X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at

This Role Playing thread invovles mostly Vision, and it begins were the
Vision Part X left off. It's basically a one character record.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been elimintaed to save space. If you have any probelms with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 1/13/2003, 6:44 pm
Genesis is stunned. What in the world is she -doing-? Had Mirage truely gone mad? Why would she want to protect the creature, which is still a danger, and attack her own sister?
He reaches out for Vision's mind through the link, struggling past the adrenaline to reach her. Jen, don't fight! It's Mirage!
Now is one of the times he wishes he had some other talent.. any other talent! He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the last 'special' in his reserves, slinging it toward Mirage and praying that it'll be strong enough to at least contain her furious attack.
He hadn't thought of using his newly realized empathic talent, but he would be unconciously eminating alarm like crazy.
Fantim dabbles gleefully, letting Mirage catch only a glimpse of the oncomming vines before they reach her. It wouldn't be very fun at all to end it now, even though she's sorely tempted to let the younger sister eliminate the elder. It would take care of a serious problem... but she's having fun now. Why spoil it too soon? There's always time to end things, right?

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 1/13/2003, 7:07 pm
Vision snarls, already clawing at her newest attacker. The shifter stops dead when the mental message gets through to her. Green eyes widen as her head snaps to study Genesis. That's Cass?! Her pause allows Mirage time to get several more slashes in as the elder sib drops her defense. But why...? Is the faint, puzzled mental question. The realization that Mirage is close to sinking her dragon jaws into Vision's throat is enough to bring the elder shifter back to reality and she resumes her defense.
The younger sibling, meanwhile, only fights harder as she picks up Genesis's alarm. Obviously the source of his alarm hasn't occurred to her. The base predatory nature of her current form helps her to realize that her opponent is simply defending. The sense that she might be winning eggs her on.
With a flash of alarm Mirage spots the incoming vines too late. Snarling she struggles against the restraint, attempting to break free. She didn't want the creature to return to it's attack on her sister, who apparently still hasn't risen.
Vision moves away as the vines capture Mirage, her pained confusion evident even on her dragon features.

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 1/13/2003, 7:27 pm
Genesis works to contain the struggling Mirage, holding out his glowing palms towards the vinework, strengthening them as best he can. I don't know. She was terrified a moment ago.. I can't imagine what's happening. He picks his way forward slowly, giving the thrashing Mirage a wide berth. He comes a little closer than would probably be wise, but he needs to be close to keep the vines in place and strong.
Genesis moves toward Vision, wishing he could set her fears at rest, but he has no clue what's happening to her younger sister.
There's only so much she can do, and Fantim can't make Vision look like she's attacking something she obviously is not. Instead, she decides to push Mirage's senses to their limit; she switches identities again, this time making Genesis into the nightmare monster, while Vision becomes the wolf-creature. The real creature retains Vision's appearance, though there's not much Fantim can do to keep up the facade of realism around it, so she just implants the knowledge that it -is- Vision, and moves some of her focus on making Genesis look as fearsome and menacing as possible. He's nearing Mirage now... now he's within striking distance... he looks as if he were stalking the still form of 'Vision'.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 1/13/2003, 7:42 pm
Terrified? Vision sounds extremely confused and worried.. I knew she didn't like violence... But.. She just sort of trails off to study her younger sib, who is struggling wildly against the restraints. The elder shifter moves towards Genesis, absently curling her tail behind the male mutant. Vision doesn't want him getting too close to her seemingly insane sister.
Mirage trashes even more as Genesis approaches, whimpering slightly. She was trapped and her sister needed help. The young shifter scans frantically for Genesis, then blinks as she realizes he's apparently disappeared. She continues to struggle for a moment longer, then figures out a way to get herself loose. The shifter shrinks, returning to her natural form before attempting again to escape the vines.

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 1/13/2003, 7:54 pm
I'm not sure, but.. a moment ago.. there was something I could feel... something -with- her, but not -of- her... I just don't know. He shakes his head, perplexed. Genesis is tired; he can't think straight or keep his thoughts together, and it's getting more difficult to controll the energy he's sending.
When Mirage shrinks suddenly, he can't contract the vines fast enough to keep Mirage in check. They follow her form slightly, but slowly; not near fast enough to do anything to impede her progress. Genesis blinks, Uh, oh.. He's too close and too tired to move out of the way.
Fantim considers, then shrugs and keeps the nightmare monster image fixed on Genesis. This could be fun... if Mirage were to actually attack him, he'd have no way to defend himself.
When she realizes that Mirage has discovered Genesis's 'disappearance' she throws in the sense of his having skirted around Mirage at the last second to reach Vision's side. This is getting more tricky than she had planned, but it shouldn't be too much. At least it's a confined area with only three people.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 1/13/2003, 8:09 pm
Something with her? Vision's worry has found something else to be concerned about, Genesis's current state. She's curled her tail a closer to him, a gesture of concern that's half protective as well.
Mirage skitters around the vines and dives for Genesis, claws extended. She couldn't do much in her real form, but she had to try. The knowledge that 'Genesis' has moved over to her sister rather relives her, and she concentrates on taking out the threat to them all..
With a snarl Vision's head snaps out so Mirage collides with her half way. The feline mutant squeaks in dismay, then attempts to claw up the creature she's landed on..

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 1/13/2003, 8:25 pm
He tries to collect more energy, but there's no way he can call the vines to him fast enough. He blinks as he finds himeself on his knees, wondering bemusedly how he got there. Then his world goes dark. The glow around his palms dies, and the vines collapse in a limp bundle. All of the vines.. including the ones that had been holding the other creatures.
Oops.. is Fantim's thought as the younger sibling collides with her sister, who is currently much larger than the creature she's supposed to be. Instead of completely dropping the illusion, however, she modifies it into the nightmare monster's arm. She shifts it's position slightly so that now Mirage is grappling with it again in Vision's place.
Through Mirage's senses, Fantim can feel Genesis' fading conciousness, and lets his image collapse at the same time the real Genesis does, relieved. That's another thing taken care of.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 1/13/2003, 8:35 pm
Vision turns frantic when she feels Genesis collapse. With a half snarl she drags Mirage from her face, holding her tightly in one clawed hand, then picks up Genesis as well, giving him a worried nudge with her nose. The shifter ignores the damage her younger sib is doing to her as the young adult mutant struggles madly. A quick shift later she's given herself wings and leaps into the air.
It was a short distance to the door from the sky, it was the easiest to get Genesis out of here. Being in the air would also get them all away from the creatures freed by Genesis's collapse. Insanely worried about the situation in general the shifter speeds frantically for the exit.

Posted by Fantim on 1/13/2003, 8:51 pm
Fantim considers this new obstacle. If Vision took Mirage out of the holographic arena, there would be no reason to keep up the nightmare monster's appearance. Hmmm... She's never tried it untill now, but what if she were to wrench something around abruptly in Mirage's mind? Would it knock her out? It's possible... but then again that wouldn't hurt her fun, either. Just posphone it a little.
There's not much time to waste, so she quickly checks her reserve strength. Hmm, not enough to try anything yet... better wait. She keeps the nightmare monster image around Vision untill she reaches the door, then readies to drop the illision as she walks through, out of the holographis setting.

