X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at http://www.oocities.org/the2020rp/.

This Record thread invovles the ending of what I'm going to call the Lab Saga. The basic story line is this...

A bunch of mutants got caputred by a lab. After spending a long time in a holding cell that blocked mutant powers and having computer chips imbedded in their wrists and tatoo's burned into their shoulders the mutants were split into two groups. The first was composed of Calico, Tom, Fade, Relfection and Mirage. They were thrown into a desert type hologram. In this hologram there were serveral types of dangerous animals. Sandsnakes and Worgs amoung them. Sandsnakes are huge animals that travel beneath the sand. Worgs are large wolf like creatures. The only place that the mutants powers worked was in the oasis and less well on the black rocks. The water in the Oasis was poisoned. The mutants that drank it were slowly turning into SAm's and SAf's, the mindless mutant guards of the labs. Slowly their eyes turned blue and lamp-like and they became extremely strong. Talon (Calico's best friend) and Kyos were captured after and also thrown into the lab. Due to the fight that got them captured in the first place Tom and Fade were not getting along. The evil part of Tom's personality took over and he flashed back and forth between his real personality and the evil one. Calico shared Tom's pain through the telepathic link that connects them. Mirage spent most of her time away from the group. Talon's animal half took over and the real Talon watched with horror as she hunted. Relfection didn't do much, although at one point her eyes were reflecting the real lab area they where in. (See the In the Desert-March 2nd record). Kyos came in later, he was mostly in his dog form.

The other group contained Lightening (Calico's Brother), Kalidira (Tom's Sister), the human Kat and Calvin. The two mutants remained in the holding cell while the two humans were taken. Evil mutant twins were created by their worst images of themselves. The evil Kat and Calvin were completely loyal to the lab and had distructive mutant powers that took the form of glowing black balls of energy.

Meanwhile a group of mutants inlcuding Vision (Mirage's older sister), Terran, Star and Paradox tried to get into the lab. They were having dificulites with the oganic walls that grew back whenever damaged. They had bigger problems coming, the super-mutant named the Scrouge was brought out by the lab to squash the mutants flat. Then it all just disappeared.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been elimintaed to save space. Some of the text as been changed to combine two or more different threads. I tried to catch every 'waking up' thread. After March 30th I stopped including stuff that started out as a waking up thread and then whent on a total different subject entirely. If you have any probelms with with this, or have something to add, notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

Leans in the doorway,
Posted by Demonia on 3/24/2001, 6:48 pm
the light behind her once again making the two teenagers unable to see anything but her form. She crosses her arms, waiting.

Posted by Karma on 3/24/2001, 6:55 pm
"Told you so."

Posted by Andy on 3/24/2001, 6:53 pm
Stops chewing, holding onto the pizza tightly while he looks quickly at Karma.

Posted by Karma on 3/24/2001, 6:56 pm, in reply to
"Believe me now?"
She looks slightly strained.

Posted by Andy on 3/24/2001, 7:07 pm
Nods silently.

Posted by Demonia on 3/24/2001, 7:08 pm
shifting. "Your first wish will be?"

Posted by Karma on 3/24/2001, 7:10 pm
"I um... I..."
She looks to Andy, hoping for some assistance.

Posted by Andy on 3/24/2001, 7:16 pm
One side of his mouth turns up slightly in a nervous grin. "Wish that uh... you could..."

Lifts an eyebrow at the two,
Posted by Demonia on 3/24/2001, 7:17 pm
grinning quietly.

Posted by Karma on 3/24/2001, 7:22 pm, in reply to "Lifts an eyebrow at the two,"
"That I could what?"
She takes a deep breath, trying to calm down.

Posted by Andy on 3/24/2001, 7:29 pm
"I don't know! Free all the aliens from being tested on?" He blinks suddenly, slightly embarassed with what he said.

Posted by Karma on 3/24/2001, 7:33 pm
She raises an eyebrow, then an idea hits her.
"Andy, you're a genius!"
"Um... Miss Genie?"

Posted by Andy on 3/24/2001, 7:39 pm
Stares briefly, then tries to avoid showing how confused he is by saying, "I know, I know."

Posted by Demonia on 3/24/2001, 7:40 pm, in reply to "Re: Lifts an eyebrow at the two,"
Smiles, unfolding her arms and standing up.

Posted by Karma on 3/24/2001, 7:44 pm, in reply to ""Yes?""
"Ok... Um... Could you... er... I wish that the mutants were freed from the... nonono wait! I wish..." She trials off, trying to figure out how to word her wish.
"I wish that the whole lab problem would just... dissapear so all those mutants could go free."
She glances at Andy, hoping she said that right.

Posted by Andy on 3/24/2001, 7:46 pm
Pauses, wide-eyed.

Light starts to filter from her finger tips,
Posted by Demonia on 3/24/2001, 7:52 pm
showing the woman's blazing red/orange hair and light, bronze colored skin. Her lips part in a wicked smile. "Your wish is my command." At the corner of her right eye, three jewels the same colors on the box (red, green and yellow) suddenly brust with beams of light. Her strange purple, yellow and green dress blows with a huge gust of wind that whips through the kitchen and living room. Uttering a few words in a different language, she lifts both hands toward the sky, the light coming from them now blindingly bright.

