by Commander Becky Norris

I know it doesn't seem possible, but it's time once again for - THE HOLIDAY SEASON! (I know we just did it, but we have to do it again - it really ahas been a year!)

We have the opportunity this year to bring some cheer into the lives of some people who will really appreciate it. We'll be "adopting" a senior citizen's home for the holidays, helping them to decorate their community room with ornaments we've made, taking punch, cookies, Christmas music, and holiday good wishes to them.

So, let's kick it off right. Every one please pitch in to make the decorations. Bring glitter, glue, sequins, whatever you have than can be used to make ornaments, and come to Bethany Christian Church, near Sherwood Park in Odessa, at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 2nd. Refreshments will be served (and you know you don't hwant to miss out on food!). See you there, you ornament-making, Christmas-cookie eating, glitter-gluing, carol-singing maniacs!

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