X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at http://www.oocities.org/the2020rp/.

This Role Playing thread is a conversation between Amy and the mutant Raze.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been elimintaed to save space. If you have any probelms with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 2:02 pm
Wakes up, leaning into a book. She glances warily at her Kermit-the-Frog Clock and winces. She hurriedly gets dressed, dark flared jeans and a soft purple tee. She brushes through her long brunette hair and twists it into a bun. She slips on some khaki sandals and munches on a granola bar, humming softly. She steps out of her small house accross from the college and quietly shuts the door.
Stepping out into the mid-day sun, she glances back at the door, then shrugs. She starts down the street, half frowning as if thinking something over. She doesn't seem to know where she's headed....

Posted by Theif on 7/27/2001, 2:05 pm
The stocky mutant leans against a street lamp, talking to a young man in an outrageous outfit of clashing clothing and dark ruby sunglasses. He seems slightly angry, but the boy just shrugs and smiles vaugly from time to time.

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 2:10 pm
She seems totally oblivious to the two, counting fingers and biting her lip. She suddenly lightens up a bit. She finally seems to notice them and only raises an eyebrow at the bright clothing, shrugs, and continues on.

Posted by Theif on 7/27/2001, 2:19 pm
If the woman is oblivious to him, he's exactly the opposite. He speaks again to the boy, then waves him away. The young man shrugs again, then turns away from Theif and trots after the woman. He really is outrageous looking. His dark, dusky blond hair is in need of a good brushing, but that's nothing at all compared to his clothing. He's wearing a pair of black jeans splattered with orange and red dots, a bright green and purple button-up shirt, and baby blue and silver tennis shoes with hot yellow laces. His left hands are partially covered with black fingerless gloves. Over the entire clashing ensamble is a ratty, far too large black trench coat who's sleeves keep slipping down to cover his hands.
At last, he pulls up along side her and matches her pace. "Hello Amy."

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 2:24 pm
She jumps and grins a little impishly, then blinks, "Er... hullo." She seems to be trying to figure out if she knows this guy.

Posted by The guy on 7/27/2001, 2:30 pm
"Wacha doin'?" His eyes are invisible from behind the ruby glasses, making his gaze a bit unnerving. Odd, how did he find out what her name was?

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 2:33 pm
She thinks for a moment... what was she doing?... and looks forward. "Walking..."

Posted by The guy on 7/27/2001, 2:37 pm
"Wow. Sounds fun." He looks slightly confused, then glances back at Theif, who glares at him. "Um... where are you walking to?"

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 2:39 pm
She shrugs, "I don't know." she obviously doesn't, but she seems to be headed towards the diner.

Posted by Raze on 7/27/2001, 2:45 pm
He turns around abruptly and catches another glimpse of Theif glaring at him. "Um... gotta go... bye!" He rushes off toward the diner and dissapears inside.

She blinks,
Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 3:50 pm
That was odd. She shakes her head and keeps walking, inspecting her hands blankly. She looks up just as she turns the corner and the diner comes into view. She smiles, but she doesn't know why. She'd heard mutants were drawn to the Diner, but... she wasn't... was she? She blinks again.

Posted by Raze on 7/27/2001, 4:58 pm
In the darkest, most cluttered corner of the diner, the strange boy's gangly form is now splayed out over a long, red cusioned booth bench. He's staring intently at a spread of cards in front of him from behind his ruby red shades.

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 5:04 pm
She blinks once again and shakes her head, as if doing so would clear her mind of whatever was bothering her. She looks both ways, then crosses the street, eyes focused and alert, yet thoughtful. She sits on a bench just outside the diner and drifts into thought, eyes unfocused again. If she was indeed a mutant, then what was her mutation? She sighs. No Idea.

Posted by Raze on 7/27/2001, 5:12 pm
He insults the game he's playing loudly enough to be heard from outside and flicks one or two cards off the table. As soon as they leave the surface, they dissapear.

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 5:15 pm
She turns, one eyebrow cocked, towards him. Odd...

Posted by Raze on 7/27/2001, 5:17 pm
"Solitaire. Bleah. It's worse then that theif charachter. His voice carries a slight southern accent.

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 5:34 pm
She walks up to the door and enters, eyebrow still raised. She is still thinking about what her power might be, had she any. Her hair has slipped out of the bun by now, ending around the middle of her back.
She gathers her corage up and slides into the seat across from the other, trying to figure out what, if anything she should say.

Posted by Raze on 7/27/2001, 5:36 pm
"Oh, hi Amy. I guess you found out where you were walking to, huh?" He grins, revealing a rather noticable oddity about his right upper and lower canines; they're fangs, tigerish fangs. The rest of the teeth following the canines are slightly sharper then those on the left, wich are completely regular.

