by Commander Becky Norris

Well, it's November now, and the holiday season is quickly approaching. Of course this means that all of us who weren't busy at all (yeah, right!) are going to be a whole lot busier! But that's the way it goes, and at least we can still have some Trek-related fun to ease some of the stress out of our lives. To anyone who didn't make the Halloween party, you missed a good time, some good food, and Sandy's drawing of an unmentionable during our fast-paced game of Pictionary. But it was a great party (as usual) and those of you who weren't there were sorely missed. However, you can redeem yourselves at the upcoming Christmas party. That is something we need to firm up at the November meeting.

Also, a special thanks to those of you who helped out on Make a Difference Day, October 28. We worked with Habitat for Humanity on some project houses that organization was close to completing, and was a very enjoyable time. My feeling is that this is something we should consider doing more than once a year. This is the kind of work that really makes a difference. We met the woman whose family is moving into one of the homes we worked on, and she was so very gracious, and filled with gratitude that we were helping her family realize their dream. She had heard about the Star Trek club and was aware of the conventions. I felt really good about the work that we did, and I would like to propose that we do it again. Those of you who weren't able to make it missed out on a very special experience. I hope you get the chance to feel what we felt next time.

Hope everybody is watching the new episodes of Voyager. Keep watching, too, because our old buddy Q will be popping in on an upcoming episode. The irony is this--he is put on trial to justify the actions, the very existence, of the Q Continuum! Don't you just love it? According to the press release, Riker somehow appears in this episode as well (or was Jonathan Frakes directing?). Oh well, just watch it and see.

I hope some of you got the opportunity to go to the Lubbock convention. Unfortunately, I had some other things going on, and couldn't get away. But I did feel a pang of sadness because I would have enjoyed seeing Denise Crosby.

We need to decide on a Christmas project if we are going to do one this year. We still have the option of adopting a senior citizens home and providing it with different services, such as caroling, making Christmas ornaments and decorating the community room, etc. This could be a very worthwhile project and I think we should consider it. Put your thinking caps on, and let's vote!

See you at the meeting. LL&P.

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