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Star Trek IX: Indigestion?
Thankfully not The curse has been broken. Though no one will actually suggest that Star Trek 3 is bad like V or boring like I or both like VII. But it was always easier to say that the even ones were good and the odd ones bad. But if you say that the even ones and multiples of three are good, that's more accurate. Anyway, it's now four years before we're statistically guaranteed a crap Trek film, though at least it looks as though Star Trek XV should be better than anyone thought possible (Should be a Voyager crew one too by then.) 


Star Wars: The Fandom Menace suggested by Lucasfilm Security
Star Wars: The Dennis Menace suggested by fomer Lucasfilm employee
Star Wars: the Pantene Menace suggested by Clairol
Star Wars: Fanny Menace suggested by patrons of back to back screening of Trilogy
Star Wars: The Fungal Menace suggested by George Lucas' dermatologist
Star Wars: The Funky Menace suggested by Meco
Star Wars: The Farting Enema- suggested by Terence and Phillip


What's in a name, part two
Earth: Final(ly) Conflict (in a Gene Roddenberry script) 
Stargate: SGI (Sucks without those GodzillaIdiots) 
sea Quest DSV (Doesn't suck. Valium?) 
Space:1999 (the special effects budget per episode- $19.99


The Last Nail in the Coffin of the Current Wave of Popular SF.
 The cut scene of Matthew Broderick stepping in Godzilla's latest dump 
Lost in Space's original end credits featuring bloopers. "Warning, Warning! Danger... Er, Line!
Kevin Sorbo's constant absence from "Where's Hercy?"
Star Trek IX's original title- Star Trek X
JMS's insistance on writing all the dialogue for B5
Michael Creighton's Sphincter
A Star Trek regular loses implants- and it's not Geordie 
Meego, Teen Angel, Future Cop, etc


"...straight to Hell."
"We'll open a jump gate in..."
"Can we invoke privacy?"
Series regulars leaving off screen when we're supposed to believe there's a 5 year arc.
That 'slinky' sample Christopher Franke insists on using in every piece
A major war is either set-up or finished each week 
The Alien sector where all the personal quarters have windows for passers-by to peek in.
Lennier saving the day
Zack Allan forgetting this isn't Grease


You're the only female fan who thinks Xena and Gabrielle aren't lesbians... 
You're probably in denial
You're probably not a lesbian
You're hair is probably long and your shoes have heels
You secretly hope Kevin Sorbo and Lucy Lawless will get married 'coz they're a cute couple
You get the terms ankle-biters, rug-rats and rug-munchers mixed-up


Jim Cameron can make a more intimate movie using some of his favourite talent.
Arnold Swarzenegger gets 30 million dollars, composer James Horner $24m and Cameron himself $50m for writing directing and editing the project. It is the story of a former Austrian agent trapped in an elevator. But some of the scenes have to be trimmed because the projest is already $200 million dollars over budget
Entertainment Tonight can be finally be renamed "The Leo DiCaprio Show"
Kate Winslett can afford to eat again
The last line of Billy Zane's resume doesn't read The Phantom
Leno looks a prick. He bagged Titanic before the cast were guests on the Tonight Show
Investors in "Raise the Titanic" finally get their money back
"Speed 2, Under Siege" and "Love Boat Down Under" break all records at Blockbuster Video
Cruise ship owners with poor safety records can now advertise their products with the line
"As seen in the film Titanic."
Heroin Chic is replaced by Seasickness chic and Freezing Atlantic chic
Celine Dion can pay someone else to beat the chest whil the bruises heal
Celine Dion can put out a contract on the South Park producers.


or the Tori Spelling Top Tip for continued employment- "I love you, daddy."

Lucy Lawless falls off  a horse and shatters her pelvis, putting production of her top rating show in jeopardy. Does she...
A) Scream 
B) Shout "I think I broke my pelvis!" 
C) Marry the Producer 

Kristen Cloake loses her job on Space: Above and Beyond when it is cancelled. Does she...
A) Cry 
B) Look for work on Melrose Place (see below) 
C) Marry the Producer 

Jerry O'Connell's profile has lifted slightly after appearing in "Jerry Macguire." Your show Sliders has been given yet another reprieve despite being cancelled three times. Does he....
A)Keep quiet and not make waves. 
B) Thank his lucky stars nightly. 
C) Lobby to have his unknown brother made a co-star 

or What do you do when your SF series is canned.

Kelly Rutherford.You were Dixie in the Adventures of Brisco County Jr. It died. Next?

