X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at http://www.oocities.org/the2020rp/.

This Role Playing thread invlovles the diner on the date March 9th 2001. This part invovles Vendetta and Moon doing their best to heal Calvin of his mysterious illness (Check the Kat/Calvin Log for details). The threads created on this date have been seperated and put in seperate records. The main part of this thread that invovles the Vampire hunt is in the Vampire Hunt Thread. Void and Changeling/Trackers chat on the roof are in their Void/Tracker/Changeling thread.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. I also missed a few because they went in with other records. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been elimintaed to save space. Some of the text as been changed to combine two or more different threads. If you have any probelms with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

Leaves her room
Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:13 pm
and immedietly rushes to the unconcious Clavin and kneels beside him. "Calvin? You awake?" She doesn't even seem to realize that there's other people in the diner..

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 3/9/2001, 7:20 pm
The pair exchange crismon looks. Being so caught up in their good mood, they failed to notice Calvin...
Vendetta hops to her feet, rushes over to Kat and kneels next to her.
"Anything I can do to help?" she says. "Being an ecomancer has its.... perks."
Darkling, meantime, stays int he background, not wanting to be in the way.

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:24 pm
One of her ears flicks back, but she remains kneeling beside him. "Perks?" She exchanges the warm cloth on his head for a new cold one.

Posted by Vendetta on 3/9/2001, 7:26 pm
She strips the gloves off of her hands. There are two tattooes of kanji visible now on the backs of her hands, one on her right in blue and the other on her left in red.
"I can heal people. And myself, of course. Tell me what's wrong with him."

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:34 pm
"I have no idea. He's got a high fever, and he was having probelms with his sight before that. I think he might have been halucinating..."

Posted by Vendetta on 3/9/2001, 7:35 pm
"Did he eat or drink anything unusual before the symptoms started to appear?"
Her eyes narrow slightly in concentration as she scans Calvin for any obvious signs of bad health, then places a hand on his forehead to confirm he has a fever.

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:38 pm
She almost smiles,"Other then existing on junk food for two weeks before, no. Unless it was the pizza we made."

Posted by Vendetta on 3/9/2001, 7:39 pm
She goes silent, then takes Calvin's limp hand in her free one.
"I can try to heal him.... with your permission. This isn't a natural sickness, so there's a little risk involved."

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:45 pm
"Your risk?" She glances at Clavin, then she shrugs.

Posted by Moon on 3/9/2001, 7:28 pm
she looks back from her chair..and gets up..and walks towards Vendetta and Kat..
She sighes..and like Darkling, she doesn’t want to get in the way, but instead, she opens her mouth..
"Is there something i could do?"

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:35 pm
"I don't know, what can you do? Your powers I mean.."
This is the first time she looks up. "You have your memory back?"

She stood,
Posted by Memory on 3/9/2001, 7:24 pm
near the diner's door, thinking to herself and remembering. Remembering everything.
She was a man, sleeping then being awoke by ferocious pain searing through his neck and into his body. Aweful wrongness, and horrible pain. Oh so much pain. Then his eyes opened and he saw a figure of a beautiful young woman with a perfect face and dark hair--and fangs! She was laughing at him!--and then he sank into darkness and pain. He was falling, falling into a bottomless pit.
She was herself again, or what could be considered herself. Weighed down with the memories of everyone who had ever lived and died--how can someone consider themselves to be an individual?
She took a step into the diner, determined...
She glanced towards Kat and Calvin, her she looked at him wonderingly, noticing something unnatural in his apparant fever. Something she had never seen before....but she did not have time to search through the trillions of memories she contained to prove it.
Instead, she stood there in thought, the picture of a cold determined young woman who appeared to be in her late teens. She was short, as were a lot of Asians in her lineage, but she looked strong in her slenderness, and nothing at all frail.
What should I do? There are at least two vampires out there killing more people and burdening me with their memories....Should I go out and continue my search for them? But he looks so sick....I should stay here and try to help? she thought.

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:37 pm
Looks up at Moon then turns slightly to look at the new person. She flicks her in in way of greeting and goes back to tending Calvin.

Posted by Moon on 3/9/2001, 7:38 pm
She nods
"yeah..amazingly..Prowler got it back." She grins..
"My powers? Anything is possible under the moon." She grins.
"If you want..i could heal him.."

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:43 pm
"Well that's good. Ever see that Oblivion guy again?"
She thinks for a moment.
"The diners gone to having no healers to having plenty! Maybe you and Vendetta could half it so niether of you gets tired out?"

Posted by Moon on 3/9/2001, 7:45 pm
she frozes when kat came up with the name oblivion.
"it'll be nice if i see him again..but no..i haven't seen him in a while." She said silently.
"Sure..i'll slpit it!" She grins and began to close her eyes and let the powers of the full moon seek into her.

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:48 pm
"Ah, okay."
Looks at Vendetta, wondering what she'll say.

Posted by Vendetta on 3/9/2001, 7:48 pm
"More risk to me than to him."
She looks down at Calvin, then her pupils contract so that the shimmering green eyes seem to almost swallow the black.
"I'm sorry, Kat, but we must act now. The fever is progressing. I can sense it."
She closes her eyes and begins to concentrate. A bluish-green aura begins to appear around her and soften her silhouette, almost as if she was blurred....

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:51 pm
Blinks, wondering if she heard Moon's offer to split the burden.

