X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at http://www.oocities.org/the2020rp/.

This Role Playing thread takes involves the end of the mutant holding stations.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been eliminated to save space. Some of the text as been changed to combine two or more different threads. If you have any problems with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

Posted by Calico on 11/11/2001, 12:41 am
Calico finishes off her lunch and sighs, glancing around hopelessly. Lightning comes back with seconds and licks his lips. Calico watches him and sighs again, then pulls a peice of paper and pencil out of her pocket and doodles as she waits.

Posted by Centauri and Vision on 11/11/2001, 12:43 am
Vision is perched on the end of one of the benches, her tail wrapped around her legs which are pulled up to her chest. She's staring off into space with a faint smile on her face.
Centauri blinks, still stuffing his face, and studies Vision for a moment, then goes back to eating.

Posted by Calico and Lightning. on 11/11/2001, 12:49 am
Lightning glances around the room after finishing his second tray and spots Vision. He whistles quietly to himself. Calico rolls her eyes and keeps doodling.
He cocks a bushy brow at Centauri, then glances at his sister.

Posted by Centauri on 11/11/2001, 12:53 am
He stops studying Vision, and blinks at Lightning a bit suprised. He takes another bite of the apple he's munching.

Posted by Lightning on 11/11/2001, 12:58 am
Suddenly starts howling with laughter, pounding a fist on the table, disturbing his sister's pencil.
"PHILLIP!" Calico hisses.
Lightning grins at his sister, and chuckles, clutching his sides.
"What on earth is so funny, Phil?!?"
He smirks.

Posted by Centauri on 11/11/2001, 1:03 am
He blinks a few more times, staring at Lightning as he continues to munch on his apple.
The noise is enough to make Vision look up, her expression faintly annoyed.

Posted by Calico on 11/11/2001, 1:07 am
She glares angrily at her brother and picks up her paper and pencil and marches over to a different table closer to Vision, and further from Lightning.
Lightning suddenly stops laughing, sits up straight and looks extremely thoughtful.

Posted by Vision and Centauri on 11/11/2001, 1:09 am
They blink, almost at the exact same time. Vision goes back to staring off into space. Centauri picks up a banana, peels it and continues to eat. His faintly worried looking glances alternate between Calico and Lightning. Most of the worry seems to be caused by Lightning.

Posted by Lightning on 11/11/2001, 1:13 am
Another smirk spreads across his face and he walks silently to the table where Calico's sitting and peers at her doodle over her shoulder, "Is that who I think it is?" He raises another bushy black brow.
"If you think it's Thomas, then no." she hisses back.
"Who, then?"
She glares at him and keeps doodling, "I know it's a sybling's job to annoy, but you're overdoing it, Phil."

Posted by Centauri on 11/11/2001, 1:15 am
The dark haired looks faintly amused by this. He could remember his sister saying something very similar....

Posted by Calico on 11/11/2001, 1:23 am
Mutters under her breath, while Lightning continues to watch her, "You sure it isn't...?"
"No, it's -not-! Geez, Phil, will you go bug someone else?"
"Okay." Lightning takes this as an excuse to walk over to Centauri and Vision's table. "Hello. I'm Lightning... also known as Phillip... not that I can deny that now. Who might you two be?" He grins.
Calico rolls her eyes.

Posted by Centauri and Vision on 11/11/2001, 1:25 am
Vision gives the other mutant one raised eyebrow glance and then goes back to staring into space.
Centauri blinks, yet again. "I'm Centauri.." He says through a full mouth of fruit, accidently spraying little peices of banana all over the place.

Posted by Lightning on 11/11/2001, 1:30 am
He blinks twice when he gets splattered by bannana and wipes it off his face with a sleeve, uneffected.
He nods, "G'day, Centauri." he glances at Vision, "Do you have a name, miss?"
Calico looks up once.

Posted by Centauri on 11/11/2001, 1:32 am
Sensing that it's probably not a good idea to disturb Vision right now Centauri answers for her. "She's Vision."

Posted by Lightning on 11/11/2001, 1:35 am
Nods slightly, "Vision, then... are you two related?"He glances back and forth.
Calico's tail flicks.

Posted by Centauri on 11/11/2001, 1:36 am
He shakes head, sending his mane of black hair flying. "Nope. She knows one of my cousins.."

Posted by Lightning on 11/11/2001, 7:25 pm
He nods and yawns. "This place is all very boring. They must think we take a very long time to eat."
Calico finishes the sketch and folds it away and back into her pocket. She slides the pencil behind her ear and looks around. Maybe someone here would at least talk to her. Norms took a very interesting way to observe them... not even speaking to them. Did they think mutants were that stupid? She shudders to that thought and rubs her wrist where the lab's chip is still implanted deep in her skin. Before this had happened Tom and Kalieda had offered to remove it, but she'd refused. She was too afraid... afraid of pain, afraid of what Tom's reaction might be, and afraid of what might happen. As she thinks, she realizes her birthday has past and she is now fifteen...what did that matter? She realizes what fun she'd be having with Talon at school... if none of this had ever happened. If her parents had been normal, if her brother had been nicer, if she'd never met Tom...
She also realizes she'd've probably hated mutants as much as any other norm... and would have hurt those like herself. There was no way her life could've been perfect. No way she could have avoided meeting Thomas Pearlton, the Quarterback, the hottest boy on campus... The coolest guy in the district... the boy that wouldn't even let a cheerleader get to him... yet...
"Kat! Why don't you come and join us?" Lightning waves at her with a grin on his face, interrupting her thoughts.
She looks at him, sighs, and walks over, seating herself at the end of the table, slumping forward. She wished she'd never been born. And Tom had stopped her. She would've been the object of her brother's experiments, and Tom had stopped him. Phil had changed since then, but that didn't make him any less annoying.

Posted by Centauri on 11/12/2001, 3:07 pm
He blinks, he opens his mouth as if he's about to say something and then closes it, picking yet another piece of fruit and continuing to eat.
Vision looks up, the glazed look gone from her face. "I think the only one still eating is Centauri...." She looks around at the other mutants.
The half-horse mutant blushes. "It's not my fault I'm half horse. They spend most of their day eating..." He mumbles through his fruit.
Vision continues on as if she didn't hear Centauri's comment. "I think it's probably more social time then anything else. They probably want to find out how we react to each other..."
"And if we're violent." Centauri adds another mumble.
Vision nods a greeting to the other cat-girl as she sits down at the table. Centauri nods his own greeting, still munching. The centaur mutant blinks in concern as Calico slumps onto the table. Vision raises an eyebrow at Lightning.

