From the Bridge

by Becky Norris

Greetings from the command chair!

HAPPY MAY, everyone! Boy, does time fly or what! It seems like only yesterday we were shivering our keesters off at the would-be bake sale, and now it's hitting 90 degrees most days. Just goes to show you what totally weird weather we have here.

Don't forget that our May meeting is a picnic, which should be lots of fun. Everybody will be contacted about what to bring, and be sure to throw in kites, Frisbees, footballs, whatever you want for a little outdoor fun. And don't forget the sunscreen--you know how us humans are so sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Good thing our sun is not particularly powerful...

Speaking of humans, I would ask that you keep a good thought for all the victims of the Oklahoma City bombing. This tragedy is an unspeakable crime against humanity, and the survivors and citizens of Oklahoma City deserve every kind thought and prayer we can send their way. Also, if anyone has ideas for anything we as a group can do to help alleviate suffering or offer assistance, please let me know. My heart goes out to all those people--I see the faces of the parents who will never hold their children again, and it makes me cling to my child feeling like I will never let her venture into the world without me right by her side. It is certainly a shame that because of a few monsters, the citizens of the United States are filled with fear. It makes me angry, and also resolved to in fact not live in fear. I would pray that all of you hold fast to your courage--do not let them win.

On a happier note, everyone get out your cookbooks and pick out your very best picnic recipe. By the way, I love potato salad! I am looking forward to the picnic, and think it would be a wonderful annual tradition for our group.

Everyone enjoy your May, and don't forget our commissioning party coming up this summer.

Live long and prosper---

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