Posted by Vision on 1/13/2003, 9:00 pm
Vision lands on the ground with a sigh of relief. Fortunately she hadn't been attacked on the way there, as she wouldn't have been able to fight with both of her hands occupied. Remaining in her dragon form even as she opens the door with her tail and steps through, she has to resist the urge to collapse once on the other side. Tiredly the shifter shuts the door with her tail. It was more then a bit difficult to move around now that she's into the hallway, so she gently puts Genesis down away from the danger of Mirage. The shifter had to figure out what to do with her sister before shifting back.
Mirage struggles all the way, and is horrified to discover that she can't do a thing while the creature hauls her further and further from her 'sister' and 'Genesis'. She'd seen the other creatures get loose, and is frantic to get away to help before it's too late.

Posted by Fantim on 1/13/2003, 9:06 pm
The moment Vision steps through the doorway, the illusion drops from her, leaving Mirage with the sense that it had all been part of the hologram.
Fantim relaxes, surprised at how fatigued she is after that little excersize. She's left a strong thread attatched to Mirage's deep psyche, she'll have more fun there later.
She grins as she stands and stretches. I havn't had that much fun in years... too long. she decides to let Mirage's mind alone for a while. Genesis could have sensed her presence, and she didn't want him to become overly suspicious. Besides, just watching now as they try to sort everything out will be entertaining enough.

Posted by Vision on 1/13/2003, 9:18 pm
Mirage struggles until they step through the door, then is rather shocked to see just what has captured her. "What? Jen..?" She blinks, curling up slightly in confusion and embarrassment. "What happened?"
Vision blinks tiredly and looks at her sister. "I was hoping you would know.." She replies tiredly. Not willing to put Mirage down just yet she continues pondering a way to make sure her sister is sane again. Finally something hits her. "PARADOX!" The shifter bellows, taking full advantage of her dragon lungs.
A moment later it's not Paradox that peeks around the edge of the wall, but Kat. She jerks backwards as soon as she spots Vision, but she's not quite quick enough. Realizing that Vision saw her, she moves into full view. "Um, I think he went home.." She offers quietly, her gaze on her feet.
Vision snorts in exasperation. "Well, you'll have to do." She puts Mirage down, then eyes Kat sternly. "Cass was acting weird, I want you to watch her. If she starts acting weird again, shout for me and restrain her if you can. Got that?" The elder shifter waits for her youngest sibling to nod. "Okay then, I'm going to go see what I can do for Genesis.." More then a hint of concern sneaks into that last bit...

Posted by Fantim and Genesis on 1/13/2003, 9:28 pm
Genesis is still out cold, and Vision could possibly catch glimpses of disturbing dreams filtering through the link.
Fantim giggles to herself, knowing that it's a waste of time and talent.. the only thing that can help Genesis right now is a healing talent. She knows enough from Mirage's senses to tell that much.
She smiles as something occurs to her, and probes Kat's mind gently. This could get quite interesting if she could play it propperly...

Posted by Various on 1/13/2003, 9:37 pm
Kat blinks, eyes widening at the instructions and at Vision's current state. Despite the thick scales the elder shifter has gotten rather beat up once again. That doesn't look like what they had planned... "Um, okay.." She says, eyeing Mirage somewhat nervously. The idea of having her elder, shift capable sister go nuts on her really does not appeal to the teen.
Made paranoid by living with Vision, Kat's mind isn't as easy as Mirage's to infiltrate. However it would still be possible, Fantim would just have to tread carefully within Kat's mind and stay well away from certain triggers.
Mirage looks just as nervous. The thought that she had been 'acting weird' really worries her. Having a monster suddenly turn into her sister after leaving the holodeck had been most disturbing. Was it just part of that particular scenario? Or had it been something else entirely? And how could she be so dense as to turn the danger room up as high as it must have been?
Vision sighs, nearly slumping against the wall as she shifts out. The elder shifter manages to stand straight, and then shift to a stronger form with a effort. The disturbing dreams flitting through his mind makes her study him worriedly.
She picks up Genesis and moves him down the hall. After a moment's thought she heads towards her bedroom rather then the living room. Genesis might be around for awhile, and he would probably need someplace to sleep. The lack of guest room made her room the best place. She would just room with Mirage or something..

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 1/13/2003, 9:55 pm
Genesis barely twitches when he's moved, though the dreams do subside slightly into a deeper, though no less unnatural sleep.
Fantim raises an eyebrow at the unexpected blocks and mines that she discovers in Kat's mind, but steps carefully. She's soon deep enough to see through Kat's senses.. and affect them. That's deep enough; she doesn't need to be psychically connected for a simple illusion...

Posted by Vision and Kat on 1/13/2003, 10:53 pm
Vision places Genesis in her bed, then covers him up. She's having real difficulty not just flopping herself on to the bed beside him and clunking out. The thought of Rhiow's comments on seeing that limits her to sitting on the edge of the bed after shifting back to her natural form. After telling herself that she would get up in just a moment, she spends awhile simply watching Genesis, half lost in thought and worry, half spaced out. Eventually she comes to the conclusion that she should get Mirage to check on him.
A moments though makes her rethink that one. With Mirage acting as she was now it might not be a good idea. She'd never seen her sister's healing talent used to do damage, but one never knew...
Kat meanwhile is eyeing Mirage nervously as they head down the hall. She wanted to make sure she caught any move her elder sister might make.

Genesis and Fantim on 1/18/2003
Genesis stirrs in his sleep, mumbling incoherently, then stills once more.
Fantim smiles faintly at what's going on, seeing through both Mirage and Kat's eyes. She makes a few suggestions to the youngest sibling's mind, making it seem as if Mirage is watching her suspiciously, as if she were watching for some way to escape.

Vision and Kat on 1/18/2003
Vision continues to study him, unable to resist the chance to do a bit of staring without the risk of being embarrassed when he caught her doing it.
Kat blinks, looking even more nervous. She didn't know what she would do if Mirage tried to run for it. Vision might get annoyed if she allowed Mirage to escape, or she could become angry if she injured Mirage to stop it. She never knew what would set off the temper of her eldest sister, it was like trying to second guess a particularly violent weather phenomena. The young mutant glances back down the hall, hoping for once to see Vision coming.

Fantim on 1/18/2003
Fantim grins and dabbles in Mirage's mind, making her younger sister look even more frightened than she really is, even going so far as to intensify the sense of unease that she would sense from Kat.

Mirage on 1/18/2003
Mirage frowns slightly, feeling rather guilty now. That entire mess in the danger room had probably been her fault, and she had almost gotten them all killed. Now Kat was afraid of her, something she usually saved for Vision. The green gaze of the lavender stripped mutant drops to the floor and she sighs.

Genesis and Fantim on 1/18/2003
Genesis's breathing slows suddenly, so that he's barely breathing. Through the link, Vision might be able to feel something happening, but she wouldn't be able to tell what it is. Almost as if he were moving away physically, but that can't be right...
Fantim grins when Mirage looks down, making it seem to Kat like she were lowering her head, crouching, readying for a charge to get past her out the door.

Vision and Kat on 1/18/2003
Alarmed Vision moves forward, placing a hand on his chest to make sure he's still breathing. Feeling the rise and fall she calms slightly, moving to check his pulse before finally brushing one hand across his face. Her eyes narrow as she attempts to figure out what's happening and senses the peculiar sensation of him moving away. "Alex?" She says softly even though she knows it's not likely to have any effect. The elder shifter glances towards the door, pondering if she should call Mirage despite her misgivings.
Kat squeaks, wincing backwards slightly as her brain goes into overdrive. Thoughts on what to do are foremost, but there's also a creation of excuses that could be used when Vision interrogated her.