A) There's an opening at The Gap
B) There's a gap at The Opening
C) They need a whore on Melrose Place

Greg Evigan. Tek War has been cancelled, the BJ and the Bear reunion has been cancelled because Bear's just checked into Betty Ford and the syndicated version of My Two Dads is kyboshed because even the Judge is bigger than you these days. What  is your last option?

A) Wash Aaron Spelling's car
B) Go out with Aaron Spelling's daughter
C) Appear in Melrose Place

Antonio Sabata Jr. Earth 2 is cancelled. You need to erase that blot with something that will garner you more respect in the minds of viewers. What do you say next?

A) "I'm holding out for National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon II" 
B) "Do you want fries with that?" 
C) "Sure, Mr Spelling, I'll take Tori to the Viper Room. And I'll finish the next coat on the Limo later," etc. 


A new SF series is being lauched- WHERE ARE THEY NOW?
Starring (everyone who left or was 'retooled' out of their show):
Wil Weaton 
 Michael O'Hare 
Denise Crosby 
Stacey Haiduk 
Jennifer Lien 
Michelle Forbes 
Johnny Sekka 
Tamlyn Tomita 
George Lazenby 
Barry Morse 
Colin Baker 

You would have to feel sorry for Wil Robinson. On board the Jupiter two is his mother, father two sisters, Dr Smith and Don West. Now since they were meant to colonise another planet, what is Wil meant to do when he reached puberty and wants to become sexually active if he's heterosexual? All the women on the Jupiter Three are his immediate family. John Robinson has his wife and Don West has options on Judy and while its unlikely that Penny would countenance a relationship with Doctor Smith when she's old enough, there's no moral reason to stop it. But is Wil  about the unluckiest guy in the Universe?


or " You can't keep a dead man down if the plot sucks enough!"
Spock died and was brought back to life using a mind-meld and a long-forgotten Vulcan ritual.
Scotty died and was brought back to Life by Nomad
Picard was shot and brought back to life by Q(played by Spike Milligan)
Troi was killed and revived by Beverly Crusher
McCoy is killed during "Shore Leave" but is rebuild under the planet's surface
Worf dies on the operating table and survived thanks to having more redundant organs than Hammond.
Chekov kiiled by the Melkotioan's Gunfighters
Xena has overtaken Trek in the "why don't you stay dead stakes?'


Transporter Accidents
Kirk was cloned by a TA- split into two halves each representing his dominant traits- one hammy, the other wooden.
Riker was cloned by a TA. He now has four testicles, two penises, six chins and one brain.
Kirk and Co. are thrown into a parallel universe where all their friends are evil. Another unfortunate side effects is the baring of Kirk's chest.
Torres uses a transporter in the first season. Voyager is not destroyed. A disaster.


Bruce Campbell, Brisco County is cancelled. The Evil dead are just that. Where's your destination?

A) Canada (X-Files)
B) Australia (Roar)
C) New Zealand (Hercules and Xena)

Ted Raimi. Steven Speilberg sees an episode of sea Quest for the first time. Who do you ring?

A) Your agent?
B) Your mother?
C)Your brother?

Hudson Leick. University Hospital is seen by God, yada yada yada. What best suits your training?
A) Donning a wonderbra and moving to another Aaron Spelling series? 
B) Getting Implanst and practice your slo-mo jogging for David Hasselhoff? 
C) Getting a power bustier and a scar and offer to take Kev his favourite pancake mix to  NZ? 


Star Trek
 Kirk would introduce her to HIS beaver...
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Picard would have it written into his contract...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
 Sisko would make certain he had no dandruff...
Star Trek: Voyager
No one cares, as long as her tits are big
Babylon 5
Sheridan would open a jump gate in her quarters
Koenig would kill her and hope it was all a dream...