Posted by Lightning and Calico on 11/13/2001, 6:24 pm
After the part about violent her twitches and turns abruptly silent... he still wasn't sure what he wanted... to show those norms a piece of his mind, or to show them mutants weren't as barbarian as they thought... either way he wanted to prove them wrong. Mutants were just like any other person. They had feelings. They could be intellegent, they could be murderous. They could be as easily controlled as a labrat.
He glances over at his sister, sighs lightly, and looks around... was there anyone else in here who was in his league of mutants? The unsure? The abusing? The... he hesitates in his thoughts. The word evil made him think... think a lot.
Calico looks over at Vision, a thoughtful look on her feline features. Then at Centauri.
Maybe, for now,she thinks, that's all I should think about... how I'll react to others. Not of what I could, or should have done.

Posted by Centauri on 11/13/2001, 7:08 pm
The half horse mutant contines to chomp on fruit, completely unaware of the deep thoughts going on around him.
At the lack of conversation Vision's gone back to staring into space.

Posted by Lightning and Calico on 11/14/2001, 11:07 pm
Calico centers on that thought, now, how to react... She resists the urge to find the observers and talk to them, she wasn't sure of their reactions. They could talk back, or they could ignore. And just as easily take it as a threat and hurt her. She glances over at centauri and smiles lightly.
"So... um... how do you think we should react to this? What do you think they're really looking for?"
Lightning's chain of thought breaks. That was a good question... no wonder his sister always was on Honor Roll before... before the past was the past. That's all it was. Past. He shakes his head in frustration, his strange animal-like ears cocked. He'd think about that... later.

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 6:55 pm
He shrugs, somewhat surprised that he's being asked for his opinion. "As long as we don't act like pshyco killers I don't think it'll matter. We're just here so the rest of humanity doesn't have to put up with it...."
Vision raises an eyebrow at the younger mutant. She would voice her own thoughts, but she didn't want to scare anybody.

Posted by Calico on 11/16/2001, 7:03 pm
"Oh." She smiles vaguely, "I hope you're right..." she rubs her wrist again, "... I'd rather not be experimented on." Her ears go flat on her head, her lips turn down in a frown.
Lightning stays silent, showing no evident sign of his feelings on the matter.

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 7:22 pm
A shudder runs through his frame. "Me niether..."
Vision's eyes widen slightly, but she doesn't comment.

Posted by Lightning and Calico on 11/16/2001, 7:31 pm
Calico sighs and pulls her lengthened hair over her shoulder, brushing through it with extended claws.
Lightning simply listens, and watches. There had to be something to do besides sit around and fatten himself...

Posted by Vision on 11/16/2001, 7:34 pm
The green mutant shakes her head slightly, as if telling herself not to think of such things, then goes back to staring into space again.

Posted by Lightning and Calico on 11/16/2001, 7:39 pm
Calico does the same, though she brushes her hair while she thinks. And stares.
Lightning glances about.

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 7:44 pm
The horse mutant continues to munch, his own thoughts on the future. Another shudder rolls through his frame.

At the Headquarters for the Mutant Temporary Holding Stations....
Posted by All Our Favorites on 11/16/2001, 7:25 pm
"WHAT?!?" one woman was saying. Probably one of the assistants. It didn't matter. The shock was clear on everyone's faces. Every staff member except the few working on the choice mutants who had begun the Experimentation was present and they all expressed their astonishment differently.
Dr. Remke was silent and thoughtful. But his co-worker Ms. Su was all but quiet. "What do you mean?" she asked him.
"Simply what I said," the General continued grimly. "The NY Senate has cut back our funding."
"But-" Ms. Su began just as Mr. Render demanded, "How much?"
The General turned now to Mr. Render, HMTHS head architect. "ALL of it. You know of how things are coming about all over the United States. Power shortages, changes in the weather. The State and National governments need to save money. Until then the testing of mutants will have to wait. The government is going to take over our technology and use it to provide electricity and fresh water. We've got the technology, they've got the need."
Silence befell the room. Some looked angry with the revenge they had always wanted on mutant-kind taken out from under their noses. Others looked sad as they suddenly found themselves without a job where just this morning they were among the richest of all of New York.

Posted by The Infamous Crew on 11/16/2001, 7:32 pm
Always the practical one, Dr. Remke was the next to pose a question. "But not all of us will be out of a job, will we?"
The General shook his head and he could not help but notice the relief that flew around the room. "No. Those in your section--the Robotic section will not be out of a job. Those can be used for labor and they will need people on hand to make sure they behave correctly."
Anger shone in Remke's eyes. The General knew how much he hated his Bots being used for menial tasks. But such was life, now....
"And what of the mutants we've already got under custody?" Ms. Su demanded. "If we release them they'll definitly want revenge. That could cause problems. Our purpose is to make them peacable, not an angry hornet's nest."
"I've already spoken to Mrs. Pike about that. The process is underway. Their memories will have to be erased. Not completely of course. They'll have to be given new memories to replace what happened these past few days."
And the meeting continued as such....

Posted by Two of that Crew. on 11/16/2001, 7:35 pm
When all the staff had cleared out of the meeting room, Dr. Remke, the head of Robotics, remained behind.
The General raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to speak.
Remke did so in his own quiet way. "You are not going to use all the Bots for hard labor are you?"
The General smiled. "Of course not. We've got to make sure all those kiddy mutants don't get into trouble, now do we?" He smiled.
Reassured, Dr. Remke left the room.

Posted by Net on 11/16/2001, 7:44 pm
Net smiled as he took hold of the tags within each of the captured mutants. Suddenly each mutant, whether they stood or sat, walked or ran, disappeared, reappearing in various places throughout New York. Those found in the forest reappeared in the forest. Those in the city found themselves once again in the city.
But something was changed about each. The tags buried within them were still intact and each was working actively to erase all knowledge of the workings of the cryptic MTHS. New memories were beginning to replace the space where their memories were erased. Memories of useless, boring, day-to-day tasks with the people they knew so well.
But the memories were not quite correct to each person. They would wonder, why did I do that? That's the stupidest activity in the world?
But that was the best that could be done under so short a time. Already the power center that housed Net's dormant body was being re-routed. His conscious mind began to be interested in other things. He worked for someone else now...
But was the MTHS gone? Was the strange company gone forever? To not harm or capture a mutant?
The answer could be found in Dr. Remke's pleased smile....
And Mrs. Pike's smirk....

