X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at http://www.oocities.org/the2020rp/.

This Role-playing thread involves one of my characters, Joey. It's basically a one character record. This record ends on May 13th because of my new way of doing the records. The threads are organized by date and not by character.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been eliminated to save space. Some of the text as been changed to combine two or more different threads. If you have any problems with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

The Blond teen enters the diner..
Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 5:58 pm
And peers around to see who else might be lurking in the shadows. Sitting down he starts examining a fork.

A rustling sound...
Posted by Tom on 4/23/2001, 6:02 pm
comes from the kitchen and a large gray and white tomcat strides into the main room with a piece of chicken in his mouth. He looks at the boy for a moment, hopping up to the countertop so he can see the street.

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 6:09 pm
He looks at Tom when he jumps onto the counter. He seems to be wondering what Tom is doing, but he isn't going to ask.

The cat blinks,
Posted by Tom on 4/23/2001, 6:17 pm
and his tail flicks,~What does it look like I'm doing?~
He chomps on the piece of chicken, almost protectively watching the street.

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 6:21 pm
He tilts his head slightly and looks like he's thinking it over.
"It looks, like you're standing on a counter." He says in his deep voice.

Posted by Tom on 4/23/2001, 6:27 pm
He blinks again and licks his chops, ~Smart... but not exactly what I meant... who cares though....~
He slips off the countertop and onto the tabletop by the broken window. He stretches out then lies down on top, watching the back rooms, wondering how Kat has stayed back there the whole time he's been here... then again, she might've found another residence...
He looks up at the boy and tilts his head curiously.

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 6:32 pm
"Well then what were you doing?"

Posted by Tom on 4/23/2001, 6:39 pm
~Eating.... and watching for an old friend of mine...~
He continues to watch the other, hardly moving at all except the occasional tilt of his head.

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 6:41 pm
"Old Friend?" He doesn't seem at all worried that he's talking to a cat.

An ear twitches,
Posted by Tom on 4/23/2001, 6:44 pm
~No one you would know...~

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 6:45 pm
"Well, it doesn't stop me from asking.." He says peaceably.

Posted by Tom on 4/23/2001, 6:50 pm
He just kind of looks at Joey for a moment, frozen in place, then his tail flicks.
He looks outside and sees Kalieda walking down the street, dragging Lightning by the ear along with her. All the way Lightning struggles, but every time she glares at him he stops.
Tom slips cautiously away into the kitchen just before Kalieda drags Lightning in, looking around, "Where are you, Thomas?"

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 6:56 pm
Joey looks at the girl hauling the human male along by the ear. Turning his attention back to the cat he realizes it's gone. Leaps of logic are usually beyond him, but he links the girl coming and the cat leaving together. There was the possibility of them being totally unrelated, but he didn't think so. He hadn't been gone so long as to think that cat's usually talk to people. Thinking himself wise he doesn't mention the cat at all. "Hullo."

Posted by Kalieda on 4/23/2001, 7:05 pm
She shoves Lightning into a seat and gives him a look. He just looks very frustrated. Kalieda composes herself and looks more her own age of her mid twenties as she glances at the boy, then strides into the kitchen, totally oblivious to the cat watching her from a high cupboard, "If I'll be darned... he's hidden himself from me.... big wussy." Tom hisses and she looks up, "Haha! Gotcha!" He struggles as she pulls him down...

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 7:13 pm
He's rather disappointed that all that wisdom didn't help a bit. He looks rather put out with all his white hair sticking up all over the place.

Posted by Tom on 4/23/2001, 7:21 pm
and she puts him under the table while he takes his "normal" form. He emerges looking like there's a gray and white mop on his head he looks at the boy for another moment, then mutters something about sisters.
Kalieda gives him a look and he blinks for a moment and realizes she's in total human form. He quite stubbornly doesn't do what she's unverbally telling him: to do the same.

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 7:25 pm
He knew that there was something strange about that cat, and he was right. The put out look disappears from his face to become a somewhat smug expression.. This guy has a face like a Disney movie. You can nearly read every thought in his head by the expression on his face..

Posted by Kalieda on 4/23/2001, 7:39 pm
Keeps giving Tom the same look until he finally gives in, and in a disappearance of much fur and a replacement of gray and white with bright natural blond on top of his head, the sixteen year old glares at his sister and sits stubbornly beside her while the roots of his blond hair turn black at the look he receives from Lightning.
Kalieda clears her throat, "Tom, your hair's turning---"
"I know." he looks like his sister finding him is the most embarrassing thing in the world.
Lightning chuckles, but receives another kick in the knee.

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 7:43 pm
Now he looks somewhat puzzled. His expression clearly read,'I missed something.'

Posted by Kalieda on 4/23/2001, 7:47 pm
"Long story, not enough time to tell..." the words are directed at Joey, but she's watching Tom.
Lightning's eyes flash and Kalieda instantly looks over, narrowing her eyes at him, "Don't you dare, or else I'll see what you think of the police station."
He snorts.

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 7:49 pm
This doesn't make him look any less confused. He looks at Lightning, his light gray eyes curious.

Posted by Lightning on 4/23/2001, 8:34 pm
He smirks slightly and Kalieda hisses at him revealing sharp feline teeth. He just rolls his eyes. Kalieda turns to Tom, who now looks a bit more comfortable with his hair spiked. (gel in his pocket)
"Tom... He tried it..."
"Tried what?" One of Tom's ears twitch, the closest to a flick they can get as human ears. She glances at Calico's window and he gets the point. He looks away from Lightning's chuckles as his hair darkens again, "And why are you telling me?"
"Because... I got her out of it, but..."
and all through this Lightning looks more and more smug, "She's not exactly in the best----" Tom vanishes from sight before she can say anymore and Lightning attempts to do the same, but he looks pale suddenly as Kalieda's eyes flicker red, then back to normal.

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 8:41 pm
He seems to find Kaliedra's pointed teeth very interesting. He watches them closely ever time she opens her mouth to speak. For once the expression of somewhat idiotic absentminded good-humor has faded, his expression is almost dark as he watches her teeth. A moment later it seems to have faded and his expression is back to normal. He blinks when Tom disappears and then blinks again when Kaliedra's eyes flicker. He looks faintly disturbed again. But the expression fades quickly.

Glances at the boy,
Posted by Kalieda on 4/23/2001, 8:54 pm
her eyes narrowed as she looks him over carefully, similar to the way a cat does when someone walks into the room it's in. Two cat ears emerge from her long blond hair, and a long yellow fluffy tail flicks, tucked around her waist.
As Lightning looks quite miserable, she puts a piece of pizza in his mouth to keep him busy. She stands up and a little ways from the boy, a strange strip of black in her bangs which hadn't been there before standing out against the blond. She looks at him for a moment, her long cat tail flicking. She finally looks a bit more pleasant and smiles, "Sorry about that.... trying to help my brother out with his.... problems."
Lightning blinks slightly, but it's obvious he's not fully regained his strength from whatever mental pain she sent him.
She leaves Lightning, whose eyes flicker with the lights when she turns them on. She gives him one more stern look then walks out, a small Black cat following close behind. (Coal)

Posted by Joey on 4/23/2001, 10:30 pm
He watches the cat ears, he's nodding slightly to himself as if they explain something quite nicely.
"No problem. It was kinda... Interesting." He says to her receding back. Then he looks at Lightening with interest. For some reason the guy reminded him of that pony he saw the other day. Maybe it was just the fact that he was with the same lady as the pony was. He runs his fingers absently through his white blond hair making it stick up even more.

