Contact us
through Smiley, website coordinator, at We look forward to hearing from you!

Current Fundraisers

Jewelry for Leukemia

Jewelry for Leukemia is an inventive fundraiser that Team GEM is doing to raise money for leukemia victims. Double A makes gorgeous hand made jewelry that she sells for a reasonable fee. If you love beautiful jewelry and want to support leukemia victims, our jewelry is for you.


necklace with a gem=$12-$17
3 strand necklace=$20-$30
bracelet with a gem=$6-$9
earrings with a gem=$2

If you would like to order some handmade jewelry, e-mail Smiley, web site coordinator, at

COTA walk

One of Team GEM's largest fundraisers is its annual COTA walk. This is sponsered by COTA, children's organ transplant organization. They provide financial aid to children struggling with leukemia. Every year, Team GEM partners with them to do a charity walk. This past year, the walk was held at Tinker Park in March. A handful of about 20 people showed up and together, they raised over $1,000 for the walk! Barbeque and Pizza Two contributed four large pizzas for the walkers! They were delicious! Thank you so much!

If you are interested in walking in next year's walk, please contact us at We love hearing your input.