This site will no longer be updated go to


30th may 2002

At Last!!!! is up!

at the moment there isn't much difference but we will be able to bring you movies and songs and much more!

24th April 2002

here's the link to the song download you can listen before you download

Falling for the world 


24th April 2002

Yo I uploaded the song to a site called band hype and ill have the address but I can't find it so hang in there look I can upload pages again yey


22nd March 2002
The band has started recording their album, they have falling for the world recorded and may sell it as a single the album will be out quite soon and an mp3 of falling for the world will be on the

Yo yo the site wont be updated ever again after April 1st so this might be the last unless Ollie asks anything.

The new site will be

this may be bye!



1st March 2002
Now I'm real pissed those geocities twats are stopping uploads (on April 1st) of images this means that there will be no more uploading of pics, buttons or web pages made with a page editor. Don't worry all computers are installed with front page and i will try my best to help people use it.

I'm sure pikey will be happy to help as well, he uses this too. 

You will have to download ws ftp pro from here 

I will put a guide on how to use it on here

also here's a link to another free hosting for website u can use  this is why you need ftp

28th Jan 2002
Right I'll 'ave 'em im real pissed. Today I bought and its gonna take over 3 months to process it (the company accept it)!!!!!      I am not that happy now it cost me £9.20 so be patient (Ross)