by Commander Becky Norris

Well, here we all sit on Election Night, watching THE X-FILES on videotape and pondering the future of America. Whoa--pretty heady stuff! How about we just skip that and plan on catching the new ST:TNG flick in a couple of weeks? That's better...

As everyone should know by know, a small delegation of FEARLESS crew made the journey to the Region 3 Olympics last month in Lubbock. And I must say, a great time was had by all. It was fun to finally meet people from some different ships in our region, including the Tejas, our surrogate mothership. And it didn't hurt that I got to be a part of the winning team! Let's all plan to make the trip next year--guaranteed to be a good time!

And there's more good news--our little shuttle became an official starship on that same day, October 12, 1996. Even though we are still waiting on our approved VRR, we exist! So everyone give yourself a great big round of applause--you earned it! And just for the record, you are a terrific group of people. No captain could ask for a more loyal or upstanding crew. I salute you all...

Don't forget--the new movie, STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT opens on Friday the 22nd and we have plans to attend on opening night. So get your uniform out of the closet and charge up your tricorder batteries--it's party time!

Speaking of parties, it's getting close to Christmas party time, which is always fun for everyone. This year, Odessa will have the honor of hosting the FEARLESS. First we will eat dinner at a restaurant to be determined later, then retreat to Chez Norris for games, etc. Everyone please attend---it's sure to be great fun.

See you at the meeting, crew!

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