From the Bridge

by Becky Norris

Well, summer is passing us by at an incredible rate of speed, well over Warp 5, no doubt, and I for one feel that the summer has been a pretty good one for the Fearless. Despite the fact that some of our demons have recently come out of hiding to plague us once again, the shuttle is growing and is as strong as it ever was.

And on the subject of the above-mentioned demon, let's don't let him ruin what we have. He is but one pathetic little man, whereas we are a group of fun-loving, peaceful Trek fans who have not gone over the edge. So let's keep it that way. Remember, what goes around comes around, and it will come around in time.

I hope everyone is getting through the summer healthy. Personally, my allergies have been giving me fits. I swear, they get worse every year. Not exactly the type of achievement I look forward to, but one which apparently I am destined to live with from now on. Oh well, I guess I should be thankful that mild allergies are the only illness I have to put up with.

Did everyone clean out your closets and underneath the beds, etc.? It's almost time for the Fearless garage sale, and it is also a good time to do something nice for the shuttle, like donate all your worthless junk to a good cause. Who knows--if we make enough money, we might just reward ourselves with something cool, like another party. I thought our birthday party was lots of fun, and I was thrilled to meet our new members. Hope you didn't think we were too weird! Actually we're terrific people once you get to know us, and we are always happy to share our love of Trek with others.

It sounds like the Lubbock convention will be held in November, but I will give you a definite date as soon as I get one. Ric Starnes told me he was working to get William Shatner for that con, so this is one we definitely have to check out. I spoke with Mary Ruth Thurmond, the CO of the Quanah Parker in Lubbock, and she said that the shuttle members would probably be willing to put some of us up for that weekend, so all we need to do is plan our rides. Let's talk about that at the August meeting.

Anyone donating items to the garage sale be sure to get those items to the location before Saturday morning, and have them priced when you take them over. This will save a lot of time, and reduce the confusion (as much as garage sale confusion CAN be reduced!). And, if you want to help out, just say the word, and BAM, you're there! I'm sure the senior staff will appreciate any help that anyone can give (we're that kind of people, you know).

I don't remember if I mentioned it at the July meeting, but I want to thank everyone who helped out at the convention. There was a lot more going on than we anticipated, and everyone pulled it together and kept the shuttle's reputation great. And to the people who worked the recruiting table, WAY TO GO! Our crew ranks are swelling, and we owe a huge thank-you to those crew members who put in their time at the table.

See everyone at the meeting!


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