Posted by Calico and Lightning on 11/16/2001, 8:11 pm
Calico finds herself in the ruins of the old diner, and gasps, "What on Earth?" memories of Tom, Kalieda, and her brother walking...and watching TV and playing videogames...? And why on Earth was she in the rubble of some building? None of it made sense. Did Phillip have anything to do with this?
She climbs out of the ruble, and looks around. On the corner she spots the apartments... the view she always had from the Diner. The Diner?!?! Where was it?
She spins around frantically, her heart stops. The ruble was the diner. Where was Tom? Kalieda? Lightning? Where were they? If they had been walking, then... maybe they had walked into the diner! And were stuck in the rubble!
A shiver ran down her spine.
"Tom? Kalieda? Phil?"
Her brother finds himself in his Chevy which is deep underneath the apartments in the parking lot.
"Huh?" he blinks.
It's dark... why was it dark? He finds the handle and opens the door, stepping out into the darkness. He stumbles along, looking for the light switch, or for someone, to show him the way. He trips over a fallen post and falls into the cement, face first.
He mutters uner his breath and stands up, dragging his feet and holding his hands out in front of him.
"Hello? Anybody home?"
Nothing answers but his own echo. Sighing, he keeps going, until he can see the light of the door up some stairs.
"Aha..." He rushes to the door, almost tripping on the bottom step and comes to the first floor, where, to his despair, it hasn't gotten much lighter.
Tom sits in bed, staring at the ceiling he thinks he can see through the blackness. A rap on the door makes him sit up.
"Come in..." he mumbles.
Kalieda opens the door and flicks on her flashlight, right in Tom's eyes, then quickly directs it away when he ducks.
"Uh... Tom... I think there's someone calling us...?" It's more a question than a fact.
Cocking a black brow, Tom follows her lead to the bottom floor. When they reach the landing her flashlight hits someone else.
"Lightning?" Tom blinks.
The man in front of them opens one eye, "Sure will be some if you don't turn that thing away from my eyes."
"Oh!" Kalieda smiles appoligetically as she turns it down.
"But how..." Tom starts, but doesn't get to finish.
"Enough said." Kalieda interrupts,"Just follow along and don't kill each other!"

Posted by Calico on 11/16/2001, 8:36 pm
Kneels in the rubble and sniffs the air cautiously. No scent of them here. So maybe they weren't here...
"Tom?" she calls, "Kalieda? Phillip?" a pause, "Mirrim?"
Calico spins around at the sound of a very familiar voice.
"Maybe it's just him." Tom says as they pile out of the apartments, "He's done junk like this before."
Lightning holds out a hand as if to punch the younger mutant, but stops when Kalieda grabs one of both their arms and tugs them in the direction of the ruined diner, but neither can see with her hair blowing in their faces.
Kalieda stops suddenly, freeing thier arms.
"You guys! Am I glad to see you! I found myself in that rubble, came out and remembered us all walking there... oh, I'm so glad to see you!"
She hugs each, who, in turn, raise eyebrows at her. In particular Tom.
"That thing's been down for a while..."
"Has it?" Calico and Lightning blink.

Posted by The four on 11/16/2001, 9:42 pm
Tom and Kalieda stared at easch other, "Where have you guys been all this time?"
"What time?"
All they remembered was doing things with the others.
"But you've been gone, for, for.... days! Weeks, maybe! We thought for sure you'd gotten hunted down by those... government people!" Kalieda whispers.
Tom nods, "And We looked for you, too."
The way he says "we" doesn't seem to mean him and Kalieda alone.
Calico suddenly realizes something. "Tom! Your eyes... and... A tail?!?!"
Her eyes widen at the black-tipped Tom.
Tom raises an eyebrow and looks behind him at his misbehaving tail.
"Oh, that.... happened while you were gone. A story we'd... or I'd... rather not tell." He winces lightly.
Kalieda grimanced.
"Oh, just come on, you guys! We'll discuss this by candle light in the apartment. Lightning, You sleep in a different room, Okay?"
The man nods lightly, and follows Kalieda's lead hesitantly. Tom brings up the rear, Calico inbetween Lighting and he.

Posted by NightHawk and Werewolf on 11/16/2001, 10:37 pm
NightHawk blinked as he reappeared in his house, which was dark, empty, and hadn't been cleaned in a while. He blinked again and wondered why the house wouldn't be clean because he remembered sitting in the house and watching TV along with Tagre and Ben. But if the house was dusty that couldn't have happened. He kept the place clean and there wouldn't be dust over everything.
Turning he went out the door, wondering where in the world Tagre and Ben were.
Meanwhile Werewolf reappeared in the forest. She blinked and looked around. The last thing she remembered was......talking to a scrawny kid in an alleyway? Now why the heck would she be doing that? Shrugging she flicked her tail and trotted off through the forest, vaguely wondering were Star, Centauri, and Serpent were.

Posted by Star, Dagger, and Memory on 11/16/2001, 8:41 pm
Star blinked as she found herself in the forest. The forest? Why? All she remembered was talking to Centauri and then going to the beach and visiting her father's summer home. And this was definitly NOT the beach. Far from it.
Her eyes glowed brightly in the dim light of the forest. Her mouth turned in a frown. She sat slowly, feeling the ground beneath her reassure her in its dark, rich colors that she felt rather than saw.
"What...happened?" She did not realize she spoke aloud.
As for Dagger and Memory, each were found in empty hospital beds under intensive care. The nurse who found them there had dropped her clipboard with a gasp before hurrying to check their pulses and call for a doctor.
Neither was in very good condition.

