X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at http://www.oocities.org/the2020rp/.

This Role Playing thread invlovles the diner on the date May 25th through 27th 2001.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. I also missed a few because they went in with other records. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been elimintaed to save space. Some of the text as been changed to combine two or more different threads. If you have any probelms with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

Head toward the diner.......
Posted by NW. NH. S. on 5/25/2001, 6:01 pm
Nightwolf and NightHawk walk together towards the diner. He has an arm around her shoulder until she turns around, sensing something. "Something wrong?" Her amber eyes scan the area behind them then she shakes her head. "No, let's just get in the diner." They continue forward as a snakish figure slinks out of the shadows, following them.

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 6:03 pm
Watches them from the window, Joey's gone out and she's alone in the diner.

Posted by Lightning and Calico on 5/25/2001, 6:16 pm
In their parents' old, run down labratory, Calico tries to pull her brother to the door, grumbling at him all the way, "C'mon, Phil.. It's a great idea. I know you don't like the idea too much, but at least tell someone else about it? Please?"
He keeps his boots firmly planted on the cement floor as she pulls. He snorts, "And who would believe me?"
Calico shrugs, "Just give it a try... I'd... I'd... I might..."
"You might what?"
She shakes a bit, "I might forgive...you."
He snorts and turns away, "It's not like I've been converted to your little group, y'know."
Calico sighs, "It's just an offer... c'mon, please? You promised."
"Did not."
She sighs lightly and kicks the door, "Then... I'm not going to cooperate."
"It's not like you have much of a choice."
She looks at him, with his back to her. She felt a slightly guilty feeling around him. She sits down on the floor and says, "I can fight it... and I can scream..."
"Okay... just for a bit..."
Moments later Lightning and Calico appear in the depths of the diner, without the lightning effect he most often used. He sits on a stool and stares off at the ceiling, while she sits as well and watches the others as they come...

Posted by NW. NH. S on 5/25/2001, 6:08 pm
NightHawk enters but Nightwolf turns, searching the street again. This time she sees a fleeting shadow. "Who's there?!" Sniffing the air she smells...snake? And fur? With a growl she went to her wolf anthro form and stalked forward, her claws clicking on the concrete and her tail tip tilted down, meaning she would attack.
Serpent leapt into the shadows but knew in her heart the other mutant had seen her. As the white haired mutant changed into a white wolf anthro with a streak of back down its back she almost freaked. Taking a breath she tensed, waiting till the other got close enough that she could jump it.

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 6:11 pm
Takes a sniff of air. Recognising snake girls scent and Nightwolfs intent on attacking she bounced into the street.
"Whoa, everyone calm down!"

Posted by NW. NH. S on 5/25/2001, 6:18 pm
Nightwolf snarls at Kanga but shifts out of her anthro form, almost fainting as she does. NightHawk is instantly out the door of the diner to keep Nightwolf from hitting the pavement in a dead faint as Calico and Lightning appear. Looking up into the shadows he sees the faint outline of something. "Come out now whoever you are or I'll drag you out of those shadows." Serpent slithers forward, nodding a greeting and glaring at NightHawk. But she doesn't say a word, simply glares with her emotionless snake eyes.

Posted by Calico on 5/25/2001, 6:35 pm
"Great..." she would go outside and try to help if she'd noticed the fainting anthro-wolf, but all she was noticing was the fact that there was a canine mutant outside... she didn't exactly have much success with Kyoska, so why would this one be any different?
Lightning laughs, "Maybe we should find a less startling mode of transportation..."

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 6:20 pm
"Err, Hi Snake.. Nice to see you again.. This is NightHawk and NightWolf... Erm, Nighthawk this is Snake.. Now why don't we all go inside so we're not attracting so much attention?"

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 6:24 pm
Walks through the back door of the diner and into the main room. Pulling down the hood that she used to hide her features she looks around.

Posted by NW. NH. S on 5/25/2001, 6:42 pm
Serpent growls, "Kanga its Serpent not Snake. But nevermind. Call me Kebbi if you want. Its my real name after all." Serpent slithers in and looks at the two then flops down in a booth. Glancing at the hooded person she smiles, flashing her vampire fangs. "Hello there." NightHawk carries Nightwolf in and lays her on the counter. He glares at Serpent then looks at the hooded figure. He doesn't notice Calico and Lightning but simply pats Nightwolf's cheek and clutches her hand. "C'mon Tagre. Wake up." He uses her real name without thought since he's worried out of his mind. He thinks to himself. What happened to her?

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 6:29 pm
She winces,"Well, I was close.. At least I can't screw up Kebbi..." Winces again and follows everyone into the diner.

Posted by Calico on 5/25/2001, 6:37 pm
Shaking slightly at the canine mutant's prescence she sniffs the air for a few moments, then turns around, head tilted, "Kat?"
Lightning blinks slightly, then starts playing with a rubberband absently.