Posted by Lightning on 4/23/2001, 11:13 pm
After a while of absently chewing on the pizza he looks suddenly enlightened. He gets up, a bit shaky at first, then a bit more steady as his head gets closer to the ceiling, a bright shock of electricity seems to absorb into his body. when this is done his eyes are totally bright white like the lights. He glances at the boy, blinking at the way his hair stands up... he pulls his black trench coat further around himself, still watching the boy, his own hair bleached white except the black roots and jagged black streaks through it. most of the hair on his head seems attracted in every which-way electricity may be in. He runs a few fingers through his small beard. Then, in a strange gathering of light and energy, which looks much like people in the movies getting electrocuted surrounds him. The only difference from the movies is that he looks rather smug at the effect, vanishing into the ceiling at the speed of light... in other words, now you see him, now you don't.

Posted by Joey on 4/24/2001, 4:52 pm
He looks up at the ceiling curiously. Then looks at Lightning, he doesn't seem to find any of this strange, only interesting. When he disappears, he seems to be waiting for him to re-appear.

Sometime later...
Posted by Kalieda on 4/26/2001, 6:03 pm
Kalieda appears somewhere in the vicinity of the diner, the only evidence of her being there is slow, frustrated breaths. Her ears flick every once and a while and her fluffed up tail twitches nervously.

Is still in the diner..
Posted by Joey on 4/26/2001, 6:08 pm
He is staring through the window in a oblivious manner. He isn't seeing anything that's going on outdoors.

Posted by Kalieda on 4/26/2001, 6:21 pm
She sits in her usual spot by the broken window, watching the boy.

Posted by Joey on 4/26/2001, 6:36 pm
Comes out of it slowly when he realizes some one else have joined him. "Urm, Hullo.."

Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 4:59 pm
"Hi." She smiles slightly, but glances towards the street, "I don't believe I ever introduced myself..."

Posted by Joey on 4/27/2001, 5:03 pm
"Urm, nope, dun think so.."

Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 5:05 pm
"Call me whatever you like, but around here people have gotten to calling me by my nickname... Kalieda."
She glances up at him, eyes spining as they always do, like a spining kaliedescope.

Posted by Joey on 4/27/2001, 5:07 pm
"My name is Joey."

Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 5:09 pm
She smiles again, "Nice to meet you, Joey... what brings you to the diner?"

Posted by Joey on 4/27/2001, 5:12 pm
"This and that..." He says it like he's not really sure and doesn't want to talk about it.

Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 5:23 pm
She stretches her arms and glances at him, "Okay..." she cocks a brow at him

Posted by Joey on 4/27/2001, 5:26 pm
Sighs lightly. "It's a long story. A very long story..." He's glowing faintly in the darkness.

Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 5:39 pm

Shrugs lightly, "I have plenty of time..."
She doesn't take any notice to him glowing.

Posted by Joey on 4/27/2001, 5:40 pm
"I'd rather not..."

Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 5:41 pm
"Then don't. No pressure."

Posted by Joey on 4/27/2001, 5:43 pm
He nods carefully the small scars that cover his neck and arms telling a story of their own..

Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 5:47 pm
Blinks at them for a few moments, then wanders to the kitchen to grab something to drink...

Posted by Joey on 4/27/2001, 5:50 pm
Plays with a fork, trying to balance it on one end. When that doesn't work he tries the other.

Comes back with a Sprite
Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 5:51 pm
... and opens the can slowly. She takes a drink and watches him curiously.

Posted by Joey on 4/27/2001, 5:56 pm
Stands the fork up, it falls down. He looks at it, somewhat annoyed at it. He looks at the pop like he's never seen one before..

Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 6:01 pm
She stiffles laughter when he looks annoyed with the fork and takes another drink, flicking an ear at the way he looks at it.

Posted by Joey on 4/27/2001, 6:02 pm
He's studying it as hard as he can without actually taking it out of her hands.

Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 6:03 pm
Blinks a little and offers the can, "Want some?"

Posted by Joey on 4/27/2001, 6:05 pm, in reply to "Re: Comes back with a Sprite"
"Urm, thanks!"
He takes some and sips it. His eyes go wide and bug out.
"Whoa! This stuff is good!"
He takes another sip.

Bursts out laughing,
Posted by Kalieda on 4/27/2001, 6:15 pm
"I take it you've never had a nice Soda-Pop before?" Her eyes twinkle with laughter, "You can have it."

*Darkling runs...*
Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 6:00 pm
...down the street towards the diner, a large bundle in his arms wrapped in his coat. He reaches the diner easily, shouldering open the door, then sets the bundle down in a booth before tending to it.
From what's visible around the coat's fabric, it's Vendetta, who looks a bit feverish and disoriented. She doesn't even seem to acknowledge Darkling's prescene, much less recognize where she is. Darkling himself looks extremely worried.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 6:03 pm
A tall teen with white blond hair stands near the pop machine, trying to figure out how it works. When the two enter he looks up. He tilts his head in a questioning gesture.

Posted by Darkling/Vendetta on 5/10/2001, 6:05 pm
Darkling glances at the teen, almost angry at the intrusion, but his face softens after a moment. He unconciously positions himself between Vendetta and the boy.
"Who're you?" he says, Irish accent thick.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 6:07 pm
"I'm Joey." His tone is extremely deep, but has a strange timber to it. He seems like he might be a bit brain-damaged or something. The web of thin scars that cover his skin only encourage the idea that he was hit on the head one too many times.