Posted by Vision and Centauri on 11/16/2001, 8:59 pm
A rather surprised looking Vision lands rather ungracefully on her tail in her loft apartment. She's so shocked that her amazingly soft landing and the muffled squeak as she lands goes un-noticed. She was home? What kind of mind game was this? One moment she had been sitting.... Where had she been sitting? She shakes her head, trying to remember. This was truely bizare. As she looks around she realizes that she's in her natural form. If there where any guests in the house she'd be in trouble. She rapidly shifts to her usual blue eyed dark haired human form. That's when she realizes the object she's sitting on is moving. She looks down and is extremely surprised to find that she's sitting on her sister, Mirage. The lavender striped mutant is looking surprised and more then a little indignant. Vision leaps off with a surprised squeak, not a normal noise for the cool and collected mutant.
Mirage's expression is almost comical. It shifts from annoyance as she wonders just who's pulled this prank, to disbelief as she sees who it is, then it fades and is replaced by a massive grin that threatens to split her face in half. "JEN!" She shouts, jumping up and giving her sister a bear hug. "You're home!"
Meanwhile Cenatari arrives in the forest, stumbling over a root. He steadies himself against a nearby tree trunk, looking around wildly as he tries to calm his nervous horse half. How had he gotten here? He can't help prancing in place as he tries to figure this out. He nearly jumps out of his skin as a voice comes from beside him. He shifts backwards, eyeing the figure standing near him. He relaxes a bit as he recognises Star. "I wish I knew..." He comments quietly under his breath.

Posted by Star on 11/16/2001, 9:06 pm
She gave a start as she realized she had spoken aloud at the exact moment she heard his voice, nearly jumping out of her skin in her astonishment. Next came the surprise that she had not noticed he was there.
"It...doesn't make sense." She blinked rapidly, as if clearing her eyes from a sleeping dream and looked up at him.

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 9:11 pm
He continues to prance in place, shifing his weight from foot to foot in agitation. "It doesn't..." He says quietly, the acompainying shake of his mane betraying the confusion he's feeling.

Posted by Star on 11/16/2001, 9:17 pm
The thoughtful frown remained as she stood once again, finding faults quickly within the memories of the past several days. The summer home had not looked quite right in her memories, and things about it kept changing from day to day. Almost as if she were remembering dreams and she had been asleep all this time....
"So...what do we do now? Do you recognize where we are? Maybe we should...find Vision, or Paradox or...someone...maybe Dagger. They can probably help us...."
She sounded and felt bewildered.

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 9:21 pm
He continues to stamp, his voice sounding surprisingly calm in comparession with his obvious agiation.
"To get Vision we'd have to go into town, and that's not going to work for me.." He says, come of his bewilderment creeping into the last few words. "But, I do know where we are.. If we're lucky Paradox is around. "

Posted by Star on 11/16/2001, 9:27 pm
She nodded. "Dagger will be in town, too, so..."
She remembered something, and felt for her power's strength. Strangely, it had grown considerably since she last felt it. What had happened during the past few days? It was almost as if she had been cut off from her power....
"If Paradox is nearby, I'll find him..." With that she closed her eyes, feeling the light patterns and waves in the surrounding few miles for the familiar patterns that indicated Paradox's presence.

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 9:30 pm
"We could just check his shelter.." He says, sounding the tiniest bit amused.
The very large form of Paradox is gliding over the trees. After celebrating Vision's return with Mirage he had dashed off to see if his younger cousin had returned.

Posted by Star on 11/16/2001, 9:38 pm
She constructed a much smaller version of Paradox from the light in front of her. She opened her eyes, blinking rapidly once again as she tried to brush off the feeling she had woken from a deep sleep.
"Um...I guess he's coming to us..." The frown disappeared, but no smile replaced it. She looked pensive and still very much bewildered.

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 9:42 pm
He studies the picture in front of him. "I think he's heading home." The teen says after a moment. He's stuggling with the same feeling of bewilderness himself at the moment.

Posted by Star on 11/16/2001, 9:47 pm
Star smiled slightly. "I trust your judgement. Uh...shall we go then? I dunno about you, but I'd rather not stay here...."
She looked around about them then, eyes glowing brightly.

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 10:01 pm
He nods, Paradox's home was his home too, and that's were he wanted to be right now. Hopefully his cousin wouldn't mind if he brought Star along. "Yeah, I think so..." He says, drifting in the direction of his home.

Posted by Star on 11/16/2001, 10:06 pm
She looked once again around the clearing, but this time not with her eyes. Then she hurried to catch up with him, lengthening her stride to keep up with his own horse gait.
"So...I assume your memories are as...strange as my own?" she said, more in way of making conversation, but still strangely curious. She wanted to know what was wrong and why....

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 10:11 pm
He nods, looking troubled. "I don't know how I got here after being in the other half of these woods..." He's going faster then he means to out of agitation and hurry. If he would have been paying attention he would have been surprised to notice that he was stepping over the various roots in his way without even looking down. He stops suddenly, looking down at Star. "Maybe you should ride..." He suggests.

Posted by Star on 11/16/2001, 10:19 pm
She bit her lip as she struggled to keep up, having less success watching where he went and where she was going at the same time than he was. She nearly tripped twice over tree roots protruding from the ground. She bit her lip as she listened as attentively as she could afford to his words.
She smiled weakly and greatfully when he stopped. "Yeah, that would be nice." She rested her hands on his smooth horse half's back and swung herself up.
As she did so, she said, "The same with me...except the last thing I remember I was at my father's beachside summer home...Except, that can't be right because my father has been dead for a year and he was alive just a moment ago and I did not think that was strange at all before...." She lets it all out in a distressed whispered rush.

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 10:26 pm
He waits until she settles herself, then continues on, moving at a pace with a grace that he never could have managed had he actually been trying.
His eyebrows disappear into his mane of hair at Star's comment. He doesn't know what to say, so he doesn't say anything at all. His own memories weren't quite that strange. He counld imagine how bad he would have felt if he had thought that he looked normal again for the last while and he was suddenly was back to being half horse once more....

Posted by Star on 11/16/2001, 10:34 pm
She sighed as she fell silent, noticing the newfound grace to his gait and wondering if he noticed it himself. She thought about bringing it to his attention but thought against it.
But it made her wonder. Was it because they had been gone longer than they thought that he had gotten less clumsy? Was it because he had a chance for more practice? Or was it just because he wasn't thinking about it? Whatever the reason, she had no need to hold on with anything more than her knees.

Posted by Centauri on 11/16/2001, 10:44 pm
He continues to trot faster then he would have normally, too bewildered by this entire situation to worry about breaking a leg or twisting something. At the speed he's going it's not long before they break out into the small clearing that holds Paradox's home.
It doesn't look like much. The only thing in the faintly trampled looking clearing is a very large and long dead tree.

Posted by Star on 11/16/2001, 10:51 pm
She dismounted, her thoughts filled with wonder, concern, worry, and distress. She's too far absorbed to truly notice her surroundings, but she walks over to tree and rests a hand absently against its bark.

