Terry Lee Johnson
This site is for friends and family of Terry Johnson to share pictures and memories.   Please take a moment and share some words about Terry.  If you have any good photos or recorded music, please let me know and we'll add them.     Thanks!
Tom Dukes
Among his many talents, Terry was an outstanding musician.  Here is a small sample of some music featuring Terry and friends.  Note: these are MP3 files and can take a long time to load on a modem connection.
Country Girl
With his B&B brothers in Dallas
Terry (in Tucson 1983)
That'll be the Day
This was from an audition demo with Tom and Peggy in 1983.  Terry sings the low harmony.
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Tom's photos
Deja Maleigh
An origianl tune by Jim Gasper.  I liked the song when Jim first wrote it, but Terry put his own spin on it and took it to a new level.
B&B group photo
Julie's photos
Link from Ruthie
Steve & Diane's photos
That's Terry singing lead on this one.  Again, Terry took a song and made it his own.  I'm pretty sure John Lennon would approve...

(I ran out of space so had to temporarily delete this one)
Dave's photos
Fred's photos
Mark's photos
Nora's photos
Post Tribune December 9th
Tom Dukes