Posted by Darkling/Vendetta on 5/10/2001, 6:11 pm
When Vendetta hears the voice, she manages to lever herself up on her elbows and focus her eyes on Joey. She swuints dizzily, trying to fix his position in her head.
"Norm or mutant?" she asks in a hoarse voice, as if she had screamed her throat raw. Darkling never takes his eyes off of Joey.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 6:15 pm
"Erm, well, it's a long story and I'm not suppose to tell anyway." He says this as if he doesn't really know how to answer because he's something entirely different. Anyone with the ability to sense mutants would say that he's human, but something about he seems a little too strange for that to be so.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 6:19 pm
Vendetta uses the edge of the booth to pull herself up to a sitting position. The cloth of Darkling's coat falls away, to reveal she's wearing only a sports bra and bicycle shorts. The skin on her arms is red and covered in burnlike welts.
"Jett, lay back down," Darkling says sternly.
"I'm curious," says Vendetta, staring at Darkling as though she can't see him very well. "He's not.... normal. Not a mutant... but not a Norm either."
Both turn to look at Joey. Darkling arches a brow expectantly.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 6:24 pm
He blinks and looks like a four year old that's gotten into something he shouldn't be. His facial expressions are similar to those on a Disney move and one can just about read every thought that goes through his head. He's somewhat distracted by the various welts, and his abstract appearance fades somewhat as he examines them. Then he realizes that they're both staring at him.
"It's a loooong story..." He offers, back to his almost child-like attitude.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 6:28 pm
Vendetta manages a weak smile.
"I like long stories."
Darkling shakes his head, as if objecting to the whole notion, but doesn't say anything.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 6:31 pm
He looks like he's arguing with himself. Finally he says,"I'm not quite sure what I am.... I got in an very bad accident... And I'm not quite sure what happened..." He seems to be running this over in his mind as if he's trying to decide if it is right.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 6:33 pm
"Let's start with something easy," says Darkling patiently. "How old are you?"
Vendetta squeezes her eyes shut and uses her free hand to massage a temple. She looks like she was just hit with a splitting headache.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 6:36 pm
He grins sheepishly. " 'nother long story... " He thinks for a moment,"But I think Eighteen is about right..."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 6:38 pm
Darkling nods.
"Can you remember where you're from?"
Vendetta makes an effort to look interested around her headache.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 6:40 pm
"Yes." His expression darkens. "But I can't go back..."
He tilts his head at Vendetta,"Duya want me to fix that?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 6:42 pm
Vendetta looks vaguely horrified at the notion, and stares wide-eyed at Joey. If she had the strength at the moment, she'd have bolted, but as it is she can only scoot herself farther back in the seat.
Darkling says a few soothing words in what sounds like Gaelic, but Vendetta pays them no heed, looking at Joey like a crippled sparrow might at a snake.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 6:44 pm
An expression of faint annoyance crosses his features as he completely misses the source of her fear. "Really, even I'm not dense enough to screw up healing a head ache! Why don't people ever believe me."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 6:47 pm
"No, she's not scared of you messing up," says Darkling, shaking his head. He reaches out and tenderly strokes a bit of Vendetta's hair in an effort to calm her down. Which fails miserably. "She's scared of you touching her..."
He smiles weakly at Joey.
"It's another long story. But here's the short version - she doesn't want to end up either spreading the fever, becoming a science experiment, or dying.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 6:51 pm
His expression brightens immediately. "Well, I can't get sick, and she's certainly not going to die while I'm around, she can't because I'm a..." He stops that line of thought abruptly and changes the subject. "I don't know about the science expirment thing though.." His expression goes blank as he starts thinking hard.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 6:55 pm
Vendetta's so in the gripps of irrational fear that she can't even understand English anymore. She starts saying short, terrified sentences in Russian, her eyes squeezed shut and her knees drawn up to her chest.
"She doesn't want them to take her back," translates Darkling, puzzled. He speaks a few halting phrases in russian himself, but Vendetta keeps shaking her head and saying "Nyet!"
Darkling sighs.
"If you're serious about this... I might have to hold her down."

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 6:58 pm
"Nah, as long as she really wants relief from that head-ache, you won't need to." He makes a motion with his hands like he's pulling harp strings. A feeling of power fills the room almost making everything around it feel brighter.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 7:00 pm
Vendetta pauses for a moment and tilts her head, as if listening to some melody only she can hear. Darkling's eyebrows furrow quizzically, flicking his gaze between Vendetta to Joey.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 7:04 pm
Finished his little harp playing movements. A single pure note fills the air for a second, then disappears. His eyes take on the headachy fevered looks that Vendetta's eye's held a moment earlier. Then it clears leaving Joey looking very pleased with himself. "That was one interesting fever!"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 7:09 pm
Vendetta blinks owlishly. Her eyes, formerly a dull forest-colour, return to their natural state of shimmering jungle green.
"My headache... it's gone!" She looks at Joey in amazement. The welts on her arms appear to be starting to heal on their own now, although she doesn't notice. "The fever... it's called demon fever...."
Darkling looks a little lost.
"Did I.... miss something...?"

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 7:11 pm
His entire being darkens slightly when Vendetta mentions the word demon, he's nodding to himself as if that explains everything. Then he brightens up again. "Well, least I'll know what it's called if I meet anyone with it again!"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 7:13 pm
"How did you do that?" Vendetta asks, interested. The welts are about half-healed, and her skin is also returning to its normal colour. "That was pretty... interesting..."
Darkling nods, agreeing with Vendetta.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 7:16 pm
He smiles at all the attention he's getting. "Healing is part of what I do."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 7:18 pm
Vendetta nods. "I know what you mean... but how? Most people have to heal by touch."
"Even Jett," says Darkling, motioning to Vendetta. "And she's an ecomancer."

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 7:20 pm
He shrugs,"I duno, I just...... Do it..." He shrugs again.
"What's an ecomancer?" He tilts his head.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 7:24 pm
"I can manipulate the energy of the Earth, and the living things ont it," says Vendetta, to explain. "Like... if I touched Darkling like this -"
She reaches out and gently places her fingertips on the side of Darkling's neck. Darkling freezes instinctively.
"- I can kythe with him, to 'borrow' his powers. Or I could heal him, or such."

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 7:26 pm
"Oh! Neat... I suppose that's kinda what I do.. In a way.."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 7:27 pm
"What else can you do?"
Vendetta removes her fingers and then folds her hands in her lap. By now, the welts on her arms are completely gone. She also looks a bit in better spirits, while Darkling still seems a bit puzzled by the whole thing.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 7:30 pm
"I don't really know.. I have wings... " Even the loose trech coat he's wearing wouldn't be enough to hide a pair of wings..

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 7:32 pm
"Wings?" Vendetta smiles at this. "Can you fly?"
Darkling refrains from commenting on this.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 7:34 pm
He nods seriously,"Yep. It's fun.." His eyes kinda glaze over at the memory.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 7:37 pm
She nods enthusiastically.
"I know how you feel... I kythed with a peregrine once..." Another smile crosses her face. "The feeling of total freedom."
Darkling sighs, shakes his head, and decides he isn't going to be part of this conversation, so he heads towards the soda machine.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 7:39 pm
He nods enthusiastically. He watches Darkling head towards the pop machine. "Do you know how to work that thing?" He looks hopeful.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/10/2001, 7:44 pm
Darkling nods.
"Sure." He digs in his pocket, pulls out some change, then pops four quarters in the machine and pushes a button at random. The can clangs into the bottom. He picks this up and tosses it to Joey. "You can have it."
Vendetta smirks at Darkling, silent.

Posted by Joey on 5/10/2001, 7:47 pm
He grins,"Thanks!!"
His expression goes completely blank.
"Be right there.." He says in a dreamy type voice. Then he snaps back to reality.
"I gota go!"
He runs out of the building without saying good-bye, but one gets the feeling that it's more because he's in a major rush and not because he's being rude.

*walk down the street....
Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 5:40 pm
....both looking to be in high spirits. A rare smile is on Vendetta's face, matching Darkling's, and the pair are holding hands. Their strides reflect their moods: both are very pleased at the moment. When they reach the diner, Darkling holds the door for Vendetta with an overly flirtatious smirk. Vendetta merely laughs and walks in, letting Darkling come in after her. They take a seat at the counter a moment later, discussing something in low, conspiratorial tones.

Walking around the town,
Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 5:42 pm
She caught their scents and smiled to herself. They smelled happy, and cheerful, maybe even more than infatuated. She tracked their familiar scents to the diner with a smile on her face.
She opened the door to the diner quietly, and sat down, watching them, and listening, wondering if she should interrupt.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 5:44 pm
"Terrean!" Vendetta smiles at her friend. "Long time, no see. How've you been?"
Darkling nods to Terrean in silnt greeting.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 5:47 pm
Is happily sipping a pop in a booth in one of the sun-lit corners. When he see's that there's people he comes out to visit.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 5:49 pm
"Hello, Joey." Vendeeta grins. "Nice to see you."
Darkling smiles and waves slightly at Joey.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 5:52 pm
He smiles cheerfully, the sunbeam he's standing in making a halo of light around him. "Hullo!"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 5:55 pm
"May I ask why you had to leave so suddenly yesterday?" says Vendetta, polite. Darkling wanders over to the soda machine and digs in his pocket for spare change.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 5:58 pm
"I had to go help."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 6:01 pm
"Help who?" says Darkling over his shoulder as he feeds the machine quarters. Vendetta looks interested.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 6:02 pm
"A little kid.."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 6:03 pm
Both Vendetta and Darkling raise eyebrows at this.
"What did he need help with?" Darkling says slowly, working out something in his head.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 6:05 pm
"He got run over..."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 6:12 pm
Vendetta stands up abruptly and her face changes to a look of concern. Darkling BLINKS.
"Is he alright??"