Posted by Paradox on 11/17/2001, 5:57 pm
The demonic looking mutant drops through the canopy a moment later. He looks faintly amused, it wasn't every day that his younger cousin cantered in with a girl on his back. Then he recognises Star, and his eyeridges rise.
~ Are you both okay?~ Is the first thing he asks, sounding concerned.

Posted by Star on 11/17/2001, 6:09 pm
She blinked, startled out of her reverie at his mindvoice. Then she smiled up at him, slightly forced, and said, "Yeah...sorta. At least I think so...." Not the most reassuring thing to say in the world, but it was the best she could come up with.

Posted by Paradox on 11/17/2001, 6:14 pm
~Yeah, sorta you think so?~ He repeats, eyeridge raised. He turns to study Centauri. ~What about you?~
Centauri prances in place. "Well, I think I'm okay... but..." He just trails off. "It's weird."

Posted by Star on 11/17/2001, 10:56 pm
She nodded in agreement. "It's almost like...I'm remembering the last...I don't know how many days...wrong. One moment I was at the beach and then I found myself in the forest." And then she related about her father's summerhome and how he had died a while ago and how in her memories he was alive.
"It's the oddest sensation...."

Posted by Paradox on 11/19/2001, 1:09 pm
His eyeridges continue to rise. ~ So you two don' have any idea where you've been the past few days? ~
Centauri frowns."Well, I've been here....." He trails off.

Posted by Star on 11/19/2001, 4:38 pm
Star nodded in response to Paradox's question.
She thought for a moment then said, "And...it feels like my powers were...cut off from me for a while. Or I haven't used them for a few days at least. I dunno...." She shrugged and sighed. No matter how she tried she could not figure it out. In the memories she had used her powers....
It felt so odd....

Posted by Paradox on 11/19/2001, 4:53 pm
~ Vision mentioned that the holding station cut off her powers...~ Paradox says, almost to himself. ~ How about you?~ He asks Centauri. ~ Do you feel like you haven't used your powers in a few days?~
Centauri shrugs, looking faintly sheepish. "I can't tell the difference..."

Posted by Star on 11/19/2001, 4:56 pm
She blinked and she gaped openly. "Wait a sec...Holding stations?" She eyed Paradox. "Do you know what happened to us?"

Posted by Paradox on 11/19/2001, 5:02 pm
He nods. ~ I think so. ~
Centauri studies his cousin, waiting for him to spill the beans. When Paradox doesn't continue, Centauri speaks up. "Well, spill it!"

Posted by Star on 11/19/2001, 5:09 pm
"Yes. Please do!" She frowned, absently biting her lip as she quietened, worriedly studying the demon-like mutant.
"That is," she said after a moment, "if you would, please."

Posted by Paradox on 11/19/2001, 5:19 pm
~Well..~ He pauses, trying to think of a better way to tell them then just blurting it out. Unable to think of one he just tells them straight out. ~ As far as I know you guys have been in a holding station for mutants. They must have whiped your memories. ~

Posted by Star on 11/19/2001, 5:31 pm
Startled, all she can do is just stare, mouth turned in a worried frown. She remained in that bewildered silence for several moments.
Finally all she can say is, "Are...you sure?"

Posted by Paradox and Centauri on 11/19/2001, 5:39 pm
Centauri is looking equally stunned. His normally bronze skin has gone pale. "A Lab?" He swallows hard.
Paradox nods silently. ~ Vision was talking to Genesis through that flower thing of theirs. I asked about Centauri and she said he was there. I'm not sure about you, but considering that you've popped back to the exact same place...~ He trails off.

Posted by Star on 11/19/2001, 5:50 pm
She sighed, despairing. "I hate labs...." She shuddered and rubbed her arms, suddenly cold.

Posted by Paradox and Centauri on 11/19/2001, 5:58 pm
Centauri looks just as disturbed by this. "Me too." He says quietly, stamping on of his rear hooves. A shiver works it's way down his spine.
Paradox nods. ~ Vision's almost completely lost her memory as well.~ The corner of his mouth curls upward at the next part. ~ Pretty much only thing she remembers is her conversation with Genesis.~

Posted by Star on 11/19/2001, 6:09 pm
Paradox's last comment peirces the fog of her bewilderment and a slight smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. "Is she okay?"

Posted by Paradox on 11/19/2001, 6:13 pm
He nods. ~ She seems fine. More confused then anything else. She found some rather odd techincal plans in her backpack that I assume she drew in the lab. She's rather annoyed that she can't remember the working versions...~ He half smiles again.

Posted by Star on 11/19/2001, 10:12 pm
"They let her make off with those? That's surprising. Maybe they don't know about them...hopefully...."
She frowned and shuddered once more.

Posted by Paradox on 11/20/2001, 1:45 pm
He nods in agreement. ~ That's what I thought, they mustn't have known about them. ~

Posted by Star on 11/20/2001, 4:55 pm
She nodded also and slipped into a despairing silence caused more from her overactive imagination than anything else. She began to fiddle with a wisp of her dark wavy hair absently and the frown remained.

Posted by Centauri on 11/20/2001, 5:04 pm
"So what do we do now?" He asks the demonic mutant.
Paradox shrugs, he doesn't really have an answer to that question. ~ Go back to your regularly scheduled activities and try not to let it freak you out too much...~

Posted by Star on 11/20/2001, 5:15 pm
She barely heard them at first, but gradually she shook herself free and thought for a moment. "Um...OKay....I don't really have anything to do at the moment, though...." It was more of a comment to herself than something she expected to be heard.

Posted by Paradox on 11/20/2001, 5:19 pm
He blinks, not quite knowing what to say to this comment.

Posted by Star on 11/20/2001, 5:33 pm
Suddenly she realized something. "Where'd my backpack go? It has all my stuff in it...My money, clothes, food...." She tugged thoughtfully on the lock of hair.

Posted by Paradox on 11/20/2001, 5:40 pm
He blinks. ~ Vision's backpack came with her. I assume that if you weren't wearing it, it's still in the holding station...~

Posted by Star on 11/20/2001, 5:51 pm
She frowned. "Hm...Either that or I didn't take it with me and it is still in the forest." She sighed and shrugged. "It would take too long to find it even if it is still in the forest. It doesn't really matter..." Except the money part. Can't buy anything without money.... she thought. Just one more thing to go wrong.