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 6:43 pm
The cat girl grins. "Hiya! I haven't seen you in awhile."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 6:34 pm
She introduces herself to Serpent and Kanga, then comes and leans over NightWolf.
"What happened to her?"

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 6:37 pm
Peers at Nightwolf.
"Is that normal?", she asks as Kat speaks. It comes out at the same time. The Roo-hybird looks at the cat-girl, her eyebrows rising slightly at the name.

Posted by NW. NH. S on 5/25/2001, 6:40 pm
NightHawk shrugs, his normally expressionless black eyes showing worry and fear. "I don't know. She shifted into a werewolf or something then when she changed back she....fainted. I've never seen her shift into that. Now she won't wake up. " He pats her cheek again and clutches Nightwolf's hand. "C'mon Tagre. Wake up."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 6:40 pm
Is tempted to poke Nightwolf, it's what she does when one of her friends won't wake up, but she gets the feeling that it would be a bad idea.

Posted by NW. NH. S on 5/25/2001, 6:46 pm
NightHawk looks even more worried and clutches Nightwolf's hand so hard a bone snaps. He lets out a curse in Gaelic then gently lays Nightwolf's hand on her chest. The broken bone repairs itself and then Nightwolf's eyes flicker. NightHawk spots it and talks both out loud to Nightwolf and in her mind. "Tagre?" Tagre?

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 6:49 pm
"Nightwolf? Waking up would be a good thing..."

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 6:58 pm
She looks down at the wolf mutant worriedly. "I wonder what caused it.." She says mostly to herself as she looks around for Serpent.

Posted by NW. NH. S on 5/25/2001, 7:03 pm
Nightwolf's eyes flicker again then open fully and she leaps up, almost cracking her head on the ceiling. She crouches on the counter in a fighting stance, her amber eyes wild and glancing about. She snarls at them, flashing wolf fangs and shifting her hands into their wolf anthro form. NightHawk stumbles back, eyes wide. "Tagre? Calm down. Its just us, NightHawk and Kat." Nightwolf gives another snarl and glares evilly at him. NightHawk gulps and decides to try something else. "Tagre its Horkan. Calm down. Just calm down. Your safe. No one is going to hurt you. I won't let them."
Serpent watches the goings on from her seat in a booth by one of the windows. "Well well, seems wolfie there has some problems." NightHawk snaps his head around to glare death in her direction. "Shut up." "Make me hawk boy." He narrows his eyes at her. "I will. AFTER I get Tagre calmed down." He turns back to Nightwolf, trying to calm her.

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 7:04 pm
Raises an eyebrow at all this, but doesn't comment.
"Heya Nightwolf, are you feeling better?"

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 7:09 pm
Takes a leap back when Nightwolf wakes up and nearly collides with Serpent.
"Whoops, sorry!" She moves to place herself between NightHawk and Serpent. "Guys, calm down, we're all friends here! Do you want to finish the norms job for them?"

Posted by NW. NH. S on 5/25/2001, 7:14 pm
Serpent gives a hiss but says nothing.
Nightwolf snarls at Kat then glares back at NightHawk. NightHawk takes step forward, trying to get into Nightwolf's mind. As he does he hears a faint voice.
Horkan? Can you hear me? If you can help me.
Tagre what's wrong?
The wolf part of me is controlling me. YAH!!!
NightHawk grimaces as Nightwolf's scream races through his head.
TAGRE!! Fight it! Don't let it dominate you. Dominate it!
Nightwolf screamed again in his mind then howled in fury, fighting the wolf half of her. In the real world Nightwolf's eyes went blank and she fell on the counter, shaking.

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 7:20 pm
"Err. Okay..." She backs off a bit.
~ I'm getting the feeling I'm not helping...~

Posted by Alysa on 5/25/2001, 6:51 pm
Above the diner now that her powers have returned, wondering what she's going to do next time she runs into Oblivion. She sigh s as her stomach growls so she drifts into the diner, wondering if anyone's about... She enters through the door...

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 7:21 pm
"Gah." She backs off as Nightwolf growls at her and turns her attention to the newcomer. She stands and grins.

Posted by Alysa on 5/25/2001, 7:12 pm
Blinks and stops in her tracks. Sitting in a booth (from Alysa's perspective) sits Oblivion, or what she can make out from the dark of the diner. She frowns, why would Oblivion say "Hiyas?"
Confused, all she can mumble out is, "Umm... Hi."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 7:18 pm
Either Oblivion grew his hair, or this is some-one related to him. Kat tilts her head, wondering about the cool reception, but shrugs it off.

Posted by Alysa on 5/25/2001, 7:20 pm
Wonders curiously, then dares to ask "What have you been doing since we met last?" she believes Oblivion grew his hair...

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 7:23 pm
She blinks in confusion,"I don't think we've met.. but then again I am missing a chunck of my life. Two whole months.. No idea were they went. Maybe you're in there someplace, I'm sorry. What's your name?" When the other doesn’t answer she turns her attention back to Nighthawk and Co.

