Is It Over

By Susan

Ths story takes place over 2 years later from the show after Sonny left Port
Charles. Lois and Ned worked things out when Lois moved back to P.C and got
back together. They live in the gatehouse with Brooke-Lynn. Robin also moved
back to P.C and moved in with Brenda at her cottage. Jason and Robin couldn't
work things out because Jason wouldn't quit the mob. Brenda liked having her
'little sister' round and 
they offered each other support. Felicia and Mac found their way back to 
each other after the Tess mess and are engaged. They keep fighting but it
keeps them on their toes or so they say but they still love each other very
much. Mac moved into the Brownstone. Robin didn't want to live in that house
by herself with the memories of Stone and Jason. Brenda understood and invited
Robin to start fresh at her cottage. 
Laura, Lesley and Lulu all moved back to P.C from Switzerland. 
So the story begins... 

Chapter 1 

 The Spencer home 
Laura is in the kitchen making breakfast. Lucky is getting ready for 
school and Lesley is playing with Lulu. Foster brings the mail in and 
gives it to Luke. 
''Good for you Skillethead. Let's see what we have here.'' 
Here's a letter for you Dad. No return address. Listen I've got to go or 
i'll be late. Mom, Grandma, Dad.'' 
''Lucky, what about breakfast ?'' Laura called after him. Exasperated she 
gives up. ''Honestly Luke, our son is...'' She notices the look on her 
husband's face and becomes concerned. 
''Luke what is it ? The letter. Who is it from ?'' 
Laura gets a shocked look on her face.
''What does it say?'' 
''He's coming back.'' 
Laura looks at him with shock and surprise. 
''I thought you said-'' 
''I know. I spoke with him a few weeks ago. He didn't plan on making an 
appearance. Corinthos must've changed his mind.'' 
''Do you think he found out about Stone?'' 
''I doubt it.'' 
''You didn't tell him?'' 
''No, neither did Jason. No, we agreed to keep our mouths shut. I don't 
even want to think about what will happen when Sonny finds out he has a 
son by Brenda.'' 
'' What if Brenda doesn't tell him or he doesn't stick around long 
enough ? Sonny isn't exactly on the top of Brenda's list.'' 
''Depends which list it is. Listen babe. I've got to get to the club and 
confer with Jason.'' 
''OK. Bye.'' 
Luke leaves and Laura spend time with her mother and daughter. 

Chapter 2 

Luke's Half an hour later 
Luke is behind the bar polishing glasses. Jason walks in. 
''Hey junior. You got my message I presume.'' 
''Yeah. You heard from him too.'' 
''When is he due to arrive?'' 
''Tomorrow from Puerto Rico. No one else knows except us. He'll be 
flying in in the morning.'' 
''Why now and how long does he plan on staying?'' 
''From what I hear things have settled down with Rivera's organization 
and Hong Kong.'' 
''I take it Sonny doesn't know what's been going on since he left 
''He knows its safe and we're all alive. What else does he need to 
''He didn't ask about Brenda?'' 
''Not yet. Sonny knows she's safe, that's why he left. If she was in 
danger Sonny would've come back sooner and taken her away.'' 
'' Jason, if Sonny knew that she was pregnant with his child then he 
would have come back sooner anyway.'' 
''I know but he didn't ask so he doesn't need to know.'' 
''Well, enough about Brenda. How is Corinthos and what are his plans 
when he gets back?'' 
''The PH will be his but as far as the club I don't know. We didn't work 
everything out. Sonny's finally clean and out. If you feel more 
comfortable with Sonny as your partner then it's cool with me. I still 
have the ELQ shares.'' 
''What about the personal front?'' 
The door to the club suddenly swings open and in walks a familiar 
''What about it?'' 

