(A.K.A. The World Yo-yo Club of Mililani)


Sponsored by SURPRISE!in the Town Center Of Mililani

Mililani "Centrifugal Force" Yo-yo Club is 1,000+ members strong as of 2/2/2001.
Club members range in ability from beginners to Team High Performance level players. CONGRATULATIONS TO ROSS YONAMINE AND NOLAN KOICHI TAKAHASHI FOR MAKING Team High Performance!!!!! Classes are growing again, thanks to the dedicated TCF members!

Pictures from Class

"Sleeper" Contest? - For Gary, Paul, and Kazuki

yo-yo MANIACS have visited since 6/28/2000

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This site is always under construction . . . because life is ever changing.

I haven't worked on this site for a long time. I'll get around to fixing it up again soon...hopefully. Too busy playing! Yeeehaaaaa!!!!!

Copyright © Centrifugal Force/Mililani Yo-yo Club 2000