Posted by NW. NH. S on 5/25/2001, 7:30 pm
NightHawk moves towards Nightwolf but stops when she growls at him. A moment later she stops shaking and her wolf fangs and claw hand shift back to normal. Looking at him with fear and pain filled amber eyes she whimpers like a hurt dog. NightHawk takes off his sleeve-less trenchcoat and wraps it around her then pulls her into his arms. Instantly her eyes close and she goes limp, her head falling against his chest. NightHawk then leaves without glances at anyone, the silver cross on his right shoulder shimmering slightly in a streetlight as he walks into the street. For once he does not fly off but simply walks off, one grey feathered wing open and covering Nightwolf as they dissapear into the shadows of an alleyway.
Serpent watches them dissapear and snorts. She says nothing and one almost thinks she was about to leave. But she doesn't.

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 7:32 pm
Watches them go out the door.
"Well that was interesting!"

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 7:34 pm
Listens to the others comment. It sounds like something one of her friends would say and she agreed. That had been interesting.
"Wonder if they'll be back any time soon.."

Posted by Serpent on 5/25/2001, 7:37 pm
"If you enjoy seeing a wolf mutant go crazy and get carried out by a lovesick hawk boy." She sighing and sinks down into the booth seat until her head it lying on the windowsill. "Its like some sick soapopera. I hate soapopera's!" Flicks a long tufted ear and stares up at the ceiling.
"I doubt it. That way wolfie was looking I don't think they'll be back anytime soon." Something suddenly pops into her head because she blinks, which she rarely ever does since she has snake eyes. "I wonder where my pal Werewolf's gotten to...."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 7:37 pm
"Well.." She does know quite what to say to this so she just skips over it.
"So are you new around here?"

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 7:39 pm
"Werewolf? Maybe she's out hunting or something..."
~ Or maybe she got attacked by one of those mobs...~

Posted by Serpent on 5/25/2001, 7:42 pm
"New around here? Wait no. I came to New York in about 1912. Yea 1912. I got here on the same day news that the Titanic had sunk came. What an interesting city it was then." Serpent falls back into her memories, since her memory is faultless and she can remember everything she has ever heard or seen.
Shrugs. "More than likely hunting. Or chatting with some of the wolves in the forest or a hawk." She gives a rare smile. "Catching up on the news as I call it."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 7:42 pm
"That isn't quite what I meant."

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 7:46 pm
Yeah, you can probably get a ton of news in a forest if you can talk to animals. She eyes the cat-girl, trying to figure out why she seems so familar.

Posted by Serpent on 5/25/2001, 7:49 pm
"Heh, sorry. Yea I'm new around here but not new in this city." Flicks an ear.
"That's what Werewolf says."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 7:52 pm
"Ah.." Hunts for another conversation topic. Eyeing the strange Roo-girl and trying to decide why she seems familar.

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 7:53 pm
Nods absently.

Posted by Serpent on 5/25/2001, 7:56 pm
Watches as the two, Kat and Kanga, the two she has been talking to since Nightwolf and NightHawk left eye each other. She says nothing, simply watches.

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 8:02 pm
Is also thinking hard.

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 8:05 pm
"So, what did you say your name was?", she asks Kat.

Posted by Serpent on 5/25/2001, 8:07 pm
Looks at the two. "Seems you two wish to talk so I shall go." Slids out of the booth. "Bye now." With that she slithers out the door and then simply......vanishes.

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 8:06 pm
She answers Kanga, then blinks after Serpent.
"Um, cyas!"

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 8:24 pm
when Kat says her name.
"Maybe that's why you sound so famillar. One of my best friends was called Kat."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 8:25 pm
"Oh really? What happened to her?"

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 8:27 pm
Her expresion darkens. "I was captured by a lab while I was on a family picnic. I haven't seen her since. I wonder if she even remembers me."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 8:30 pm
All of her fur stands on end.
"When was this?" Her tone is choked.

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 8:54 pm
She answers absently, too intent on her memories to notice Kat's tone.
"A year and a half ago.. or so.."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 8:56 pm
"A year and a half?!"

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 8:58 pm
Looks up alerted by something in her tone and blinks at her. "Yeah, why?"

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 9:00 pm
"What's your real name?" Her eyes are so wide they look like they're going to pop out of her head.

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 9:01 pm
Raises an eyebrow and blinks at her.
"It's Katie, why do you want to know?"

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 9:04 pm
"Katie!? Did you have a friend named Catherine?"

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 9:07 pm
Is now extremely suspicous.
"Are you a telapath or something? Yes, my best friend was named Catherine. Or Kat as she prefered to be called."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 9:09 pm
She tackles the shocked Kangaroo Girl. "Katie!! It's me!! I wondered were you'd gone and why you never said goodbye to me, and why you weren't coming to pratice!!!"

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 9:13 pm
She's nearly knocked over and is forced to use her tail as a third leg to balance herself.
She frowns. "How do I know you're not some telepath? You sure don't look like the Kat I knew."