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 1/22/2003, 7:38 pm
Jen? Genesis's mindvoice is faint, barely a murmur, as it whispers through when Vision's touch strengthens their shared link.
Fantim considers what to do next carefully. What would provoke the most reaction from both girls?

Posted by Vision and Kat on 1/22/2003, 8:24 pm
Vision just about tackles Genesis's still form to hug him when she hears the faint mental voice, she's just so relieved. However the shifter limits herself to placing her hand gently against his face. For a moment she leaves it there before reconsidering and moving to pick up his hand instead. That wouldn't look quite so intimate if Rhiow or someone else happened to come in.
Her mental greeting is less restrained, almost being the mental version of her pouncing him along with a nuzzle or two. Alex! I was worried. Should I go get Cass? Are you hurt? You used up a lot of energy.. At this point she realizes what her greeting must have been like and a faint flush of embarrassment follows. Whoops. Is the deeper level thought that Genesis probably caught anyway.
Kat blinks when she realizes that Mirage hadn't dashed past her to get away. Vision certainly was right, the lavender striped mutant sure was acting odd. Once again she's struck by the oddity of her wish for Vision to appear in the hall and to take care of the entire Mirage situation. Most of the time Kat preferred Vision stay as far away from her as possible.. The next state might be far enough. She shivers at the thought of Vision in the same state. Her elder sister was scary enough when she was more or less sane...

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 1/22/2003, 8:41 pm
With her touch, their link becomes stronger, and Genesis can hear and speak clearly. I'm alright.. I think. he's inwardly pleased by her reaction, and though she wouldn't see or feel it, he places a hand on her face. I think I'll be fine in a little while, but it might not be a bad idea to let her see what she can do. I'll go with you... He doesn't seem to have anything against Mirage in the room with his unconcious body. He figures that it was either something in the hologram that had her acting strange, or something in her mind... He plans to find out, now, before anything else can happen.
Fantim shrugs, then smirks when that stray thought of Vision flashes through Kat's mind. This could be very much fun indeed...
However, she senses something strange through Mirage... Genesis's presence has all but vanished. Even the faint emotions that come from dreams. He's not dead, is he? Oh, but that -could- be fun! Vision would blame Mirage, and Kat is right there in the doorway..
She suggests this to Kat's subconcious, but only hints around the edges. She figures that the girl's mind is so used to threats from her eldest sister, she should be able to pick up on and expand this idea twice over.

Posted by Vision and Kat on 1/23/2003, 6:02 pm
You think? Vision asks, a decided sense of raised eyebrow along with that one. She would like to be reasonably sure that Genesis isn't going to go into convulsions or something. Then she blinks, You'll... come with me? The shifter isn't too sure what to make of that one, but rises. She's rather reluctant to let go of Genesis's hand, as she's worried the lack of contact will weaken the connection to the point were she won't be able to hear him any more.
Kat's ears flatten to her head slightly, and she almost cringes. If Genesis died? Faintly unstable in the best of circumstances her elder sister would go completely insane. She'd be in the path of hurricane Vision. Heck, she'd be in the path of nuclear warhead Vision! Mirage might escape most of Vision's wrath, despite the fact that she would be primarily responsible, as Kat had never seen the elder shifter go nuts on her middle sib. Kat however, feels that she would be murdered simply for being in the area..

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 1/23/2003, 9:51 pm
Genesis hovers beside Vision's shoulder, one spectral hand on her shoulder, maintaning contact. It's alright, his comforting presence is right near her shoulder, and in that simple reassurance carries the insurance that she'll still be able to hear him, even if she leaves the room.
This is a rather unusual experience for Genesis, he had dreamed of flying, as everyone does, but he never actually flew before. Then again, he never projected before, either. All in all, it was fascinating, but he's got more important things on his mind. He's already drifting towards the door before Vision even gets up, though he keeps his invisible hand on her shoulder at all times.
Fantim grins. Aha! So that's the sensitive spot! She prods a little more in that direction, inserting the sound of phantom footprints in her imagination, comming towards the door...
She's temprarily let Mirage alone... for the time being.

Posted by Various on 1/24/2003, 1:58 pm
Ooh. Reassured by this she lays his hand back on the bed beside him and stands. Vision pauses for a moment, the oddity of the situation hitting her, before padding towards the door. Ah, the strange experience that is my life.. She thinks amusedly, in a much better mood now that she's reasonably certain Genesis is okay. The shifter sobers when she remembers Mirage's current state.
Kat just about freaks, both her gaze and ears snapping to point at the sound. WhatdoIdo?!WhatdoIdo?! Frantically she looks for a way to get out of the hall and out of Vision's line of sight. She cringes when she realizes that there's no chance she'll make it into any other room before Vision arrives. I'm dead.
Mirage blinks, worriedly studying her younger sister, who appears to be having some sort of odd fit. However she doesn't say anything, paranoid now that it might just be her imagination playing tricks on her once again..

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 2/3/2003, 8:28 pm
Fantim claps her hands gleefully. Oh this was fun! And neither of them suspect a thing! Through Mirage's senses, she knew that Vision was comming, and that this could get very interesting very soon... All she had to do was keep out of it untill the eldest shifter arrived... What with Mirage unsure of her own senses, and Kat acting suspicious, Vision's gotta be wondering what's going on... and it's so much fun!
After that little lighning storm the mutant had thrown at her, Fantim had been wanting to get back at her. But other than doing something to Genesis, she could think of nothing that would upset the eldest sister... except something happening to her sister...
She grins maliciously and leans back, watching through both girs' senses.
Genesis hovers just behind and slightly above Vision's , one hand 'resting' on her shoulder. Even though he can't actually do anything, the spectral touch is enough to strengthen the link, allowing Vision to sense his thoughts as well as his presence. And his thoughts at the moment aren't quite reassuring.
Ah, Jen?
he quests before they reach the door Are your two sisters in the same room? He thinks he senses something, but can't quite be sure...

Posted by Vision, Kat and Mirage on 2/3/2003, 8:55 pm
Vision pauses, looking backwards towards were Genesis should be out of habit. " I think so.." She answers aloud, unsure herself now. "After all, I asked Kat to accompany Mirage.. So they should be together..." She frowns a bit, one hand on the doorknob in preparation to open it.
Dead, so dead. Kat thinks, huddling down into her bunny hug even as she edges down the hall as fast as her shaking legs can move her. Her elder sibling hadn't opened the door as of yet, she just might have enough time to escape...
Mirage blinks, still studying her younger sibling with confused concern. "Kat?" She asks, somewhat hesitantly.

Posted by Genesis on 2/6/2003, 3:49 pm
Genesis doesn't want to leave Vision, or esle he'd be there already. He sends that little urgency to her, sensing that something is just not right. Then he pauses, hesitantly pokes a hand through the door, then his head, glancing around.
It's a decidedly odd sensation, having one's head through a door..

Posted by Various on 2/6/2003, 5:15 pm
Catching the hint to hurry Vision throws open the door and storms down the hall at a speed walk, as she can hear the voices of her two siblings just down the hall.
As Genesis pokes his head through the door, Kat and Mirage go around the corner, the younger mutant hurrying the elder. Kat eventually resorts to pushing Mirage down the hall, and she nearly faints as she hears Vision coming towards them.
The lavender striped mutant is decidedly confused. "Kat? What's wrong?" She allows herself to be pushed along, wondering if her brain could possible be responsible for this one.