Chapter 3 

~Brenda's cottage. Mike is there playing with his Grandson. 
"If I didn't know better I'd swear he gets bigger everytime I see 
"I know Mike. Pretty soon he won't be my little baby anymore.'' 
''Look at the time. I wish I could stay longer but I've got to get to 
''That's OK. Stone loves any time he spends with his Grandpa huh 
He gurgles happily and smiles at his mother. 
''You should come by sometime for dinner Brenda. I hardly see you 
anymore. Why don't you let me keep him for a night and you can go out?'' 
''I don't know Mike. I miss him too much when my son isn't with me. 
Stone probably is getting tired of me and Robin all the time though. I'm 
smothering him too much.'' 
''That's not true. You just love him a lot. Stone lights up everytime he 
sees you. He really is a happy baby considering...'' 
Mike trails off
''It's okay Mike. You can say his name. I love Stone with all my heart. 
He's all I need. I like being independent. Besides, I have my modeling, 
L&B, Lois and Ned and Robin. I'll meet someone, get married and have 
more kids eventually. I just need to spend as much time with my son as I 
can right now. I need to be with him. Maybe I'm being selfish but I 
don't like sharing him with anyone except his godparents, Robin and 
Mike leaves Brenda and Stone alone to go to Luke's. 
Little does he know that he's in for the shock of his life. 

Chapter 4
(recap- Luke and Jason are discussing Sonny's return to P.C which is sooner
than they think. He's just walked into the club.)

Luke and Jason are both surprised to see Sonny so soon.
Luke: Corinthos, you're back. How long has it been man?
Luke walks out from behind the bar and embraces his best friend and former
Sonny: Too long. Jason (he acknowledged his other friend) So Spencer, how are
The books still in order?
Luke: Things are great. My wife, mother-in-law and kids are back from the
Alps. You should come by the house later. I'm sure Laura would like to see you
and Lulu's grown so much. You wouldn't believe it. They grow so fast !
S: So she's healthy?
Luke: As a horse.
S: That's good. I'm happy for you.
The three men stay there for awhile just catching up. 
S: So, where's Mike?
[BTW: in my story Mike still works at Luke's and hasn't met Mary Scanlon]
L: Uh, probably spending time with Brenda at her house.
S: Brenda bought a house?
J: Jax helped her find a place after she moved out of their penthouse.
Sonny nodded his head and looked bothered by the fact Jax was still around. 
S: They got back together? Man, he sure didn't waste anytime.
J: No, It wasn't like that. Or at least that's what Robin said. They're just
friends. Brenda was hurt and Jax offered her a place to stay. She accepted.
S: How is Robin?
Luke shoots him a look.
J: She's doing good. The protocol works and the HIV is almost undetectable.
Other than that I wouldn't know.
S: Listen, i'm sorry man. I didn't-
J: Sonny, it's cool. You didn't know. You wanted to know how Robin was doing
so you asked. 
Jason glances at his watch.
J: Look, i've got to go. I'll talk to you both later. Oh, here are the keys to
the penthouse. It's yours.
S: Thanks man. I appreciate it.
J: No problem.
Jason leaves to go take care of some business. Sonny turns his attention back
to Luke.
S: When did Jason start wearing a watch?
L: After you left. Junior's holding up OK but I think he's doing better with
you back. He still loves Robin and she loves him. They can't make it work
because of his work. It's like it was with me and Laura and you and Ms.
S: Miss Barrett? When did you get so formal?
L: When she pretended not to know me and told me to take a hike. She doesn't
come here anymore. Jason paid her a visit after you left. Brenda couldn't get
him out of her house fast enough and blew a gasket when he mentioned security
and bodyguards.
She told Jason that if she saw anyone near, on or around her property she'd
call the boys in blue. 
S: She cut me out of her life completely. Got rid of everything that reminded
her of me.
Sonny looked saddened by the thought of being completely out of Brenda's life.
He didn't know that that was the complete opposite of what he was thinking.