Posted by Kat on 5/25/2001, 9:21 pm
"Katie you dork! You're never gone believe me if you keep thinking like that! Simply put, I mutated. It looks like you did too! I can stick to walls and do all sorts of cool stuff. I even have a tail... But then again I suppose that's nothing special to you." Kat trails off, looking at her old friend hopefully.

Posted by Kanga on 5/25/2001, 9:26 pm
" That sounds like something my best friend would say..." She grins. "And I have been going to practice, you've just been missing me.." Then her expression darkens. "No, I didn't mutate. I got captured by a lab and they did this to me.. It's not bad being half Roo.. but it gets annoying. Though it has lead to some interesting times. You should meet Joey, he saved me from a mob. "

Continue to Chat
Posted by The Two Girls on 5/25/2001, 9:30 pm
Catching up on almost two years of life...

A small falcon purches on the roof
Posted by Falcon on 5/27/2001, 11:55 am
of the dinner, his ferce gaze watches over the traverls as they wander by. He begins to prun his feathers as the wind ruffles them out of place.

*approach the diner....*
Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/27/2001, 11:59 am
.....looking rather solemn and less jolly than they've been lately. They're walking side by side, but Darkling keeps glancing over his shoulder, and everytime they pass an alley Vendetta's hand starts to slide towards her shoulder.
When the reach the diner, Vendetta keeps Darkling from entering. She fixes the falcon with one green eye.

Cocks its head to one side
Posted by Falcon on 5/27/2001, 12:07 pm
watching the two. His gaze falls upon the girl as she speeks to him. He remains quiet

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/27/2001, 12:13 pm
"It's just a bird, Vendetta."
"It's more than 'just a bird', Darkling," Vendetta says quietly, still watching the falcon.

Watches the conversation
Posted by Falcon on 5/27/2001, 12:14 pm
unsure if he should trust them and come down

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/27/2001, 12:17 pm
Darkling and Vendetta stare at each other, silently conversin/arguing in that way that only extremely close friends can. After a minute or two, Darkling tears away and spits a curse in Gaelic, Vendetta having apparently won.
Vendetta steps a bit forward and cocks her head at the falcon.
"I know." A small smirk. "I'm an ecomancer. I can sense that you're not what you appear to be."

Watches the two
Posted by Falcon on 5/27/2001, 12:28 pm
argue, then the guy walks off. He turns his gaze back to the girl. She begins to talk to him. He listens ("I know." A small smirk. "I'm an ecomancer. I can sense that you're not what you appear to be.") His eyes change but revert back to what they were. He stays put but crotches lower on the roof, unsure of her.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/27/2001, 12:30 pm
"Suit yourself."
Vendetta turns back to Darkling, then nods her chin towards the diner door. The pair go inside, but not without one last over-the-shoulder glance at the falcon from Vendetta.

Watches the two go in
Posted by Falcon on 5/27/2001, 12:33 pm
he wonders why they are looking over their sholders. He takes off looking for any signs of danger. He does not see any and lands on the ground outside of the dinner

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/27/2001, 12:36 pm
The pair take seats at the counter in the diner, occasionally looking out the windows or watching the falcon on the ground outside, and chatting in low tones.

Looks around making sure no one is around
Posted by Falcon on 5/27/2001, 12:38 pm
he slowly hopes over to a dark part of the ally

A house near Central Park
Posted by Nightwolf & NightHawk on 5/27/2001, 9:43 pm
Inside sits NightHawk on a fake leather couch, his head in his hands. Nightwolf lays in the next room in a bed, sleeping. The house was NightHawk's parents, left to him as the eldest of the twin boys in his father's will. Suddenly there was a moan from the next room and NightHawk raised his head. Then there was silence as Nightwolf grew quiet again. Why am I still calling her Nightwolf? I know her name. Nightwolf moaned again and this time a thump followed it. Black eyes wide NightHawk ran into the room and saw her on the floor. She had dragged most of the covers with her and was in what looked like a very uncomftorable position. Her face was on the floor and one of her arms was twisted underneath her. Had she not the ability to heal herself he was sure she'd have a broken nose and arm. Shaking his head NightHawk moved to pick her up. Instantly she was kicking at him and trying to claw at his face. She shrieked and yelled, "NO! GET AWAY, GET AWAY!!" He grabbed one of her wrists and yelled, "Calm down! Nightwolf, calm down!" She apparently didn't hear him because she kept fighting him and screaming. "TAGRE!!" Yelling at her didn't help so he did something he hoped he wouldn't regret. He slapped her. Instantly she was awake, amber eyes flashing with fury. Then seeing him her eyes softened and became sad, sadder than he had ever seen anything be. "Horkan...." She fell into his arms and began to sob uncontrollably. He tried to comfort her but she kept on. Finally he tried to contact her telepathicly. Tagre? What's wrong? Continuing to sob in the real world she did reply telepathicly. The wolf part of me wants control. Its never done that before. Never. NightHawk sighed and closed his eyes. Perhaps it did before. When you knew who you were. Nightwolf shrugged in his arms in the real world and gave a shudder. I sometimes can almost remember things from them. They come and then they vanish. In fact I can sometimes almost see two people. I think they were my mother and father. Blinking in the real world he stared at her. Your parents? She nodded. Yea. I think my mom was black haired, like I used to be. In the real world she yawned and fell against NightHawk, asleep once again. NightHawk carefully picked her up and lay her back on the bed. Rearranging the covers about her he went and got a chair. Returning he sat down by the bed, watching her. Silently he hoped his brother Shrarr didn't decide to come and try to get in the house.