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 2/6/2003, 5:40 pm
Genesis blinks as the two younger siblings disappear around a corner, and again when he thinks he catches a glimpse of.. something? He's not sure, but he sends Vision the image of where the two girls are, following her. After a second thought, he lets Vision know that he's going to go see what's going on, and lets go of her shoulder, jumping ahead of her, right near the two girls. The moment he removes his hand, the semi-physical contact that had strengthened the link fades, untill all one can sense of the other is general location and emotions.
He knows that the two girls probably won't be able to see him, but he can at least keep an eye on them. He has no idea that Kat's previous experiences might allow her to see, or sense his ghostly presence..
Fantim is nearly wild with mirth, giggling hysterically. She desides that there is still one thing she can do to the girls' senses, and hints at Mirage that Kat might be afraid of that nightmare monster.. what if it had gotten out? What if it wasn't in her mind, or that this was all still a hologram? And what if the person she had thought was her sister really -is- the monster? That would explain Kat's sudden fear...
And to the youngest sibling, Fantim lays the illision of angry noises comming from Vision... she's comming, and she's MAD!

Posted by Various on 2/10/2003, 6:58 pm
Vision is slightly startled when Genesis gives only slight warning before letting go of her shoulder to speed down the hall. She frowns a bit, half sulking and half worried. She'd like to be able to sense what he's thinking when he's like this, as she can't hear him any other way.
However her mind quickly turns to getting Genesis's.. essence or whatever was roaming about, back in his body and waking him up. That thought brings to mind her own awakening awhile ago, and she colors slightly.. However, beneath that was a decided flare of interest.. Now she's faintly relieved Genesis moved away before catching that one, although maybe.....?
That subject is sent from her mind by a scream. Hyper alert and extremely anxious she breaks into a run to catch and skids around the corner of the hall at high speed. Kat looks like she's about to faint. All of the cream striped mutants fur is on end, her ears are pinned to her head and her eyes are huge.
He's.. He's DEAD and I'm still seeing things!! Kat bites back a second scream, slapping a hand over her own mouth to do it. The young mutant doesn't manage to spare any thoughts for the obviously enraged Vision. The noises coming from the elder shifter were enough to turn her blood to ice. Kat had reached the conclusion that she was about to die awhile ago, and hasn't found any reason to change it. Although she is wondering if fighting would be worth it, as it might make her painful end quicker...
Mirage meanwhile, is looking about nervously, her head filled with thoughts of paranoia. What if this still was a danger room simulation? The person walking beside her might not be her sister at all, it could be the nightmare creature ready to attack herself. With effort she wills herself to be calm, reasoning that if she felt any pain it would be safe to go with her assumptions and flee. However she's not far from freaking out...

Posted by Fantim and Genesis on 2/10/2003, 7:41 pm
Oh-ho! This is even better than Fantim could've hoped! She'd had no idea Kat could see 'spirits', but from what she sees through the girl's eyes leaves no doubt. Perfect. Now Mirage isn't sure what she's seeing is real, and Kat thinks Vision is going to kill her. All in all, she thinks she's done a fairly good job of mixing things up a bit. Now all she has to do is sit back and watch the fireworks.
Genesis blinks when Kat screams, stoping suddenly. Huh? His confused signals would reach Vision about the time she reaches the two girls. At first he's confused, then, as Kat seems to be preparing for a second scream, he tries to calm her, his voice and gesturs meant to be soothing. "It's alright, I'm still alive.." he says reassuringly, but he's not sure she can hear him.
With the arival of Vision, he snaps back to her shoulder. Kat can see me, please try to calm her down? He shoves that message through the link as he places his hand on her shoulder, hoping that poor Kat won't faint from fright. It's not every day someone can see a 'ghost', and he knows from her reaction that she's sure Vision will kill her or something..

Posted by Various on 2/10/2003, 7:59 pm
Mirage goes about three feet straight up when Kat screams, completely confused as to why. It had been a yelp of pure fear, she was certain of that much. Her younger sister wasn't one to just start screaming randomly, and seeing Vision in the hall wasn't that scary....
Unless that wasn't Vision.
The lavender striped mutant glances nervously around, edging backwards. Certainly it was foolish to wait for pain if someone else had just screamed? Unless it was Vision, and the person beside her wasn't Kat at all, but the nightmare creature, fearing another beating? Seriously confused Mirage eyes everyone in the area nervously, her ears drooping.
At the sight of Vision, Kat breaks and runs, speeding down the hall on all fours. She catches, very faintly, Genesis's comments, but is in no state to reply aloud. Well Vision thinks you are!! She yelps mentally.
Vision's looking almost as confused as Mirage. Cass said that Kat's afraid of me.. But I didn't think it was that bad... There's a decided undertone of hurt in those thoughts. She hadn't had anyone scream and run at the sight of her in awhile, and she wasn't even in her natural form at the moment.. Then that last bit registers, She can see you?! Unable to think of anything better the elder mutant races after her younger sister. "Kat, stop, please?" She calls.
Kat keeps running.
Mirage just watches them go by with a blink. It could be a creature going after her younger sister, or it could be Vision going after a monster.. Or it could be Kat freaking out for some strange reason and running from Vision.. She really doesn't know what to think any more.

Posted by Fantim and Genesis on 2/10/2003, 8:18 pm
Fantim is about rolling on the floor of her hideout, and it's a good thing she's no longer fiddling with the girls' thoughts, as they'd be able to senes a definite undertone of mirth if she had been. She's having ever-so-much fun watching the amusing results of her hard work.
Genesis stays behind when Vision takes off, attempting to get an empathic signal to Mirage. He concentrates on being curious and concerned, focusing the thought on Mirage. Sort of an 'Are you alright?' He can tell she's a bit.. out of sorts.. but there's something else, too. He can almost sense a faint strand of energy, spiderweb thin, flowing in and out of Mirage. What in the world is that? He quests further, reaching out for the thread as if he could touch it.

Posted by Various on 2/10/2003, 8:31 pm
Mirage blinks, wondering were the random concerned feeling was coming from. "A bit confused..." She answers aloud, too bewildered to care if her talking to thin air is a bit weird. "Actually, more then a bit.." The shifter adds after a moment, blinking.
Vision continues after her youngest sib, "Kat, come on, slow down!" Her tone is as far from threatening as she can make it. The elder shifter is feeling decidedly guilty over the girl's reaction, it couldn't be completely induced.
Kat looks back just in time to miss the corner she has to turn. The young shifter smacks into the wall at full speed and nearly knocks herself unconscious. She lies in a dazed pile, too stunned to move.

Posted by Genesis on 2/10/2003, 8:44 pm
He smiles, relieved that she is able to sense him still. The next thing he concentrates on is a questioning.. 'Why?'
He winces when he hears the dull thud of a body colliding with an unmoving wall, and can only hope it was an accident. Jen? Are you alright? he forgets that she would only be able to sense the feeling of his question, since they aren't in direct contact.