The lab quickly...
Posted by GM on 3/24/2001, 8:34 pm
succumbs to the genie’s powers. Slowly at first, the walls begin to go transparent. A few moments later, they are completely gone. The desert shimmers, then disappears for a moment, revealing a verdant field surrounded by distant trees and spattered with black rocks. As quickly as it disappears, the image comes crashing back around its occupants. The shrill calls of sandsakes echo over the land, followed shortly by dozens of the creatures bursting through the sand. Warg howls mingle hauntingly with the noise, creating a haunting dirge. Without warning, the creatures fade away, leaving a silence almost as deafening as their noise.
Blacklin rushes down what used to be a hallway. “What’s going on here?!?” He yells in frustration as the SAms surrounding him begin frenzied screeching and also fade from sight. “WHAT IS GOING ON?” All around him, scientists wink out like candle flames. He reaches the desert’s edge just before he himself begins to fade.
“Noooooo!” His voice echoes off into nothingness as he follows his colleagues into nothingness.
Finally, the now deserted lab disappears, leaving an untouched field littered with the mutants, all of whom have been knocked unconscious. Finally, the mutants themselves disappear in a flash of light. Leaving a large stretch of empty wilderness.
Minutes later, the diner is surrounded by bright white light. When it disappears, the mutant’s sleeping bodies are draped across chairs, on the floor, and on top of counters.

((Thus, the end of the Lab! Sorry about the abruptness. My comp time is gonna be SEVERELY limeted (as you may have noticed) so I figured I'd finish this up and give everyone a bit of freedom. *grin* Questions? E-Mail me: silverwake22@yahoo.com See ya 'round! *waves and poofs*))

Approach the diner
Posted by Nightwolf & NightHawk on 3/25/2001, 1:18 pm
NightHawk blinks as he looks through the shattered diner window and sees.....sleeping figures.
"Something strange is going on."
Nightwolf looks at him then looks inside, her amber eyes filled with shock as she see's the sleeping mutants inside.
As they walk closer to the diner she spots Terrean in the crowd.
"Terrean? She was in the lab....."
NightHawk peers through the broken window at the figures inside.
"Perhaps the lab is gone."
Nightwolf snorts and glances around inside the diner.
"And good riddance too. Seems there's no room inside for us."
NightHawk grins at her, his black eyes glimmering.
"Then I suppose we must go somewhere else?"
Nightwolf nods and starts off, shifting to wolf and trotting down the street. NightHawk takes one last look inside then leaps into the air, flapping his wings furiously and flying after Nightwolf.

Calico's eyes open again,
Posted by Cali and Co. on 3/25/2001, 9:21 pm
blinking as she fins herself not in the desert again. She blinks several more times as she spots her brother peering outside at where his car _should_ be, wondering if he left it invisible. She sighs and slips off the countertop, nudging
Tom in the ribs, a bit roughly, "Tom?"
His coat is spotted again, but instead of gray spots they are black. His eyes are still just between the two and he smiles, a bit weakly, "Is it a dream?"
She blinks and shrugs, scanning the room for a few moments. Kalieda's still asleep, Coal drapped across her lap. Calico's eyes sparkle and she clicks her toungue. Coal looks up, cocking his head at her...

Posted by Reflection on 3/25/2001, 9:24 pm, in reply to "Calico's eyes open again,"
The mutant curls tighter against the back of the chair, making little frightened noises in her sleep.
There's no sign of Fade anywhere.

Glances at Tom,
Posted by Calico on 3/25/2001, 9:30 pm, in reply to "Re: Calico's eyes open again,"
"Go see what's wrong with her... if you can, that is."
Tom half winces, half glares as she says this and decides he'd rather not poke her in this state, instead sliping into her thoughts, hoping not to disturb her or get a major headache from it. All the while the black is fading... lighter, lighter...
Calico picks up Coal, who immedeatly starts purring. Cora, the white queen, paces at the door, eyeing the broken window distrustfully.

Posted by Reflection on 3/25/2001, 9:35 pm, in reply to "Glances at Tom,"
Looking into Reflections mind ends up rather strangely. Everything is twisted, chaotic images, shattered in strange ways and put together in surreal ways.
The strong thread running through it all is that of a brightly lit white room. A hand passes over it, carrying a strangely colored metal rod.

Posted by Tom on 3/25/2001, 9:43 pm, in reply to "Re: Glances at Tom,"
~No wonder she has trouble...~ He recognizes the images and tries to figure them out without loosing himself, as he hasn't done this in quite a while...
Calico lets the little white cat in, letting she and Coal nuzzle each other and purr in unison. She smiles, turning to walk to the kitchen.
Lightning peers at the road, realizing the green bug isn't there. He chuckles, gaining a mental glare from Kalieda who's still trying to sleep.

Posted by Reflection on 3/25/2001, 9:47 pm, in reply to "Blinks."
She stirrs, eyes moving rapidly beneath closed lids.
A feeling of great pain comes from the dream, and the sound of metal scraping bone.

Posted by Tom on 3/25/2001, 9:55 pm, in reply to "Re: Blinks."
and pulls away from the contact, rubing his temples. When Calico glances over he points to Reflection.Calico steps over, gently nudging Reflection with an elbow.
Lightning steps over bodies, shocking a few on his way, and steps out of the diner. He circles the place he believes to have parked his car and kicks at the seemingly nothingness. The sound of shoe against metal sounds around and he smiles to himself, eyes glowing. He shuts them and concentrates, revealing the black Chevy with the lightning streak down the side. He climbs in, as the top of the covertable was still down, and wrinkles his nose at the musty smell.

Posted by Reflection on 3/25/2001, 9:59 pm, in reply to "Winces,"
She sits up in a rush, wide eyes shining bright white.
The light soon fades from her eyes, leaving her to stare around frightenly. She believes that she's still trapped in a dream, waiting for some new horror to emerge. It takes a few moments for her to begin to register where she is, then to notice Cali.
"Wh... Where...?"