Chapter 5

Luke speaks cryptically "Not entirely man. You'd be surprised"
Sonny looks at him curiously. "What do you mean?"
Luke quickly covers."Uh, Mike... They're close, Mike visits them all the time.
They're family now."
Sonny is staring at Luke now, almost sensing something. "Them ?"
Luke slipped again but fortunately he covers again. "Yeah, Brenda and Robin.
Robin lives there too." Sonny nodded and accepted the explanation.
"She seeing anyone ?" 
"I want to know what's going on with her. Please Luke, just tell me what you
"Listen Sonny. Are you planning on getting her back because-"
Sonny interrupts him.
"No. Things are over between us." Sonny is trying to convince himself more
than Luke.
"Besides I haven't seen her in years." Luke looks at him disbelievingly.
"All right Luke. I don't know. Things will never be completely over between
us. At least on my part. I'll always love her and we will always be connected
by pain if I don't explain things to her or make her understand so we can both
move on. I need to make things right with her."
Luke looks at him questioningly. "Are you sure she'll let you? If I were you
I'd make sure there were no breakable items around."
"Yeah, it'll have to wait though. I need to see Mike and Robin first. Lois
too. I can't spring my return on her like this."
"I think you underestimate the lovely Ms. Barrett. I doubt that she'll have a
breakdown when she lays her eyes on you."
"I know. One thing Brenda's not is a delicate flower. Was she okay after I
left ? I asked Jason but you know him..."
"I barely saw her but from what Mike says she's doing pretty good. Especially
after Sto-"Luke stops mid sentence.
"After what Luke? Don't stop I want to know."
Luke breathes a small sigh of relief when the phone rings.
"I'm expecting a call you'll have to excuse me partner. Why don't you sit down
and have a drink." Luke goes in the back office to take the call.

Chapter 6

Mike walks into Luke's office beaming.
"Luke, you'll never guess what happened with my grandson at Brenda's. Stone
did the cutest thing. He-"
Luke interrupts him. "Sonny's out front."
Mike looks at him for a few minutes not comprehending what he's saying.
"What did you say? My son Michael?"
Just that moment Sonny walks in "Right here Pops." Mike is still in shock but
manages to embrace his son and spoke finally.
"How are you ? You look great."
""I'm fine. So are you by the looks of things."
The shock and happiness wears off and the father-son moment is over. 
"Michael, where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea how much damage
you did by just disappearing like that ? Why on earth did you do it? Brenda
was a wreck. You were supposed to get married."
Luke intercedes before it gets too heavy. "Mike, I think you should cool it
for awhile. You'll hear everything soon enough. Believe me Mike, Sonny had his
"You knew about this ? I asked you if you knew where he was and what happened.
You said-"
This time it's Sonny who intercedes. "Mike, lay off Luke. I made him give his
word not to tell anyone. Jason too. It was too dangerous. Sit down i'll fill
you in."
Mike reluctantly sits down and listens to Sonny's tale of the last 2 years. 
Chapter 7 

Mike and Sonny are sitting in Luke's office at the club. Luke has gone back
out front to take care of customers. It's lunchtime.
" I can't say that I agree with what you did Michael but I undertstand why you
did it."
Mike pauses not sure how to approach the next subject... Brenda. 
"Are you going to see Brenda?"
"Yes. I have to."
"You can't Michael. Brenda doesn't want to see you. She's been through enough.
Just wait awhile. You can't just show up on her doorstep."
Sonny rubs his face. "Gee, Mike thanks for your faith. I have no intention of
doing that. I jst want to see Robin first. She can break the horrible news of
my return to her."
"I'm sorry son. No matter what happened or what happens I'm glad you're back.
Remember that."
Sonny nods his head. "I know. I'm glad I came back too. Even if its only a
short visit. I have to settle some things here. I don't know how long it'll

Chapter 8

The Bridge
Robin is there, just standing and thinking. A few minutes later Jason shows
up. He goes there because the place reminds him of Robin. He didn't really
expect her to be there, he only hoped she would be even though it hurt
everytime he saw her. Jason wated to hold her, touch her...Robin finally
turned around, almost expecting to see him. They stand and look at each other
for a few minutes. It seemed like an eternity.  This time it was Jason who
spoke first.
"It's cold out here. You shouldn't be here, its not good for you."
"It's not good for you either Jason."
"The memories."
"Then why are you here." They are talking like strangers or people who just
met, not two people who are very much in love like they were. Going back would
only hurt more, they both knew it but couldn't help it. 
"I do some of my best thinking out here."
"What are you thinking about now?" He silently prayed she would say 'About us,
you mostly.' 
"Life. I was just thinking how much things change. Stone is gone. Sonny is
gone. It's like Uncle Mac has his own separate world now. I mean i'm happy for
him. He's going to marry Felicia and have a family. It was what I wanted when
I was younger. Maxie and I would pretend to be sisters. Felicia was like a
mother to me. Now it just seems different." She was lying. It was one of the
few times she did lie. Robin couldn't let Jason know she was thinking about
them and their life, how it was supposed to be. Jason knew it but he didn't
call her on it. He let it go.For now.
They are interrupted by Jason's phone ringing.
"Yeah...okay. She's right here. I'll bring her over."
Robin looks at him questioningly. "Who was that ?"
"Sonny. He wants to see you."
"What ? When did he come back?"
"This morning."
"How is he?"
"Pretty good considering. Sonny probably wants to explain to you why he did
what he did. He had his reasons."
"I know. It still hurt though. Mostly Brenda. Does he know about her ?" Robin
was refering to Stone, Brenda and Sonny's son.
"No, I didn't tell him. No one else knows he's back except Luke and Mike."
"Okay, let's go. I missed him."
"I know. So did I." Each were wishing the other would say that they missed the
other. They did but couldn't get the words out. They walk silently to the limo
to go see Sonny.

