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SUNSHINE STATE STANDARDS for Reading and Language Arts

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Check Yourself  (Language Arts)
Language Arts (What are we studying?)

a list of links to pages created by DATA Students.

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Check Yourself!
1.  I ask myself, “Do I really understand this difficult word?” while I read. 
When I don’t understand a sentence, I re-read the sentence (either aloud or silently).
2.  I can make guesses about a difficult paragraph.  When an article is unclear, I can combine my own experience (what I know) with the information in the article.
3.  I organize information from a lot of different sources.  (in other words, I don’t read just one type of book)

4.  I can focus on the main idea.  I can ignore details that are not important.
5.  When I write, I have a good organizational plan.  My essays have a beginning, a middle and an end.
6.  I try to use the right word to write articles.  When I use the right word, other people read the composition and know what I’m talking about.
7.  I check my spelling and how I write.  I use dictionaries and spell checkers (on the computer) to write in standard English.  I ask other students or an adult to improve how I write.
8. I can write in different ways.  I can describe a building or an event.  I can persuade someone to agree with me.  I can tell a story and keep the reader interested.

9. I can find the main idea when I listen to the radio or to a visitor.   I can write down the important details that support the main idea.
10. I can write a speech.  The speech has an interesting start, an organized middle and an ending that the audience can remember.
11.  I can give a speech to a group of 20 people or to a group of four people.  I can speak in clear voice and look into the eyes of the audience.

LANGUAGE (grammar and spelling)
12.  I know the rules for pronouncing words and making sentences.  Pronunciation is tricky in English but I know the important patterns and rules.   I use standard English when I speak.
13. I know when to use formal English and informal English.  I know when to be casual and when to be very polite and careful.
14. I enjoy looking up the origins of words.  I like finding out where a word came from before it became an English word.  For example,
15.  I like using colorful language to create a picture.  I know how to tell a story with “he was like a lion – his hair was bushy and he stood tall and proud.”  I can make connections (Miami is a large city but it’s not the capital.  In Brazil, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are large cities, but the capital is Brasilia.)   “He is a bear, wide and gruff.” 
16.   I can include stories and examples when I talk and write.  I know that stories can help the audience understand what I’m talking and writing about.   I can use words that help the reader taste and smell the food that I’m writing about.
17.    I know about metaphors, similes, and anecdotes.
18.   I know how to include photos in my presentations, including PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and Excel (the spreadsheet).

19.  I can describe a situation (using my own words) after a read a chapter in a book.
20.  I can explain how a character changes from the start to the end of a story.  I can find the lesson that the character learned during the story.
21. I know about the typical types of stories (Westerns, horror, the knight who goes to rescue the country, adventure, action, etc.)    I can look at a movie or read a book and say, “Oh, that story is like Hercules, when he had to work hard to clean out the largest horse stable in Greece.”  I can see the patterns in storytelling.
22. I enjoy reading stories and articles from different authors.  I learn about Japan, Africa, and Europe.  I read stories about old and young people, I read long books and poems, and I read historical stories, too.
23.  I enjoy reading.