about, from how to treat a fever, to how to set bones, and many other things. She’s well versed in her healing magic, and uses it to the best of her abilities, and will often not charge for the use of them, especially when she’s treating the poor.
History: After learning and mastering her magic as well as she was able too, Fell decided to travel from her rather secluded country with the desire to heal any and all that she could. Several times she traveled back, and on the last visit, was surprised when her brother, Feres, told her that he would be coming too.
Fedra: Female Iilaiza Life sec. none
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Name: Feres
Gender: Male
Eyes: Bottomless black-green
Hair: Bright, crystalline topaz
Skin: A dark, dusk color
Physical Description: He’s tall. Incredibly so. Easily reaching a inch or two over seven feet, Feres tends to stand out in a crowd… especially with his bright topaz colored hair. Often he seems distant, as if he’s walking in a daydream or such, and when he’s ‘lost to the world’ as his sister calls it, his voice is very distinctive and almost creepy, with its whispery quality, and with a strange, echoing quality to it, as if his voice is coming from a long way away, and traveling down a long stone corridor. Most times, though, the strange echoes and the whispery quality is barely hearable… though some will attest that that is almost worse than having it dominating his voice. He, much like his sister, doesn’t seem to care much what he wears, and can often be seen walking around with clothes that are just a bit too short on his legs and arms for his frame.
Personality: Feres is a distinct contrast to his sister. Where she is naïve and rather trusting, he tends to be calmly knowledgeable of much of the harsher aspects of life, including intrigue and backstabbing. While he doesn’t smother Fell in protection – much to her relief – he still aids her in puzzling out the world as best he can. He has a desire to aid that’s almost as strong as Fell’s, but as he doesn’t have her healing magic or skill, he’s limited to what he can do with his words and presence. Right now, though, his primary concern is Selesst – though why he can’t exactly say – and he feels rather nervous about letting the slightly older man out of his sight, especially considering how long Selesst might be waiting alone with little to do. Feres has what most would call an obsession with death, but he merely says that his true, eternal lover is Death itself, and he hasn’t taken a single mortal lover yet, though perhaps that’s about to change…
History: Complications with his birth led to a tense stretch of seconds in which it appeared that he would not live, but the elders of his clan exerted their power and pulled him back from Death’s grip. Slightly resentful of this, he none-the-less stayed in the clan until his own, rather uncontrollable magic decided to send him following after Fell on her last visit.
Dragons: Male Black-striped White Thtayjuth
Male Siamese Blue-Brown Jhazhth
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Name: Vaesai
Gender: Female
Eyes: Emerald
Hair: Platinum, long and straight
Skin: Milk white
Physical Description: Vaesai can be considered average, as far as height goes, yet her pale skin and hair draws eyes where she has decided to settle for a time. She makes absolutely no attempt to disguise the fact, either, as she wears clothes that are equally as pale, though a pale sky blue is her favorite. There is a bit of… mysteriousness about her, especially when she greets people with her calm, knowing smile.
Personality: She’s an enigma to many, and every act she makes only serves to deepen other’s confusion. It’s not that her emotions flip-flop all the time, for they don’t, it’s simply that she knows things that she shouldn’t, and acts on that knowledge without speaking to anyone else about it. Emotionally, Vaesai strives to be calm and collected at all times, showing neither her sorrow nor her joy to the world. When she finds it necessary, she can be very reassuring and caring, and she has a rather large soft spot for children.
History: Unknown. She knows, of course, but she reveals little to the rest of the world, preferring to be anonymous whenever possible.
Dragon: Male Glowing Flame Singlelith
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