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 6:13 pm
"Yeah, he's fine." He blinks.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 6:15 pm ,
Two sodas clang out of the machine. Darkling takes one and tosses it to Vendetta, who catches it neatly, before opening his own. Vendetta herself still looks a little worried, but she sits down again.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 6:18 pm
He steps out of the sunlight to find a seat for himself on one of the bar stools. The halo effect hangs around him for slightly longer then it should.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 6:20 pm
Darkling resumes his seat by Vendetta. Vendetta regains a bit of her good mood and manages a smile at him, then at Joey.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 6:23 pm
Sips his pop, and smiles back.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 6:24 pm
"Other than that... how are you, Joey?"
Ven must be in a REAL good mood - she's actually trying to start a conversation. Darkling sips his pop and smirks.
"And how'd you do that neat trick with the light? Siobhan would probably like to know..."

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 6:27 pm
He thinks for a moment, tilting his head. "Oh.. I duno.. Light likes me.." He sticks his hand into the sunbeam again, achiving the halo effect and then pulls it out again. It takes a moment to fade. "Who's Siobhan?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 6:31 pm
Darkling grins.
"My sister. Twin sister, actually. She's got powers over light, and I've got powers over darkness."
"It's pretty neat, actually," smiles Vendetta.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 6:35 pm
"Oh! Power's over like shadows and stuff, or like powers over shadowy things?"
His gaze is serious, even if his tone is light. It's amazing how fast this guy can flip between being a goof and being completely serious.

Posted by Darkling on 5/11/2001, 6:41 pm
"The first. Though I've never tried the second." Darkling makes a face. "I'd give you a demonstration, but the sunlight's too bright."
Vendetta pats Darkling on the shoulder sympathetically.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 6:43 pm
"I wouldn't suggest trying the second.." He comments quietly before becoming cheerful once more.
"So what kind of stuff can ya do?" He asks curiously.

Posted by Darkling/Vendetta on 5/11/2001, 6:46 pm
Neither of them miss the tone in his voice, but Darkling seems more than happy to explain his abilites to Joey.
"Well, one of my favourites is what I call a shadowslide. I can jump from one shadow to another." He grins mischievously. "Jett here's used me as an escape route more than once."
Vendetta makes a small noise in protest and elbows him in the ribs. Darkling laughs and elbows her back.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 6:48 pm
"Sounds neat." He grins. "Well, what are friends for?" There might have been a slight accent placed on the word friends, but it's hard to tell..

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 6:56 pm
"That's not all, joey. Tell him, you shadow junkie." Vendetta pokes Darkling in the ribs at this. Darkling rubs his side and looks difficult.
"Aaah, I dunno..."
"C'mon! Joey's a buddy, he's not going to go tattle on you." Vendetta grins.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 6:57 pm
Tilts his head, a questioning look on his Disney movie features.

Posted by Darkling on 5/11/2001, 7:00 pm
Darkling doesn't look like he's going to say anything else, so Vendetta grins and starts ticking things off on her fingers.
"He's got almost total control over any kind of shadow, he can blink up to half a mile, he can deepen darkness at will, he has darkvision, he's classed as a Darkness elemental..."
Darkling's arm creeps around behind Vendetta as she recites this list, and as she reaches the last one he covers her mouth with her palm and pulls her in to rub his knuckles into her skull. Vendetta makes a muffled laugh/shriek and tries to get away.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 7:04 pm
He laughs,"That's some list!"

Posted by Darkling/Vendetta on 5/11/2001, 7:10 pm
"Ah, you think THAT's a list," smirks Darkling, "wait til you hear Vendetta's!"
"Hey, lemme go!!" Vendetta laughs, having managed to get Darkling's hand off of her mouth.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 7:11 pm
He looks at Vendetta, eyebrow raised expectantly.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 7:23 pm
Vendetta's trying to get away from Darkling, so he fills in for her.
"She can heal people, heal herself, make plants grow, talk in the langugae of the earth - which is REALLY weird, I saw her and Genesis do it once - talk with people telepathically, calm down wild animals, control fire and water -"
Darkling gets an elbow to the gut as he says this, and has to pause to catch his breath, but by then Vendetta has triumphantly broken out of his hold.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 7:24 pm
He chuckles,"Play nice you two!" He smiles wistfully,"I wonder if I'll ever get a list.."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 7:27 pm
"Well," says Vendetta, thoughtful, "it really comes down to everything you can do. We know you can heal with sound..."
"And we know that light likes you," grins Darkling. "Just think of what else you can do."

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 7:29 pm
He thinks hard,"I duno.. And I don't really heal with sound, the motion just helps my concentration.." He seems taller somehow..

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 7:31 pm
"Well, you can heal at a distance, and that's a powerful and rare ability," says Darkling. "Not a lot of people I know can do that, and I know a lot of mutants."
"And you said you had wings, right?" Vendetta grins. "There you go. At least three abilities."

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 7:34 pm
He grins,"Cool! I suppose it's a start..." Joey's head is actually a lot higher then it started out.. It could be the fact that he's floating a few inches above his seat. However his trench-coat hides this.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 7:39 pm
"It's better than a start," grins Vendetta. "As you get older, you'll unlock more powers. Happened with me."
"And me," agrees Darkling. "And if you're eighteen like you say, you're older than both of us. God only knows what kinds of latent powers you've got!"

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 7:43 pm
He nods thoughtfully,"Yeah.."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 7:45 pm
Vendetta glances out a window as she takes her seat, then grins.
"You're in luck, joey," she says. "Sun's setting. Darkling just might be able to give you that demo he was talking about!"
Darkling makes a face and swipes at Vendetta, though she avoids it easily.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 7:46 pm
Grins hopefully,"Really?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 7:48 pm
Darkling starts to growl at Vendetta, but after a moment he smiles at Joey.
"Sure. Besides, if I don't, Jett'll force me to go to the shooting range with her again."
"Dang straight!!" Vendetta grins.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 7:50 pm
A puzzled expression crosses his face. "Shooting range?" Then he catches the first part and grins.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 7:53 pm
"Yeah. I've got the best aim in town." Vendetta grins. Darkling shakes his head and sighs.
"That rifle of yours is too bloody loud..."

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 7:45 pm
From what seems like days of endless and aimless wandering about the lab, and then getting lost in the forest. It helps when one can fly out, but she saw no point, so she hung in the underbrush and thus was not there to see the mutants freed.
Now she flies slowly back into town and settles on the roof of the diner like one tired of jorneying and ready to lay down for good. But she didn't plan on that, and seeing the old ubuilding sparked memories anough to make her climb back inside and look around.
Wondering what happened to everyone she takes a seat in midair in a dark corner and waits for any signs of life.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 7:47 pm
Vendetta pauses suddenly, newly aware of a presence in the diner. She turns around to face the dark corner, then squints. Darkling, who's already seen Alysa as his eyes are sharper through shadow, merely nods in greeting.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 7:48 pm
The tall teen with whiteblond hair looks up as she enters. He tilts his head, a questioning look on his face.