Posted by Various on 2/10/2003, 8:57 pm
"Why?" Mirage asks, somewhat dazedly. "Well, you see, I think I'm seeing things.. Or rather my brain is all confuse-ed. Vision was a nightmare critter earlier.. and now I don't know if that was my two sisters that sped by, or if one of them is a nightmare creature, or if I'm just completely delusional..." She blinks, ears drooping further.
A somewhat distracted affirmative is sent back, as Vision is concerned with the condition of her youngest sib. "Kat?" She touches the girl somewhat hesitantly, as she's not sure what will set the youngest shifter off again. "Kat? Are you okay?"
Kat shifts, trying to get to her feet to run again. "Mrrf." Is about the best she can manages as she squirms away from her elder sibling's hand. She just about freaks when Vision moves to straighten out her tangled limbs, as she's still under the impression that the navy striped mutant is trying to kill her.

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 2/10/2003, 9:07 pm
Genesis nods "Good.. see if you can get Kat bak here?" He then concentrates on his problem, namely figuring out what had gotten Mirage so confused. Doesn't she know they're out of the... oh, maybe she doesn't.. His had had passed right through the strand, and suddenly he'd caught an unexpected glimpse of what Mirage had seen in the holo. That's odd.. he thinks bemusedly, bringing his hand back up through the thread. His eyes widen when he stops there. WHAT?! That exclamation would be heard by both Mirage and Vision, and possibly even Kat. And Fantim.
She blinks. Huh? Who said that? She'd been having so much fun watching the cats react to her little influencing, she'd nearly forgotten about Genesis. Hmmm... she considers what to do next, sending a feeling of suspicion long the thread she'd left in Mirage... only it never gets there.

She concentrated on Mirage, but can't get anything through.. what in the world!?

Posted by Various on 2/10/2003, 9:23 pm
Vision nods and picks her younger sister up with a slight grunt. She nearly drops the green and white furred mutant as Kat struggles feebly. "Hold still, will you?" Vision says, faint irritation making it into her voice now. "I'm not going to hurt you." That is tinted with a bit of hurt, as the elder shifter is still wounded by the idea that she would actually injure one of her sisters.. No matter how annoying that sister could occasionally be. Brothers, of course, are another matter entirely.
All three sister's jump at Genesis's exclamation. It's hard to distinguish who is the most surprised. Mirage on mere principle. She's catching stuff from a random, Genesis feeling patch in mid air. Vision and Kat jump because they actually caught that. They all blink and almost in unison ask, "What?" Kat's a little behind her two elder sibs, as she still hasn't regained complete control over her speech.

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 2/11/2003, 1:54 pm
Genesis is already following the thread away from Mirage with his hand, concentrating on figuring out who has infiltrated her mind. He thinks he knows, but it's best to be sure.. and he'd be able to follow the thread right back to it's source.
While his hand interrupts the flow of thought between Mirage and Fantim, the latter can get no information to or from the cat girl. Frustrated, she gives up and focuses her attention on Kat, smirking as she suggests a bit of suspicion. Why is Vision being so nice all of a sudden?

Posted by Various on 2/11/2003, 3:43 pm
Vision frowns slightly when she receives no real answer and turns to studying her two siblings to see if they're any more informed then she is. Mirage is still looking completely bewildered still, and Kat has frozen so thoroughly as to make the elder shifter wonder if she's afraid to move.
Kat is somewhat afraid. Now that Vision's captured her, it was unlikely she'd take kindly to any squirming. Just why was the elder shifter being so nice? Genesis, if not dead, certainly wasn't in a good state if he's floating around away from his body.

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 2/19/2003, 7:04 pm
Genesis follows the thread through walls and buildings, picking up speed as he goes. He's nearly accross town by the time that he meets up with Kat's thread. He blinks as he crosses it, then reverses untill he comes into contact with it again. The moment his hand touches the thread, Kat would receive no more suggestions or suspicious from Fantim.
Oh, he's angry now, but at least he hadn't found a Vision-thread. He'd almost feel sorry for what would happen to the person or persons responsible for this if that happened. Luckily for Fantim, he finds no Vision-thread, so when he reaches her hideout, he only watches, a triumphant, fairly amused smile on his face.
The reason for his amusement is clear; Fantim is so frustrated she's fuming. How in the world could they have blocked her so completely? And so fast! She stalks back and forth across the room, occasionally attempting to send a suggestion through to Mirage or Kat, but nothing.

Posted by The LeVali Sisters on 2/19/2003, 7:16 pm
Vision continues to frown, wishing she knew what Genesis was up to. Then, with a shrug, she decides to settle the situation with her two siblings. "Kat? Can you stand?" She glances down at her youngest sister, actually looking somewhat worried.
Kat nods stiffly, still somewhat afraid to move. Her own imagination had taken over Fantim's task. "Yes.." She answers finally. "If you put me down.." The cream striped mutant adds carefully.
"Okay then." The elder shifter places Kat on her feet, making sure that the younger mutant is steady before letting go. Kat sways for a moment, then steadies, one kitty-padded palm against her forehead. "I think I'll head to my room.. Unless anyone objects?"
Vision holds up a hand to stop her. "Not just yet." She glances over at Mirage. "Cass? Does Kat have a concussion or anything else seriously wrong with her?"
Somewhat dazedly the green and lavender shifter checks on the condition of her younger sib. "Nah." She answers finally. "A bit of a headache and maybe some irritated muscles.. With a bit of rest she should be fine." Mirage answers as professionally as she's able to.

Posted by Genesis on 2/19/2003, 7:32 pm
Genesis, having discovered not only what had happened in the holo program but also with Kat and Mirage, heads back, careful to keep a closed fist on the two threads. He'd discovered that he could keep them both together by using his talent and binding the energy where his hand was.
As soon as he reached the building where he'd left the three sisters, he seeks Vision to let her know what had been happening. When he finds her, he places his empty hand on -or through- her shoulder, intensifying the link. ~Jen, look.~ he sends the information straight through their shared link, instead of trying to tell her with words. Much faster this way.

Posted by The LeVali sisters on 2/19/2003, 7:45 pm
"Ah, good. Do you need help back to your room, Kat?" Vision inquires. Before the youngest LeVali has time to answer, Genesis makes it back and the elder jumps at the sudden return.
As she 'listens' the navy striped mutant's eyes narrow, the sky darkening overhead as Vision's pupil's behind to disappear behind a fog of white. I'll make sure to kill her this time.. Vision states with utter conviction. Where is she? After messing with Mirage's mind, and nearly killing Genesis through events that conspired after, Vision's royally annoyed.
Kat goes to reply, then shrinks back slightly as she notices Vision's current state. Mirage blinks in confusion, wondering what's happened now to set her sister off like this. Shaking her head slightly the lavender striped mutant edges around Vision to stand near Kat. "I'll take Kat to your room, then come back.." She says on the off chance that Vision will actually hear before heading off down the hall with the younger LeVali in tow.

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 2/19/2003, 7:56 pm
Genesis shakes his head, though he knows Vision can't see it. I think you'd better take care of your sisters first; one is quite confused, and the other.. well.. Kat's never quite forgotten that you nearly strangled her when you first met. I'm pretty sure Kayli was playing off of that. he says this as gently as possible, trying to calm Vision and prevent the literal storm of anger she's brewing. It's not that he particularly wants to protect his 'sister', but he'd rather have Vision save her energy and work with her two sisters.
Fantim blinks as the sky darkens, wondering how fast that storm must've come in for her not to have noticed the threatening clouds earlier. Hmmm...