She shrugs lightly,
Posted by Calico on 3/25/2001, 10:02 pm, in reply to "Re: Winces,"
"I -think- we're in the diner.. don't know how, but everyone seems to be here..." another glance around, "except Fade." she looks concernedly at Tom who winces and shakes his head.

Posted by Reflection on 3/25/2001, 10:03 pm, in reply to "She shrugs lightly,"
"You mean we... we're out? This isn't a dream?"
An expression of disbelief and hope comes over her features.

Nods slightly,
Posted by Calico on 3/25/2001, 10:08 pm, in reply to "Re: She shrugs lightly,"
"Unless we're all having the same dream, and that I highly doubt, since Tom's dreams seem to repeat themselves..."
He winces again.
"But I'm pretty sure. This is a long dream, if it is one."

She stirred
Posted by Terrean on 3/26/2001, 6:53 pm
and woke, rubbing her eyes, though they were still shut. How did I fall asleep? Was I attacked by Scourge? She opened her eyes quickly then blinked.
This can't be real. We did not do anything! How can everyone be here? This is not a dream--I don't dream, so...someone must have found a mutant powerful enough to do this.
Seeing Star curled up next to her she tapped her on her shoulder.
"Wake up sleepy head. It's over. At least, I hope it is."

Posted by Star on 3/26/2001, 6:56 pm, in reply to "She stirred"
Star awoke with a start and sat straight up, realizing where they were without even opening her eyes. The light reflecting off the objects around her told her as much--and the regaining of her powers.
"What happened? The last thing I remember is shooting a scientist...and trying to shut down the fan in my way through its control panel...."
Her pure white eyes glowed brighter with her agitation. Her cream-colored cheeks were smeared with dirt.

Posted by Terrean on 3/26/2001, 7:00 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
She inhaled deeply, taking comfort from the smells of the mutants she had not seen in a long time....
"I don't know, but I do know this--we are still alive, and the rest of the mutants that were captured are still alive...."
She was silent for a moment as she stood up and looked around once more.
"Star, I want you to stay here. If anyone asks for me, I'm going back to the lab to see if it is still there. If it is, I'll be back for reinforcements. If it is not, I'll be back with the good news, and maybe then we can figure out what happened...."
Without waiting for Star's approval or disapproval, Terrean left the diner. Once outside, she broke into a run faster than any human could acheive.

Posted by Star on 3/26/2001, 7:07 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
She could tell by Terrean's voice that she did not want anyone coming after her. She sighed.
Something was pressing against her ankle, and for a moment, she was not sure what it was. It was only after she pulled it far enough out of her boot and into the light that she remembered what it was. Her gun. That aweful killing machine. She quickly stood and strode into the kitchen, shoving it into a cupboard and slamming its door.
Her hand trembled and it was then that she realized she was shaking. She was scared. She was scared of what she did and scared of what could have happened to her and her friends and the mutants she had never known but wanted so desperatly to meet.
She had never considered herself to be brave--but she will when she has to be--and now that she had no reason to be brave she broke down and tears welled up.
A single tear fell down her cheek. She buried her head in her hands.

Posted by Kat on 3/26/2001, 7:10 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
Peers out into the main room when she hears the slam of the door.

Posted by Star on 3/26/2001, 7:14 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
She cried softly, however soft whimpers can be heard and a few sniffs. She wrapped her arms around her, but still kept her head down.

Posted by Kat on 3/26/2001, 7:20 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
Can't see Star, but can hear her crying.
"Excuse me? Is there some-one here?" She says quietly, she knows were Star is, but she doesn't want to embaress her..

Posted by Star on 3/26/2001, 7:22 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes, determined not to be seen crying. She still trembled slightly, but she said in a determinedly steady voice, "Yes. Yes, I'm here. You can come in if you like."
She adjusted the light around her to make erase the look of her tear-stained face and puffy eyes.

Posted by Kat on 3/26/2001, 7:26 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
One of her ears flicks as she moves towards Star. She found it kinda funny that she was just told that she can come in when she lives here. Peering around the edge of the booth she looks at the newcomer.

Posted by Star on 3/26/2001, 7:30 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
She smiled at her, it was weak--but it was a smile.
"Hello, I'm Star....I'm sorry, but I don't remember meeting you...." She shook her head as if to clear it of her absentmindedness.

Posted by Kat on 3/26/2001, 7:32 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
"I'm somewhat new around here. My name is Kat."

Posted by Star on 3/26/2001, 7:48 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
She blinked, and then a lightbulb appeared above her head, created all with light. She smiled. "I think I rememberyou now, you are 14, correct?" Her pure white eyes glowed brighter for a second.
"I'm sorry to intrude..." She made a sweeping-gesture with her hand to indicate the kitchen. "It appears someone has been living here...Is it you?"

Posted by Kat on 3/26/2001, 7:50 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
Blinks at the lightbulb. "Um, yeah. Me and Calvin.." She frowns for a moment. "Make that Calvin and I..." She looks around at all the sleeping figures. "I think I must have missed a really big party or something....