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 5:50 pm
She grins and blushes a bit and nods, "Yes, I suppose I did..."
She's not quite sure what to think of him yet, but simply has to know... "How do you know my name?"

Posted by Raze on 7/27/2001, 5:56 pm
"Oh, that?" He guestures outside with one partially gloved hand. "He told me. He's not very nice, I wouldn't talk to him if I were you."
He reaches into his pocket and picks out the deck of cards that had been dissapearing into thin air a moment ago, then begins to deal it into two piles, one in front of him, and the other in front of Amy.

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 6:01 pm
"He?" she glances at the cards for a moment, then back at the other.

Posted by Raze on 7/27/2001, 6:10 pm
"Yeah, Theif. Like I said, not someone you wanna be hanging around with." His accent grows a little stronger as he talks, then picks up his half of the cards, makes them into a neat stack in front of him, and puts one down face up between the two of them.

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 6:13 pm
Nods lightly, "Wierd name. Is he..." she stops when the card is layed down, "What're we playing?"

Posted by Raze on 7/27/2001, 6:20 pm
"I'm not sure. Looks kinda like War though. Know how to play?" After a moment, he comes back to the fragment of her first question. "Is he what?"

Posted by Amy on 7/27/2001, 6:26 pm
"Yup." She straightens her deck and puts a card down as well.
She looks up at his question, "A mutant? All of the ones I've known have names like that. Callsigns, right?"

Posted by Raze on 7/27/2001, 6:32 pm
"Oh yeah, he is. Callsigns? I guess so, I'm not really sure." He pushes the two cards towards her and puts another down.

Posted by Amy on 7/28/2001, 2:00 am
Nods slightly, then puts the cards at the bottom of her deck and puts another down absently. She thinks, "Did I ever get your name? Cause if I did I don't remember it."

Posted by Raze on 7/28/2001, 1:42 pm
He puts down a card, smiles triuphantly, and pulls the pair to his side of the table.
"Oh yeah. I'm Raze." He grins at this, showing of his one-sided fangs again.

Puts another card down,
Posted by Amy on 7/28/2001, 3:30 pm
and laughs a little at his grin, "I was wondering about that." part of her mouth seems sharp for a moment as well, then it's back to normal. She doesn't notice.

Posted by Raze on 7/28/2001, 3:34 pm
Places his card and grabs another pair.
"It's sorta a weird name, but..." He shrugs.

Posted by Amy on 7/28/2001, 3:44 pm
She shakes her head, "It's not that strange."
Places her card down again.

Posted by Raze on 7/28/2001, 3:51 pm
Pushes the card toward her, muttering as he puts down his next one.
"So, you live around here?"

Posted by Amy on 7/28/2001, 3:54 pm
Grins and takes them, then nods, setting her next one down, "Yeah. I work at the college durring the fall semester."

Posted by Raze on 7/28/2001, 3:58 pm
Keeps playing as he speaks.
"You a professer?"
His drawl is becoming rather heavy.

Posted by Amy on 7/28/2001, 4:05 pm
She nods slightly, "And the volleyball coach." keeps playing as well,"But I have been considering grade school. It's kind of hard to teach at a college where a few of your students are older than you." she laughs, "They think they're smarter than you."

Posted by Raze on 7/28/2001, 4:08 pm
"Sometimes people who are younger then you think they're smarter too."
He doesn't sound like he's trying to be rude, or like he's talking about himself, he's just trying to keep up conversation.
"I bet that gets old fast."

Posted by Amy on 7/28/2001, 4:16 pm
She nods again, "But they're easier to deal with... most of the time." she pauses, thinking about his comment, "What gets old? People thinking they're smarter?"

Posted by Raze on 7/28/2001, 4:22 pm
"Yeah. Everyone thinks they're smarter then me. I don't know why..."
Apparently he doesn't realize that making blunt comments and dressing the way he does just might have an effect on people's opinions.

Posted by Amy on 7/28/2001, 4:38 pm
Laughs, "Maybe I have the same problem." Only then does she realize her own choice of clothing. Shorts or flares with t-shirts.

Posted by Raze on 7/28/2001, 4:53 pm
"Oh well. That's life" His accent is suddenly all but gone as he grabs the pair and puts it into his stack.

Posted by Amy on 7/28/2001, 5:04 pm
Nods, "Yup."She blinks a little and places another card down, "Where're you from?" Her own accent would be very evident among New Yorkers, west coast, not quite surfer, deffinately not gangster. Simply, Los Angeles.

Posted by Raze on 7/29/2001, 5:03 pm
"I was born in Texas, but we moved to Louisiana when I was two. You're from Cali, aren't you?"
He places his card, finds that it matches her, and begins putting down a three card spread.