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Southwestern Forumlanders
California,  Arizona, Utah, &  Nevada


Abbi Cee
Clan Affiliation: Clan Denial 

I am married, part time college student, full time mommy of one. I have been a Highlander fan since the begining, but it is only since getting our new computer that I have been able to play in cyberland. I love and drool over all the HL men, (I do like the HL women, I just don't drool over them) but it is Richie who is ahead of them all. (pun intended) 

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Gigi Okamura
Phoenix, Arizona
Favorite Character: Duncan
Forum Claim to fame: None (I just love to listen and occasionally put in a good word)

I'm beautiful, young and sexy like Tessa!!! No wait..thats not Me!!!! I'm 41 a mom, a stepmom, a music lover and animal lover and of course children lover!!!!!

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Guinevere W. MacWench
Southern Arizona
Guin's Highlands
Clan Affiliation: Clan MacWench, Fitzcairn Manor, APSBDFC (secretary)

Forum Claim to Fame: posted the Ultimate Methos Fru (the Towel!) 

I'm 27, female and single. My brothers-in-law inadvertently turned me on to Highlander in Nov. of '96, and I've been a nutcase over it ever since. And I'm very, very glad I found the Forum and "met" all the great Forumlanders -- I never would have considered going to the Anaheim convention without them! Like most of the women I've seen here, I'm a drooler over Methos and DM (CM too, but that's a whole 'nother story), but I enjoy all the elements of the show. I really knew I was hooked when I realized that every time a swordfight was on, I was stopping whatever I was doing and watching intently. I'm a woman, but a warrior at heart (that's what my real name, Kelly, means anyway).

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Lady Vivianne MacWench
Shelley Parris
Yuma Arizona
Lady Vivianne's Library 

I've been a live steel medievalist for over ten years, and was introduced to Highlander because of it. I'm married to a US Marine and my knight in shinning armor (now if only he'd pick it up once in a while *G*) for eight years and counting, and mom to a bundle of energy disguised as a little girl.

Joe Dawson walked onto the screen and I must admit everyone else disappeared. Then I heard him sing and that was it. Music is a necessary and vital part of my life and that voice...WOW! One day I'll even get to see him play in person...and provide tons of entertainment for a few of my dear clansibs in the process I'm certain...LOL.

I write fan fiction and original stories some of which are on my website (constantly evolving *G*), sew, cross stitch, calligraphy, read anything I can get my hands on, am a Mehndi, also known as henna, artist (Yes I was the odd lady at G5 with the patterns all over her hands, feet and ankles *G*) and most recently started belly dancing with a local troupe The Jewels of the Desert (instead of for myself like I'd done for the last 9 years). Of course my all time favorite activity is listening to Jim Byrne's CDs, speaking of which......LOL.

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Lady Page
Kimberley Page 
Yuma, AZ 
I know everything about HIGHLANDER AND THE HIGHLANDER MOVIES...!!!!!!! 
I'm 34, married, mother of 2, my son is just starting H.S., I feel so old. God! I love Duncan MacLeod and Connor MacLeod. It's so hot here in the summer, I just watch old re-runs of Highlander the series and pop in a very old copy of the three Highlander movies. 
I just don't understand the net or how to play here yet. If anyone out there could give me more of the 411 then I would be in heaven. Thanks...I'd love to hear from all of you. 

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P. Miano the Merciless
Real Name: Patrick B. Miano
Favorite Character: Cassius Polonius
Forum Claim to Fame: Teller of the worst jokes in the history of joke telling. I have posted 64, not counting my quickies, and will post more before my evil reign of terror comes to an end. I also write serious fan fiction starring Cassius Polonius

I am 54, married, with 2 adult children, a son and a daughter. I am a Vietnam combat veteran and my son flew tankers in the war with Iraq. My ogal is world domination so that I can invade Sweden because as an Italian-American I can't stand meatballs in brown gravy. I without shame, honor, decency, or basic humanity. Also, my sanity is highly questionable.  

Clan Affiliation: Actually, a real member of Clan MacAlister 

Hello everyone! I am a 39 year old Registered Nurse and the mom of 2 boys, ages 17 and 15. I've lived in Phoenix for the last 15 years but I'm originally from the Ozarks of southern Missouri. In my professional nursing opinion, just gazing at Duncan MacLeod can cure any ailment! 