Chapter 9

Sony has left Luke's club and started to walk home. Somehow he ended up at the
docks. Their place. He started thinking about her like he had everyday for the
last 2 years. He stood there remembering everything that had happened there.
It was the place they had gotten back together twice. The first time was when
he found out Lily was pregnant. The second time was perfect. They were honest
and declared their love for each other. He was the one who screwed it up both
times. He should have never married Lily. He should have married Brenda. He
had plenty of chances. They would have been married...should have been married
by now. Hell, in his heart it was like they were already married. He didn't
need a piece of paper to tell him that he belonged with Brenda. That he should
spend the rest of his life loving and cherishing her and only her. 
He thought about the children they should of had. How beautiful they would be
and what a wonderful mother Brenda would be. Maybe the factt that Brenda
wasn't married or involved with someone was a sign that they still had a
chance. Sonny hadn't really been in touch with anyone. He figure that she'd be
married with 2 kids by now. He never thought that she would still be single,
just hoped. Hoped that she would be waiting for him, thinking about him,
loving him from afar like he did her.God, she was beautiful. He remembered her
smile, her soft skin, how she felt next to him... He was still in love with
her but didn't know what to do about it. 

Elsewhere in Port Charles. 
Brenda sat in her home watching her son. Stone smiled happily at his mother.
He flashed his cute little dimples at Brenda. It made her heart melt just like
it did when Sonny smiled like that at her. In spite of herself she wished that
Sonny was there, he should be the one smiling at her like that. He should be
there with her and their son.
Brenda's thoughts were disturbed by Stone's cries. 
"What's wrong sweetie? Huh, you want your mommy to pick you up ? I know how
you feel. I wish your daddy was here to hold me."
Brenda scooped up her son and set him in her lap. Mother and son played
"I wonder where Robin is. She should be back soon. It's getting late." 

Chapter 10
Sonny finally leaves the docks to go back to his penthouse. He had called
Jason to find Robin and bring her. He had missed her and wanted to see if she
was all right. He wanted to see Brenda too but decided against it. At least
not yet. He had all the time in the worlf. Or so he thought.
 A while later he arrives at the penthouse. He uses his key to open the door
and walked in like he had done hundreds of times before but it felt different
this time. Sonny glanced around the penthouse. Jason hadn't changed a thing.
More memories came flooding back. The many days he spent with Brenda after
they got back from Tiger Key, the night before they were supposed to get
married, the morning before...

" I understand that I love you and there is nothing that you can say to 
me right now that is going to take away the happy feeling that I have 
inside my heart because I know that I want to spend the rest of my life 
with you,..."
 "...we're going to be going to bed every night together. Together. We're 
going to wrap up in each other and we're going to know that it's worth 
"I want you to depend on me. 'Cause I am going to show you what it's like 
to be so happy and so bold and so full of love. I want to do that for 
you, but if you're not going to allow it, maybe I should let you go."

You should have let go then Brenda. You didn't deserve what I did to you. You
never did. 
It was worth it. We were worth it but I was a fool and I let go. No matter how
bad things got between us, you never deserved to be hurt. I never even
deserved you. God, you were perfect. You stood by me and refused to let go.
You were ready to give everything up for me and I screwed it up again. If I
get the chance I'll make it all up to you. I promise, he thought to himself. 

Sonny walks over to the window and walks onto the terrace. He stood in the
same spot where he stood holding Brenda many months ago.