Posted by Star on 3/26/2001, 7:57 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
The lightbulb seemed to dissolve back into the air as Star readjusted the light waves.
"Oh that. Everyone out there was either trapped inside a crazed scientist's lab or trying to get them out of it. We uh...don't know how we got here, or who landed up rescuing the mutants...."
She bit her lip, and for a moment she looked younger than she was trying to act. The colors of various objects around her started shifting as she temporarily lost control over the light that was reflecting off objects. (how we see and how we perceive color).
For a moment her dark brown wavy hair turned various shades of purple and blue--her creamy skin took on a shade of red. The cupboards each took on random colors swirling between themselves like dye dropped into a glass of water. And the same with the ceiling, floor, and even Kat, herself.

Posted by Kat on 3/26/2001, 8:01 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
Looks shocked for a moment,then relaxes and looks at her strangely colored fur. "They got out?" She looks around. "Wow, there where a lot of them in there...."

Posted by Star on 3/26/2001, 8:09 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
Her eyes widen as she saw Kat's shocked expression and realized the cause of it. Suddenly all the colors snapped back to the way they were supposed to be perceived.
"Uhh...sorry about that...." She looked genuinely embarassed. "I can't seem to manage much control...."
"Yah, there were a lot of them--more than I thought...I hope they are all right. Terrean left to go see what happened to the Lab."
She rubbed her arms as if she were cold, even though the room was perfectly warm.

Posted by Kat on 3/26/2001, 8:11 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
"Don't worry about. It's a lot stranger to wake up and find out that you have a tail..." Her tail twitches.

Posted by Star on 3/26/2001, 8:16 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
She smiled, though it was still weak. "I can imagine...I thought it was...strange when I woke up to find out I had put a solar flare on earth and burned everybody up...."
She hesitated before continuing.
"Did you always know you were a mutant? I mean, before you discovered your tail?"

Posted by Kat on 3/26/2001, 8:18 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
"I had no clue. I look like a moss covered cat, and that's it.."

Posted by Star on 3/26/2001, 8:24 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
She thought for a moment. "Well, if you ever need to look more human I could make it so people could could see you as you were...but I'd need a picture of what you used to look like before you...discovered your catself."
Suddenly she looked out the window, even though what she was looking at was not quite visible. "Terrean's back...I'm going to go out to meet her, I'll be back."
She smiled and ran out the kitchen door.
Posted by Kat on 3/26/2001, 8:29 pm, in reply to "Re: She stirred"
She waves..

A deep rumble comes from beneat the earth,
Posted by The city on 3/27/2001, 9:33 pm
followed by what seems like an earthquake. It stops, allowing the sounds of car sirens and a few panicked people to fill the air before staring up more strongly this time. It continues, until finally a sharp shriek tears through the atmosphere and a brown sandsnake pushes it's gigantic head through a thick layer of concrete, knocking over cars and people in the process.

Posted by The sandsnake on 3/27/2001, 9:44 pm
tilting it's head downward in order to look at all the little pieces of food running for dear life. Blinking once, the snake's lips slowly peel back into a nasty snarl. Tossing its head angerily, huge globs of steaming spit fly from the jagged fangs, sizzling on the objects they land on. With a final scream, it ducks back into the street and disappears with a groan from the stretched earth.

Posted by Tom on 3/27/2001, 11:57 pm
"Helen, you know where he's going?"
Kalieda looks up, "Oh... Hey Tom... he's going to the lab... Caterson Labs, that is, not the one you..."
He sighs, slumping against the countertop, "I guess we should more center on how this whole thing ended and -I- have to learn to control myself." he winces again.
Kalieda smiles, "I'm sure you'll figure it out."
He shakes his head.
Calico looks up at him from where she sits with the cat couple in her lap. She smiles, petting the two. One solid black, one solid white.

Posted by Korri on 3/28/2001, 12:03 am, in reply to "Huffs,"
Awakens from her sleep outside of the diner. She rubs her eyes and pushes back some snarly orangish hair, yawning slowly. She realizes where she is, and rubs her eyes. ~All a dream...~ she thinks to herself. Then a wide grin spreads across her face. "Hah! It was all a dream! There is no Sana, no lab, no nothing! It was all a dream!" She yells out loud.

Calico blinks,
Posted by Cali, Tom and Kalieda on 3/28/2001, 12:11 am, in reply to "Re: Huffs,"
and sets the two cats down, standing up.
Tom just kinda rolls his eyes and Kalieda smiles, "Recognize that voice." She walks over next to Calico and smiles.
Calico's shoulder length hair is now down below her back, and her blue eyes have the faintest blue glow to them. her bangs, white and black, match the rest of her fur. Calico coloring... black, orange, white. Calico's feline head tilts at the person outside, and Kalieda smiles, stepping outside.
"I'm afraid not..." and she holds out her wrist, wich still has a lump underneath the skin. She has mostly human features except for her blond cat ears and tail. Her multicolored eyes' colors spin,giving that kaliedescope effect. She smiles again.

Posted by Korri on 3/28/2001, 12:13 am, in reply to "Calico blinks,"
She jumps back, "Who...what...?" She pushes a roach off of her arm and starts to walk backwards down an alley.
"Leave me alone...whatever you are. Alone."

Frowns a bit,
Posted by Kalieda on 3/28/2001, 12:17 am, in reply to "Re: Calico blinks,"
"I believe we spoke... in the lab. You were looking for Calico. She's right here."
She gestures to the fourteen-year-old mutant who is stepping out just then, Tom watching Korri with a raised brow.
"You may go though, I have no plans to ruin it for you. She smiles and leans against the wall of the diner, watching Korri.
Calico blinks, "Weird." She laughs at the expression Tom gives her.

Posted by Korri on 3/28/2001, 12:19 am, in reply to "Frowns a bit,"

She just stares for a few minutes, reality sinking in. Suddenly a tear slides down her face and she wipes it away, a fierce frown appearing on her face.
"Whatever." She pretends not to care, but suddenly her head bows over and her shoulders rack with each of her sobs.