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Charlene McConnell 
Southern Arizona 
Forum Claim to Fame: Being the only girl originally named (swear on a stack of bibles) Charlie Brown 
I am 31, divorcing mother of one. I am a full time fund accountant, full time master's student, full time mother, blue belt in Chung do Chuan Tae Kwon Do, and therefore, until the above circumstances change, a not-quite full-time HL fan.... I am new to HL fandom, having only started watching about 6 months ago. I have equal respect for two of the main characters but for different reasons. To me, Duncan represents romance, a mature outlook, and the occaisonal stumble with reality. On the other hand, Ritchie represents learning, adapting, and libido!! Tough choice. If anyone decides to gene-splice the two into one, I'd be delighted to meet the result. Also attracted to the actors AP & SK for different reasons. AP: fascination with martial arts, charity work, not static. SK: hear from those who have met him that he is very approachable, and I like the way he has matured during the seasons of HL along with his character. 

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Jeff Loreen 
I'm 28, married, and have 2 great kids (1 boy & 1 girl). Love the HL series and believe AP will make it on the big screen as well. When I have the chance to get on-line I'm usually visiting you guys on the Rysher page or I'm browsing any number of sports sites. Peace. 

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Real Name: Sharon Schmalz
Favorite Character: Duncan
I am 58, married and mother of 8. I teach physics labs at a community college. 


I am 29 years old and I am single. I teach high school Physical Education and Health. I used to be an insomniac, and one night at about 2:00 am I saw this tall dark and handsome God of a man appear on my television screen. I have been a Adrian Paul and highlander fan ever since. I have not been fortunate enough to meet AP yet although someday I know I will. I also have not been fortunate to attend any of the conventions or meet any of the forumlanders YET. I stress the yet part, because I plan to save and attend the next one closest to Utah. 

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Jeanne Rose
Forum Claim to Fame: Er, fame? I hope not. I used to sign as Sarah (Methos forever, research whenever) because it so nicely sequels my "Star Trek forever, homework whenever" motto of high school. I still use it sometimes because Sir Rosemary says it's cheeky and insouciant (look it up - I had to). Being a scientist and overly analytical by nature, I like to post whatever interesting theories my brain manages to spin out while spending practically all waking hours in the lab, sometimes doing things which don't require much more than autopilot. I also love to initiate and/or join discussions of rerun eps because I wasn't here when they all came out the first time, darn it. My only regret is that I don't have the resources to fru. I haven't joined a clan, but I am Methos' wife number 47 (read: Yitzach and Naomi), and I recently became a sister of Darius. 

I am 29 (or will be very soon), single, a graduate student in organic chemistry at BYU, working on a PhD. I am LDS and served a mission to Ecuador. I am the oldest of 6 and grew up in Arizona. I have 5 nephews named Drake, Chase, Archer, Elijah, and Israel. I like reading, writing, photography, quilting, hiking, cross stitching, volleyball, and watching nature shows. I am working on making HL converts of friends, family, roommates, labmates, and everyone else it seems. I am also long-winded, if you couldn't tell. 

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kai MacWench
Kris Cox 
Clan Affiliation:  Clan MacWench 

Forum Claim to Fame: None as of yet, but if I hang around long enough hopefully I'll say something (anything) memorable. 

I am 34, quite contentedly divorced, mother of 2 (1 teen, 1 pre-teen) and a nursing student with an ultimate goal of working in mental-health advocacy (for reasons which I will happily climb upon my soapbox and explain to anyone who really wants to know).

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Lynn Ward
Favorite Character: Duncan

No husband, no kids, my time is my own (except for work). I did genealogical research professionally for many years, but now work in medical records. I enjoy movies and TV (action/adventure to romance to comedy), and there is simply not enough time to read all the books I want toread. I also tat doilies and Christmas ornaments for my family. It's a "lost" art, but I found it :o) dob 16 Oct 1953

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Utah HL Fan
Ray Montgomery
Salt Lake City, Utah
Favorite Character: Duncan

I'm 43, married, dad of 3 boys aged 20, 17, and 11. Discovered HL about 2 years ago, managed to get all eps on tape from the Sci-Fi channel, also all Ravens when they were first released. Have all 10 of the paperbacks (including the watcher's guide). I'm LDS (Mormon), attended BYU a long time ago. I especially like the moral dilemmas DM faces, they really make one think, don't they? I like the series better than the only "real" movie, #1.

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Clan Affiliation: Clan MacWench

I am a 51 (like the Area) mom of 2. Would like to have Duncan take me away from all this.