 Star Trek
Kirk would bluff.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
 Picard would drop shields and run
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Sisko would shoot first and hope for a temporal anomaly later.
Star Trek: Voyager
would shoot later Janeway hope and anomaly first spatial
 Koenig would open fire before the aliens do - just to be safe...
Babylon 5
Sheridan would send open a Jump Gate in the Aliens' vessel and send them straight to hell


Spock- torn between his emotional human side and the logic of his Vulcan half
Data- an android with superhuman abilities, yet despearately wants to be a man.
Odo- A former changeling discovering the joys of curry, hot chili and ginger.
Delenn- powerful member of Minbari Religious caste, keeper of many secrets
Kosh- One of the first ones.
Seven  of  Nine-  A sensitive Borg who has assimilated a rack


Shatner-gestures and......pauses
Stewart- stoic and aloof
Brooks- Some would say, a touch wooden. Touch wood.
Mulgrew- Eschewed the 'Rachael' for the 'Sad Librarian'
Boxleitner- jumping, opening jump gates and sending things straight to hell
Gary Cole- sure has grown up since Diff'rent Strokes 


Leonard Nimoy- pointed lated ears added
Brent Spiner- Contact lenses and gold make-up added
Terry Farrel- contracts chicken-pox
Le Var Burton- grey thing on the front of his head
Mira Furlan- same as Le Var, only to the back of her head
Kirsten Cloake- Collagen injections
Rene Auberjonois- Several painful minutes with a vacuum cleaner
Jeri Lynn Ryan- 'Taping'


Star Trek
-Koloth in the animated series. More Tribbles, More Troubles
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Micro-brain  Home Soil
All those effeminate Americans in the second season  (Don't whine, blame Fred Freiberger)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Bashir whilst possessed The Passenger
Hint- It's related to the whale.
NOTE: BABYLON 5 has no entry. It does, however, scoop the pool for Silliest Hair.


Star Trek
 "That's the last we'll hear of this."
Star Trek: The Next Generation
 "All the money's being spent across the street!"(ST: DS9)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
"All the money's being spent across the street!"(ST:Voyager)
Star Trek: Voyager
 "All the money's being spent across the street!" (ST: Deja Vu)
Babylon 5
"Pity it wasn't a 6-year story arc"
Space:Above and Beyond
"I wonder if there's a vacancy in Melrose Place?"
 "I knew having Cancer Man turn out to be brother of Darth Vader, Monty Burns and Dr Zaius was a cross-promotional mistake."


Star Trek
First non-anthology adult science-fiction
Star Trek: The Next Generation
First popular first-run syndicated drama
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
 Star Trek series without something called Enterprise
Star Trek: Voyager
First Trek series where the Captain didn't have a 'Little Captain'
Cheapest looking 'most expensive show' ever made
Babylon 5
Computer special effects, continuing story arc
Computer special affects where you can still see the strings, only series to have a letter writing campaign to cancel it. Stories complete arse.
The X-Files
The leads have a sexual tension between them. Possibly because Gillian Anderson went insane after becoming a star and David Duchovny stopped exposing himself in films.


SEA SHATNERSGet your pens out. That's not as rude as it sounds. 

Which series came back for a second season after a less than impressive debut year with a poker game, a birth, a new doctor, a bald character, a sexy telepath and a previously clean shaven character now sporting a beard?
A) Star Trek The Next Generation 
B) sea Quest DSV 
C) all of the above 

Which series regularly featured creatures who lived for years without ageing by killing a set number of victims in order to survive?
A) Kolchak: The Night Stalker 
B) The X-Files 
C) all of the above 

Which series did it first? A) Kolchak: The Night Stalker 

How old was Buck Rogers when he reached the year 2495?
A) 540 

How old were the plots?

Which race of genetically engineered life-forms look like they wear moth-eaten black stockings all over their bodies?
A) Daggers (sQ DSV) 
B) all of the above 

Which series featured a character who could swim underwater without the need for air, even though they had a sub to go home to?
A) sea Quest DSV 
B) Gerry Anderson's Stingray 
B) Man from Atlantis 

How many former Benson regulars have not appeared in a Star Trek series?
A) 6 
B) 2 
C) Trick Question 

Which of the following Voyager regulars have played detectives
A) Tim Russ (Tuborg, er, Tuvok) in MELROSE PLACE 
B) Robert Beltrane (Chakotay) in MODEL INC (sic) 
C) Ethan Phillips (Neelix) in THE LOVE BOAT 
D) Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kate) in KATE LOVES A MYSTERY 
E) A & B & C 

Which revival series have fallen flat on their faces?
A) Mission Impossible 
B) The New Avengers 
C) Galactica 80 
D) Return of the Saint 
E) The Twilight Zone 
F) Earth 2 (an unofficial Remake of Lost In Space) 
G) Space:1999 (An unofficial remake of UFO, Star Trek) 
H) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (unofficial remake of Star Trek: the Next Generation) 
I) seaQuest DSV (an unofficial remake of Flipper) 
J) Flipper (An unofficial remake of sea Quest DSV 