Looks concerned,
Posted by Calico on 3/28/2001, 12:29 am, in reply to "Re: Frowns a bit,"
and edges towards the other, looking like a lost kitten with her fur all puffed up, and her ears cautiously back, "Did I say something?" She frowns.
Kalieda blinks. What's the matter... I've forgotten your name... Korri, is it?
Tom strides out, whispering something to Kalieda. She nods and he fades out of veiw.

Posted by Korri on 3/28/2001, 12:32 am, in reply to "Looks concerned,"
She shakes her head and quickly turns around, wiping the tears from her eyes. She shrugs and turns back. "Nothing. I'm fine. Yeah, I'm Korri. Who are you?"
She seems really not to care who they are, but she asks anyway.

Posted by Calico on 3/28/2001, 12:36 am
"I'm Calico..."
"And most people call me Kalieda. I think maybe I told you my first name... Helen?"
Tom reappears in his normal clothes, handing Kalieda some clothes as well. (They're in orange jumpsuits)

Posted by Korri on 3/28/2001, 12:41 am, in reply to "Re: Looks concerned,"
Sliding her hand down her dirty face.
"Nice to meet you." She says in a bland and feelingless voice. Slumping against a wall, she picks up a stick off the ground and outlines a picture on the sidewalk. The thought of food makes her want to rush inside the diner. Instead, she just stands there, drawing. Suddenly, the stick shakes itself loose from her hand as the earth begins to shake relentlessly. She falls to her knees and covers her head.

Posted by The three on 3/28/2001, 12:44 am, in reply to "Re: Looks concerned,"
Tom's eyes flash a moment as he sees the Snake in the distance, but quickly shakes his head, grabbing a windowsill.
Calico makes a kind of squeal and falls forward,, onto her face.
Kalieda lowers herself carefully to the ground, looking like she's in slow motion...

Posted by Korri on 3/28/2001, 12:46 am, in reply to "Blink..."
In her fear, she releases a long screeching sound that is so loud that it breaks a window. She keeps her arms tightly over her head.

Watches the diner from near by,
Posted by Reptileya on 3/28/2001, 12:42 am
remembering some of the faces.

Rears up from the street..
Posted by A sandsnake on 3/28/2001, 12:47 am
..near to the diner, shrieking with interest of this new and strange world.

Posted by Reptileya on 3/28/2001, 12:48 am
gripping the side of the building while the earth goes on trembling. She sighs, then stares at what she sees....

Posted by The sandsnake on 3/28/2001, 12:51 am, in reply to "Blinks,"
staring down below itself. Sniffing the air, the snake looks up and scans for any movement that is around it's height, jagged mouth open and panting.

Posted by Reptileya on 3/28/2001, 12:54 am, in reply to "Pauses,"
Freezes in place, staring ahead at the strange monster. She turns her head slightly before launching herself into a dead run.

Posted by The sandsnake on 3/28/2001, 12:56 am, in reply to "Re: Pauses,"
trying to throw itself forward, but being stopped by the new, hard ground. Baring its fangs in annoyance, the snake leans down and bashes its plated head against the street.

Posted by Talie, Fantim, Carin ,T&C, Gen on 3/28/2001, 8:44 pm
Talon wakes, on the roof of the diner of all places, her metalic structure still resonating from the sandsnake's scream. She jumps to her feet, fear and caution making her eyes all but glow neon orange. She blinks and glancesabout her, confused at her surroundings. Her wings materialize as they unfold and she drops off the edge of the roof and soars away down the street and away into the darkening evening...
Fantim senses some kind of disturbance, and goes to see what's causing it. She reaches the diner just as Talon vanishes from sight and looks in at all of the mutants that had previously been captured. She blinks, confused, and retreats to her building across from the diner to watch and wait.
Changeling and Tracker watch everything from their room in the same building that Fantim approaches. Tracker sees the mutants return from their long away, traped in the lab. They see the sandsnakes emerge and disappear, and as a few of the mutants come and go.
Genesis also wakes, having fainted from the strain of his allergic reaction to the vampire. He jerks slightly at the sandsnake-induced earthquakes, but keeps his eyes closed...

She ran
Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/29/2001, 8:39 pm
to meet up with Terrean who was near the edge of the forest.
"Is it there?" Star called and finally caught up to her, gasping for breath.
"No--it's completely gone." Terrean smiled. "I must leave, Star. I've got some old acquaintances to keep up."
Star nodded. Most likely a wolf, she thought.
Terrean nodded and faded completely from sight.

Posted by Paradox on 3/29/2001, 8:41 pm
Drifts down and lands neatly in the woods. Flipping his wings closed he looks at the place were the lab used to be.
He stands looking stunned.
~It's really gone...~

Posted by Star on 3/29/2001, 8:47 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
So it's gone? Is there a pit where the basement was? Did it just...disappear or is it in ruins? Who would be powerful enough to do this? she thought.
She closed her eyes and sent her mind out, feeling the light reflecting off various objects. Mostly trees and the ground. Suddenly she came across where the lab used to be, and indeed it was gone, but someone else was there.
She smiled as she thought that. I had better go thank him for saving my life. If that Sam had got me, well....
She broke out into a run, her long dark curly hair spreading out behind her.

Posted by Paradox on 3/29/2001, 8:49 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
Does hear her, he's still standing stunned.
~Jen will freak! ~
~ Where'd the Lab people go?! Where's Cass?!?
He doesn't hear the sound of hooves either...