Creeps out of a crack in the sidewalk
Posted by Puddle of silver on 5/29/2001, 6:59 pm
It forms into about a one foot wide puddle of silver goo then slithers under the diner door. It stops just beyond the door, as if its waiting for something.

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 7:12 pm
Stares at the silver puddle, her curiousity getting the better of her. She takes a causious poke at it with her clawed hands.

Posted by Puddle of silver on 5/29/2001, 7:13 pm
A space opens where she pokes it. Besides that it doesn't seem alive.

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 7:14 pm
She pokes it again, this time in a different spot.

Posted by Puddle of silver on 5/29/2001, 7:16 pm
Another space opens and the other fills in. But this time the puddle seems to shiver.

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 7:18 pm
Stops poking it. She was trying to draw a smilely face, but she doesn't want to hurt the whatever it is..
"Hullo?" Wonders why she's talking to something that looks like a blob of Mercury.

Posted by Puddle of silver on 5/29/2001, 7:20 pm
Amazingly a voice comes from the puddle. A voice with a southern accent. "Allo."

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 7:21 pm
She blinks. "Oh my. Erm, Hi. I'm Kat.."

Posted by Puddle of silver on 5/29/2001, 7:26 pm
"Heh..." The puddle suddenly grows, taking on a human shape. Then the silver flakes away, revealing a 5'5 13-year-old boy with silver and gray hair dressed in a black jacket, white shirt, and silver jeans. He looks at Kat, smiles, and says, "Quicksilver. Or Ben. Whichever you like."

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 7:28 pm
Stands from her kneeling postition.
"Welcome ta the Mutant Diner, Ben."

Posted by Ben on 5/29/2001, 7:32 pm
"Thanks." Looks around then looks at Kat. "So what's up with this town? I got here a few days ago from Chicago and then I hear their quarantining mutants. Which is kinda dumb since some of us can get away from hume's quite easily." He sticks a hand in one of his coat's pockets after he finishes with a contemplating look on his face.

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 7:36 pm
"This town is some what goofed up at the moment. In a week or less they're going to start rounding up all the mutants in the city and putting them in camps." She sighs. "Yeah, it'll be easy to get away, if they don't strap restraint collars on us that repress our powers.."

Posted by Ben on 5/29/2001, 7:44 pm
"Restraint collars?" He fingers the picture in his pocket then pulls it out and shows it to her. "Have you seen the woman in the middle before perchance?"
Picture: Three people in a forest. On the left is a black haired woman with a round face and dark green eyes. On the right is a man with strange white hair and bright blue eyes. In the center is a girl of about 16 with black hair with a slash of white going through it, blue-green eyes, and an ovalish face.

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 7:50 pm
"I don't think so. There's one person that looks a little like the girl, but she's older.. I think.."

Posted by Ben on 5/29/2001, 7:52 pm
His silver eyes brighten. "Really? Who?"

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 7:55 pm
"Well, there's a whole bunch of people running around here that have black and white hair. I don't know many of their names.. I'm sorry."

Posted by Ben on 5/29/2001, 7:58 pm
His shoulders slump slightly. "Thanks. At least I know she might be here." Turning he looks out the diner window at the darkening sky. Sighing he thinks one word. Lorana....

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 8:02 pm
"Are you looking for your family?"

Posted by Ben on 5/29/2001, 8:05 pm
He opens his eyes but doesn't turn to look at her. "My older sister. My parents were killed 5 years ago and my sister was kidnapped four years before I was born. I've been searching for her since I escaped my last foster home they tried to stick me in." He looks at her over his shoulder. "The girl in the center of the picture is my sister. The other two are of course my parents."

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 8:07 pm
"Sounds like your family history is just as strange as mine.."

Posted by Ben on 5/29/2001, 8:10 pm
He laughs, a light laugh that doesn't sound as though he has truly faced all that he has. Turning, silver eyes dancing with amusement, he says, "Really?"

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 8:12 pm
She nods. "Yep. My history is just as strange as yours. It's a long story..."

Posted by Ben on 5/29/2001, 8:15 pm
"Heh, imagine that. I suppose most of us have strange history's."

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 8:16 pm
"Yeah. I think the one's that don't are probably a minority."

Posted by Ben on 5/29/2001, 8:19 pm
Laughs again then notices a figure approaching the diner. "Hello...."