Posted by Paradox and Centauri on 11/20/2001, 5:56 pm
Centauri shifts his wieght again. "So should we go back to look for it?"
Paradox raises an amused eyebrow at his younger cousin.
Centauri just shrugs. "It's not like I have anything better to do..."

Posted by Star and... on 11/20/2001, 6:07 pm
Star shrugged, not catching the amused glint to Paradox's eyes. "Sure, I guess. I would not know where to begin, though. I don't know this forest well and I don't know where we last were before...those strange memories...."
Off at that other part of the forest, a figure of a young woman could be seen. Her short dark hair and deep blue mini-skirt billowed in the slight wind. The strange thing about her, was her eyes, for they were silver and...rotating, if you could call it that.
The strange-eyed girl stooped, unzipping a pocket in a dk. green backpack and taking out a folded sheet of notebook paper. She unfolded it and glanced at its contents before zipping the backpack closed once again. Folding the paper once more, she stuck it unhurriedly into her pocket and walked away, heading back toward the city.

Posted by Centauri on 11/20/2001, 6:19 pm
His eyes narrow as he thinks. " Basically back where we were..." He says finally.

Posted by Star on 11/20/2001, 6:22 pm
Star frowned in thought. "Then...lead on. I was...kinda disoriented and didn't really pay attention where that was," she admitted sheepishly.

Posted by Centauri on 11/20/2001, 6:29 pm
The half-horse mutant shrugs. "At least your powers actually work." He says, moving out of the clearing slowly.

Posted by Star on 11/20/2001, 6:35 pm
She blinked then moved to catch up with him. "You mean yours arn't?"

Posted by Centauri on 11/20/2001, 6:40 pm
"Well, one of them anyway..." He answers.

Posted by Star on 11/20/2001, 6:43 pm
She frowned as she walked, a common expression as of late, and she turned her glowing eyes to peer at him worriedly. "Is that bad?"

Posted by Centauri on 11/20/2001, 6:50 pm
"Kind of. It has this nasty tendency to work when I don't want it to, and refuse to work when I do.." He sighs.
~ Well, maybe if you worked on it a little more it would be a little more cooperative..~ Suggests Paradox.
Centauri looks around, trying to see where his cousin is hiding.
Paradox chuckles. ~ I've got large ears and good hearing, ya know.~
Centauri just rolls his eyes.

Posted by Star on 11/20/2001, 6:57 pm
A slight smile crossed her face in spite of herself, piercing her gloom once more.
"He's got a point," she said, but her tone was in no way made to admonish him.

Posted by Centauri on 11/20/2001, 7:11 pm
"I suppose so." He says, having been listening more to the words then the tone. He shoves his hands in the pockets of his trench coat.

Posted by Star on 11/20/2001, 7:15 pm
She frowned again and sighed. Thinking rather loudly for Paradox to hear, she asked, I didn't offend him did I?

Posted by Paradox on 11/20/2001, 7:30pm
She gets the mental version of a cheerful shrug. ~ You might of, but he's a teenager, he'll get over it reaaaal quick. He should be used to it by now..~ The last part is added as almost an afterthought.

Posted by Star on 11/20/2001, 7:34 pm
She did not know if she should count that as reassuring or not so she gave a mental nod, continuing to walk and keep up with Centauri.
So you tease him a lot, then?

Posted by Paradox on 11/20/2001, 7:39 pm
Mental laugh. ~I tease everyone a lot.. At least with him I don't have to worry about being turned into a crispy critter by a bolt of lightning. He's got a different way... ~Mental chuckle.

Posted by Star on 11/21/2001, 5:12 pm
Star smiled once again, reassured. Does Vision even realize she creates those? She pictured a comically frizzy Paradox and her smile grew.

Posted by Paradox on 11/21/2001, 5:16 pm
He shakes his head, then sends the mental equivilent. ~ She refuses to admit it. If you even bring up the subject she'll react badly...I don't have a clue why. Niether does Mirage, I asked.~

Posted by Star on 11/21/2001, 5:20 pm
That is so strange...Is it because something that happened when she was younger or something? That's the only thing I can think of.... she though to him, unconsiously resting a hand on Centauri's horse back as she steps over a fallen tree trunk.

Posted by Paradox on 11/21/2001, 5:23 pm
His shrug translates into a mental one. ~ I wish I knew.. Maybe she just hung around Storm too much or something.~

Posted by Star on 11/21/2001, 5:31 pm
She frowned, not knowing who he meant by "Storm" until finally, she remembered. Oh yes....
So...how is Mirage holding up from that...lab? Nothing they did is still effecting her, is it?

Posted by Paradox on 11/21/2001, 5:33 pm
~ She seems to be okay. She's still a little jumpy, but right now she's more worried about Vision then anything else.~

Posted by Star on 11/21/2001, 5:35 pm
She gave a mental nod, then fell silent, at a loss for words and mentally berating herself for reminding herself about what could have happened to her at the lab.

Posted by Centauri on 11/21/2001, 5:39 pm
He steps over a root, having more trouble now that he's actually paying attention. He scowls down at it as it catches rear his hoof.

Posted by Star on 11/21/2001, 5:52 pm
She noticed his usual clumsiness coming back and said, whispering, "Maybe if you just don't think about it and think about something else...."

Posted by Centauri on 11/21/2001, 5:54 pm
One of his ears twitches and he looks back at her, then at the ground doubtfully.

Posted by Star on 11/21/2001, 5:59 pm
"Well...when you were thinking about...you know, where we were, you had no problems walking through here...." she whispered, trying to be helpful.

Posted by Centauri on 11/21/2001, 6:01 pm
His eyes narrow as he thinks back, then widen a bit as he decides it. It lasts less then a minute, he trips over a root and goes back to studying the ground in front of him carefully.

‘Posted by Star on 11/21/2001, 6:04 pm
She smiled slightly. "Well, it was a thought...."

Posted by Centauri on 11/21/2001, 6:16 pm
"Yeah." He says with a shrug. A few moments later they arrive at the place where they were taken from. Centauri stops, scanning the ground for a backpack.

Posted by Star on 11/21/2001, 6:20 pm
The moment she recognized where they were she looked at the surrounding area through her power's eye. And quickly found it.
She walked quickly and directly to it. It blended right in with the flora of the area with its dark green color. She crouched, unzipping it and peering inside to make sure everything was there.