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 7:48 pm
Smiles and drifts down form her spot, now noticing the two. "Long time no see guys."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/11/2001, 7:50 pm
"Alysa," nods Vendetta. She seems in high spirits today, as there are remnants of a smile on her lips now that she knows there isn't an enemy in the shadows. Darkling smirks and sips his can of soda.

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 7:53 pm
Just nods, taking a bit of interest in Joey, someone she hasn't met yet.

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 7:50 pm
Coming down to the floor from her spot grins and nods to the teen, about her age. "Hello, who are you?" Tries to hide the fact that she's still hovering inches above the ground.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 7:55 pm
The eighteen year old answers,"I'm Joey!" He notices that she's floating and runs his hand between her and the floor. He does it again. "Cool!"

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 7:56 pm
The (now) seventeen girl smiles and giggles slightly, "So you noticed..."

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 8:10 pm
He nods enthusiastically,"Yep! You float.. Without wings even! The only other people that I've seen that do that have wings..." He thinks. "'Cept one.. But yeah!" He runs his fingers through his hair which is already standing straight up.
This guy seems somewhat simpleminded. Maybe he was dropped on his head too many times as a child, or it could have something to do with the mirad of tiny scars that lace his skin. They cover his face, neck and his hands, one can't see how far they go because most of his body is covered by a loose black trench coat.

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 8:13 pm
Nods, "Yeah, I don't know how. Guess it has something to do with physics, but I never took that class..." turns a backflip in the air, then drifts lower to the ground so now she's merely a couple of centimeters. "Unfortunate thing is that I have never touched the ground, but I guess there's not much to miss, at least I don't trip!" grins, not much of a small talker.
She quickly studies him, but realizes she's staring at his scars and she blinks and looks away.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 8:23 pm
"Never ever? I thought stuff like that happened in your teens? Must be nice not to worry about tripping.."
He runs his hands through his hair again. It doesn't look like he noticed her staring. It's almost like he's so used to people staring that he doesn't even realize when it happens.
The scars are thin and make a web like mess of white skin. It looks like he might have had a nasty run in with a bunch of broken flying glass.

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 8:29 pm
Giggles, "Nope."
Can't help it, but asks, "What happened to you skin?" feels horribly embarrassed.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 8:31 pm
"I got in a bad accident..."

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 8:36 pm
"Oh..." doesn't say anything more at this very akward moment.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 8:40 pm
"So what's your name? I didn't hear it clearly when Vendetta said it.."

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 8:44 pm
"Oh, sorry. My name's Alysa..." thinks "I guess I don't have a nickname." grins

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 8:52 pm
"Niether do I. " He points out.

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 8:54 pm
Nods, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 8:59 pm
"Then again, I don't really need one..."

Posted by Alysa on 5/11/2001, 9:04 pm
"True, it's just a name." remembers an old friend telling her that, even though they are words, they are words describing who you are. But she shakes these out of her head.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 9:10 pm
Catches a bit of that last thought. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." He grins as though pleased with himself.

Silent as ever,
Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 8:43 pm
She listened to first Vendetta and Darkling, then Joey, and then Alysa, taking it all in. She wondered if she should add anything to their conversation, but it had been quite a few weeks since she had actually talked to any "civilized" people....

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 8:47 pm
Eyes Terrean, but sensing that she might not want to talk with him he just shoots her curious looks every once and awhile.

Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 8:49 pm
She saw his several glances and sighed slightly, and stood, walking towards him and extending a hand. "Hello. Joey, I presume? I've heard much about you."
She nodded toward Alysa. "Nice to see you again. I hope you remember me."

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 8:51 pm
Shakes her hand."Yep, I'm Joey. You've heard stuff about me?" His expression is halfway between anxious and pleased.

Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 8:59 pm
She smiled slightly. "Ah, yes. The whole town is abuzz with rumors that someone got hit by a car the other day and lived through it when it should have killed him. Not to mention my stray feline friends tell me someone strange came through. Someone that smells odder than a mutant and not a vampire. Though I have heard those have been running amok these days...."
Her tone was perfectly casual, as if she had met him years ago and was talking to him as a long lost friend.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 9:06 pm
"Oh, I was hoping no one saw that... It makes wandering around a lot tougher." He frowns in thought.

Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 9:08 pm
"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about it. As long as you are here, you are pretty much safe. Ever since the night ages ago when people revolted against the mutants taking over the diner, no one has complained."
Her smile turned somewhat sly and animal-like.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 9:12 pm
"Well, yeah, but I gota be able to wander around the city." He doesn't notice the change.

Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 9:15 pm
"Just show backbone and people'll leave you alone. But stay away from bars. Drunks have no sense and are complete idiots when it comes to handling mutants. At least in this town. Here, you have to worry about vamps. There are at least three here as my feline sources say. I don't know much about them besides that, however."

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 9:20 pm
"Thanks.. I might have gotten in trouble if a drunk decided to fight me... I don't have to worry about Vampires at all..." The expression on his face goes to one of worried intelligence when the vampire's are mentioned.

Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 9:26 pm
"You're perfectly welcome. I'm only glad to help. Oh, and watch out for evil mutants. Namely, Pain, Thief, Flame, and perhaps Psylight."
She seemed faintly curious when he mentioned not worrying about Vamps...though that expression on his face belied what he said if she judged it right.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 9:34 pm
His expression snaps back to the goofy one that he usually wears."Who are they?"

Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 9:37 pm
"Oh, just nasty figures that pop up when you least expect them. Pain deals all in giving pain. He has control over other people's bodies. Flame deals with fire. Thief amplifies your powers till the point of...well, agony, I guess. Psylight is purely Telepathic and is very powerful. Those are the main ones, and I'm sure there are several more....Ahh, yes. I forgot Fantom. She deals with illusions, though I've never actually fought her, I do have sources."
She grinned at this and tapped a temple with a finger and winked. All casually.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 9:40 pm
"Are all of them truely evil?"

Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 9:43 pm
She shrugged, still casually. "I'm sure they all have their reasons for being evil. But I suscpect Psylight might be on the virge of actually doing something good in her life. Heh heh...I'm not sure about the others. I rather doubt they are all pure evil...."
"Good luck in finding their good side, though."

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 9:48 pm
He frowns again, then his expression clears. "I doubt there is much that they can do to me.."

Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 9:51 pm
A look of surprise passed over her face before she returned to her casual air. Still, her voice was curious, "You feel no pain? Have no mind? See no illusions? Have no powers?...."
"I cannot die, but that does not stop Pain from torturing me...In fact, that is what encourages him...."

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 9:55 pm
"Pain can only go so far. My powers can't possibly be used to hurt, and I think my mind would send anyone wishing to do harm to run screaming from the area. Illusions too, can only go so far.. This is asuming that they can even approach me.." He looks somewhat smug, the expression looks completely alien on his features.

Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 9:59 pm
"Really." She cocks an eyebrow, the only sign she is surprised. "So, tell me, what are your powers, then, besides not dying, having wings, and light loving you."

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 10:03 pm
He smiles cheerfully back to his old self, "No idea!"

Posted by Terrean on 5/11/2001, 10:09 pm
"Then how can you be sure no other mutants would be able to hurt you?" She seemed interested by this concept. To say the least.