I SHOT THE SHATNER- But I did not shoot the deputy.
Star Trek - Different costumes, Spock: 'Thee women!', Different actors, James R Kirk? 
The Next Generation- Troi loses 'skant' and telepathy, Picard loses American accent. 
Deep Space Nine- Kira's hair gets cropped, Avery Brooks still under sedation 
Babylon 5- New: second-in command, doctor, costumes, music, sets 
seaQuest DSV- Nothing, unfortunately 


Star Trek:The Next Generation
Less annoying but uglier doctor, a few costumes and a beard. Troi perdy. 
Terrible music, cheapo monsters, crappier scripts, acting, cheaper feel 
sea Quest DSV
Shittier sets, acting, scripts. New characters. Regular displays of cheese/beefcake 
Babylon 5
New commander, new titles. 


Star Trek:The Next Generation
Good all of a sudden, new titles, uniforms, the winsome doctor is back. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
 The addition of Defiant, Odo now looks like a reject from Moonbase Alpha as do the scripts. 
Babylon 5
 What do you mean nothing? 
sea Quest DSV
What the hell is going on in these people's minds? 
Star Trek
Fred Freiberger: "What is brain?" 


Ensign 'Shaggy' Chekov- 'Nuclear Wessels' 
Ensign Wesley Crusher- 'We're from Starfleet, we don't lie.' 
Jake Sisko- 'I wanna get laid, Dad.' 
Lucas Wolenchak- 'I've got samples of all the classic rock songs through history and the computer has come up with an instant classic' (When you think about it, the above line is the perfect analogy for the show). 


Glen A. Larson- Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Knight Rider 
Fred Freiberger- Third season of Star Trek, Second season of Space:1999, Superboy 
Rick Berman, Michael Piller- After six seasons of Next Generation they suddenly forget how to make good Trek. 


Star Trek
'What is love?', 'I canna give you any more 
Star Trek: The Next Generation-
two-minute resolution, crew gets virus and (a) go mad, (b) get horny, (c) regress or (d) all of the Above. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
see Star Trek: The Next Generation 
Star Trek: Voyager-
Chronic Deja Vu. Janeway turning down dates, refusing to be unethical. anomalies and holodeck breakdowns. Oh and some bad stories 
1) Either a man in his twenties or a ten-year old girl kills people without suspicion. 
2) Scully: "You don't really believe that, Mulder?" 
3) Mulder's superiors tell him he's delusional then agree with him once he's left. 
4) Any evidence collected during the episode much disappear by the episode's end 
5) At least one plot strand to remain unresolved 
6) Find a news story with a slight hint of either a government conspiracy over secret experimentation and expand it beyond the mundane (see also Burning Zone, Profiler, Dork Skies.) 
The Prisoner gets ripped-off (however tenous)
Babylon 5- Bester's use of 'Be seeing you,' complete with gesture 
Deep Space Nine- the episode Move Along Home 
The Next Generation- the episode Frame of Mind 
The Next Generation- Who is Number One? That would be telling, but it's Will Riker. 
The Next Generation- the episode Allegiance 
And... Nowhere Nanny. 


The Nit Picker's Guide to Star Trek: Generations. A three-hundred page paperback covering the latest Trek film. Volume Two, covering the middle 40 minutes of the film will be released in the Fall. 
sea Quest Pop-Up Book- At last, sea Quest Characters in two dimensions. One more to go!
My Rescue 911 Memories. William Shatner, running out of ideas after his T.J. Hooker Memories flopped. My Tek War Memories is on the way now that Tek War is a memory.
BABYLON 5 Plot Dot-to-Dot. Draw a line between all the throwaway lines from the first season to see where the series is headed.
Space: Above and Beyond: Dictionary. Contains all 60 000 words describing the buttocks as used in the series.
The X-Files- A look at nude roles and photos of sci-fi TV stars. Features David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes Kalifornia, Marina Sirtis The Wicked Lady, Denise Crosby, Nichelle Nichols, Jaqueline Pearce White Mischief, Joanna Lumley, Glynis Barber The Wicked Lady, Katy Manning, Josette Simon Nice Town, Claudia Christian practically everything pre Babs, Andrea Thompson, Tracey Scoggins
A series of sequels to Quark's Rules of Aquisition and Mr Scott's guide to the Enterprise...
Counsellor Troi's Guide to Curing Serious Psycological Illness- based on her TV escapades
Why Lose Weight?- by Commander Riker, Captain Scott and Chief O'Brien
Julian Bashir's 1001 Non-Ethnic Sounding Stage Names
70 Talaxian Main Courses and Deserts by Neelix. With a free pull-out poster featuringthe Doctor demonstrating the Heimlich maneuver.


