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facts about Anders:

Full name:Anders Jevnaker

Nickname:Andy 2 (why? No idea, if you happen to run in to Per Løken from Røyse, Norway ask him


Rides for:Morrow and Westbeach.BSK(Bærum Snowboard Klubb).NTG(norwegian top athletes school).Even though he got a pretty nice sponsor, he dreams constantly about being on Berthas Lefser's proteam.

Stance: regular

Favourite riding: When it comes to contests, BX is what Andy 2 usually prefers,but of course he likes to ride everything.But the one thing that he really loves to do is cruising in fresh powder.

Bragging: Overall champ in Norway 1999/2000 . 3 place jr Norwegian champion 1998 .

Favourite resort: Hintertux ,Austria.

Favourite party place:Puerto Banus , Spain.

Hobbies: (besides snowboarding) just relaxing, hanging out with friends.

Favourite music:Lots of differnt stuff acctually. e.g. rap,ska,punk and of course N´sync!!!!
