Main meals
41. Terran  Pizza. Bread base, beef, pork, vegies and cheese.

42. Terran Beef T-bone steak with carrot, mashed potato and peas.

43. Terran nachos. Cornship base, topped with beef, beans, salsa, sour cream & cheese

44. Terran Irish stew.

45. Betazoid oskoid salad w/ Petrokian sausages.

46. Betazoid famous flower petal salad. Petals are fresh and juicy.
35. Vulcan plomeek soup.

36. Vulcan vegetable salad. (large serving.)

37. Vulcan mollusks in butter sause.

38. El-Aurian Hot pot. A very spicy stew.

39. El-Aurian assorted dips & fresh Ornaran dipping bread.

(El-Aurian dishes made with ingrediants not native to El-Aurian homeworld.)

40. Palamarian sea urchin. Lightly sauteed in garlic and moongrass.
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