by Captain Becky Norris

Well, I will apologize right up front for the brevity and probably manic nature of this month's article. Just when I thought that since November sweeps was over, I could relax a little bit, the Christmas season hit me right between the eyes! The good news is that it only lasts a short time, and then we can take a few deep breaths. Just a few, though - because we as a crew have a lot of work to do.

First on our agenda has to be a fund-raiser. Actually, after perusing the state of the bank account, we should really do two fund-raisers. All this partying really can put the squeeze on the ole' checkbook. However, not to worry, because we have some really great ideas for fund-raisers - it's just a matter of choosing one, and setting a date and time.

Then we need to set about gaining some new members. Our crew could use a little rounding out, especially when it comes to issues of manpower. So, if you know any one who's interested in the world of Trek, drag them to a meeting. Then, we'll tie them up until they fork over the dues, we assign them to a committee, and they'll be helpless to resist us. (Sounds a little like the Borg, don't you think?)

Speaking of Borg, how about that First Contact? Pretty cool flick, huh? I thought the special effects were outstanding, and the Borg have always been my favorite bad guys anyway. It was time for a movie with them. Plus, how else can the FX people use up all the black spray paint they had laying around?!

Too bad so few of us could make the decorating at the VA Hospital in Big Spring - it was a lot of fun. I have to admit, though, when we first walked in the conference room we were to decorate, I thought we would never be able to make it look festive. But, all in all, it turned out very nice. However, I still smell like that vile spray snow! I just hope it isn't toxic.

I'm out of time - got to run to PTA. Ah, the life of a powerful woman executive these days! (Okay, everybody, stop laughing!) See you at the next meeting! Until then, hasta la vista, baby!

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