Posted by Centauri on 11/21/2001, 6:24 pm
"Wow," he says, walking up, "That was quick."

Posted by Star on 11/23/2001, 9:07 pm
She nodded absently, frowning, confused. "Yeah...I'm surprised I did not notice it before." She shook her head as if to clear it. "I should have noticed it before, I was standing not too far away from it....Oh well, it doesn't really matter."
Well, at least it seemed like everything was there. But there was a hole in her true memories and so she could not truly say that for certain.

Posted by Centauri on 11/23/2001, 9:15 pm
"Maybe it was just because you weren't looking for it before?" Centauri suggests.
He studies the pack for a moment. "So is everything there?" He asks eventually, breaking a thoughtful silence.

Posted by Star on 11/23/2001, 9:25 pm
"Yeah. Maybe. That's probably what it was." But she sounded doubtful and thoughtful.
She zipped the backpack back up and slung it over her shoulder. "Yeah, I think everything is....So...now what?"

Posted by Centauri on 11/23/2001, 9:28 pm
He blinks, looking surprised. It wasn't often that he was asked what to do. Usually Paradox just decided to do something and then told him how to help.
"I was hoping you would have an idea.." He says finally.

Posted by Star on 11/23/2001, 9:43 pm
"Um..." She thought for a moment. "Something to drink would be nice. I feel like I just ate but. Well, I am thirsty."

Posted by Centauri on 11/23/2001, 9:50 pm
There were two places to get drinks, in town, and from Paradox's fridge. There was no way he was going in town, although he could show Star to the edge. Paradox's fridge was almost as dangerous for him. His older cousin was more protective of his house then Vision was of her younger sister.
"Well, we could see if Paradox has anything.." He suggests.

Posted by Star on 11/23/2001, 9:57 pm
"Sure. If you don't mind," she said, not knowing of any potential danger.
She waited for him to lead on, again sheepishly. Her sense of direction was practically nonexistant at that moment.

Posted by Cnetauri on 11/23/2001, 10:07 pm
He nods, then looks out into the forest. "Well, this way." He says, sounding faintly amused. This was the how-manyith time today? Well, only the second, but still.

Posted by Star on 11/23/2001, 10:12 pm
"Deja vu," she said, breathily from the sigh that accompanied it. Then she smiled in spite of herself. The situation was kind of funny afterall.
She followed him, pulling her other arm through to get an easier hold on her pack.

Posted by Centauri on 11/23/2001, 10:19 pm
"You too?" He says with a half smile. " I swear I've done this before.." He leads the way back to the clearing, tripping over roots and such along the way, probably the same ones he tripped over on the way there.

Posted by Star on 11/23/2001, 10:24 pm
Her smile turned into a full-fledged grin. "Really? I can't imagine why you would feel that way. I sure can't even begin to why I've got that feeling."

Posted by Centauri on 11/23/2001, 10:35 pm
His laugh has a faintly horsey sound to it. He stops almost right away, he hated the way his laugh sounded.

Posted by Star on 11/23/2001, 10:39 pm
She didn't really notice how equine his laugh sounded. So she looked faintly confused when he stopped. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Posted by Centauri on 11/23/2001, 10:44 pm
"Huh? Oh, nothing." He says as he trips over yet another root, clipping one of this hooves hard enough to send vibrations up his leg.

Posted by Star on 11/26/2001, 8:29 pm
"Um...okay then." She decided not to think too much on it. If something were truly wrong he would tell her...wouldn't he?
She continued to follow closely, adjusting a slightly twisted shoulder strap that was beginning to prove uncomfortable.

Posted by Paradox on 11/26/2001, 8:57 pm
They arrive back in the clearing a short while later. Paradox seems to pop out of nowhere, quite a impressive feat for a person of his size. ~ Back already? Did you find it?~

Posted by Star on 11/26/2001, 9:02 pm
She blinked at his sudden arrival, however her power did not allow her to be completely taken by surprise like that.
"Yeah...it was strange. But then again, everything these past few days has been strange."
She sighed and shrugged, not really caring for the moment just how odd events were turning out to be. "Do you have something to drink? I'm kinda thirsty."

Posted by Paradox on 11/26/2001, 9:06 pm
He nods, then moves towards the large dead tree standing in one end of the clearing. He pauses with on hand over a large protruding branch. ~ Um, yeah...~
Centauri looks faintly amused by this.

Posted by Star on 11/26/2001, 9:10 pm
She raised an eyebrow, feeling more than seeing the light's changes signifying Centauri's amusion. She remained silent, waiting expectantly for an explanation.

Posted by Paradox on 11/26/2001, 9:25 pm
The demonic mutant shifts his wieght from one taloned foot to the other. He's obviously having a bit of a problem deciding something. Finally he turns back to Star and Centauri. ~ Show anyone this and I will not be happy.~ He says, studying Star for a moment.

Posted by Star on 11/26/2001, 9:31 pm
She blinked in her initiall surprise, silent for several moments. Slowly her eyes pulsed a brighter white in the dim incandesence of the forest with a curiosity that was not hard to identify. But she nodded and said, "I promise I won't show it to anyone. Though who I would show anything to besides you guys is a mystery. I promise, though." She nodded fervently and her tone and countenance was sincere.

Posted by Paradox on 11/26/2001, 9:42 pm
He studies Star for a moment longer. Centauri is struggling not to laugh, he almost looses control over it as Paradox relutantly turns back to the branch. Luckily Paradox's back is to the half-horse mutant, so the older Paradox misses his cousin's barely controlled expression of amusement.

Posted by Star on 11/26/2001, 9:48 pm
She glanced at Centauri, his amusement making her even more curious as she waited as patiently as she could for...whatever it was.

Posted by Paradox on 11/26/2001, 9:59 pm
He gives the branch on quick pull. It doesn't come off in his hand, as one might expect, but moves downwarn like some sort of switch. The side of the tree trunk pops open in a secret passage like some sort of car trunk.

Posted by Star on 11/27/2001, 12:45 pm
Her pure white eyes widened in surprise and wonder. "Wow...I can see why you want that hidden."
She did not enter, as her polite upbrining decreed, but waited and watched.

Posted by Paradox on 11/27/2001, 1:32 pm
He seems pleased by her reaction, even as he worries about the secrecy of his home. ~ Well, you might as well come in..~ He says, ducking his head as he steps through the door.
Centauri seems to have regained control of his laughter. He waits for Star to step inside.

