
barTini -- logo 1
Lean Today logo (version 1, version 2)
Lean Today web site (in progress)
creative:leaf concept pages


Seagram's Gin Live VJ and Model Search (implementations only)
Danny Parks - Pro BMX biker
Studio-Riboud is a small French fashion publishing and advertising site.
Major League Baseball official web site. It would be a little obnoxious to list all of the teams sites, but if you care, go to mlb.com and take it from there.
MasterCard CPS. This one we built the front-end and MasterCard internal eBusiness team built the backend.
Genzyme (Healthcare)
PowerSpring (Energy)

Others are mostly intranet, secured sites, and behind-the-scene works with clients including PepsiCo, Royal Sun & Alliances, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Johnson&Johnson, Thomson Corporation, and Nascar.

Non geek work:

Check out the mulberry bag collection soon!

nuj's website

ABCs for Information Architects wanna-be (me!)

--> books
Home Page Usability by Jakob Neilson
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web by Louis Rosenfeld, Peter Morville
Web Navigation: Designing the User Experience by Jennifer Flemmings
The Non Designer's Design Book, Robin Williams
Envisioning Information by Edward Tufte

--> web resources
Elegant Hack
George Olsen's excerpts
More.. and More..

    Do people in web development actually surf the net for fun? How much web exposure does one need in a day? If i were to surf for fun, i'd OD from the internet.    

like what you see? want me to build you a website or revamp your current one? drop me a line and we'll chat.

    W3Schools. - all you need to know about webdev.
DevShed Forum - sip a cup o joe and chat about web! (errr)
Microsoft DHTML Reference - go to the source.
Web Monkey - find the monkey in you.
THE best reference, search engine, everything-you-ever-need on the web.
Atomica - fastest dictionary on the planet. Love the interface.
Boxes and Arrows - Ui talk corner.