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 8:22 pm
Looks out the window. "Hiyas.."

Posted by Ben/RedHawk on 5/29/2001, 8:25 pm
The figure outside looks up at the sound of her voice, his all red eyes flashing angrily and his brown and red feather hawk wings spread. Then as he sees her the anger fades. Slightly. Entering the diner he folds his wings to his back then looks at the two.
Ben gives the stranger a questioning look and thought about asking him if he'd seen his sister. Seeing the angry red eyes he decided against it. "Eh, hey..."

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 8:29 pm
"Hi RedHawk."

Posted by Ben/RedHawk on 5/29/2001, 8:33 pm
RedHawk glances at her, giving her a questioning look. "How do you know who I am? I've never seen you before?" He turned to look down at Ben, who was standing in front of him and a good nine inches down. Ben swallowed hard and tried to smile up at him. RedHawk glared down at him. "Who are you kid?" He looked at Kat as well and asked her the same question. Ben finally got his courage back and replied to RedHawk. "B...Quicksilver. And I suppose your RedHawk."

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 8:38 pm
"I'm telepathic." She answers promptly. Then realizing that it isn't such a good joke anymore she changes her answer. "I've talked to you before. I think I was busy making macaroni at the time... My name is Kat, I used to live here."

Posted by Ben/RedHawk on 5/29/2001, 8:51 pm
RedHawk blinks at the telepathic joke then slowly nods. "I remember." He then turned to Ben. "So Quicksilver what are you doing in this fine city?" Ben replied, "Looking for someone." "Aren't we all." Ben raised an eyebrow. "Who are you looking for?" RedHawk looked at him and leaned down. His voice suddenly became slurred with his Irish accent coming out full and now Ben could smell the beer on his breath. "I be lookin fer a wolf." Ben took a step back from him. "Your drunk." "Drunk? Too true laddie, too true. I can nah find dah blasted Nighwolf so I gos miself drunk. Ye gos a problam wih dah?" Ben shook his head and RedHawk snorted, then procedded to walk into the kitchen. A moment later there was a groan and a loud thump.

Posted by Kat on 5/29/2001, 8:56 pm
She winces. "Gah! Eesh, I'm coming.. Sorry, but I gota go... Cyas later maybe."

Posted by Ben/RedHawk on 5/29/2001, 9:00 pm
Waves. "Farewell Kat." Looks at the unconsious RedHawk on the kitchen floor. Shaking his head he slowly turns completely silver then sinks down into a puddle. The puddle slides under the diner door and back into the crack in the sidewalk it came from.

Sits on the fire escape of a dark ally
Posted by Falcon on 5/31/2001, 5:53 pm
watching people wander by

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:07 pm
A figure with gleaming eyes sneaks up behind him, practising her pouncing technique.

Jerks his head around
Posted by Falcon on 5/31/2001, 6:09 pm
he lets out a loud screach and flares his wings his talons let go of the rail.

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:13 pm
Sits up, frowning.
"Guess I need some more work, huh?"

Lands back on the rail
Posted by Falcon on 5/31/2001, 6:17 pm
he cocks his head to one side looking at the strange figure. He resets his wings and returns his gaze to the figure. He gets a sence of peace with this one unlike all the others he has met.

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:20 pm
Scampers down to look in the window.

Follows her
Posted by Falcon on 5/31/2001, 6:21 pm
He streaches his wings and glides down following her.

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:29 pm
Chats with those inside.

Public Service Announcement

*suddenly appear...*
Posted by Two on 5/31/2001, 6:13 pm
....from the shadows of a nearby alley. It's hard to describe; one second they alley's empty, and the next there are two figures, one taller than the other. The tall one, a young man with a black-handled spear lsung over one shoulder, ducks his head out of the alley to check the street, then nods back to the other. The secound, which turns out to be a young woman, follows him quickly to the diner, which they open and go into. Both seem edgy about something.

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:16 pm
Climbs down the front of the building and clinging to the brick above the window she peers inside. Anyone looking out the window would see an upside down figure peering in the window, their face hidden in the shadow of a hood.

Posted by The two on 5/31/2001, 6:20 pm
The woman whirls around when she senses another, but her shoulders relax slightly. She turns to her companion and says something in a low, barely audible voice, and he nods.

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:22 pm
Tilts her head. Releasing her grip she lands neatly and heads inside. "Hullo!"

Posted by The two on 5/31/2001, 6:24 pm
The pair are now recognizable as Vendetta and her friend Darkling. Vendetta nods to Kat, silent and curt, before heading to the soda machine. Darkling sighs and apologizes.
"She's been kinna.... touchy lately. Nice to see you, Kat."

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:26 pm
"I noticed.. Nice ta see ya too Darkling!"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 6:27 pm
"It's all the stuff that's happened recently." He shrugs, watching Vendetta get a Cherry Coke from the machine. "The norms are on the move. Came bloody close to giving both of us a one-way ticket to Hell...."