Posted by The sister's three.. on 2/19/2003, 8:10 pm
Rip, murder, maul... Kiiiiillllll... Is hissing through the back of Vision's mind, her more feral feline nature is close to escaping. Had anyone other then Genesis asked, she most likely would have ignored them. She wanted to remove this threat to everyone connected with her, as she's recognized the fact that Fantim probably did it to get revenge for nearly being fried. Echoing behind the rage is also a sense of extreme guilt. This was her fault...
However, Vision eventually concedes to Genesis's suggestion, although she's still wishing she could blast Fantim into ozone were she couldn't do any more harm then adding to the greenhouse effect. The comment about nearly strangling Kat receives a slight flash of sheepishness. She'd lost control of her dangerous temper that time, something she'd regretted.
"Right." She says, making an effort to return her features to human. The shifter blinks when she realizes that Mirage and Kat have disappeared. A few strides down the hall proves that they've just moved out of sight around a corner. Vision watches as Mirage settles their younger sibling down, then tucks her in before moving quietly from the room. The healer had encouraged the sense of exhaustion enough to send Kat off to sleep rather quickly.
Both sisters then head down the hall, Vision escorting her younger sibling back to her room so Mirage could rest. Belatedly she remembers that Genesis could probably use some healing..

Posted by Genesis and Fantim on 2/19/2003, 8:26 pm
Genesis, relieved that Vision had edged away from the murderous rage she'd been in, hesitates near Kat's door, still wondering why she could see him. When Vision moves on, he follows, but his mind is still turning over the facts.
He blinks when Vision remembers about him, and smiles faintly... he'd actually forgotten about himself, too.
His hand is still clenched around the two threads of Fantim's talent, so he's rather stunned when they both vanish. It isn't exxactly a puff of smoke, as no-one but he would be able to sense it, but that's what it was like. The threads Fantim had woven into Mirage and Kat's minds just, sort of.. poofed. The energy is still there, he can sense it, but the cohesion that had held it together had been retracted. How strange...
Fantim, frustrated with the blockage she seems to have encountered, throws everything down. Just, drops everything and turns her talent off. So there. Besides, now her 'brother' won't be able to trace her. She nods satisfactorily.

Posted by The LeVali sisters on 2/19/2003, 8:31 pm
Rather reluctant to ask something more of her already tired sister, but wanting to be completely sure Genesis suffered no lasting damage, Vision struggles with this as well as her rage and guilt as she walks down the hall.
Catching the new addition to the troubled emotions in her sister, Mirage smiles tiredly before taking off towards Vision's room at a faster pace. "Better make sure Genesis is okay." She says, her tired smile gaining a bit of energy as the elder shifter's expression changes to one of relieved thanks.
They enter Vision's room, and the elder shifter takes a seat on the edge of the bed. Mirage too, plunks herself down, sending a thread of lavender fire Genesis's way as she searches for any damage and the reason for his collapse. She suspected it was probably exhaustion, but it couldn't hurt to check. Vision would go completely nuts if anything happened to the male mutant.

Posted by Genesis on 2/19/2003, 8:42 pm
Genesis smiles distractedly as he watches Mirage move on down the hall to where.. uh.. he was.. He shakes his head, amused. He'd never really believed in astral projection, but if what he's experiencing now is real, then it must be true.
Aside from a few scratches and buises, he's fine. Exhaustion is, indeed, the cause of his blackout. However, the fact that he's sort of elsewhere could be a problem while she's sensing... He wouldn't exactly feel dead, per se, just not exactly alive.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 2/19/2003, 8:50 pm
Mirage's eyebrows rise, almost prodding her reading on his current state. The lack of Genesis's presence is giving her a seriously weird sensation. "Is he... like..." She starts, then trails off with a sort of helpless wave of her hands.
"I think he's projecting, or something." Vision answers, hoping that was the answer to solve the extremely worrying expression on her sister's face.
"Oh." Mirage says, sounding relieved. "Well.. Would you ask him to get back or something? It's sorta creeping me out." She smiles somewhat sheepishly. "I mean, he doesn't feel.. well, there.." The younger shifter trails off again, looking a bit confused once more.

Posted by Genesis on 2/19/2003, 9:01 pm
He can't help but laugh at this, but obediently returns to himself, leaving Vision's shoulder only reluctantly. He didn't want the link to break off again.. but there's really no way to prevent it unless Vision touches him. Before he goes, he says Tell Mirage not to worry, I'll try...
He lays down on himself.. sort of.. and is suddenly pulled backwards. Blackness swallows him up, but after a second or two his senses come alive, and he can feel Mirage and Vision, the latter quite a bit more strongly because of the link.
He's still -very- tired, however, and he can't quite pull himself out of his sleep, though he would very much like to. The blackness is reachin up, threatening to swallow him again, and though he struggles, he can't quite wake up.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 2/19/2003, 9:10 pm
Am I allowed to worry? Vision asks somewhat impishly, serious concern underlying it. The shifter passes the message on to her younger sister, who nods gratefully.
"Much better." Mirage says, sounding relieved once again.
"He's back?" Vision inquires nervously, eyeing Genesis's still form with concern. "Why isn't he sitting up or anything?" She edges closer to the male mutant's still form.
"He's exhausted." Is the reply from Mirage. "I"ll do what I can.. but I don't do the energy thing so well.. It'd probably be best if he just remained asleep."
Vision flashes a grateful smile before nodding seriously, she would make sure Genesis got all the rest he needed.
Mirage does what she can, using little flashes of lavender fire, before collapsing back on the bed herself. Starting forward to help, Vision is waved off by a weakly chuckling younger sister. "Don't mind me.." The lavender stripped mutant says. "Maybe I'll just have a nap.. " A grin crosses her features. "Think Genesis would mind if I borrowed his body heat?"
Vision straightens indignantly. "Hey, he's mine."
The reply is a laugh.

Posted by Genesis on 2/19/2003, 9:16 pm
He finally relaxes into deep sleep, releived that everyone is alright. He does wish it was Vision lying next to him instead of Mirage, but by the time that thought registers he's unconcious.

Posted by Mirage and Vision on 2/19/2003, 9:23 pm
"I would move you to your own bed, "Comments Vision, "But I'm tired too." A yawn punctuates that sentance. "Move over, you." The elder shifter says, waving her hand at her younger sister.
Mirage laughs and does as asked, somewhat giggling from exhaustion. "Hehe, if I wasn't flopped out with you I'd be worried you were up to something."
"Oh quiet, you." Vision retorts with affectionate annoyance before flopping down with her sister. Her previous worried about the comment Rhiow might make have disappeared completely. After all, Mirage was here too.
Both cat-mutants curl up and fall asleep almost instantly. Now all three of them are unconcious.

Posted by Genesis on 2/20/2003, 5:14 pm
A long while later, Genesis yawns and stretches. He's still half alseep, but right off he notices something is amiss.. where is he? This certainly doesn't feel like his bed... and there's a certain feline scent in the room. That's odd, he doesn't have a cat..
Then he remembers. Oh.. not at home. He isn't quite ready to completely wake up yet, so he dozes, fleeting dreams lazily dancing in his mind.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 2/20/2003, 5:32 pm
Vision is completely out of it, and Mirage is in an even deeper sleep then her elder sister. In their feline search for the nearest heat source, the elder sib has snuggled up to Genesis and younger is snuggled up to her older sister. The navy striped shifter squirms slightly as Genesis stretches, but she's soon cuddled back up to him. It's most likely very late evening, or rather early morning. Niether of the LeVali girls would be waking for awhile yet if it was a normal day.