"We'll always be enough for each other. "

Oh baby, you were more than enough for me, he thought to himself. Will it ever
be the same he wondered.

Chapter 11

The doorbell rings and interrupts his thoughts again. Sonny walks over to the
front door to answer it. It was Jason and Robin.
"Sonny, I'm so glad you're back. I was worried about you. I was afraid that
you were hurt or dead."
"I'm fine Robin. I just wanted to see how you were doing."
"I'm ok. The doctors said I was healthy."
"That's good." Sonny looks at Jason who excuses himself and goes upstairs.
"You didn't have to do that you know."
"Yes, I did. I wanted to see how you were really doing."
"It hurts Sonny but we can't be together. Other than thaat I'm doing good.
Uncle Mac is happy and I like living with Brenda."
Sonny laughs. "I remember what it was like living with her. I'm surprised
you're still standing. She's not driving you crazy is she ?"
"No, I'm sorry if you don't want to talk about her then it's fine with me. I
"No you don't understand. You don't get how I could just leave like that."
"You could explain it to me. You didn't say in Paris."
Sonny visited Robin in Paris a few months ago, briefly. He really needed to
see someone he knew and loved even if it couldn't be Brenda.
"I know. I couldn't then. It's safer now."
"I wouldn't have told Brenda. I didn't even tell her that I saw you. If she
found out she would probably kill me for not telling her."
"I couldn't take the chance. You know how stubborn she is. Brenda might have
found out and come after me. It was dangerous. They were after me and by
extension Brenda.
I couldn't risk her life. She means everything to me."
"As in past tense ? I can tell you still care about her."
"I love her so much it hurts. I haven't seen her yet and I just want to run
over there and ..I don't know what. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
Maybe I should leave it alone. I don't know if I should even stay here. So
much has changed."
"How so ? Port Charles was your home. It still is. You have family and friends
here. People who love you."
"There's only one I really want. Is Brenda seeing anyone ? I'm only asking you
because you live with her and you would know."
"Brenda dates sometimes but she usually stays home." take care of your
son was what she wanted to say but it wasn't her place to tell. It was
Brenda's but Robin didn't think that she would willingly teell Sonny.
"I can't imagine her staying home alone in a cottage. I can only see her
sitting in our dreamhouse at the farm in the country with me. In front of our
fireplace." Sonny said sadly.
Robin reached over and squeezed his hand."It's going to be okay. Everything
will work out, you just have to believe."
"You're amazing you know that. Of all the rotten things that have happened to
you, you still look forward."
"I still have a lot to be thankful for. So do you." More than you know, she
thought to herself.

Chapter 12

Across town Brenda was remembering the same nights that Sonny were. 
Sonny:This is where you're spending the rest of your life.

Brenda: You promise?

Sonny: Yep. 

Brenda: That's all I need to know.


Brenda: Are you afraid to leave?

Sonny: I'm afraid to live without you.

Brenda: Me too. It's going to work, isn't it?

Sonny: I promise.

Oh God Sonny. You promised. Why did I believe you. Were you lying to me or did
you mean it ? Brenda curled up in front of the crackling fireplace and started
crying. Why did you leave she asked herself for what seemed to be the
thousandth time. Are you even still alive or did something happen ? No, I know
you're out there somewhere. I'd feel it if you were dead. I'd feel dead inside
too. I know that you're out there hurting just like I am. Mising me like i'm
missing you. If only you knew about Stone, our beautiful son. I wish you could
hold him just one time. I wonder if you found someone else. If you have your
own children by now. You're own wife and a new life. Brenda inwardly cringed
at the thought of Sonny with someone else. Playing with other children,
tucking them in, loving them and not Brenda and their son. Never them.

" I know you love me. This is something about whether we can be 
together. If the price is too high, you say so now, I will 
walk away, and I'll never, ever think you didn't love me. But if you're 
willing to walk away from everybody, then we'll walk away together. It's 
up to you." 
I didn't even get a chance to decide. You said I did but I never had one. You
decided for me. I'll never forgive you for that.
 If you're willing to give up everything for me, then how could I not 
trust you with my heart?
Why did I have to trust you. Why did I have to believe you. The answer her
head gave her was the same answer her heart gave whenever she asked why she
had to llove him so much. Because you do.
Besides I don't regret any of it, she told herself. I got Stone out of it. My
son. My handsome little boy.