Posted by Star on 3/29/2001, 8:51 pm
She continued to run, almost to where he was. Almost.

Posted by Paradox on 3/29/2001, 8:54 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
Finally the sounds of her running register. Turning around calmly he looks at her.
~ Hullo.~
The sounds of hooves fade slightly. They seem to be heading the same direction that Terran went.

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/29/2001, 8:59 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
Star finally reached where he was. "H-hello, Paradox." She stopped speaking to catch her breath.
Terrean continues to walk fully Blended with her surroundings. She does not make a sound, or disturb any bush as she walks. Suddenly the hoof beats catch up to her sensitive ears.
Who could that be? She continues walking, however cautiously.

Posted by Paradox on 3/29/2001, 9:02 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
Flicks an ear at her.
~ That was decidedly strange.~
A teenage boy riding a large golden draft horse is troting through the woods almost right beside her. He's humming quietly. A large trench coat hides most of his upper body and his legs. The horse wears no saddle or bridle.

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/29/2001, 9:08 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
Regaining her breath, Star smiled but frowned when she looked at the lab with her real eyes.
"Uhh..." she hesitated, not sure how to say what she wanted to say. "Thanks, for uhhh...saving me from that
Sam....I'm...indebted to you."

Without turning to see the boy and horse, Terrean inhaled their scents, memorizing them for future use. She stopped walking and sidestepped a little farther away from him, then turned to watch him ride hopefully away.

Posted by Paradox on 3/29/2001, 9:13 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
He waves one of his huge six fingered hands dismissivly. ~Don't worry about it.~
The strange his is that the scent of horse and boy are one and the same. Anyone looking closer would see that the boy does have legs and the horse doesn't have a head. Boy and horse are merged together...

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/29/2001, 9:21 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
She smiled, her pure white eyes pulsing brighter. She was silent for a moment, and then suddenly she remembered.
"Oh, I almost forgot! Mirage is at the diner, sleeping I think. Or at least, she looks like she could be Mirage since I've never actually met her...She just reminds me of Vision...."
(OOC:So, the boy does have human legs? Or doesn't have legs? Again, my mind's in a muddle and I'm not sure if you type-o-ed.)
Interesting, she thought, and looked him up and down once more. Could he be a centaur?

Posted by Paradox on 3/29/2001, 9:26 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
~I don't think that would have been Mirage then. Maybe you saw Vision's younger almost clone. I think Vision said that she was captured too. The best description of Mirage is a big green cat human. Her shifted human form is Blond.. Nothing like Vision...~ He looks thoughtful.
The boy continues on his way, still huming. The bow and the case of arrows on his back thumps.
(ooc: No human legs, your basic centuar, but he isn't one..)

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/29/2001, 9:32 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
Star thought for a moment. "Hmmm...Well, maybe Mirage is there, too? Everyone else that was locked up inside the lab landed up at the diner."
Vision has an "almost clone"? He must be talking about Kat....
Terrean thought for a moment, and then began to follow him, curiousity getting the best of her.

Posted by Paradox on 3/29/2001, 9:36 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
He nods thoughtfully. ~Yeah~
The Centaur boy continues along. He's heading away from the lab and doesn't seem to have a care in the world.

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/29/2001, 9:40 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
Star nodded also. She looked at where the lab had once been, deep in thought. Without realizing it, an image of pure light began to form of the lab--the lab before it was demolished. She remained totally unaware of what she was doing, still deep in thought.
So, he's blitheful and carefree. Either that or he's a good actor and knows that I'm here--which I doubt, unless he's got a good nose, she thought.

Posted by Paradox on 3/29/2001, 9:45 pm, in reply to "Re: She ran"
Just about freaks out when he sees the lab reforming, but then his sense of smell tells him that it's not real. He looks at Star.
Is still walking. Suddenly he stumbles over a root and goes down face first. It looks pretty nasty until he gets up shakes himself off. The scrape on his head is healing as he looks down to survey the damage. He seems more annoyed then hurt.
"I should have gotten used to having four legs by now.. Dratted annoyance they are." He mutters quietly to himself as he glares down at his horses rump.

Various places in the forest....
Posted by Star ~~ and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 7:02 pm
Suddenly Star snapped back into "reality", realizing she had created an image of the lab as she did so. "Oh no, not again. Why can't I manage any control?" she muttered under her breath. The "lab" disappeared once again. She looked genuinely embarrassed.
Terrean thought for a moment as she watched the strange looking boy trip and fall, then backed off without making a sound or disturbing anything--far enough away that when she allowed herself to be seen it would not seem as if she had been following him.
She unBlended and walked towards him, "Are you okay? I heard you fall...." Her voice did not protray the fact that she had earlier been following him....

Posted by The Two on 3/30/2001, 7:10 pm, in reply to "Various places in the forest...."
Paradox shrugs. ~Try having flames running up your back.~ He flames that run along his spine flare up and then disappear again. ~You wouldn't believe how long it took me to get that under control. Don't worry about it, you''l gain control someday.~
"GAH-heehh!!!" A muffled yelp that's part horses neigh and part human shout comes from him. He looks ready to faint..

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 7:18 pm, in reply to
Star frowned. "'Someday'.... That seems so far away...."
Terrean blinked, wondering if she would have to catch him if he fainted. "What? Am I really that ugly? I did not know I was such a monster that I was scary...."

Posted by Paradox on 3/30/2001, 7:20 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
~Don't worry about it, someday always comes.~
The kid stares at her for a moment, he looks like he's about to bolt, but is frozen.
One of Paradox's ears flick as he hears the yell.

