The purpose of this web site is to provide a central location for Rottweiler Rescue groups to post dogs with special needs so they can find help.Rottweiler's with Special Needs is not a rescue organization,only a listing to help  put people in contact with individual rescues to help the dogs posted here. If you have or know of a dog in need please contact your local rescue. 

There are a number of Rottweiler Rescue organizations and individuals on the internet and across the country. They are run by volunteers who strive to give all rescued Rotties the best care possible and to find permanent, loving homes. Rottweiler rescues rely on donations and fundraisers to support their rescue efforts. At times they may have a dog that needs more medical care than their funds allow, or the medical expenses of a dog completely deplete their funds; thus making it impossible to take in new dogs. The result of this is a large number of dogs that need these rescues and volunteers who suddenly find themselves homeless or in shelters with their 'deadlines' quickly approaching. Unless you 'surf' the Rottweiler Rescue sites regularly or subscribe to an email list, you may not be aware of these special needs Rotties.

Although rescuers realize they can not save every homeless comes along that has suffered so much neglect or abuse and has survived....because the dog had the 'will to live'. These dogs that survive, despite the treatment from their previous owners, are the ones that really touch the hearts of the many volunteers devoted to rescue. Many Rotties lives have been saved or have received the medical care they needed from donations sent in to rescues by Rottweiler lovers all over the world. If there is a Rottweiler rescue in your area, please contact them...volunteers are always needed!
Sometimes Rottweiler Rescue organizations find themselves in need of additional donations of money, medicine, supplies, etc., because of emergency situations or large number of dogs with special needs. These rescue organizations in need of help will be listed here also, so you may contact them.
Won't you please open your hearts and help these rescued Rottweilers that have already suffered the abuse and neglect from humans, so that they may once again regain their health and live to know that the humans they now trust are deserving of their trust?
These dogs have survived despite all the odds against them. Please help.
To see these 'Special' rescues click on a Rott below.
If you are interested in adopting a rescued Rottweiler or looking for more information on Rottweiler rescue in your area, please check out ourRescue Linkspage
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Rottweiler's with Special Needs is not a rescue organization.
All Rottweiler's and Rescue group stories and photos used by permission of the individual rescue organizations.

  Web site maintained by   
J Wilson
Copyright 1999/ 2000• All rights reserved
Rottweiler animations are © 1998 By
Kris Wilson
Thanks to
The Safe Haven, Inc. for letting me use Cole as the 'Posterboy'.
The information on this website is presented in good faith. I receive no compensation for maintaining this website or for listing any of the special needs dogs from any group or individual. Nor does this website take credit for any or all  donations sent to Rottweiler Rescue groups. Great care has been taken  in screening the Rottweiler Rescue groups and the 'Special Needs' dogs listed here, and to the best of our knowledge the information and facts provided are true and correct.  If you are not familiar with the rescue group or individual
I urge you to please take the time to check out the contacts listed for the dog you are interested in helping.
  If anyone has information that the dogs or rescue groups listed here are not correct, please 
email me
Updated: Sept 2003
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