Posted by Genesis on 2/20/2003, 5:39 pm
He reflexively curls one arm around Vision before he realizes that there's someone else in the bed. When he does remember, he figures it's Mirage, since the last thing he sort of remembers is her climbing in next to him for a nap. That's alright. In his flickering dreams, however, it's the eldest sister that's curled up with him. He soon drifts back to sleep, not realizing that with his touch, the link between Vision and himself has been renewed, and that they would both be able to, in effect, share eachother's dreams.

Posted by Vision on 2/23/2003, 9:09 pm
Purr-snuggle. Vision, had she actually been awake, would have been mortally embarrassed by her current situation. However, she's not awake, and due to that she's rather enjoying herself. Her dream reflects her current state of mind, being a vague sort of feeling of well-being, a sense of being happy and safe. It's an odd enough sensation in the shifter's chaotic life that she's savoring while it lasts.

Posted by Genesis on 3/6/2003, 2:46 pm
Genesis unconciously picks up on her pleasure and radiates some of his own, his dreams drifting on in a haze..
He's in his mother's garden. The sun is shining, and the flowers bloom under his constant care. He smiles, pluking a lovely thornless rose and heading inside. In the peculiar way dreams have, he's in his apartment now, and it's not his sleeping mother he sees on the couch, but Vision. The lovely green and navy patterns in her fur look more like a forest than cat stripes, but he doesn't particularly note the difference, since things in dreams always make sense. He kneels at her side, touching her arm gently.

Posted by Vision on 3/6/2003, 2:54 pm
Vision barely stirs, a rather different reaction then her usual to being touched while asleep. It takes a long moment, but her green eyes finally open and she yawns sleepily. The shifter smiles when she sees who it is, stretching slightly.

Posted by Genesis on 3/6/2003, 3:04 pm
He smiles back, presenting his prize silently. There are a few points of dew on the rose's petals, sparkling like diamonds. Then, in another peculiar dream-twist, the rose itself is crystaline, it's red color shining faintly from deep within. Then it's in a small black box, the dew now real diamonds set into the roses red-gold petals. Gen doesn't really notice these strange transformations either, again, because of the somewhat distorted dream-state reality. He sits at the edge of the couch, ring in hand, watching her silently.
In reality, Genesis turns in his sleep, something disturbing his rest. He's not sure what's wrong, so his sub-concious doesn't react. He sleeps on.

Posted by Vision on 3/6/2003, 3:15 pm
On Vision's half of things, the dream reality sort of skips. The flower had fit into something she could believe, but the result of the shift has gone outside of it. For the moment, the shifter is really too surprised to react, she just stares, pleased, but utterly stunned. Such a gift, from him, has convinced her something is too good to be true. She looks as if she's expecting something to change, shattering the moment.

Posted by Genesis on 3/6/2003, 4:54 pm
Genesis sits still, eminating confusion at her skepticism. What's wrong? He blinks and looks down at the small box in his hands. The rose shines brilliantly... but then dulls, it's luster flawed. The red-gold rose turns black, and the diamonds evaporate. He's holding the real rose again, but this time it's not thornless. He drops the flower as it's thorns prick his fingers.

Posted by Vision on 3/6/2003, 5:03 pm
She's unable to form a reply to his confusion, then it's too late as the jewelry turns back into a flower. I hate it when I'm right... The dreaming Vision thinks with a wince as her sleeping self snuggles closer to Genesis. Mildly appalled by the sudden change in situation, she steps forward to check on Genesis's hand. "Are you okay?"

Posted by Genesis on 3/24/2003, 2:26 pm
Genesis nods bemusedly in the dream, peering at his fingers, then at the pile of dust on the floor that was once the rose. Oh well. He turns toward Vision as she nears him, and shows his relatively undamaged hands with a shrug. He sighs, leaning back on the couch in his rather small living room and the dream fades, in his mind at least.
Gen opens his eyes, blinking them open sleepily. For a moment, he forgets where he is, and is confused by the room he finds himself in.. but then he notices the warm body next to him and remembers. Ah yes.. so this must be.. he glances down, expecting to see Mirage, and does a quick doubletake, one eyebrow rising curiously. Not only was Vision curled up next to him instead of her sister, but he'd just realized why he couldn't move. He's got his arms around her, and she's pinning one of them between her neck and the pillow.
Which is definitly not uncomfortable. He smiles and closes his eyes, wondering what had happened. The last thing he rembers.. is falling asleep with the middle sister climbing onto the bed beside him. Interesting.

Posted by Vision on 3/24/2003, 6:25 pm
Vision remains sleeping for awhile longer then Genesis. Absently the shifter notes that the entire bed carries Genesis's scent. More then half asleep still, she shifts closer, not pausing until her head contacts something solid. She's already snuggling into it when she realizes it doesn't feel like a pillow. Without opening her eyes she tries to figure out what's going on. A slight twitch of her tail tells her that she's lying on top of the covers... but what else was she lying on?
Giving up, Vision opens her eyes. There's a moments confusion before her current position finally hits her. The shifter is more then a little shocked to realize that she's snuggled up to Genesis. Finally the previous evenings events come to her. Somehow this plan had looked a whole lot more sensible yesterday evening when she was physically exhausted and mentally drained.
Blushing furiously under her fur, she distantly observes, not such a bad place to wake up.. Not bad at all.. It didn't help in the least that while the more proper part of her mind was demanding she remove herself from this situation as soon as possible, the other half of her mind was telling her to snuggle into Genesis with a purr and go back to sleep.

Posted by Genesis on 3/24/2003, 8:53 pm
When she moves closer to him, Genesis reflexively tightens his grip in a slight, momentary hug, then realizes that she must be waking up. G'morning Jen, he sends to her through the link, strengthened through their physical contact. He opens his eyes and smiles at her, catching a bit of both sentiments. And he agrees, to one at least. Not bad at all.. Now if only there wasn't the worry of Mirage and, well, everyone else in this house, he might well have agreed to slip back to sleep. Or atleast drowse; it's far too good here, and he'd like to enjoy this quiet time as much as he can.
Oops, did he think that out loud? His smile grows a bit, mirth twinkling in his eyes.

Posted by Vision on 3/24/2003, 9:51 pm
Morning Alex.. She replies, a trace of a purr underlying the somewhat shy thought. Vision is generally just blushing constantly, both at her own thoughts and at what she's catching from Genesis. Unable to resist smiling back, Vision finds she's almost mesmerized by Genesis's proximity. She definitely agrees with the last bit, as blush inducing as she found this, it was also nice.. Very nice. Purr. Now she's agreeing with the previous bit, pity she had a house full of siblings..

Posted by Genesis on 3/25/2003, 1:48 pm
He chuckles mentally, his mirth spiling out in waves. We could always just pretend we're still asleep if anyone comes in.. And then again, there aren't any siblings in his house.. but that thought carried through would cause suspicion. Oh well. His mind is still floating fuzzily, so he doesn't exactly realize what he's thinking at the moment.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 3/25/2003, 5:31 pm
Yeah but we're still.. Vision just trails off there, still blushing. Thankfully, she doesn't catch the last bit, that would have made her slightly paraniod.
There's a snort giggle as Mirage turns over, her head popping up on the other side of Vision. The lavender stripped mutant is grinning amusedly, "In what I can only assume is my job as chaperone, I must comment that you two are enjoying yourselves a bit too much."