Posted by Joey on 5/11/2001, 10:26 pm
"It's a feeling.."

Sitting in the diner
Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 12:46 pm
sitting cross legged on one of the bar stools. He's playing with a fork, trying to stand it up on one end. It's not working very well, but he keeps trying.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 12:52 pm
Right on cure, Vendetta and Darkling traipse down the street, hand in hand. Whatever made them leave early yesterday doesn't seem to be affecting them today; they look just as happy as they've been over the course of the last couple days.
The enter the diner in a few minutes, and both wave and greet Joey.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 12:57 pm
He grins,"Hullo! That was some neat trick! "

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 12:59 pm
Darkling makes a deep bow, flourishing one hand.
"Thank you, thank you."
Vendetta rolls her eyes and mouths the word 'arrogant!'.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 1:02 pm
He grins. Only slightly, is what his grin says. "So what are you guys upta?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 1:06 pm
"Nothing much," shrugs Vendetta. "You?"

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 1:09 pm
"Ditto!" He puts the fork away. "So what did you guys have to go to last night?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 1:16 pm
"Don't look at me," says Darkling, hands up defensively as he takes a seat ont he bar. "I don't know, and I don't want to know. It's enough that Vendetta worries me grey with her being a merc."
Darkling sighs and looks over at Vendetta. She seems not to have heard this, as she's trying to get a Cherry coke out of the stubborn soda machine.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 1:23 pm
"Oh! I didn't know Vendetta was a Merc.." It takes him a moment to remember what the word means.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 1:28 pm
"Mercenary," supplies Darkling as Vendetta wanders back over, triumphant. "Hired gun to the highest bidder."
"Now, Darkling," says Vendetta, "you know that's not the exact truth." She looks at Joey. "I won't work for someone with.... doubtful ethics, for example. Doesn't matter how much they pay.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 1:32 pm
"Well, that's good.. I dun know if Mercanary is the right word.. but I guess it works.."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 1:34 pm
"It's a close enough definition. A girl's gotta make a living, after all." Vendetta sits down by Darkling and pops the top on her Cherry Coke. Darkling just shakes his head.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 1:37 pm
The teen looks like he's about to say something about that, then changes his mind. Then he eyes her Coke," I haven't had one of those yet. Is it good?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 1:41 pm
Vendetta grins and flashes a wink that could be used in a commercial.
"My personal favourite. Dark's a Sprite drinker."
She makes a face and sips her Cherry Coke. Darkling smirks.
"At least mine can pass for water."

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 1:43 pm
"Why is it a good thing that it passes for water?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 1:45 pm
"Well, for one, you can sneak it into places a lot easier if people think it's water." Darkling grins. "Unlike Vendetta's cherry stuff, which looks and tastes like fizzy cough syrup."
"Does not!!" Vendetta punches him on the arm. Darkling winces and holds his 'wounded' arm.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 1:47 pm
"Why would you need to sneak soda into someplace?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 1:49 pm
"Various reasons," shrugs Darkling. "Say you want to take a drink into a movie."
"Take back that crack about the fizzy cough syrup!!" scolds Vendetta. Darkling ignores her.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 1:51 pm
He thinks for a moment.
"Does it really taste like fizzy cough syrup?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 1:59 pm
"No!" Vendetta glares at Darkling. "He's just being a jerk."
Darkling fodls his arms and smirks, silent.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 2:00 pm
"I drank a bottle of cough syrup once..I had to get my stomach pumped..."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 2:05 pm
Darkling makes a face.
"Siobhan once swallowed an entire ring of birth-control pills... she thought they were Tic Tacs."
Vendetta winces at that.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 2:10 pm
"Did she have to get her stomach pumped?"
Joey's eye's go blank. "Be right there.." He says in the same dreamy tone.
"Um, Be right back!"
He rushes out onto the street and into the path of an incoming truck. He has time to look up before he's flattened beneath the wheels. The strangest thing is the annoyed expression on his face.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 2:11 pm
Both Vendetta and Darkling practically vault out of their seats and run to the door. Vendetta makes it first, then darts out into the street.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 2:13 pm
The teens still form is lying on the concrete just outside the diner. The truck driver hits the corner and speeds around it, not even looking back.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 2:21 pm
Vendetta kneels next to Jeoy, checking frantically for a pulse. Darkling follows soon afterward.
"Why the blazes did he do that?!" hisses the Irishman.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 2:23 pm
There's no pluse. He appears to be dead.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 2:26 pm
Vendetta bows her head in reverence, then sighs sadly. Darkling squeezes her shoulder in comfort.
"Could you pick him up and take him into the diner?" she says quietly. "You're stronger than me...."

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 2:28 pm
Is just kinda lying there. A light breeze runs through his blood stained white hair.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 2:33 pm
Darkling kneels and picks up Joey's body, then solemnly follows Vendetta into the diner, where he lays the boy on a booth. Vendetta bows her head again and bites her lip, on the verge of tears. Darkling manages to look stoic.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 2:35 pm
One of his hands twitches, or maybe it just shifted when Darkling put him down.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 2:38 pm
Vendetta BLINKS.
"Did you see that?" she whispers, eyes wide. Darkling shakes his head.
"No," he says slowly. "What?"
"Nothing. Nevermind."

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 2:41 pm
His hand moves again, that was definetly a twitch.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 2:42 pm
Darkling sees it this time, and his eyebrows shoot up. Vendetta unconciously scoots back a bit, eyes narrow in suspicion.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 2:44 pm
The hand moves, then his arm. His hand goes to his forehead, as if he's got a headache. His face contorts into a grimace, then his eyes snap open. His pupils snap from a pure white back to his normal light grey. He groans. "What's with traffic around here, anyway?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 2:46 pm
Darkling spits out a few words in Gaelix that sound like curses. Vendetta, however, reacts better - she launches forward and sweeps Joey up in a great big hug.
"You're OKAY!!" she grins.
Darkling looks almost jealous.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 2:50 pm
He blinks a couple of times, more then a little confused. "I am really beginnning to think that road is a bad place for me to be...." Sitting for a moment to re-gain his wits, he suddenly tries to get to his feet.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 2:52 pm
"Yes, it's a bad place!" Vendetta says after letting him go. "You scared the hell out of me!!"
Darkling nods, agreeing.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 2:55 pm
"Sorry!" He looks at his watch. "Not good." His eyes go black again. He looks like he wants to swear by can't for some reason. "I'm gona need some help, do you two wanta come?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 3:00 pm
The pair exchange glances. Darkling shrugs after a moment.
"We've got nothing better to do. Sure, why not?"

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 3:03 pm
"Great!" He looks somewhat relieved. Running out onto the street again, he slows long enough to check for cars and then continues his dash down the street.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 3:03 pm
The pair follow him as fast as they can, Vendetta in the lead and Darkling lagging slightly behind.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 3:08 pm
He stops near an alley a few blocks from the diner. A very angry mob has surrounded a couple of figures in the dead end.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 3:11 pm
Vendetta curses under her breath as she comes to a stop by Joey. Darkling also stops, then looks over at joey.
"Friends of yours?" he says, nodding his head to the figures at the end of the alley.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 3:14 pm
"Not exactly." He answers Darkling quietly.
Shouts of kill the mutants echo through the small space. Joey manages to get to the front. Standing in front of the crowd he shouts,"What's the Probelm here?"
One big guy in the crowd shouts back,"We're gona kill all of the mutants, starting with this one here!!"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 3:18 pm
"Oh, one of THOSE," growls Vendetta, narrowing her eyes and balling her hands into fists. Darkling squeezes her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down, then takes her hand and pushes through the crowd, up to where Joey's standing.
"What did the mutants do to you?" Darkling coolly asks the big man in the crowd.

