


(Established 1996)

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To view a larger image of the photo's click on thumbnail

    Following the importation of the first four Domestic Flights into Australia in 1995 and their subsequent popularity and further importations, a group of three Victorian fanciers Eddie Columbini (Melbourne), John Ferraro (Melbourne) and Rory Ryan (Stawell) set about forming a club to cater for the breed.

    Initially we were known as the Victorian Flights Down Under Club, however with the rapid growth of the club we have become a truly National and International club with members throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. This necessitated a change of name to what it is today, Australian Domestic Show Flight Club.

     Our club’s motto is “Together we all achieve more” this is reflected by our members willingness to share fellowship, knowledge, quality stock and so on. We produce a quarterly newsletter packed full of interesting articles, photographs, breeder profiles, tips, loft visits and lots more…… Donations of trophies, rosettes and other awards are made to major pigeon shows throughout Australia. We also conduct lawn shows between our members in Victoria and New South Wales; these events are terrific for fanciers and their families. The year 2001 will see yet another first for the club with what is shaping up to be a Domestic Flight extravaganza! a show on the state borders where we hope to eclipse our record of 144 Flights exhibited at the one location, watch this web page for details.

     Our office bearers are able to be contacted via the email address listed below, and are eager to assist existing breeders and novices in any way they can so please do not hesitate to contact them. So come along, take up the challenge and become yet another devoted Domestic Flight enthusiast.

Secretary:-   John Ferraro          mr_flight@postmark.net

        Included in this web site we have applied a Guest book, please feel free to make comments.

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We are extremely pleased to announce that we are now an affiliated club with the NEW YORK COMBINE!!!!!
the world's leading Domestic Flight Club.

Be sure to view some of our members birds on the "Photo Page"

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