Posted by Genesis on 3/25/2003, 5:39 pm
Genesis blinks, then can't help but laugh. He hadn't realized Mirage was still there.. oops. Ah well, I guess this means we have to get up, doesn't it? He raises a mental eyebrow at Vision regretfully.
To Mirage, he widens his eyes innocently "Why, what ever do you mean?"

Posted by Mirage and Vision on 3/25/2003, 5:50 pm
Mirage's grin widens in response to Genesis's laughter. "I am an empath. Considering I'm like two inches away, a dead person with my talent would have trouble not picking up some of what you two are radiating!" With that comment she rolls off her side of the bed, popping up again a moment later.
Uh-huh. Yep. Is the elder shifter's most eloquent reply to Genesis. The warmth and comfort has also taken it's toll from her usually alert state. She's still a little spacy, and not fully awake.
"'Sides," Mirage continues, "Jen's my sister, can't you see how much she's blushing?" The younger shifter tweaks one of Vision's eartufts with a grin to point out just how low the navy stripped mutant's ears have drooped in the only indication of embarassment that would show through fur.

Posted by Genesis on 3/25/2003, 6:07 pm
He laughs "Hmm, good point. Next time we'll have to be extra quiet about it." he grins at the younger sibling impishly. He -had- been picking up some kind of emotion from Vision, but only now realized what it is thanks to his sleep-fogged mind. He doesn't really -want- to get up but they'd been caught, and he seems to have slept off his exhaustion, so the only thing left was for him to go home. He sighs, reluctant to even move, though trying to shield himself from Mirage. Now that he's a little more awake, he's somewhat embarassed about the things that he'd been eminating, not realizing that Mirage was within range.

Posted by Mirage and Vision on 3/25/2003, 6:17 pm
"Might be wise." Mirage replies cheerfully, still grinning. After a slight stretch she bounces out into the hall to see if anything was to be had for breakfast.
"Eheh.." Vision says faintly, embarassed further by her siblings teasing. She shifts her weight from Genesis's arm, realizing that he would have to move before she could.

Posted by Genesis on 3/25/2003, 6:29 pm
He watches Mirage bound out of the room, reluctant to leave, though it looks as if Vision wants to. He smiles mentally, releasing her and stretching. How long have we been asleep, do you think?

Posted by Vision on 3/25/2003, 6:39 pm
All night.. I think.. Vision replies with a glance at her window and the light seeping in through the shade. Looks like morning now... Somewhat surprised by this news, she sits up. Absently hooking her claws into the blanket, she flows into the cat stretch, her flexible spine drawing attention to her feline nature. One kitty padded palm is brushed across her face in an attempt to neaten her fur.

Posted by Genesis on 3/25/2003, 6:47 pm
Gen watches, a faint smile playing across his features. He's about to comment on something when his thoughts are interrupted by the thud of heavy paws entering the room. He blinks and turns in time to see a green cat tail disappear around the other side of the bed. Hm, that was interesting, he thought Mirage had left, and Kat certaintly wouldn't be sneaking in here... besides, they all had striped tails, and this one was just plain green. Also, something about the furr... he blinks, then chuckles softly, sending along his realization through the link. I think we're being spied upon.. he follows that with the mental image of the green tail on the other side of the bed.

Posted by Vision on 3/25/2003, 6:55 pm
Spied on? Vision sits bolt upright, ready to bound off the bed and go strangle Rhiow, then receives the image of the green tail and chuckles slightly. Looks like it.. She replies amusedly as she edges towards that side of the bed to peek over.

Posted by Genesis on 3/25/2003, 7:04 pm
He leans back closing his eyes to better sense Ciin's location and 'state of mind'. It doesn't seem as if anyone sent the green plant-cat in to spy on them.. it just seems to have picked up that legendary feline curiosity from the other cats in the house. He's moderately surprised that it's picked up so much off of the beings it lives with.

Posted by Vision on 3/25/2003, 7:08 pm
Vision chuckles, then flops backward onto the bed again. She really was having a hard time dragging herself from the room. His surprise also earns an amused chuckle from the shifter. "Well Ciin's got an entire household of cats to pick up behavior from.." She comments aloud.

Posted by Genesis on 3/25/2003, 7:11 pm
"True, true.." he doesn't speak what comes to mind next, but it leaks through the link anyway.. though some are more attractive than others.
He swings his feet over the edge of the bed and stretches again to hide his embarassment. Durn link.. but it's agood thing too, he reflects, smiling back on a memory of the first time he'd given it to her. That memory springs another, and he suddenly wonders what ever happened to the necklaces...

Posted by Genesis and Ciin on 3/25/2003, 7:22 pm
"Well, let's go see if your siblings have left us anything for breakfast, shall we? Then I suspect I'll be kicked out." he smiles wryly, standing.
Ciin jumps up on the bed, it's 'whiskers' registering tiny air currents tell it where everyone is, along with it's light-sensitive 'eyes'. It recognises Gennesis, and purrs loudly, having learned that not only does purring associate with pleasure, but it attracts attention.

Posted by Vision on 3/25/2003, 7:28 pm
Vision sits up again, " Oh, I doubt Mirage and Kat could finish off everything in the house by themselves.." Kicked out? Never.. The actions of Ciin receive a true laugh. "Someone has definitely been learning from Saash.."

Posted by Genesis and Ciin on 3/25/2003, 7:41 pm
He shakes his head an rolls his eyes, taking a step towards the door. "Well, you never know," he laughs.
Ciin purrs some more and rubs it's head agaist Vision, then leaps off the bed and heads out the door again, apparently having gotten bored with these two and deciding to seek adventure elsewhere.
Genesis laughs again and turns back to Vision "Shall we, M'Lady?" he holds out his arm and bows elegantly.

Posted by Vision on 3/26/2003, 8:58 pm
Vision laughs as well. Smiling as Ciin purrs, the shifter drops her feet to the floor and joins Genesis at the door. "Sure.." She chuckles, taking his arm. Her tail half curls around Genesis before she realizes what it's up to and drapes it over her own arm.

Posted by Genesis on 3/31/2003, 2:29 pm
Genesis straightens and takes her arm, a somewhat amused sidethought noting her tail so firmly draped over her arm. He leads the way out of the room, then down the hall towards the kitchen.

Posted by Vision on 3/31/2003, 4:14 pm
Vision walks right along with him, looking rather amused. Then the current state of her clothes hits her, she'd been sleeping in them, they're all rumpled. Blinking, she observes, Maybe I should change first..

Posted by Genesis on 3/31/2003, 8:21 pm
He can't keep the smile off his face at that thought, and glances down at his own cloths.. which are in a similar state of disarray. Hmmmm... might be a good idea.. Then the thought of what Rhiow might say almost makes him laugh.

Posted by Vision on 3/31/2003, 8:38 pm
Heh. Vision agrees, dropping his arm to skitter back to her bedroom to change. Vision returns from her room a short time later, dressed in fresh clothes and in human form. There's a slight alteration to her usual raven-haired, icy eyed human form. Her eyes are the same feline shade of green as they would be in her natural shape. With a slight smile she returns her hand to his arm and proceeds with him to breakfast. Mirage is there, also having changed her clothes.
When breakfast is finished Vision gives Genesis home on her motorcycle, dropping him right to the door of his apartment. She would be keeping a close eye on the rose for the next couple of days to make sure he was healthy.....