Posted by The Crowd on 5/12/2001, 3:22 pm
A different voice in the crowd shouts,"That one bit me! I bet she's poisonus! I could have died!"
The tall man narrows his eyes at Darkling,"That one was ready to kill, she's too dangerous to live!"
The crowd shouts their agreement.
Joey motions to Darkling. In an under tone he asks,"Is the alley dark enough for you to shadowslide?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 3:28 pm
"Let me see the bitemark," Vendetta yells back, folding her arms over her chest and arching a brow.
Darkling nods.
"Even if I couldn't, I could still blink if I had to. You want me to slide us all out of here if the party gets too rough?"

Posted by The Crowd on 5/12/2001, 3:34 pm
A arm is hosted above the crowd, it does indeed have a bite mark on it. Two puncture marks that seem to have been made with small but needle sharp teeth. This only enrages the crowd further. Someone in the crowd,"Get out of the way so we can deal with her!!"
"Well, he started it." The mutant hiding behind Joey grumbles.
Joey nodss his head."Yeah, take Vendetta, and the mutant. I'll stay here to deal with the crowd." He grins."They want to chase a mutant.. I'll give them something unusual to chase."
"He's planning something!!" Another voice in the crowd shouts. "Get them!!"
Joey swallows hard."You'd better get ready to go."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 3:38 pm
Darkling nods, then grabs the mutant by the wrist before yelling over the crowd to Vendetta.
"Jett! Time to go!!"
Vendetta doesn't seem to hear. Instead she steps a few paces back from the edge of the crowd, then holds out her left hand, gloved palm up. A moment later, a fireball at least four inches in diameter sparks to life and hovers gently over her hand.
"First one to attack me or mine gets a fireball straight up their nose," she snarls at the crowd.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 3:41 pm
Taps Jett on the shoulder, hoping that she's not so tense that she doesn't recognise him and burn a hole in him. "Jett, time to go..."
The crows backs up a few paces, but the fireball only seems to make them more annoyed. "Get the Mutants!!"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 3:43 pm
Vendetta, oddly enough, doesn't chew Joey out for using her name instead of her callsign. She merely snarls and shows teeth at the crowd, obviously wanting to stay and fight.
"We have to go!" yells Darkling. "Now! While we still have the chance!!"

Posted by The Crowd on 5/12/2001, 4:13 pm
Chases after Joey. Winging and diving through the crowded streets Joey leads them right past the place were the three are hiding. He shoots past the place, giving the three below a impression of blindingly white feathers and streaming trenchcoat before he's gone. None of the mob stops to check this new alley.
The mutant shakes her head,"I wasn't planning to." She is definetly one strange looking critter. Almost like a kagaroo anthro. She has legs and tail like the animal, but she has arms shaped like a humans. Her face is a strange combo of Roo and human. Her ears are pierced multiple times. One of her arms is normal, aside from the fact that it's covered with fur and has claws, but the other is a metallic silver up to her elbow. "So what do we do now?" She asks.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 4:18 pm
Darkling arches an eyebrow at Vendetta, then looks at the roo hybrid.
"On how good of terms are you with Xavier's School For the Gifted?"
"Oh, NO." Vendetta shakes her head, fierce. "We are NOT going back there."
"It's the only safe place I can think of!" Darkling argues. "The diner is pretty much compromised, and Joey's got his wings full distracting the crowd."

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 4:22 pm
He's diving an swooping through the crowd, almost enjoying himself when a loud bang fills the air and something shoots past his wing. He looks down, "Where on earth did they get a gun!?"
She shrugs,"I don't know, I've never been there!"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 4:28 pm
Vendetta looks up and whirls around at the sound of the gun.
"Somebody's shooting at Joey!" She looks at Darklign again, and points at the roo hybrid. "Take her somewhere safe, then come back and help me."
"What are you-"
"Shae, just do it!" She calls another fireball to life over her hand, then reaches into the back of her waistband to pull out a .45 Beretta pistol. "I'm not leaving Joey here alone, and we don't know if Kanga here can fight. So go!"
Vendetta's starting to act more like her normal, battle-loving self, so Darklingnods and grabs the roo hybrid's wrist as Vendetta runs down the street towards the mob and Joey.
"If you can fight, tell me now," said Darkling.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 4:34 pm
Decides that he can use this to his advantage. Winging across the city with the entire mob in his wake he sets into a hover above the forest..
"Kanga?!" The teen is indignant. Removing her arm from Darklings grip she answers. "Sure I can fight, you saw that guys arm." Her voice lowers to a growl. "He's just lucky I used my teeth and not my arm.. He would have been clutching a bloody stump!" Her silver arm is slowly changing shape as she talks. It's getting longer and sharper by the second.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 4:38 pm
Vendetta, meanwhile, can't run as fast as Joey can fly, but she also decides to use this to her advantage. Spotting one of the gun-toters in the crowd, she winds up baseball pitcher-style and throws the fireball, landing it mere feet from the shooter. He drops the gun and runs, while Vendetta darts forward to pick it up, field-strip it, and move on, towards the forest joey is hovering over....
Darkling peeks around the corner again.
"Good, because I have a feeling you might need to," he says, then pauses as if he just remembered something. "I'm Darkling."

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 4:44 pm
Slaps his palm to his forehead while hovering in mid-air. ~Evidently Darkling didn't take them very far.~ He hisses in pain as one of the bullets leaves a thin line along his calf. This was not his idea of a good time. Making up his mind he fakes being hit in Mid-air and falling into the forest. Hopefully Vendetta wouldn't freak out. He throws in a few spirals for good measure.
"Well, yeah!" Her tone indicates that was a Duh kinda comment. She smiles dryly,"You might as well call me Kanga.."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 4:49 pm
Vendetta is no stranger to fancy flying, but Joey's aerial manuevers are just a little too real for her taste. Now that Joey is 'down', the mob splits into two halves - one half going after joey, and the other converging on Vendetta, Darkling and Kanga.
~Joey,~ she sends a blind mind-message in his general direction, ~I sure hope you know what you're doing.~
Darkling smirks.
"I try to keep my manners around ladies. Shall we?"