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:29 pm
"Oh? Is this something new, or the same thing that Joey and Kanga were invovled in?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 6:31 pm
"The very same." Darkling sighs. "It was Joey that saved Vendetta from certain doom."
"That's a tad melodramatic, don't you think?" Vendetta smirks as she walks back over with her Cherry Coke.

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:33 pm
"Yeah, Kanga told me about it.. Life is going to get interesting really quick when they start rounding people up.."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 6:34 pm
Vendetta's moment of good cheer disappears like so much smoke int he wind when she hears this, and a scowl crosses her face.
"Rounding people up?" Darkling asks for the both of them as Vendetta sits down next to him. Quite close, actually.

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:36 pm
She nods. "Yeah. They've come up with this bill that lets'm round up mutants and put them in camps... Any mutant that causes volience is going to be faced with the death penalty...."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 6:38 pm
The pair exchange a silent glance, then Darkling breaks off to look at Kat.
"What are the specifics of this... bill?"

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:43 pm
" I don't have a clue.. These Public service announcements keep on poping up all the time and ranting..."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 6:45 pm
Vendetta slams her drink down on the counter hard enough to crush part of the can.
"Calm down," says Darkling, soothing.

Posted by Kat on 5/31/2001, 6:48 pm
Kanga and Joey walk in through the kitchen. Kanga is frowning, but Joey looks as pleasent as ever.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 6:51 pm
Vendetta calms when Darkling speaks, but her mood doesn't brighten any until she spots Joey.
"Hello!" she smiles. Darkling nods to Joey and Kanga.

Posted by The Three on 5/31/2001, 6:54 pm
Kat looks over and raises an eyebrow at Kanga who looks smug for a moment before her expression turns back to normal.
Joey grins. "Heya Vendetta, Darkling. So have ya heard?"
Kanga just kinda follows behind Joey. She nods to Darkling in answer, and then to Vendetta.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 6:57 pm
"Yes, but not much about," Darkling admits. "Kat informs us that there's a new bill about mutants, but we didn't hear anything about it before now."
"Maybe because my contacts are being snatched off the street," growls Vendetta. "If they snatch Misha-"
She leaves the threat hanging in the air. Darkling squeezes her hand in comfort.

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 7:04 pm
"Well, In two days the police are going to start rounding up all the mutants in the state and taking them to holding camps. Mutants aren't allowed to leave the state because this is supposedly for the safety and benefit of the public. Any violent acts commited by mutants will be dealt with by death penalty. The camps are supposed to ensure the mutants protection as well." He paraphrases from the Announcements.
"There was another one, but I haven't caught much of it."
"Do you want me to get him out?"

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 7:11 pm
"Yob t'voyu maht!!" spits Vendetta in Russian, standing in an eyeblink and slamming her fist into the wall. Darkling winces and wishes he'd covered Joey's ears. "I'll kill them if they've taken Misha!"
"Jett, let me take a look at that hand... Don't want it to heal crooked, do you?"
Vendetta complies, sitting down again and letting Darkling hand her hand, though she's still VERY teed off. Darkling tsks her.
"Jett, Jett, Jett," he sighs, gently manipulating a pair of fractured bones back into their natural position. "I swear, if I weren't here to watch out for you, you'd break every bone in your body at least twice. There, you can heal it yourself now."
A green glow surrounds Vendetta's hand for a few breaths, then she takes it back and flexes it. It's good as new.

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 7:14 pm
He blinks.
"I've been getting people out... They can't watch every inch of the border, even if they are trying.."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 7:20 pm
Vendetta growls russian oaths to herself, but doesn't comment. Darkling picks up.
"Have you seen a boy, just a bit taller than Jett, about fourteen, dark blonde hair with hazel green eyes? Telekinetic and limited telepath?"

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 7:28 pm
He shakes his head. "Err. Nope, sorry. I've been mostly around here though.."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 7:31 pm
Vendetta visibly relaxes.
"They haven't hit the Academy yet, then." A gleam comes into those shimmering green eyes. "I guarantee you, Joey, that if they tried to take Misha away you would have heard about it - or at least see the damage done."
"Misha has a temper like his big sister," smirks Darkling. Vendetta takes it gracefully.

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 7:39 pm
"They're not starting for another two days." He points out. Somehow the idea of him hearing Misha from far away doesn't surprise him. He smiles.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 8:09 pm
"Forty-eight hours is pelnty of warning. If there's one thing Misha and I know how to do -" Vendetta takes out her cell phone and punches a number into it one-handed, "- it's play Keep-Away with cops."
"What's that?" asks Darkling.
"Misha's pager."

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 8:16 pm
Watches everything with interest.
"Maybe you can teach me..."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 8:20 pm
After Vendetta types in a short message to her brother Misha, she grins at Joey.
"You'd need to have more, Shae or Kanga with you. You need at least two people to keep 'em guessing."
Darkling runs a hand through his hair and sighs.