READY FOR LOVIN' - The randiest characters in SFTV
Jim Kirk- will bed anything in a skirt from age 15 onwards. 
Will Riker- will bed anything without genitals. 
Henderson- Dated O'neil, danced with Dagwood, dallianced with Sanchez, offered her body to Lucas. Darwin probably scored, too. 
Will Robinson- There's Mom and Dad, Judy and Don, Penny and Dr Smith. Who does Will do on the Jupiter 2? 
Julian Bashir- Favourite pick-up line: I substituted a post ganglionic nerve ending for a pre-neural fibre 
Garibaldi- Can't get no satisfaction. Try rallying the fans, Jerry. 
Jake Cardigan- Feels all gooey inside whenever he passes a fridge. 
Dave Lister- groinal attachments aside, things look bleak for hide the salami. 


Sea Quest- Rub a dub dub. Three DeLuise's in a sub. 
Tek War- Created by Shatners, starring Shatners, written by Shatners, Directed by Shatners, Sheesh! 
The Next Generation- Majel Barret Roddenberry guest-stars, Adam Nimoy directs, Daniel Stewart guests. 
Quantum Leap- Don Bellasario producers, wife Deborah Pratt writes and provides voice-overs, kids sing on soundtrack. 


Kirk- one child dies before birth, the other is born devoid of ethics. 
Troi- Her son grows to puberty in a day before croaking. 
Data- His daughter lives for a week or two before snuffing it. 
Beverly- Her son has many brushes with authority- gets sentenced to death on his first offence, fails exams, takes part in a cover-up. 
Worf- His kid lives, but is so screwed up his future self travels back in time to kill himself. 

Will Riker despises Thomas Riker, Quark despises Rom,Julian despised Jean-Luc, Kurn pretended to hate Worf, Worf briefly disowned Nikolai, Lore hated Data, Spock did not approve of Sybok, Alexander (aged 45) wanted to kill Alexander (aged 5). 


SURGICAL SPIRIT-Procedure undergone by SF characters
Spock, Kirk and McCoy- Subcutaneous transmitters, 
Ambassador Delenn- Hair weave the envy of Burt Reynolds 
Troi- Implants to make her look like a) Mintakan b) Romulan c) Pamela Anderson(I apologize in advance) 
Worf- a new spinal chord. We can rebuild him, we have the technology, far-fetched as it sounds. 
Picard- Romulan features added. However, the ears were his own. 
Bridger- the world's first 'targa' beard. Now you see it, now you don't. 
Odo, Sisko and O'Brien- turned into Klingons
Sinclair- Stood too close to the BBQ when the propane and propane accesories exploded 


HOLLYWOOD EXILES- The move away from L.A.
The X-Files, Tek War, Highlander, La Femme Nikita- Canada 
Roar, Mission Impossible,  Australia 
Xena:Warrior Princess, Hercules, New Zealand 
Sinbad, Robin Hood, South Africa 
Earth 2 - New Mexico 
sea Quest DSV- The Planet Zarg 

Jake Cardigan for Westinghouse Refrigerator 
Lucy Lawless for Medic-Alert "I've fallen and I can't get up." 
Darwin for Greenseas Tuna 
Jeri Lynn Ryan- Wonder Bra "Lifts and Assimilates." 
Agent Mulder for Oliver Stone's Nixon 
Kes for "Lowering of the Voting Age, Quickly!" 
Seven of Nine for a Minimiser Bra 
Sam Beckett for Swiss Cheese 
Avery Brooks for Prozac 
Jonathan Frakes for 'Save the Trees' 
William Shatner and Patrick stewart for that baldy spray stuff 
Pregnant Troi- from "The Child" with bonus lift out Andrew Troi. 
Naked Picard- from Chains of Command. With four lights (the fifth is optional). 
Intoxicated Tasha Yar- from "The Naked Now" 
Anatomically Correct Data- from "The Naked Now" 
Borgified Crewmember- From First Contact. comes with open-gut action 
Devion Ral- from "The Price" comes with empty fork. 
Confessions of Sherlock Holmes 
Boadecia- Blue Chick 
Joan of Arc in London 1666 
Invanhoe's Hoes 
William Tell: The Alpine Orchard 
Mars: Bringer of Herpes 


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