Main Meals
29. Klingon Banquet. Incl. bregit lung, heart of targ, gldst, pipius claw and live gagh (when available). Otherwise, Wistan gagh.

30. Kholanese Stew.

31. Breen algae pate. Thawed or frozen

32. Bajoran hasperat, a spicy dish rolled up in authentic Bajoran pastry

33. Bajoran veklava.

34. Bajoran Ratamba stew
23. Bolian grilled sword fish w/ Bolian tomatos and nut paste.

24. Bolian giant mushroom stuffed w/ heng nuts and Chef's special sause

25. Bolian famous meat'n'nut stew

26. Andorian fried lizards in traditional sause.

27. Andorian grilled Redbat w/tuber root.

28. Andorian grilled arctic wild cat steak w/tuber root. 
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Weapons are not permitted on the premices, this includes ceremonial knives, swords, phasers, disruters or any explosive devise. Klingons are not exempted.