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 4:54 pm
~ Of Course I do! I think.. They'll never find me now. They'll probably assume that I came down someplace and they'll all go home.~ Once he's out of sight he stops his plunge, finds a clearing and lands neatly.
She grins,"Sure."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 4:58 pm
~They'll assume you came down someplace alright,~ thinks Vendetta angrily as she runs. ~But they won't stop and go home til they're out of energy or they've found you. This is NOT the time to play the crippled sparrow!~
"Try not to hurt anyone too badly?" he says with a roguish smirk, then takes the lead to follow the path Vendetta took.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 5:02 pm
~ Calm down! Really, everything is under control!~ He looks around, no one near..
"Now why would I do that??" She falls into place behind him, hopping along easily.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 5:05 pm
~Joey, you haven't the first clue as to what that blasted forest holds! And if the Norms find something they won't like, there's no telling what kind of disasters will happen! Get out of there NOW!!~
As he sprints, Darkling scans up ahead for Vendetta's red-brown head. He sees her after a moment, then speeds up slightly to try and catch up, but before he can go too many steps farther the crowd closes and cuts them off.
"Going somewhere, muties?" taunts one of the crowd members.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 5:09 pm
His mind voice betrays his puzzlement~ I think I missed something.Oh well!~ Flipping open his wings he lifts off, flying low to the trees.
Kanga snarls,"Yeah. What are you going to do about it?" She raises her silver knife/hand threateningly a somewhat manic grin on her face.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 5:18 pm
~Yeah, you missed something. I'll fill you in on what I know later. Just get out of danger for now - you're a great big white here-I-am-shoot-me sign!~
"Why doncha c'mere and I'll show ya." The man beckons to Kanga, a switchblade in one hand. Seemingly out of nowhere, Darkling pulls out a black-handled spear and has it at the man's throat in less time than it takes to blink.
"Not very smart, are you?" drawls Darkling.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 5:22 pm
For a moment it sounds like he's going to argue, then he just gives in. ~Okay.~
"I would be glad to..." She frowns at Darkling, then with a shake of her head she goes to find her own human to scare witless.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 5:27 pm
Vendetta almost replies, but right befroe she can she runs into a group of mutant-haters herself. It's a smaller group than the one Darkling and Kanga are facing, though not by much, and they seem to be a bit smarter.
"Let me pass," hisses Vendetta in a voice like ice.
"Why should we?" says the apparent leader.
"I've got nine good reasons, she says, levelling the Beretta at him, but he doesn't so much as flinch. "You have a death wish?"
"Maybe, maybe not." He sneers. "But I'm betting you can't shoot all of us."
Darkling whacks the man on the side of the head with his spear, knocking him out cold, then twirls it to a battle-ready position and grins viciously at the man's comrades.
"You've got one chance..... take your best shot."

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 5:32 pm
Is working his way around the forest so he can loop back. Hopefully he hadn't gotten the others into major trouble..
"What? All you big strong humans are afriad of two mutants? HA!" The crowd growls and she grins at them, balancing on her tail she has her Roo legs at the ready.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 5:40 pm
Vendetta calls a third fireball, though it's a small one and almost totally white. The effect isn't very good.
"Stupid wench," sneers a man. "Using the same trick twice."
"Wrong trick," Vendetta hisses back, and casts the tiny white fireball straight at the leader's feet. It explodes in a flash of blinding light, and when the light fades away, Vendetta is gone, running up the street towards Joey.
"Get her!!" yells the leader, who bleeding from his eyes.
This taunt is too much for the men in the crowd, and the attack full-force from all sides. Darkling has a bit of a time defending himself, careful not to serious injure anyone if he can help it.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 5:45 pm
"Oh boy." Diving across the street he goes low enough to snatch Vendetta off the ground. "Hold on!"
The teen is laughing as she's bowling people over left and right with her powerful rear paws. Boucing back and forth on her tail it becomes obvious that she's having the time of her life.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 5:51 pm
Hold on she does - in fact, she clings to Joey for dear life.
Darkling is apparently having a good time as well - he's untouched so far, and there's a growing pile of unconscious men nearby.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 5:54 pm
Gets enought lift to make it over the heads of the mob. Luckily the people below are so shocked, they don't remember they have guns in time to shoot. When he goes over Darkling he shouts,"Get the other one and go! This party is getting a little too wild!"
She ducks as Joey goes over head, not trusting his flying skills.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/12/2001, 5:58 pm
"Right!" Darkling breaks off from his latest attacker, darts behind Kanga and puts a hand on her shoulder. "I'm going to have to risk a blink... hold on tight!"
There's a slight shimmering in the air, as if Kanga and Darkling are getting fuzzy, then they're gone. A blink later, the reappear on the rooftop of the diner. Darkling looks like he's just run ten miles, and almost falls over from exhaustion.

Posted by Joey on 5/12/2001, 6:01 pm
He makes his way towards the diner. Spotting Darkling on the roof he heads towards it. "I'm gona leave you on the roof, Okay?" With that warning he goes over the roof and drops her beside Darkling.
Kanga looks around and shrugs. "Well, thanks for the fun!"

*looks around*
Posted by Alysa on 5/13/2001, 12:02 pm
Outside the diner, wondering where everyone has gone to. She sees markings of a fight in the diner, but isn't sure what happened.

Posted by Joey on 5/13/2001, 12:33 pm
Inside the diner a very tired looking Joey is curled up in one of the booths, sheltered beneath a pair of massive white wings. He's somehow managed to tuck his head under one of them.

Posted by Alysa on 5/13/2001, 12:36 pm
Is startled to see Joey with wings, but shakes her head and wonders if she should wake him.

Posted by Joey on 5/13/2001, 12:38 pm
He slowly wakes, with a yawn he sits up and scrubs at his eyes. Flipping his wings closed they disappear into the trench coat without a trace. Yawning again he looks around the diner. Seeing Alysa he blinks sleepily. "Hiyas."

Posted by Alysa on 5/13/2001, 12:40 pm
Nods, "Hey."

Posted by Joey on 5/13/2001, 12:41 pm
He yawns again, the little halo of light that surrounds him from the sunbeam coming through the window makes him look almost angelic.

Posted by Alysa on 5/13/2001, 12:46 pm
Raises an eyebrow with a curious and awed look but quickly hides the expression. "So, what happened?"

Posted by Joey on 5/13/2001, 12:50 pm
"What happened when?" Then he realises what she's talking about. "Well, Vendetta, Darkling and me, or is it I? Anyway we went to go rescue a girl from a mob. She looked like a Kangaroo.. She might even be around here someplace..."
He looks around, it doesn't look like the girl is in the building, but she might be sleeping in the shadows of one of the booths.

Posted by Alysa on 5/13/2001, 12:52 pm
"And then what happened?" she seems to be wondering when to ask about the wings...

Posted by Joey on 5/13/2001, 12:57 pm
"Well, leme see..."
He thinks hard for a moment.
"Well, we got to the crowd and Darkling blinked everybody but me to safety. Then I distracted the crowd and they were supposed to make a run for it, but Vendetta must have heard the shots going off and came after me. I went over the forest and faked getting shot down. The mob followed us. Vendetta got surrounded by a mob, and I rescued her. Darkling blinked to the roof with the Roo Girl. And I came in here and fell asleep."
He thinks for a moment.
"I hope Darkling and Vendetta got home okay. Darkling looked pretty tired.. Is should have checked on them." He frowns.

Posted by Alysa on 5/13/2001, 12:59 pm
"I think they're fine, I didn't see them on the roof when I checked last..." pauses for a moment, then very quietly says "I didn't know you had wings..."

Posted by Joey on 5/13/2001, 1:01 pm
They disappear when I don't need them.. I never have found out were they go.."

Posted by Alysa on 5/13/2001, 1:02 pm
Nods, "That kinda makes sense."

Posted by Joey on 5/13/2001, 1:04 pm
He yawns again. "I forgot flying is such hard work!"

Posted by Alysa on 5/13/2001, 1:06 pm
Looks innocent and turns her eyes away, "I would have no idea..." grins slightly and shrugs

Posted by Joey on 5/13/2001, 1:08 pm
"Yeah, you float!"

Posted by Alysa on 5/13/2001, 1:09 pm
"Well, yeah, if you put it that way. But I can still reach high altitudes..."

Posted by Joey on 5/13/2001, 1:16 pm
"But you don't have to flap." He looks and sounds faintly indignant.