Gundam Wing


I don't own any of the characters from Gundam Wing.  However, any original characters found in these stories are mine alone. It took a lot of brain power to think them up.


The Art of…: A series of stories that interconnect at some point.  If you know where, let me know?!


Hold Her Down:  What would happen if Relena is missing and the gundam pilots gather to find her?

Warnings:  V, L, OC, Lemon, AU.  YAOI!

Part 1                  Part 2                  Part 3


Sacrifices  One Shot.  What happens when a dream about Star Trek turns into an intense retelling of Gundam Wing.  Warnings:  AU; Angst; hints of yaoi, yuri, and het.  I'll warn you now, you might be surprised at how well Trowa is a girl. ^^;;


Un...:  FINISHED!  Take Gundam Wing, add Harry Potter characters, and stir.  Bake 40 minutes. Serves 3 dozen. *^^*

Part 1                  Part 2                  Part 3                  Part 4