Later, Sonny is walking around the penthouse. He enters his office. It was
exactly how he left it. He sat in his chair at his desk and remembered when
Mike gave him the ring.
He stared at the couch where he asked Brenda to marry him the second time.

 "You know, I've waited a lot in my life. Waited to grow up, to get away 
from Deke, to get respect. To get over -- things. But the worst of it 
was the waiting I had to do for you."
I don't care how long I have to wait. I will get you back and spend the rest
of my life loving you, cherishing you and making it up to you. 

 "Because I bought this ring in love, and I gave it in love. And it would 
have stayed there if I wasn't the biggest fool on God's earth. You see, 
this ring needs a second chance, Sonny...the kind that you and Brenda 
could give it. So it's yours. You do with it what you want. All I know 
is that, this time, I'm betting on a sure deal that's going to make it."

"What's that saying. Oh yeah, like father like son. This time I was the fool.
That ring should be on Brenda's finger right now." Sonny sat there talking to
himself. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice Jason
standing in the doorway.
"You still have a chance Sonny. There's another saying I heard one time.
'Third times a charm.' " Jason spoke to Sonny. Giving him advice he knew Mike
would give if he was there.
"If I asked her to marry me again she'd probably slap me in the face and tell
me to go to hell. That's the best case scenario."
Jason nodded and left Sonny alone to think. 
"You have a better chance than you think Sonny. Brenda will probably take you
back if for nothing else than your son." he whispered to himself, thinking
about Stone.

Inside the office. 

"...I knew she wasn't ever going to take me back so the ring -- the ring 
felt like hope."

Sonny thought back to his talk with Mike again. I need that kind of hope too.
He got up and walked into the master bedroom where his luggage was. He opened
a bag and took out a small black box. Inside were the diamond bracelets that
he had given to Brenda. A bunch of different emotions started hitting him. His
heart filled up with love, despair, regrets but more importantly..hope. 

Chapter 13

Brenda is still sitting there in front of the fireplace. She had to put the
fire out so she could hear the baby monitor better. Stone fell asleep the
second his head hit the pillow. He looked so cute lying in his little crib. If
only I could put the put out in my heart, she pondered to herself, the passion
that she felt for Sonny. The fire inside of her that stilled burned for Sonny.
She hated herself for still wanting him but she couldn't help it. All she
really ever wanted was Sonny. If he walked in the door this second I'd forget
everything he did and ask him to take me in his arms and make it all go away
like he's done before.

" I know you love me. This is something about whether we can be 
together. If the price is too high, you say so now, I will 
walk away, and I'll never, ever think you didn't love me. But if you're 
willing to walk away from everybody, then we'll walk away together. It's 
up to you." 

I didn't even get a chance to decide. You said I did but I never had one. You
decided for me. I'll never forgive you for that.
 "If you're willing to give up everything for me, then how could I not 
trust you with my heart?"

Why did I have to trust you. Why did I have to believe you. The answer her
head gave her was the same answer her heart gave whenever she asked why she
had to llove him so much. Because you do.
Besides I don't regret any of it, she told herself. I got Stone out of it. My
son. My handsome little boy.

Chapter 14

At Sonny's penthouse.
Sonny puts the bracelets back in the box and slowly males his way downstairs
and into the kitchen where Jason was trying to find something to eat.
"Hey, Jase. Why don't I make dinner and we can catch up on everything. I don't
feel like going out."
"You sure. We don't have to go to the Outback or the Grille. We could go to
Luke's.Its not that late. We could get Claude to make us something."
"No. I just want a quiet evening tonight. I can make my reentrance into P.C
society tommorow. We can go to Luke's and announce my return."
"It's ok. Brenda's at home and it doesn't seem like she's going out anytime
soon. I checked."
"Thanks Jason but that's not the reason. Come on. Let's see what we have to
eat. Now that I'm back you won't be living on take-out or pizza anymore." He
was lying and grateful to Jason for leaving it alone. Sonny walked over to the
refridgerator and webnt through the cupboards. He got all the ingredients he
needed and started cooking up a storm. He hadn't had a chance to do much
cooking when he was hiding out.


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