Quenching Processes Simulation
SWAH-500 (unit for controlled water-air quenching)
The known level engineering and problems  which puts on the market, the heat treatment (hardening) appertains to one from the most unsuccessful branches of industry, because the environments traditionally used for hardening (mineral oils, melts of salts and alkalis etc.) are evironmentally  and ecological hazardous.
Moreover the conventional ways of hardening by the plunging details into cooling environment do not give capabilities to provide the controlled process and by that do not give capabilities to receive new technological parameters of process and accordingly new properties and qualities of hardened details.

Way of solution the problem
- The technology of controlled water-air hardening fully solve ecological problem and enables to receive new properties of a details, which improve their quality and increase the longevity
by  2 - 3 times, as compared to the lifetime  dies quenched in oils. At the same time cost for heat treatment have reduces by  1,5-2 times.
-Thus technology developed by us, results in essential economies of power, material and manpower and compresses the time of conventional process of cooling up to 100 times.

Main advantages
- Ecological cleanliness at the expense of replacement  conventional hardening environments by water-air mixture.
- Capability of obtaining details with previous unattainable properties and new modes of their heat treatment, at the expense of application of independent control by submission a water-air mixture on each selected zones of a detail. The number of the independent control zones of a detail can achieve up to 128.
- Increase longevity hardened details (at the expense of realization the process of pulsed submission water-air mixture. The number of impulses depending on the form and weight of a detail can achieve several thousand during time of cooling)
© 2002 Technology of Controlled Water-Air Quenching. All rights reserved.
Time of cooling reduce from 44 hours to 15 minutes
Comparison the Technological Processes
- Economies of power, material and manpower  at the expense of replacement conventional hardening environments by water-air mixture, receiving new modes of treatment and essential compression time of hardening.
The practice have shown, that the time of cooling detail with weight about 3000 kg is reduce from 44 hours to 15 minutes with the subsequent cooling on air at absence of any costs and manipulations.
- Fast return and profit at the expense of all mentioned above advantages.
- Now we apply this technology for hardening of steel and pig-iron details.
- It is possible to be acquainted with activity of these installations on the Minsk automobile plant .

Basic areas for application, market volume
-All machine building enterprises having own manufacture of technological equipment.
Besides after the appropriate industrial adaptation the technology can be applied at cooling of steel wire, hardening of small-sized details from steel, pig-iron, brass and other materials on conveyor all machine-building, metallurgical and aircraft-building enterprises having own manufacture of heat treatment of the details.
For example, contract on modernization rolling mill with the assistance of our technology on the Belarus metallurgical plant was recently signed.
Presence know-how and patentability
- Now in the world there is no similar industrial equipment and we outstrip the nearest competitors from France and Japan over 3 years.
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