Canadian History
Grade 10 Applied
Click on the link below to find out what
we are doing in class!!

CHC2P1 - Course Calendar
Online Assignments
1) War in the Air Assignment
2) Timeline - Battles of WWI
Homework & Assignments - most recent is listed first!!

Culminating Activity -
Graphic Timeline - click here for next assignment page!

Unit 4 - Cold War: Click here for next assignment page!
Unit 3 - WWII: Click here for next assignment page!
Unit 2 - 1920s & 1930s
Culminating Activity - Time Capsule - due November 16
**Students need to
bring in a shoe box (they will decorate it) and put in each of the following items for this culminating activity.
             Theme 1 -
Diary Entry #1 & Diary Entry #2
             Theme 2 - Five (5) Newspaper Headlines
             Theme 3 -
Reading Photographs
             Theme 4 -
Making Predictions
             Theme 5 -
Summary Paragraph - due November 13
13. Unit #2 - Test Review
12.  Power Point slides for:
        Unit 2: Theme 5 Science & Technology - student copy
        Unit 2: Theme 5 Science & Technology - teacher copy
11. Theme 4:
Canada in the World Question sheet - due
                       November 7
10. Theme 4:
Canada: Closer Ties with U.S. - November 5
  9. Theme 3:
Use Photographs to Show Important Changes -             due November 5
Treatment of Women, Jews, Aboriginals, & Immigrants -   
  7.  Theme 2: Create five (5) Newspaper Headlines - due   
       November 1st
  6.  Theme 1:
Diary Entry #2 - due October 26
5.  Theme 2:  Diary Entry #1 - due October 26
Athlete & Artist Chart - due October 19
Examining Perspectives - due October 19
1920s Overview & Events
Vocabulary List

Unit 1 - WWI
  Culminating Activity - Newspaper Spread - due Oct. 16
           *Unit 1 Theme 1 -
WWI Timeline
           *Letter from the Trenches
           *Unit 1 Theme 2 - Technology Report Card
           *Unit 1 Theme 3 - Newspaper article
           *Unit 1 Theme 4 - Propaganda poster
           *Unit 1 Theme 5 - News report
War in the Air Assignment - due Sept. 18
  Alliances of Europe Map - due Sept. 13
  Causes of WWI paragraph - due Sept. 12
  Immigrant Letter - due Sept. 5
  Immigrant Poster - due Sept. 4