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 7:28 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
Star sighed. "Yah, I guess so. But it sure likes to take a while in getting here."
Star wondered why he flicked his ear, but since she does not have the best hearing, she could not hear the yell...and did not think about searching through the surrounding light to see what might have caused it.
Terrean just stood there with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised, waiting for him to get over his seeming consternation and say something.

Posted by The Two on 3/30/2001, 7:38 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
That yell was sure familar...
The boy doesn't say anything, his legs finally unfreeze enough to bolt. He doesn't get very far. He trips over a root and goes flying again. He starts crusing his horse half..

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 7:42 pm
Star frowned again as she noticed his slight change in expression. "What's the matter?"
Terrean only watched, leaning against the tree casually, waiting. Her black eyes followed his every move. She wondered if she had startled him too much. I look perfectly normal from the outside....I guess my sudden appearance must have triggered this fear....

Posted by Paradox on 3/30/2001, 7:45 pm
~Terran went that way, didn't she?~
The boy is struggling to get up. He's having trouble re-anranging his four legs.

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 7:51 pm
Star nodded. "Yah, she did. Is something wrong? Is she in danger?" She frowned with worry, and her eyes pulsed brighter. She looked in the general direction of where Terrean went, ready to attempt to see what was going on.
Deciding quickly, Terrean jogged to catch up with the boy, closing the distance between them in no time.
"Here, let me help you up." She extended her hand towards him.

Posted by Paradox on 3/30/2001, 7:56 pm
~She shouldn't be, although I think she might have just scared my cousin out of his wits...~
He still looks panicked. When Terran comes over he eyes her warrily. He is still trying to re-arange his legs. When he finally figures it out he stands without Terran's help.

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 8:02 pm
Star blinked and her eyes dimmed slightly. "You have a cousin?" She thought for a moment then blushed when she realized how stupid that must have sounded. "Of course you have a cousin but...he lives around here? Is he a mutant, too?"
Terrean only shrugged and crossed her arms again, smiling slightly. He's got his male pride going....I wonder how old he is. "Hello," she said simply.

Posted by Paradox on 3/30/2001, 8:08 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
He smiles, it's a fairly scary expression. ~Yeah. Not exactly around here though. Maybe we'd better make sure that he hasn't ended up with something broken.. As for the mutant bit, well, you'll see...~
He's still eyeing her wairly.. It's obvious that he doesn't trust her. His feet are stamping nervously, he glares at them as if they're doing it without his permission.

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 8:12 pm
Star's blush faded quickly. "Sure, I'd like to see your cousin...But you lead the way, I don't think I should use my powers for a while...."
Terrean shrugged, it was quite obvious he did not trust her. "Listen, boy, there is nothing scary in saying a simple 'hello'."

Posted by Paradox on 3/30/2001, 8:15 pm
~Sure.~ He follows the scent of Terran.
He glares."There are ways a 'simple hello' could get me killed..." He says quietly, the new wounds on his legs healing.

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 8:18 pm
Star followed close behind.
Terrean shrugged. "In this world, living could get you killed even quicker, but I don't see your corpse anywhere. You look alive and healthy to me. And it is obvious that you have at least some healing talent."
She pointed to where his wounds were healing rapidly.

Posted by The Two on 3/30/2001, 8:21 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
Paradox just about reaches Terran, he can hear the two arguing.
"It's a curse..." He glares down at it..

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 8:30 pm
As they get closer, even she could hear them.
Terrean smiled reassuringly. "Why is it a curse? You have something different, something unique from most other humans. Why do you think mutants refer to them as "norms"?"
She continued calmly, but she spoke as if to someone her own age. "You can heal yourself, and so will live long and without much pain. You have four legs, and so can run fast. Not to mention you have hooves for weapens and from the looks of you, you have horse strength and so can carry more than any average human being."

Posted by Paradox on 3/30/2001, 8:33 pm
Stops on the clearing and listens. How was his cousin gona handle this one?
"What do you think is the reason behind me having four legs? I didn't come his way.. And it isn't my mutation..."

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 8:40 pm
Star stops also, straining to hear anything beyond a murmur.
Terrean shrugged. "I did not say you were born with those mutations. Do you think I was born with these?" She held up her fists. Slicing flesh could be heard as the "classic wolverine" claws sprang from her left knuckles and knuckle spikes sprung from her right. All were made of indestructable metal.
"My entire skeleton is surrounded by this metal."

Posted by The Two on 3/30/2001, 8:43 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
Listens intently.
He rolls his eye in exasperation. "I got these.." He holds up one huge hoof. "The same way you got those. I don't think waking up with a metal skeleton and claws is nearly as dusturbing as waking up with four legs and a tail that were'nt there when you fell asleep."

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 8:48 pm
She sighed as she gave up trying to hear anything more than occasional words.
Terrean frowned. "Be thankful, at least you were asleep at the time they gave you those."
She sighed and her "claws" disappeared once again within her fists. "Listen, my point is, you are stuck with them so be thankful for them. Use them for your advantage, but do not hate whoever did this to you."

Posted by The Two on 3/30/2001, 8:51 pm

The boy smirks,"Doesn't matter anyway, they're all dead."
Paradox winces slightly at his younger cousin's bluntness...

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 8:57 pm
Star's attention turned to Paradox as she felt him wince. She looked questioningly at him for she could not hear what the boy said.
Did he kill them? How could he? He's just a boy....but a mutant boy just the same, she thought.
"Men...and boys," she muttered under her breath, too soft for him to hear.
She decided on changing the subject by asking, "How old are you?" She did not demand, only ask.