Posted by Moon on 3/9/2001, 7:51 pm
She grins but she is still fully consentrated on absorbing energy from the moon. then a slivery-blue aruora gathered around her.

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:55 pm
Blinks as Vedetta starts healing Calvin.

Posted by Vendetta on 3/9/2001, 7:55 pm
It seems she did; a heartbeat later, she reaches out and grabs Moon's wrist, forehead creased in concentration.
A minute passes. Then two.
Finally, Vendetta opens her eyes and releases Moon and Calvin, rocking back on her heels and taking a depe breath.
"I've taken the edge off his sickness," she says in a low tone. "Demon fever. I've tasted this disease before... had you waited any longer, he could have died."
She stands and brushes off her coat, then pulls her gloves back on.
"He should recover normally now... a week, at most."

Posted by Moon on 3/9/2001, 8:02 pm
then as her energy reached it's peak. She shot out a sliverish light onto Calvin, and she kept it for about 6 mins. Then the light dissapeared and she collaspes on the floor. Dead tired..and layed there panting and gasping for air.

Posted by Memory on 3/9/2001, 7:52 pm
Finally she gave up thinking and fished through her bag which was slung over her shoulder.
She walked over to Kat, and crouched next to her. "Here, this will help bring down his fever until we can figure out what is wrong with him." She handed her a small clay bottle.

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 8:07 pm
Blinks.That was quick. The last time it she saw a mutant healer at work it was much longer, but then again it was probably because she was healing somewhat much sicker.
"Demon fever?" She'd never heard of it. "Is there anything I should do?"
Blinks again, she seems to be doing a lot of that recently. Even with Vendetta and Moon working together, one of them still collapsed. She looks at the bottle in her hand. She was definetly going to keep this.

Posted by Vendetta on 3/9/2001
"No... treat him as if he were suffering from the flu."
Vendetta stamnds and grabs Darkling by the elbow.
"Now," she growls. She looks at Memory, seems to see something in the depths of the girl's eyes, and nods. "We will have a chat sometime... soon. We have much to talk about. Of vampires and dead parents alike."
Darkling gives Vendetta an astonished look, before she pulls him roughly out of the diner. After a few paces, he sighs, takes her hand and leads her into a pool of shadow. A blink later, they're both gone....

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 7:59 pm
Blinks as the clay bottle is put into her hand. "Um, thanks." She supposed it couldn't hurt, even if Vendetta said that he was healed and would recover in a week....

Posted by Memory on 3/9/2001, 8:02 pm
"Listen, I know Vendetta heald him, but that fever looked to strange....Keep it, in case you ever need it...."

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 8:04 pm
She nods, "I will."

Posted by Moon on 3/9/2001, 8:12 pm
she opens her eyes suddently and gets up..
"i'm sorry..i didn't mean to collapse..just a long time i didn't use my powers..get's tiring." She gives kat a weak grin. "so..how's calvin?"

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 8:14 pm
She introduces herself to Memory and the turns to look back at Calvin.
"Better.... I think."

Posted by Moon on 3/9/2001, 8:27 pm
She sighes
Then she smiles.
"So..do you have any ideas where oblivion is? or you totally dont know that guy?"

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 8:29 pm
She shakes her head. "I've no clue. I've never seen any other Cat people."

Posted by Moon on 3/9/2001, 8:43 pm
She nods..
"I see." she smiles

Posted by Memory on 3/9/2001, 8:01 pm
She nodded, and then extended her hand to Kat, "I'm Memory by the way. Who are you?"

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 8:13 pm
Stands up and extends her own fur covered hand. It looks almost like a cats paw. Pads poking through the fur with claws just barely visible beneath the fur. "I'm Kat."

Posted by Memory on 3/9/2001, 8:18 pm
"I think I've seen you some place before...." she said absently "though I cannot quite place it."

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 8:20 pm
"Seen me before?"

Posted by Memory on 3/9/2001, 8:22 pm
"Whu?" She blinked. "No, I mean, I think I have the memories of someone that has seen you before....Or maybe I'm just remembering someone else...that looked like you."

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 8:24 pm
She almost looks hopeful. "Well, there's probably lots of Cat mutants around.. Moon says there's one that looks like me 'cept he's male." Then she looks almost worried. "I don't know who would have seen me like this that would have died recently..."

Posted by Memory on 3/9/2001, 8:30 pm
She shook her head, "No, not recently, a long time ago...When someone who can look like you was seven." She thought for a moment. "No, it was not you, it was somebody else, but I'm sure if I search through my memories I will be able to recognize you."
But the look on her face clearly said she did not feel like getting lost in those memories again anytime soon.

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 8:33 pm
Blinks. "Oh."

Posted by Memory on 3/9/2001, 8:35 pm
She smiled, "But what does all that matter to you?" She shrugged and fell silent again. Suddenly she glanced up at the hole in the vent.
A vampire is up there somewhere....Outside.

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2001, 8:40 pm
"Well it’s interesting..."
~The only thing is that my real mother wouldn't have any clue I was a mutant.. Or maybe she did, and that's why she abadoned me... I don't know how though...~

Posted by Memory on 3/9/2001, 8:43 pm
Suddenly she said, "Stay here, I'll be back, I think there is a vampire somewhere outside...up there." She pointed to the roof.
She disappeared up the vent hole.