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 8:27 pm
"Ah, I'll keep that in mind.."
"I'm Game." Kat says. Kanga nods.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 8:29 pm
"Great. It'll be easy to teach you guys, because we've got Shae with us and it's always easier when you've got someone who can shadowslide, or blink, or teleport or whatever." She waggles a finger at Joey. "But no flying unless it's nighttime. If they see you, the game's up and you might get you or your friends hurt, even captured."

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 8:30 pm
He blinks, not quite understanding the logic behind it, but nodding anyways. "Sure."
Kat and Kanga grin.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 8:35 pm
Vendetta gathers some diner supplies in her arms, then sets them on the table. In a few minutes, she has laid out napkin holders and such to form four buildings with an alley in between.
"Now, these -" she holds up some packs of pepper, "- are going to be the cops. And these -" she holds out a packet of salt, a pecket of sugar and a paper napkin torn to look like a wing, "- are going to be Kanga, Shae and Joey."

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 8:39 pm
"I'm the napkin, right?" Joey asks smiling.
"Which one am I?" Kat asks.
Kanga just watches. She's had a bit of expirence dodging Cops, but has had more then a few close scrapes...

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 8:43 pm
"Kat, you're this peppermint." She holds it up. "But since I want to keep it fairly simple for the first time, you and I are sitting this little demo out. And yes, Joey, you're the napkin."
Darkling shakes his head and mutters something. Vendetta ignores him.
"Okay. Pretend it's daytime, and this is somewhere that the three of you are hanging out." She puts the three counters for Shae, Joey and Kanga behind one of the buildings next to the alley, and a cop counter actually in the alley. "Now, if this cop is looking for you, you have to do some fast footwork to make sure he doesn't catch any of you. Ready?"

Posted by The Three on 5/31/2001, 8:49 pm
Kat giggles. "It's green and white, just like me.." Then hushes herself up so she can watch.
"Err, okay.." Joey says.
Kanga nods.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 8:56 pm
"Now, I'm guessing Kanga is the fastest runner, so she would dart across the alley, like this." Jett moves Kanga's salt-packet past the entrance to the alley, to stop behind the first napkin-holder. "Now the cop would see that and start after her, but if Shae calls out, he'll face him and Joey instead." She moves the cop's pepper packet to the end of the alley, then next to the napkin and sugar packet. "So Shae and Joey would run this way, up the other alley..." she moves the napkin and sugar packet around to the 'front' of the fourth napkin-holder. "And of course, the cop pursue. But here's where we start to have fun. Joey goes down the alley and meets up with Kanga over here -" she moves Joey's counter into and down the alley, then next to Kanga's salt packet, "- while Shae keeps straight ahead. Now, Joey and Kanga move into the alley, and Shae goes down the alley they just vacated, the cop still chasing him." she moves the counters accordingly. "So if Kanga runs to the front of this building and yells down the alley with the cop in it, the cop will go after whoever yelled. But Kanga and Shae are faster than he is, and by the time the cop's reched the front of the building, Kanga's back with Joey and Shae's already slid them out of there."
She removes all three counters from the alley and grins.
"There. Simple."

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 9:00 pm
He grins, happily confused. "Could ya do that again?"
Kanga nods, her eyes gleaming.
Kat watches it all carefully.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 9:05 pm
Vendetta runs through it again, this time taking her time so that Joey will understand.

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 9:06 pm
His eyes are narrowed in concentration. He nods after Vendetta's finished and grins. "I think I go it.."

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 9:09 pm
"Okay then." She smiles. "Ready for me to show you how to do it with four?"

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 9:11 pm
He nods,"Yep, but go slow.."
Kat and Kanga watch with interest.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 9:15 pm
Vendetta adds Kat's peppermint to the salt, sugar and napkin, as well as adding two more peppers for the cops, then starts to detail how four people would do what she just showed them with three. She's going as slow as she can to make sure Joey keeps up.

Posted by Joey on 5/31/2001, 9:16 pm
He seems to be following everything so far. Kat and Kanga are watching with the same intensity.

Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 9:18 pm
"- and then you go this way, and this way, and you can run or slide out of there." She grins. "I have no doubt that the five of us will be a force to reckon with, once we've all got the hang of it. It's easy. Just takes teamwork."

Posted by The Three on 5/31/2001, 9:20 pm
All three have grins on their faces.
Posted by Vendetta/Darkling on 5/31/2001, 9:23 pm
Vendetta's cell phone starts rinign, and she excuses herself to answer it.
"Vendetta." Her face lights up after a moment. "Misha!! Dos vidanya!" The rest of the short conversation is in rapid Russian, but after a few minutes she says goodbye and hangs up. "Misha wants us."
"Alrighty. Bye, you guys." He grins to the three, then takes Vendetta's hand.
"See you guys!"
The pair walk into a shadowy corner of the diner, and after an eyeblink, they're gone...

Posted by All three on 5/31/2001, 9:24 pm
Wave, they have much to think over.