Posted by Star on 11/27/2001, 4:43 pm
She smiled, and to prove her intent on keeping the secret, she wove the light surrounding and reflecting off the revealed entrance until anyone looking would swear nothing had changed from when she had first came upon the clearing. Of course the image was proven false as smiling, she followed Paradox, seemingly walking through the tree itself as she disturbed her light patterns temporarily.
She looked over her shoulder at Centauri to see what he would think of her illusion. Her eyes glowed white in the amasement she was still feeling, but he would not be able to see it through the image.

Posted by Centauri on 11/27/2001, 4:53 pm
The half horse mutant is rather impressed by the image, more by the fact that Star can actually control her powers then anything else. He steps towards the door, prodding the image carefully before stepping through causiously.

Posted by Star on 11/28/2001, 7:58 am
She smiled as he came through. "Boo!" she said, more as an attempt to keep up her shaking light-heartedness than anything else. Then she turned back to follow Paradox.

Posted by Centauri on 11/28/2001, 9:59 am
The half horse mutant only smiles.
Paradox treads into the back of the space. It's really dark, but he doesn't seem to have any probelm seeing. Then he realizes that Centauri, at least, needs a light and flicks one on.
Light floods through the space, coming from the floresent bulbs that hang barely a foot above Paradox's head. The entire space seems to be underground. It's fairly spartan, the walls seem to be made out of some type of metal.
The demonic mutant heads for a small fridge in the back. "Pop?" He asks absently, peering inside.

Posted by Star on 11/28/2001, 2:36 pm
In the dark her eyes had glowed in twin pools of a silvery-white light. She had maneuvered well enough in the dark, for with her eyes ever-incandescant, there would always be light to -see- by, if you could call she referred to as "sight" as seeing.
She shrugged at his question, forgetting he probably would not see with his back to her. "Sure. Thanks," she said, quite amiably.

Posted by Paradox on 11/28/2001, 4:35 pm
The demonic mutant reaches into the fridge pulling out a three pop, one for Star, one for himself, and one for Centauri. He tosses Centauri his, and hands Star her's, then pops open his own and takes a sip.
The half horse mutant studies his pop for a moment, suspicously.

Posted by Star on 11/28/2001, 7:03 pm
She followed suit, drinking greedily from hers. When she had sufficiently slaked her thirst she glanced at Centauri and raised an eyebrow at his suspicion. "What? Never had pop before?"

Posted by Centauri on 11/28/2001, 7:12 pm
"I've had pop before, I'm just wondering if Paradox did something to it. Like shaking it, prehaps?" The last bit is directed at his older cousin.
The demonic mutant puts on the best expression of innocence he can manage. ~Now why would I do something like that?~ He asks, his tone equally innocent.
"You've done it before and I know you'll do it again." Centauri says to Paradox with narrowed eyes.

Posted by Star on 11/28/2001, 7:18 pm
She stifled a giggle at the picture she felt rather than saw of the demonic-looking mutant trying to look innocent behind her.
"Well, if he shook it, then aim it at him when you open it. Just in case." She winked and grinned. Her eyes shimmered with barely contained laughter.

Posted by Centauri on 11/28/2001, 7:36 pm
Centauri eyes the demonic mutant in front of him for a moment. He looks faintly rueful. "I wish I would have thought of that before I opened the last can of pop be gave me. Getting that mess off of me was not fun." He aims the can at Paradox then opens it, not really noticing that Star was in the line of fire.

Posted by Star on 11/28/2001, 7:40 pm
Her mirthfilled eyes widened and she took a step out of the potential line of attack as he opened it, not relishing the thought of being made sticky.

Posted by Paradox and Centauri on 11/28/2001, 7:56 pm
Nothing happens. Centauri looks disappionted. Paradox just raises an eyeridge at his younger cousin.

Posted by Star on 11/28/2001, 8:00 pm
She continued smiling, amused by it all. She took another sip of her pop, waiting to see what plays out.

Posted by Paradox and Centauri on 11/28/2001, 8:21 pm
Paradox merely takes another sip of his pop. Centauri rolls his eyes and does the same.

Posted by Star on 11/28/2001, 8:25 pm
Oh well. It was interesting while it lasted.
She drained the last of her pop and gestured toward it, asking Paradox silently where he wanted her to put the empty can.

Posted by Paradox on 11/28/2001, 8:34 pm
He gestures to a trash can at the opposite end of the space. He chucks his own can at it. It doesn't look like it's going to make it, until it swerves in mid-air to land neatly in the trash.
Centauri just rolls his eyes and sips his pop.

Posted by Star on 11/29/2001, 7:25 pm
She smiled, once again amused. Not blessed with telekinesis, she walked over and deposited her can in the trash all the while wondering vaguely what she could do now to keep her thoughts away from that horrible imagination of hers.
Her thoughts drifted over her backpack again, sifting mentally through its contents.

Posted by Centauri on 11/30/2001
Centauri finishes sipping his pop, and clops over to the trash can to deposit it. Even if he did have something resembling aim, Paradox would just knock it off course. The only thing he had any aim with was his bow. He blinks at that thought. What had happened to his bow?

Posted by Star on 11/30/2001
Star knelt as she set her backpack down on the floor. Unzipping it she reached a hand in, searching for something. Her fingers brushed against something cold and hard. Her hand froze and her brow furrowed in puzzlement. What in the world? Her fingers explored the smooth, metallic surface then took a grip on its handel and pulled it from the bottom of her backpack.
The pistol's shiny surface immediatly caught the light and she frowned. This was not supposed to be here....
What in the world was it doing in her backpack?

Posted by Centauri on 11/30/2001
Centauri meanwhile is trying hard not to panic. He couldn't have left his bow in the holding station, could've he? Paradox, alerted by the sound of Centauri's agitated hooves on stone, looks up. He blinks at his younger cousin, wondering what's up.
The half horse mutant stills his prancing in place. "Um, I don't suppose you have my bow, do you?" He asks, sounding almost as panicky as he feels.

Posted by Star on 11/30/2001
She barely heard Centauri's sounds of distressed agitation. All her attention is focused on the pistol in her hand. Her pistol. But how did it get here? She had left it in the diner. She checked quickly to see if it was loaded. It wasn't. She sighed in relief; but the relief she felt was nothing compared to the confusion she felt. How in the world did it get here?