Posted by The Two on 3/30/2001, 9:02 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
The boy opens his mouth to answer, then stops to think about it. He seems to have forgotten. He starts blushing as he thinks. Finally he says, "Fifteen."
Paradox however did hear the men and boys comment. He could almost hear what Terran was thinking by the expression on his face and winces again.

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 9:08 pm
Star blinked, her eyes glowing brighter in her curiousity and worry as she saw him wince again. She tried harder to hear the conversation.
Fifteen, hm? He seems younger than he is. He's only a year younger than me? she thought.
Suddenly the wind shifted and she caught Paradox's and Star's scents, but she did not let on she knew they were there.
"Fifteen. Have you met Kat or Star, yet? They are about your age." She tried to think of any boys about his age.

Posted by The Two on 3/30/2001, 9:11 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
"Nope. I've spent the last half year here."
Paradox notices the wind shift. He and Star were going to have to show themselves soon. his cousin might get annoyed that he hadn't stepped out to help...

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 9:15 pmStar was almost bouncing up and down with worry and impatience--but she restrained herself--barely.
Terrean blinked. "Fot the last half year? Funny. I have not seen you here before now...."
She looked out of the corner of her eyes where she knew Paradox and Star were, wondering why the insisted on staying hidden.

Posted by The Two on 3/30/2001, 9:17 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
"Well, I live over there a ways.."
He points.
Paradox steps out into the clearing. ~ Hullo, everything okay? I heard a yell..~

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 9:21 pm
Star stepped into the clearing, too, peering around him to look at his cousin and see what his mutation was.
Terrean nodded, smiling slightly. "Yes, everything's fine. But I think I scared the wits out of this young man."
She turned to the boy, "Ummm...what's your name again? I think I forgot to ask earlier."

Posted by The two on 3/30/2001, 9:24 pm
"~Centuari.~" Both of them say at the same time..
Paradox looks at his younger cousin, then explains. ~My cousin tends to be rather... wary of any human or mutant due to his expirences...~
Centuari's golden fur is gleaming in the light. It makes his dark hair/mane and tail look rather strange...

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 9:29 pm
Star remained silent, memorizing his appearance, without realizing it, an image of Centuari begins to take form not far behind her.
Since the image has no scent or sound, Terrean does not see it.
"Oh, I don't mind really. Everyone deserves to be wary if they want to. The only downside is that it is hard to make friends...."

Posted by The Two on 3/30/2001, 9:33 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
"It's hard to make friends when you can't leave the thick parts of the woods..."
Paradox looks at Centauri, eyebrow raised. The younger male looks annoyed, but doesn't continue that sentance.
Paradox doesn't notice the image either (for the same reasons as Terran) but Centuari is facing it and is rather shocked to see an image of himself forming. He looks both annoyed and scared.
"GAH-hheeigh, I though I rounded all of you guys up!"

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 9:40 pm
Star jumped, startled that Centuari was looking annoyed and scared at her....Or was it behind her? Her eyes widened and she blushed. She did not have to turn around to know what was there.
The image disappeared.
Terrean blinked and looked at Star, seeing the image just as it disappeared.
"'Rounded all you guys up'?" she asked, curious.

Posted by The two on 3/30/2001, 9:43 pm, in reply to "Re: Various places in the forest...."
He is staring off into space.
"I've never seen myself do that before...", he comments quietly.
He blinks and shakes his head looking confused. "Sorry for what?"
Paradox is trying not to smile as Centuari founders at Terran's questsion.
"Um, nothing..."

Posted by Star and Terrean on 3/30/2001, 9:49 pm
Star blushed a deeper red. "I...did that. I made an image of you...I...did not know I was doing it...I'm sorry if it scared you." Her pure white eyes glow brighter for a moment and she hung her head sheepishly.
Terrean shook her head. "I'm sorry, but what one says when they are scared is usually not 'nothing'."

Posted by The Two on 3/30/2001, 9:52 pm
"Um, don't worry about it..."
He answers Terran, blushing slightly...
"Simple mistake..That's all"

Posted by Mirage on 3/30/2001, 8:47 pm
~What a wonderful dream... The lab disappeared and we all arrived at the diner..~
She slowly realises that the stiffling heat that usually accompainies the desert day is gone, so is the chilling cold that goes with a night. In fact, she felt comfortable, except for the sharp egde digging into her back. Mirage wakes slowly and then sits up.

She moans quietly as she bangs her head on the suface of the table above her.
~What on earth am I doing under a table? The desert doesn’t have tables. Where am I?~
She crawls out from under the table and looks around. She blinks.
~The diner?!~
She looks around. It looks like the diner. The only diffence is that one of the windows and the hole in the roof are gone. She blinks and tries reaching out with her empathic talent. She grins as she hits the people in the apartments across the road.
~She really was back!~
She almost laughs, giddy at the idea of being free of the lab.
~Of all the places I could have landed, I had to end up under a table!~
~This isn’t some sort of hologram made by the lab.... ~
Her mind skips over.
~What happened to the lab?~
She looks around wildily as if she could find the lab hidden in some corner.
~Who cares about the lab, I can go home!!~
She looks down at the orange clothes.
~And change these rags...~
She goes to step out onto the street. She remembers that she’s in her real form just in time.
~Whoa... That would have been interesting.. Me walking out into the street as a my furry green and lavender self.. ~
She turns her mind to the task of shifting.